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21 Be going to 1. We form sentences with be going to like this: 3.'The negative short form is 'm not going to: (SET I'm not going to play tennis today. It isgoing to snow. With he, she, it, there are two negative short forms: positive He/she/it isn’t going to come. lam He/shefit’s not going to come. eee are s8ingto leave. With you, we and they, there are also two negative short forms: NEGATIVE You/we/they aren't going to come. lam You/we/they’re not going to come. He/ShelIt is i not going to leave. ‘WelYou/They are 4 We use be going to for the future. We use it: Questions > to talk about things we have decided to Am do in the future; Is he/shelit going to start? ‘A: What are you going to do tomorrow? ‘Are welyou/they B: I’m going to visit Paul in Brighton. A: Are you going to drive? 2 Note that we usually use the short form of be B: No, P’m going to take the train, (Pm, he/shelit's, welyou/they’re): > to predict the future, using information They're going to leave. we know now: Look at that blue sky! It’s going to be hot. ve eaten too much. I’m going to be ill. Look at the time, It’s two o'clock. They aren't going to come now. Me A Paul has decided what he’s going to do in his life. Complete the sentences, using short forms of be going to and the verbs in brackets ( ). He's going to spenid a week by the sea. . (study) music at university. (travel) all over the world. . (notiwork) in an office. (marry) a very rich woman. (have) eleven boys. (become) a football team. (win) the World Cup. (play) the piano every night in a cafe. «++ (Mot/cO0k) or clean. (eat) in restaurants every day. They . They . COVYOMGAYNAY B Write positive sentences with short forms of be going to and the words in brackets ( ). > (lisee/a film tonight) Fm acing 1 (She/buy/a new car tomorrow) 2. (They/work/hard this year 3. (Itrain/this afternoon) 2a film tonia PAGE 46 © TENSES: FUTURE Write negative sentences with short forms of be going to. > (They/noticatch/that train!) ‘They're. not goina to catch that train! 4 (Paullnot/drive/to Scotland.) 5 (Welnotfinishiit today.) 6 (Sheinot/buy/a new house.) Write questions with be going to. > (youlhavela holiday this year?) Are 7 (they/winithe match?) 8 (Mary/leavelher job?) 9 (you/take/the exam in June?) acing to have a holiday thie year? Keiko is Japanese. She's going to spend a week by the sea in England. Ask her some questions. Use be going to, the verbs in brackets (), and the words in the box. anumbrella ina luxury hotel —_toa disco fish and chips inthesea alotof-English golf every day Endlich... Match the words in the box with the pictures, and write a sentence using short forms of be going to. Wain i Theyleatia pizza Theyinot/play/tennis He/not/winithe race Shefhavela swim ‘They/watch/a film He/play/the piano Bicea ke, ph Noanenay TENSES: FUTURE + PAGE 47 2? Will and shall 1 We use will to talk about the future. Look at this example: It's now five o'clock. I'l stop work at six. 2 We make sentences with will like this: We use I will or Pll, and I will not or I won't. We usually use the short forms (PIL, he'l, I won't, he won't) when we speak, 3 We use will to talk about future facts, and things that we think will happen in the future: ‘My father will be fifty years old tomorrow. Jane will love your new dress. He's a good manager. He won't make any mistakes. ‘We also use will to ask about the future: Will they win this garne? 4 We use Pll when we make a decision to do something, For example, when the telephone rings, we say: Till answer it. Here is another example: ‘A: Does anyone want to come with me tonight? B: Yes, I'll come. 5 We use Shall I ...? or Pll... when we want to do things for other people: We use Shall we ...? to suggest things that we can do: A. Use the verbs in the box with will or won't to complete these dialogues. Use short forms of will where you can. have take phone finish be (x2) win make > A: Are you coming to the cinema on Sunday? B: I'm not sure. ||! 2 lo, we won't. We ... . you on Saturday. 1 A: Don't change your clothes now. We .. late. 2. A: George is going to have a party at the weekend. Why? 's his birthday. He thirty on Saturday. 3 he the tennis match tomorrow. B: Why not? A: She .. mistakes. She always makes mistakes in important matches. a . Steve... ... the work tonight? B: No, he won't finish. He ... . time. PAGE 48 » TENSES: FUTURE B Put the best phrase from the box in each gap. Start your sentences with I’ phone fora taxi help you to look for it carry-some-of them gowith you give you some money make you a sandwich open a window ask her to phone you tonight give you the name of a language school > A:| want to take these books home, but they're very heavy. rt of th 1 A: Ifeel sick. It's so hot in this room. B: 2 A:|want a cup of coffee, but | don't have any money. B: 3 A:{'m hungry. | didn’t have any lunch. B: I want to learn Japanese. B: I've lost my passport. Bas sseseresesconen 6 All's ten o'clock. I'll be late if | walk. I want to speak to Jane. It's very important. | want to go to the museum, but | don't know the way. > Put Shall / or Shall we in the gaps in the dialogues. ‘A: I'm hungry. Are you going to the shops? B: Yes. 9! .. get you something to eat? > A: We need a holiday. ___B: What a good idea! Shall we, go to Florida? 4 A: I'm going to get some tickets for the concert next week. . one? ____B: Yes please. I'd love to come. 2h _ go to a restaurant tonight? B: OK, but | don't have any money. Will you pay for me? ‘A: Lwant to go to Italian classes, but I've never learnt a foreign language before. cues. Come with you? That's very kind of you. Where is our meeting? B: At John's office on Baker Street. A . Walk or take a taxi? A; You look thirsty. . get you a drink? Yes, please. Can | have an orange juice or some water? 6 A: It's a beautiful day! .. have a picnic? B: Wonderful idea! Who shall we invite? . buy you TENSES: FUTURE + PAGE 49, 23 Will or be going to Compare will and be going to: 1. We use will with an infinitive (do, go, be, arrive, etc.): INFINITIVE John will arrive tomorrow. 2 We use will for actions that we decide to do Now, at the moment of speaking: zm Gow) [ speaking } Tlike this coat. I think Pll buy it, [decision ] ‘A: What would you like to eat? B: I'll have a pizza, please. We can use will for offers and promises: Tl carry your case for you. (OFFER) T won't forget your birthday again, (PRONASE) 3 We use will to talk about things that we think or believe will happen in the future: I'm sure you'll enjoy the film. I'm sure it won't rain tomorrow. It'll be another beautiful, sunny day. We use be going with to + infinitive (to do, to be, to rain, etc.): to + INFINITIVE It’s going to rain soon. s ‘My friends are going to come tonight. It isn’t going to rain today. What are you going to do on Sunday? We use be going to for actions that we have decided to do Berore we speak: past ow) {decision ‘speaking | P’m going to clean my room this afternoon. (I decided to clean it this morning.) We can ask questions about people’s plans: Are you going to take the three o'clock train? = Have you decided to take the three o'clock train?) We use be going to for something that we expect to happen, because the situation now indicates that itis going to happen: He's running towards the goal, and he’s going to score. Meme A. Complete the sentences, using the words in brackets () and ‘i or a form of be going to. > A: Are you going to watch TV tonight? B: Yes, !'m going to, match 1 A: What (Iatch) my favourite programme at nine o'clock. (you/eat) tonight? What food have you bought? B: | haven't bought any food. A: Well, why don’t you come to my house? clothes. B: Oh, what (Nook) for a T-shirt and some jeans. B .. (Vicome) with you. . (Vleave) work late tomorrow. There is a meeting at six p.m. B: Oh, | didn't know that. Well, ... evening. . (I/c00k) us something nice to eat. 2. A: I'm going into the centre of town tomorrow. .. ... (Wbuy) some new . (youlget)? A: 'd like to go into the centre too. (lise) you after the meeting. . (iphone) Tom at six o'clock. | promised to phone him this 5 A: Are you going to have a holiday in the summer? Bs Yes, ......... os PAGE 50 + TENSES: FUTURE ++ (Wftravel) around Europe with a friend. Look at these office scenes. Choose the correct situation for each scene, then choose the correct sentence and cross out that which is incorrect. > Relax, I'l answer it. | Relax, 'm going o-ancwer it a You look hot, I'll open a window./You look hot, I'm going to open a window. b Next year, we're going to enter the Japanese market./Next year, we'll enter the Japanese market. ¢ Thanks, I'm going to have an orange juice./Thanks, I'l have an orange juice. Have a rest, I'm going to do the photocopying /Have a rest, Ill do the photocopying. e Thursday is no good for me, I'm afraid. I'll meet the new manager of our Tokyo office /Thursday is no good for me, I'm afraid. I'm going to meet the new manager of our Tokyo office. > You are at a party. Here are some of the questions you are asked. Reply using will or __ be going to. > A:Hi nice to see you. Would you like a drink? B: (\have/a coke, please) !'l have.a,ake, please. 1 A: What are you doing these days? B: (Nothing much, but I/starta new job soon) 2 A: Would you like something to eat? B: (Thanks, Vhavela sandwich) 3 A: What are your plans for the weekend? B: (\ido/some shopping tomorrow and l/go/for a swim on Sunday) 4: Why is Maria standing by the piano? B: (Shelsing/, I'm afraid) 5 A: This cake looks delicious. Are you going to have some? B: (No, but I'm sure you/enjoy/it) , 6 A: How are you getting home? B: (David/givelme a lift) .. TENSES: FUTURE * PAGE 51

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