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Open Computer Science 2023; 13: 20220280

Research Article

Yajuan Zhang, Ru Jing*, Xiang Ji, and Nan Hu

Application of wireless sensor network

technology based on artificial intelligence
in security monitoring system monitoring accuracy of the traditional home safety moni-
received January 17, 2023; accepted June 16, 2023 toring system and the home safety monitoring system based
Abstract: The safety monitoring system has been used to on the WSN technology of AI were 87.63 and 94.43%, respec-
monitor and manage engineering safety operation. The tively. Monitoring accuracy refers to the accuracy of the
application scope of the safety monitoring system is very household safety monitoring system in detecting safety issues.
wide. It has a wide range of applications in the fields of Therefore, the application of the WSN technology based
pipeline safety monitoring, electrical safety monitoring on artificial intelligence to the home safety monitoring
and household safety monitoring. This article studied the system can effectively improve the accuracy of home safety
application process of the household safety monitoring monitoring.
system. Many home safety accidents are caused by inade- Keywords: safety monitoring system, wireless sensor net-
quate monitoring of safety problems. Therefore, it is very work, artificial intelligence, computer science, home security
important to establish a household safety monitoring
system. Traditional home safety monitoring systems only
rely on cameras for safety monitoring, and the traditional
home safety monitoring system uses too few sensors. With 1 Introduction
the continuous development of wireless sensor network
(WSN) technology, it is possible to build a sensor node net- With the rapid development of the economy, people have
work, but provides real-time information for home security new requirements for the working and living environment.
monitoring to the greatest extent. This article compared the The safety of traditional Chinese residential or office envir-
home safety monitoring system based on the WSN tech- onments is very low. Every year, many families encounter
nology of artificial intelligence (AI) with the traditional fires, electricity leakage, and other situations, which also
home safety monitoring system. The experimental results lead to many family safety accidents. In the first half of
showed that in the large-scale home environment, the average 2015, various types of domestic fires, gas explosions, gas
monitoring accuracy of the traditional home security moni- poisoning, building collapses, and other residential safety
toring system and the home security monitoring system based accidents occurred in China, resulting in a total economic
on the WSN technology of AI was 77.76 and 89.36%, respec- loss of at least 35 billion yuan, with at least 20,000 deaths
tively. In the small-scale home environment, the average and injuries. In traditional families, people lack a safety
monitoring system. Due to people’s negligence or accident,
many safety problems have occurred in many life scenarios,
 such as forgetting to close the gas valve when sleeping and
* Corresponding author: Ru Jing, Department of Information forgetting to close the hot kettle when boiling water. The
Engineering, Hainan Vocational University of Science and Technology,
safety monitoring system can reflect the monitored object in
Haikou 571126, Hainan, China, e-mail:
Yajuan Zhang: Department of Information Engineering, Hainan real time, visually, and truly. It can replace manual moni-
Vocational University of Science and Technology, Haikou 571126, Hainan, toring for a long time in harsh environments and record it
China, e-mail: through a video recorder. With the development of Internet-
Xiang Ji: Department of Information Engineering, Hainan Vocational of-Things technology, smart home appliances based on sen-
University of Science and Technology, Haikou 571126, Hainan, China,
sors have been designed. People can obtain all kinds of
Nan Hu: Department of Business Administration, Hainan Vocational
information about the family through sensors, including
University of Science and Technology, Haikou 571126, Hainan, China, dangerous information, which provides people with a safe,
e-mail: reliable, and intelligent living environment. The development

Open Access. © 2023 the author(s), published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
2  Yajuan Zhang et al.

and application of sensors in home safety monitoring also security monitoring system. Among them, Abdulkarem
experienced two stages. The first stage is single sensor or applied WSNs to structural health monitoring. Compared
simple multiple sensors. Although some home safety informa- with traditional wired systems, structural health monitoring
tion can be obtained through sensors, the fields involved are based on WSNs could effectively improve the safety of cities
not comprehensive, leading to obvious defects in the home [5]. Salman improved the traditional single-sensor intelli-
safety monitoring system. Multi-sensor refers to the collec- gent alarm system. He built an adaptive alarm system for
tion, aggregation, or combination of information collected WSNs, using sensors on the development kit to collect
and provided by multiple sensors. The second stage is wire- ambient light colors to implement an environmental adap-
less sensor network (WSN), which monitors the home envir- tive alarm system, which could improve the sensitivity
onment in all aspects by combining many sensor nodes into a of the alarm system [6]. Islam and Rahaman proposed a
network structure. With the development of wireless sensor medical monitoring system based on the environment of
technology, WSNs can provide real-time monitoring data in the Internet of Things, which coordinated the work of mul-
the home environment. With the help of artificial intelligence tiple sensors, including room-temperature sensor, heartbeat
(AI) technology, data are analyzed to intelligently judge the sensor, and body temperature sensor. WSNs could obtain
safety of the home environment, thus improving the effect of more comprehensive medical data [7]. The application of
home safety monitoring. Therefore, this article has research WSN technology to the security monitoring system can
significance, applying WSNs to household safety monitoring obtain more detailed monitoring information through sen-
systems to improve household safety monitoring effective- sors, but it lacks intelligent analysis of the monitoring
ness and ensure people’s residential safety. system.
In people’s lives, hidden safety problems can be seen In order to effectively analyze household safety mon-
everywhere. Many people have conducted in-depth research itoring, this article adopted the method of setting up a
on the construction of safety monitoring systems. Wu pro- control group for safety monitoring and analysis. Sensors
posed a time series analysis method of the hidden Markov can provide accurate and direct physical information. This
model. He realized pipeline safety monitoring by analyzing article used wireless communication technology to form a
the reflection frequency of light in the pipeline, which could network structure of many sensors and applied them to the
effectively improve the accuracy of pipeline safety moni- home security monitoring system. Through AI technology,
toring [1]. Wang’s research pointed out that the train central the acquired data were analyzed for security. The home
control system was the main condition to ensure the safety safety monitoring system based on AI WSN technology was
of train traffic. Based on the traditional train control system, compared with the traditional home safety monitoring
he introduced topological space to describe the track and system. The results showed that the home safety moni-
time of train movement, so as to accurately monitor the toring system based on WSN technology could improve
train operation [2]. Adamo’s study pointed out that the the comprehensiveness of monitoring.
dam was an important barrier to prevent floods. He effec-
tively ensured the safety of the people around the dam
through safety monitoring of the rock characteristics of
the dam and the impact resistance of the dam, and timely
repaired when the dam was damaged [3]. Chavhan’s
2 Application method of safety
research pointed out that drugs were very important monitoring system
for people’s health. However, there were many phe-
nomena of counterfeiting and cheating in drugs. Through With the continuous progress of information technology,
the drug safety monitoring system, the production pro- people’s life and communication technology are closely
cess and sales channels of drugs were monitored in real linked. Information technology has changed people’s life-
time, which could ensure the safety of drugs [4]. The style, and the living environment has also changed dramati-
security monitoring system has a wide range of applica- cally. The traditional residential communication equipment is
tions and can achieve accurate security monitoring in simple and can only realize simple communication between
various fields, but it lacks the use of sensors to obtain residential buildings. Because of the poor communication
data information. technology, the traditional residents cannot realize the
With the continuous development of the Internet-of- home safety monitoring, which makes it difficult to transmit
Things technology, data collection can be realized by using the traditional residence safety information to people in
sensors. Relevant researchers have formed a network struc- time. Intelligent technology is constantly developing, and
ture of multiple sensor nodes and applied them to the smart homes can realize intelligent communication between
Application of wireless sensor network technology  3

people and the home environment. Through the monitoring traditional home safety monitoring system can monitor
system, the house can be monitored in real time and safely the subsystems of the home environment, but it can not
to create a safe and comfortable home environment. The realize the association between multiple home subsystems.
structural model of the household safety monitoring system
is shown in Figure 1.
In Figure 1, the structural model of home safety mon-
itoring is described. Through monitoring equipment, the 2.1 WSN technology
main home safety information is obtained, including
kitchen, bedroom, corridor, balcony, living room, and ele- The Internet of Things refers to the use of various sensing
vator. Through the Internet, the monitoring information devices to obtain external environmental information,
of all parts of the home is integrated to achieve remote which realizes the exchange of collected information with
monitoring of home safety. the help of communication protocols to achieve the role of
The security monitoring system is a network system information exchange [10,11]. The core of information acqui-
built with a large number of monitors, which realizes sition of the Internet of Things is the sensor device, which is
diversified intelligent security monitoring by integrating an embedded physical device with automatic detection and
and analyzing the information of each monitor [8,9]. Now, control functions [12]. The sensor has a wide range of appli-
home life is full of modern elements, and various intelligent cations. It can be used to obtain household environmental
devices provide people with great convenience in life. How- information and be applied to household safety monitoring
ever, security issues also arise. In the modern home envir- system.
onment, people are prone to security problems in their WSN is a distributed sensor network. In WSNs, the net-
homes due to work reasons or the decline in security aware- work node terminal can obtain the external environment
ness. For example, when people forget to close the gas valve information and can interconnect all the acquired informa-
while cooking, it is easy to cause gas poisoning or fire. tion [13,14]. The structure model of WSN is shown in Figure 2.
The household safety monitoring system covers a wide In Figure 2, the structure model of WSN is described.
range of areas, including anti-theft security, fire preven- WSN includes sensor nodes and sink nodes. Sensor nodes
tion, and electricity prevention. For example, if there is an can be installed in every corner of the home environment.
abnormal situation in the home, the owner can be notified According to the characteristics of sensors, the monitoring
in time. The composition and content of toxic gas in the of different home information can be realized. The aggre-
room can be detected automatically. The traditional home gation node can collect and sort out the data obtained by
safety monitoring system relies on sensor equipment to rea- multiple sensor nodes, which is conducive to the compre-
lize the safety monitoring of a single home device. The hensive analysis of WSN data.

Home safety
monitoring system

Kitchen Bedroom Corridor


Balcony Sitting room Elevator

Remote monitoring

Figure 1: Structural model of household safety monitoring system.

4  Yajuan Zhang et al.

Sensor node

Sink node

Remote Home environment


Figure 2: Structure model of WSN.

Wireless sensor node itself is a small embedded system information to the user. WSN is a network structure com-
with certain storage and processing capabilities. However, posed of numerous sensor nodes, which has the functions of
the most important thing is to obtain external environ- data monitoring, control, and communication. Due to the
mental information. Wireless sensor nodes can store and large amount of node information in WSNs, higher quality
forward the information forwarded by the surrounding transmission protocols are needed. WSNs are significantly
nodes in addition to acquiring information by themselves. different from ordinary wireless ad hoc networks. The WSN
The sink node has very strong storage and communi- has a wider coverage of nodes and can achieve a wider
cation capabilities. By connecting with multiple sensor range of home security monitoring. WSNs have the ability
nodes, information communication between sensors is rea- to node self-organization. It can adjust itself according to the
lized, and the status of sensor nodes can also be monitored. needs of home monitoring and has higher reliability, which
The collected data information is integrated, and finally, can accurately collect and process complex data.
the resource data are uploaded. The WSN has a distributed structure, which can carry
The structural model of sensor nodes is shown in out all-round real-time monitoring of the home environ-
Figure 3. ment and provide accurate information for home security
In Figure 3, the structure model of sensor nodes is monitoring.
described. The sensor node is structurally divided into
three modules, namely, data acquisition area, data proces-
sing area, and data transmission area.
WSNs realize information exchange and resource sharing 2.2 ZigBee communication technology
between different sensor nodes by setting a unified commu-
nication protocol [15]. The physical layer provides very simple The core of WSN technology is communication technology,
modulated signals. The network layer performs routing selec- and wireless communication is the basis for information
tion. The transport layer performs data flow transmission exchange between different sensor nodes [16]. In recent
control. The application layer transmits the collected years, communication technology has developed rapidly.

Data acquisition Data processing Data receiving and

area area sending area

Sensor Data transceiver

Figure 3: Structural model of sensor nodes.

Application of wireless sensor network technology  5

Although traditional Bluetooth technology can achieve wire- to improve the scalability of the entire household safety
less communication between data, it is of high cost and has monitoring system and the comprehensiveness of real-
low transmission rate. time monitoring data.
ZigBee is a low-cost and low-complexity communica-
tion technology, and the communication structure formed
by ZigBee is very similar to WSNs, which can be well
applied to WSNs [17]. As a new communication technology, 2.3 AI
ZigBee has the following characteristics.
The communication frequency band is flexible and can AI is a branch of computer science, which simulates the
communicate information in multiple frequency bands, logic of the human brain in dealing with complex transac-
and the response speed is fast and can respond to real- tions to conduct intelligent research on complex problems.
time information in time. ZigBee has a huge network capa- AI technology is developing more and more rapidly, which
city and can support more than ten thousand nodes of has a wide range of applications in data intelligent proces-
information communication, which ensures a large cov- sing, image recognition, robot, and other fields [18,19]. The
erage of communication information. ZigBee’s communica- home security monitoring system using WSN technology
tion process is very safe. During the data transmission has very complex sensor data. The safety monitoring
process, there is a three-layer data check mechanism system needs not only to collect data, but also to intelli-
to ensure that there is no error in the information gently analyze the data collected by sensors and evaluate
transmission. the safety of the home environment.
In the home safety monitoring system, information Artificial neural network is a common use method in
acquisition needs to rely on sensors, and the working fre- AI technology. It has super-high data recognition and ana-
quency bands of different sensors are different. In order to lysis ability after training and learning model data [20].
ensure the normal communication of household safety The structure model of the artificial neural network is
monitoring information, ZigBee can divide the original shown in Figure 4.
signal into multiple sub-signals and adaptively allocate In Figure 4, the structure model of the artificial
the signal frequency band to ensure a high signal recogni- neural network is described. It has a three-layer struc-
tion accuracy. ture and can realize intelligent analysis of the safety
The WSN takes ZigBee communication technology as monitoring data.
the core and can realize home safety monitoring. The char- Artificial neural network is an algorithmic mathema-
acteristics of ZigBee communication technology and other tical model that imitates the behavioral characteristics of
communication technologies are shown in Table 1. animal neural networks and carries out distributed par-
In Table 1, the characteristics of ZigBee communica- allel information processing. Based on the complexity of
tion technology are compared with other communication the system, the artificial neural network can process infor-
technologies. Compared with Bluetooth and WLAN, ZigBee mation by adjusting the relationship between a large
communication technology has faster response speed, longer number of internal nodes. Artificial neural networks can
transmission distance, and lower use cost, which can be effec- be used to analyze the data in the home safety monitoring
tively applied to the field of real-time monitoring. system to make intelligent safety decisions.
In the home safety monitoring system, there are many There are two kinds of convergence results and con-
factors that affect the safety of the house. The sensor covers vergence of neural networks. The convergence result is
a wide range. The WSN based on ZigBee communication that the result calculated by the neural network is gener-
should be designed for the distribution of sensor nodes in ally 1 or 0. Convergence can understand whether it can
combination with household environmental factors, so as produce 1 or 0 or the probability of producing 1 or 0 after

Table 1: Comparison of characteristics between ZigBee communication technology and other communication technologies

Communication technology Wireless local area network Bluetooth ZigBee

Application area Smart device online Short-distance information transmission Real-time monitoring
Response speed Slow Slow Fast
Transmission distance Far away Near Far
Use cost High Higher Low
6  Yajuan Zhang et al.

Safety monitoring

Input layer Hidden layer Output layer

Figure 4: Structure model of artificial neural network.

calculation by a neural network. The time complexity of an 1

H= ∑( y − yj 2 )2 . (3)
artificial neural network determines the training/predic- 2 j j1
tion time of the model.
where yj1 and yj2 represent the expected output and actual
In the household safety monitoring system, the data
output of the jth output neuron, respectively.
set obtained by the sensor is B = (b1 , b2 , ⋯ , bn ). The data
The structure of the neural network is adjusted according
obtained by the sensor can be the content of carbon
to the size of the error H. The adjustment process is as follows:
dioxide in the bedroom, the temperature of the kitchen,
and the closing of windows. If the connection weight kc (t + d ) = kc (t ) + Δkc. (4)
between the data of the home safety monitoring system
where kc (t ) represents the size of the connection weight of
and the artificial neural network is K = (k1, k2 , ⋯ , kn ), the
the c-th neuron at time t. Δkc represents the variable of the
process of the artificial neural network to calculate the
connection weight of the c-th neuron.
safety monitoring is expressed as follows:
When the error reaches the acceptable range, it indi-
cates that the trained reverse neural network has excellent
r= ∑ biki. (1)
i=1 safety monitoring capability. The specific process is shown
as follows:
where r represents the result of artificial neuron proces-
sing safety monitoring data. H ≤ h. (5)
The processing result in formula (1) is processed by where h represents the maximum acceptable range of
activation function to obtain: error.
1 AI technology has excellent information optimization
f (r ) = . (2)
1 + e−r ability. AI can intelligently analyze the data obtained by
the safety monitoring system and effectively improve the
where function f () is the activation function. The activa-
effect of safety monitoring.
tion function is a function that runs on the neurons of an
artificial neural network, responsible for mapping the
inputs of the neurons to the outputs and achieving intelli-
gent analysis of safety data. 3 Application experiment of safety
In the home safety monitoring system, it is often neces- monitoring system
sary to predict and analyze the safety situation according
to the environmental information of the home, so as to
timely respond to the dangers that occur. Back-propagation 3.1 Construction of safety monitoring
neural network has two modes: forward information trans- system evaluation system
mission and reverse error feedback, which can optimize and
predict nonlinear data. When the back-propagation neural Smart home security monitoring can obtain environmental
network is applied to the household safety monitoring information on the furniture in real time, operate smart
system, the error can be expressed as: devices remotely, and monitor the people at home. In this
Application of wireless sensor network technology  7

Table 2: Household safety monitoring and evaluation indicators were counted, of which the sensor proportion in the kitchen
area was up to 24%, and the sensor proportion in the stairwell
Serial Index Effective Percentage area was at least 7%.
number quantity

1 Response time 36 18
2 Monitoring stability 44 22
3 Monitoring 56 28 3.2 Experimental design of safety
4 Monitoring accuracy 64 32
monitoring system application

The control group adopted the traditional home safety

article, WSN technology was applied to home security mon- monitoring system, with a small number of sensors and
itoring system. In order to effectively analyze the perfor- no data exchange between sensors. The experimental group
mance comparison between the home safety monitoring applied the WSN technology based on AI to the home safety
system based on WSN and the traditional home safety monitoring system. The comparison points of the two home
monitoring system, this article conducted a questionnaire safety monitoring methods are as follows: response time,
survey on 250 professional safety monitoring personnel, monitoring stability, monitoring comprehensiveness, and
mainly analyzing the indicators they think can evaluate monitoring accuracy. In order to fully compare the moni-
the effect of home safety monitoring. A total of 250 ques- toring effects of the traditional home safety monitoring
tionnaires were distributed, of which 200 were valid and system and the system in this article, multiple sets of itera-
50 were invalid, the invalid questionnaire is due to the fact tive experiments are set up to eliminate the measurement
that the investigator did not provide a data answer, or the error.
content of the answer was unrelated to the survey content. When the household safety monitoring system is run-
The household safety monitoring and evaluation indicators ning, due to the influence of its own system and household
are shown in Table 2. environmental factors, there may be some errors in data
In Table 2, the household safety monitoring and eva- measurement. Therefore, this article set up iterative experi-
luation indicators are described. A total of four evaluation ments to eliminate errors through multiple iterative experi-
indicators were calculated, including response time, mon- ments. The final result was the average of the results of
itoring stability, monitoring comprehensiveness, and mon- multiple iterations.
itoring accuracy. The highest percentage of monitoring In the process of home safety monitoring, the effect of
accuracy is 32. The highest percentage of monitoring com- home safety monitoring was affected by the residential area.
prehensiveness is 28, and the lowest percentage of response Therefore, this article divided the experimental housing into
time is 18. large-scale home environments and small-scale home envir-
In order to better reflect the effect of home safety onments. The area of a large-scale residential environment
monitoring, it is necessary to monitor key areas in the is greater than or equal to 120 square meters, and the area of
home environment. In this article, 50 houses were ran- a small-scale residential environment is less than 120 square
domly selected for the experiment. The key areas of house- meters.
hold monitoring are shown in Table 3.
In Table 3, the key areas of household monitoring are
described. A total of seven key areas for household monitoring
4 Application results of safety
monitoring system
Table 3: Key areas of household monitoring

Serial number Region Sensor duty ratio (%) 4.1 Response time
1 Shower room 16
2 Bedroom 14 Response time refers to the time from the acquisition of data
3 A living room 10 to the response of the system. Response time can greatly
4 Kitchen 24 improve the performance of home safety monitoring. When
5 Balcony 11 the home environment is complex, the home safety moni-
6 Stair case 7
toring system needs to respond in time to ensure the safety
7 Grocery 18
of the home environment. The response time of home safety
8  Yajuan Zhang et al.

monitoring systems based on WSN technology of AI and tra- on WSN technology of AI can effectively reduce the response
ditional home safety monitoring system is compared. The time of the system and improve the efficiency of home safety
comparison results are shown in Figure 5. monitoring. Home safety monitoring systems are closely
In Figure 5a, the response time comparison of two related to people’s life safety, and the shortest possible
home safety monitoring systems in the large-scale home response time is helpful for the timely occurrence of home
environment is described. Among them, the response time safety alerts.
of the traditional home safety monitoring system reaches a
minimum of 228 ms in the second time and the maximum
of 256 ms in the fourth time, with an average response time
of 241.6 ms. The response time of the home safety moni- 4.2 Monitoring stability
toring system based on the WSN technology of AI has signifi-
cantly shortened, reaching a minimum of 80 ms in the first Monitoring stability refers to the anti-interference ability
time and a maximum of 96 ms in the second time, with an of the home safety monitoring system, and whether it has
average response time of 85.2 ms. The response time of the stable home safety monitoring ability when the home
home safety monitoring system designed in this article is environment changes or the sensor equipment works for
shorter than that of the traditional home safety monitoring a long time. By testing the stability of the household safety
system. This is because the home security monitoring system monitoring system in different levels of noise data, it is
in this article uses WSN technology, and the acquisition and possible to set the noise data ratio to a gradient between
processing speed of home information is fast. In Figure 5b, the 10 and 50% to analyze the stability of the household safety
response time comparison of two home safety monitoring monitoring system. The monitoring stability of home safety
systems in a small-scale home environment is described. monitoring systems based on WSN technology of AI and
The response time of the traditional home safety monitoring traditional home safety monitoring system is compared.
system reaches a minimum of 100 ms the fourth time and a The comparison results are shown in Figure 6.
maximum of 168 ms the first time, with an average response In Figure 6a, the monitoring stability comparison of
time of 133.2 ms. The response time of the home safety mon- two home safety monitoring systems in the large-scale
itoring system based on the WSN technology of AI reaches a home environment is described. The monitoring stability
minimum of 24 ms the third time and a maximum of 32 ms of the traditional household safety monitoring system
the fifth time, with an average response time of 28 ms. The reaches a minimum of 84% the second time and a max-
response time of the system in this article fluctuates slightly imum of 92% the third time, with an average monitoring
in five experiments, while the response time of the traditional stability of 88%. The monitoring stability of the home
home safety monitoring system fluctuates greatly, so the safety monitoring system based on the WSN technology
monitoring response of the system in this article is more of AI reaches a minimum of 94% the first time and a max-
stable. Therefore, the home safety monitoring system based imum of 97% the fourth time, with an average monitoring

300 180
Response time (ms)

Response time (ms)

200 120
100 60
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Iterations Iterations
Traditional household safety Traditional household safety
monitoring monitoring
Wireless sensor network monitoring Wireless sensor network monitoring

(a) (b)

Figure 5: Response time comparison results: (a) response time of large-scale home environment and (b) response time of small-scale home
Application of wireless sensor network technology  9

100% 100%

Monitoring stability

Monitoring stability
95% 96%
90% 92%
85% 88%
80% 84%
75% 80%
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Iterations Iterations
Traditional household safety Traditional household safety
monitoring monitoring
Wireless sensor network monitoring Wireless sensor network monitoring
(a) (b)

Figure 6: Comparison results of monitoring stability: (a) monitoring stability of the large-scale household environment and (b) monitoring stability of
the small-scale household environment.

stability of 95.6%. In Figure 6b, the monitoring stability Therefore, the application of WSN technology to the home
comparison of two home safety monitoring systems in a safety monitoring system can significantly improve the
small-scale home environment is described. It is obvious monitoring stability of the home monitoring system.
that the monitoring stability of the home safety monitoring
system based on the WSN technology of AI is higher than
that of the traditional home safety monitoring system. 4.3 Monitoring comprehensiveness
Among them, the monitoring stability of the traditional
household safety monitoring system reaches the lowest The household environment is generally complex, and
of 87% the fourth time and the highest of 93% the fifth there are many factors that cause household hazards. The
time, with an average monitoring stability of 90%. The kitchen, bathroom, and other areas need comprehensive
average monitoring stability of the home safety monitoring monitoring. The home safety monitoring system based
system based on the WSN technology of AI is 97%. The on the WSN technology of AI and the traditional home
monitoring stability of the home safety monitoring system safety monitoring system is compared comprehensively.
based on the WSN technology of AI reaches a minimum of The comparison results are shown in Figure 7. The
95% the fifth time and a maximum of 99% the third time. housing area of a large-scale home environment is
Monitoring comprehensiveness

Monitoring comprehensiveness

100% 100%
90% 90%
80% 80%
70% 70%
60% 60%
50% 50%
40% 40%
30% 30%
20% 20%
10% 10%
0% 0%
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Iterations Iterations
Traditional household safety Traditional household safety
monitoring monitoring
Wireless sensor network monitoring Wireless sensor network monitoring
(a) (b)

Figure 7: Comparison results of monitoring comprehensiveness: (a) monitoring comprehensiveness of large-scale household environment and (b)
monitoring comprehensiveness of small-scale household environment.
10  Yajuan Zhang et al.

more than 200 square meters. There are 11 sensors in third time and a maximum of 87% the fifth time, with an
large-scale home environments, including door mag- average monitoring comprehensiveness of 84.8%. In Figure
netic sensors, gas sensors, temperature, and humidity 7b, the comprehensive comparison of the two home safety
sensors. The housing area of a small-scale home envir- monitoring systems in a small-scale home environment
onment is between 15 and 30 square meters. is described. The monitoring comprehensiveness of the
In Figure 7a, the comprehensive comparison of the two traditional household safety monitoring system reaches a
home safety monitoring systems in the large-scale home minimum of 72% the third time and a maximum of 78%
environment is described. Among them, the monitoring the fourth time, with an average monitoring comprehensive-
comprehensiveness of the traditional household safety mon- ness of 74.8%. The monitoring comprehensiveness of the
itoring system reaches a minimum of 64% the third time and home safety monitoring system based on the WSN technology
a maximum of 73% the fourth time, with an average mon- of AI reaches a minimum of 86% the third time and a max-
itoring comprehensiveness of 68.8%. The monitoring com- imum of 92% the fifth time, with an average monitoring
prehensiveness of the home safety monitoring system based comprehensiveness of 88.8%. WSN technology is applied to
on the WSN technology of AI reaches a minimum of 82% the the home security monitoring system, and the coverage of

Monitoring accuracy

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Traditional household safety monitoring
Wireless sensor network monitoring



Monitoring accuracy





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Traditional household safety monitoring
Wireless sensor network monitoring

Figure 8: Comparison results of monitoring accuracy: (a) monitoring accuracy of large-scale household environment and (b) monitoring accuracy of
small-scale household environment.
Application of wireless sensor network technology  11

home monitoring is improved by building a sensor node net- traditional home monitoring system mainly used the
work. Therefore, the home safety monitoring system based Internet-of-Things technology and used a small number of
on WSN technology of AI can effectively improve the com- sensor equipment to monitor the home environment, but
prehensiveness of home safety monitoring. the overall monitoring effect was poor. In this article, the
WSN technology was applied to the home safety monitoring
system, which formed an all-round monitoring through
numerous sensor nodes. ZigBee communication technology
4.4 Monitoring accuracy
was used to improve the effect of information transmission,
and AI was used to intelligently analyze the data of home
In household safety monitoring, the effect of safety mon-
monitoring. In this article, the evaluation system of the
itoring is largely determined by the accuracy of household
safety monitoring system was constructed, and the home
monitoring. The monitoring accuracy of home safety mon-
safety monitoring system based on the WSN technology of
itoring systems based on WSN technology of AI, and tradi-
AI was compared with the traditional home safety moni-
tional home safety monitoring system is compared. The
toring system. The results showed that the home security
comparison results are shown in Figure 8.
monitoring system based on the WSN technology of AI had
In Figure 8a, the monitoring accuracy comparison of
higher monitoring stability and comprehensive detection
two home safety monitoring systems in the large-scale
and effectively reduced the response time of the system.
home environment is described. The monitoring accuracy
The home safety monitoring system used WSN technology
of the home safety monitoring system based on the WSN
to greatly improve the monitoring effect of the home envir-
technology of artificial intelligence is higher than that of
onment and ensure the safety of the home environment.
the traditional home safety monitoring system throughout the
However, the number of iterations set in the comparison
experiment. Among them, the monitoring accuracy of
of the two home monitoring systems in this article is
the traditional household safety monitoring system reaches
small, which can not reflect the real home safety moni-
70.8% the 10th time, 84.6% the 6th time, and the average
toring effect. Therefore, more groups of home monitoring
monitoring accuracy is 77.76%. The monitoring accuracy of
system experiment iterations have been set, which is the
the home safety monitoring system based on the WSN tech-
direction of future research.
nology of AI reaches the lowest of 85.2% the third time and
the highest of 94.3% the fifth time, with an average moni-
Funding information: This work was supported by Hainan
toring accuracy of 89.36%. In Figure 8b, the monitoring accu-
Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China, project
racy comparison of two home safety monitoring systems in
number: 621RC611 and Scientific research funding project
the small-scale home environment is described. The moni-
of Hainan Vocational University of Science and Technology,
toring accuracy of the traditional household safety moni-
project number: HKKY2022ZD-03.
toring system reaches 80.1% the second time and 94.2%
the seventh time, with an average monitoring accuracy of
Conflict of interest: The authors declare that there is no
87.63%. The monitoring accuracy of the home safety mon-
conflict of interest with any financial organizations regarding
itoring system based on the WSN technology of AI reaches
the material reported in this manuscript.
the lowest of 90.3% the fourth time and the highest of 98.8%
the seventh time, with an average monitoring accuracy of
Data availability statement: Data sharing is not applicable
94.43%. Therefore, a home safety monitoring system based
to this article as no datasets were generated or analyzed
on WSN technology of artificial intelligence can effectively
during the current study.
improve the accuracy of home safety monitoring.

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