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2 impressions of Chuan Poon

Name: Kalen Ng
Class: 1P4/1A2
Date: 16/4/23
Chuan Poon, the protagonist in Male Child,
is a loyal husband. I know this from how
although in Chuan Poon’s Grandfather’s and
Father’s time the wife could be put away if
she could not bear any male children, but
‘Chuan Poon did not even once think of
putting his wife away’. The words ‘did not
even’ shows that Chuan Poon did not think of
putting away his wife unlike his Father’s and
Grandfather’s thinking. Hence, Chuan Poon is
a loyal husband.
Chuan Poon is also a person who is
hardworking. I know this from how he rose
from a poor man to the most prosperous dry
goods retailer in the village. If Chuan Poon did
not work hard, he could not have become the
most prosperous dry goods retailer in the
village. Additionally, Chuan Poon also worked
every day for his family without complaining
or giving up although his work was tough.
Hence, I can conclude that Chuan Poon is a
hardworking man.

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