Cooling System

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Section 4 COOLING SYSTEM Contents Introduction Removing and Instaling Thermostat 8 Testing Thermostat a 1. General Description 4 43 Coolant Pump 9 Coolant Pump and Thermostat 4 Inspecting ard Replacing Cootant Pump 3 Raoiator 4 44 Radiator Cooling Fan 9 Radiator Cooling Fan 4 Testing Cooling Fan and Radiator Thermoswitch 10 2. Maintenance 4 Raciator Cooling Fan Alter-Run System 0 Removing and Instaling Radiator Cooling 3, Troubleshooting 4 Fan 0 3.1 Baste Troubleshooting Principles ee aseior a Bo) (Caan 5 Removing and installing Radiator 1 Pressure Testing Cooling System and Expansion Tank Cap 5 5. Cooling System Technical Data " Temperature Gauge and Sending Unit |. Cooling System Spectications 1 et . H. Tightening Torques 4. Cooting System Service 6 441 Coolant and Cooling System Hoses e TABLES Draining and Filing Coolant 7 a. Cooling System Troubleshooting, 5 Thermastat @ —_b,_AntiFreeze-to-Water Proportions ? COOLING System 4-3 Cooling System Introduction Volkswagen Scirocco and Cabriotet engines are liquid-cooled, and rely on a closed system ‘of circulating coolant to maintain an oven engine ter»perature and help wansfer heat away from the engine. To provide adequate cooling system performerice over a range of temperature cconsitions, to supply lubrication to the systems moving parts, and to prevent the buildup of ‘mineral deposits and other contaminants. the coolant recommended for use year-round is ‘mixture of phosphate-ree ant freeze and clean water. The closed system becomes pressur ‘zed as its temperature increases, The pressuro in turn raises the boling point of the coolant and allows engine temperature to exceed the coolant’s normal botting point ‘The coolant pump is mechanically driven by the engine, and operates whenever the engine 'srunning. Coolant circulates through the engine tothe radiator, the heal exchanger—or heater ‘core ~ in the passenigar compartrent heating system. and back to the pump. Coolant is alse circulated through a heat exchanger in the engine's lubrication system to help moderate engine oll temperature. Before the engine is up to normal operating temperature, the flow of ‘coolant is controled by a thermostat. The thermostat forces coolant flaw to bypass the radiator, retuming directly to the coolanl purnp, untl the engine is warra, ‘A radiator cooling fan provides auxtiary ar flow through the radkator. For compatibility wth the transverse engine design, and to minimize power consumption, the fan is electrically ‘operated and thermostatically controled so that it runs only when the extra air flow is required to maintain proper coolant temperature, Proper care of the cooling system is easy. Simple preventive maintenance can keep the ‘s/stern operating at ts best and help prevent temperature related problems trom shertening engine life. you lack the tools or a suitable workplace for servicing the cooling system, we sugges! you leave this work to an authorized Volkswagen dealer or other qualified shop. We ‘especially urge yauto consult your authorized Volkswagen dealer before beginning any repairs (on 8 vehicle stil covered by warranty. 4-4 COOLING SYSTEM 41. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Fig, 1-1 is a schematic view ol the cooling system and hose routing, Arrows indicate the direction of coolant flow. fed e500.) vow oksoolig system components and © outing showing Codie ow (arom) Coolant Pump and Thermostat A centiugaltype coolant pump and its housing are mounted to the cylinder block. The pump is crankshat-criven by a Vel, and circulates coolant through the system when: fever the engine is cunning, A thermostat is located in the coolant pump housing and Ccontrals coolant flow into the pump, When the engine is cova, the thermostat is closed and coolant bypasses the radiator, recirculating trom the engine directly back to the pump inlet, \When the engine reaches normal operating temperature, tne thermostat opens and coolant circulates through the whole system, inclucing the radiator Radiator The radiators across flow type constructed of an aluminum ‘core and plastic side tanks. 4 translucent expansion tank, O° overflow reservoir, provides forthe expansion of the coolant at higher temperatures and easy monitoring of coolant level Radiator Cooling Fan An electric radiator cooling fan, operating independertly of the ongine, 1s controled by a thermoswitch located in the bottom of the radiator. At high coolant temperatures, the switch ‘loses to stat the cooling fan. The cooling fan is wired directly to the battery. Any time the coolant temperatura is excessive, ‘the fae wil start and continue to run until coolant temperature Is ip the correct range. On models with air conditioning, high refrigerant pressure can also activate the cooling fan. (On some models, a cooling fan atter-tun syste, operated by acontrol unt onthe fuse/telay panel, runs the cooling fan for as long as 15 minutes atter the engine is shut of, as @ guard ‘against starting problems which may be caused by high en- ‘gine compariment temperatures. 2. MAINTENANCE ‘The folowing routine maintenance steps are covered in otal in LUBRICATION AND MAINTENANCE. 1. Checking coolant level 2. Inspecting coolant pump V:bek tension and consiton 3. Inspecting coolant hoses 4. Replacing engine coolant 3. TROUBLESHOOTING ‘This troubleshooting section applies to problems affecting the cooling system, which includes those components which store, pump, and reguiate the circulation of engine coolant While coolant aso circulates through the heater core in the passenger compartment, problems assocated withthe opor- ation and repair ofthe heater system are covered in BODY AND INTERIOR, Sia, while this sacton may nelptisoate € problem toa faulty coolant temperature gauge, replacement of the gauge is covered in ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Overheating problems may also be caused by an engine fauilthat leaks hot combustion gasses into tho cooling system, ‘by ignition timing that is out of specification. See ENGINE or IGNITION for adcitional information on these subjects 3.1 Basic Troubleshooting Principles When investigating the cause of overheating ar coolant oss, begin with a visual inspection of the system, Check coolant level and for evidence of coolant leaks. Leaks can occur at any place in the cooling system where there is a bolted housing oF ‘other connection. An occasional drop of coolant found under the coolant pump is normal, and is not cause for concern, ‘The sysiem becomes pressurized at normal operating tem. peralures, and this pressure is important to system function, Leaks may prevent the system trom becoming pressurized and allow the coolant to boil at a lower temperature. If visual evi dence is inconcluswve, a cooing system prossure test will delermine whether the system leaks, and may help to indicate the source. Soe 8.2 Diagnostic Tests. i the cooling system is fll of coolant and holds pressure, the next most probable cause of overheating is bad coolant circulation caused by a broken V-belt, a faied thermostat, a pinched or restricted hese, or a clogged system. In warm ‘weather, vitually all cogs are caused by neglect ofthe coolant, ‘by the addition of substances to the coolant that are not, recommenced by Volkswagen. In cold weather, a clogged Cooling system may also be the resut of frozen coolant due to fan inadequate amount of antsreeze, ‘The engine-drven coolant pump is subject to the same \Wwear as any other rotating engine parts. Complete faiture of the. ‘pump to circulate coolant is unusual, but excessive wear often ‘ests in noise oF coolant leaks at the pump shatt, An otherwise sound cooling system may stit have overheat ing problems, particularly with prolonged iting, if the cadiator codling fan is inoperative. The cooling fan shoul cycle on and off wherever the coolant temperature is above normal I the fan does not cycle, test the fan as described in 4.4 Radiator Cooling Fan. COOLING SYSTEM = 4-5 ‘Table a ists overheating and underheating symptoms, their probable causes, and suggested corrective actions. The bold numbers in the corrective action column refer to headings in this section where the suggested repairs are described. 3.2 Diagnostic Tests ‘These system tests are used to help isolate and diagnose ‘cooling system problems, and pinpoint thelr causes, Prssure Testing Cooling System and Expansion Tank Cap A pressure test will help find any leaks and show whether the cooling systom can maintain prossure. Ithe system cannot maintain pressure, the boiling point of the coolant is reduced and the engine will overheat more easily. Various kinds of cooling system pressure testers are available. Follow the in structions supplied by the tester’s manufacturer. The unique design of the Volkswagen system requires a special adapter. If these tools are not available, a Volkswagen dealer or other ‘qualified repair shop can perform this test inexpensively, Table a. Cooling System Troubleshooting Symptom Probable cause 1. Engine overheats Low eaolant evel Burst hose: ce Radiator hose restricted lower hose | ay collapen only at highway sped) 4. Vbettioase or broken fe. Fouly thermostat 1 Electie fan not enitehing on 9. Faulty radiator cap hi. Clogged radiator 1 tncorect ignition ting or valve | ming J Coolant pump fauity 2. Temperature gauge | a roads iow, ‘adequate hester cut Faulty thermostat b. Elecite tan net enitching oft 3, Tomporatie gauge | a. reals low, Neator ‘output nara Faulty tamperature gauge or soning unit 4 Tomporature gauge a. Insaed postion of heater hoses reads noma, reversed inadlaquats hoster p, Healer hose osteted output ‘2. Hat exchanger shear core) clogged «d, Heater conto out af efustment Corrective action ‘a. Filth coating systom. 41, Prossura ist foroaka, 3.2 be. Replaco hose. 4:1 ©. Replace hose. 41 ‘Adjust or rplace V-belt. See LUBRICATION AND MAINTE- NANCE 1 Remove and test thormostat, Replace ifnecessary. 4.2, 43 1. Tost thermosvatch and fan. Replace fauity part 4.4 @. Tost pressure roliet valve in cap. Replace faulty caps. 8.2 bh. Replace racator orhave hoater core cleaned, 45 |. Chock camshaft vo belt instalation. Aust ignition tming ane chock spark advance, Seo ENGINE ‘Tet coolant pump. Ropai orrplace i necessary. 49 1 Remove and est thermostat 42 Bb. Replace themoswich for tan, 4.4 1. Tost lomperature gauge and sending unit Replace fey pat. 9.2 4. Install healer hoses, 4,41 b. Aoplace hose. 4.4 . Raplaco heater exchanger or have core cloaned. See BODY AND INTERIOR 4. Adjust contro cables. See BODY AND INTERIOR, 4-6 COOLING SYSTEM Presaurize the aystem to approximately 1,00 bar (14.5 ps. Loss of pressure indicates leaks which should be apparent by the seepage of coolant. ifthe pressure drops rapidly and thers Is no sign of coolant leaks, the cylinder head gasket may be fauly. To check fora fauty gasket, see ENGINE, cAUTION — Do not exceed the spectied test pressure. High- fr prossuro cours dunage the radater or other coating eystam components «the cap, instal ton the pressure tester as shown in Fig, 3-1. increase pressure to 1.20 10 1.50 bar (18 to 22 psi). The caps prossute relief valve should open within this range, but not below. Faulty caps should be replaced. Fig. $1, Expansion tank cap installed on pressure teater pave ial uang adapter US ax67 sea used Yo press tat the cocina system, ‘Temperature Gauge and Sending Unit Quick-check A quik, easy test wil determine whether the coolant tem- re gauge is correctly representing engine temperature. the temperature gauge needle romains atts rest position ‘ever though the engine is fully warmed, test the gauge as fol- ‘ows, With the ignition on and the engine not running, discon: nngct the gauge wire {yollow with red stripe) from the sending unitin the coolant autlet on the cylinder head. On PL (16-valve) ‘enginas, the sending unit ie on the drive’s-side ond of the cy!- inder head, Groundthe wire. Thissimulates ahigh engine term- perature signal to the gauge. If the gaugs neadle moves upward, the sending unitis faulty andshouldbe replaced. the needle sill does not move, either the wire to the gauge is bro. kar (open circuft) oF the gauge is faulty lithe gauge reads high when the engine is cold andthe igh: tion is swiched on, disconnect the tamperature sending unit wire fromthe sending unt. f the needie drops to a lower taad- ing, the sending unt is tauty. ifthe needla does not drop, the wire of the gatige is shorted to ground, See ELECTRICAL, ‘SYSTEM for alactrical system troubleshooting. 4. COOLING SYSTEM SERVICE Mast repaireto the cooling systemare easy and require rel- atively litletime, Always plan to replace gaskets andseals and ‘have them on hand before beginning, Wannin — The cooling system at high tomperature oper. ates under prassure. I ts nacessavy fo open tho hot cooling system, do $0 vary slowly t a= low safe rolease of pressure. Usa heavy gloves or other hana protection, cauTion — Avoid aching cold water tothe coolant while the ‘angine fs hot or overheated. If Wis absolutely hecassary fo add cootant to a hot system, do 50 nly wits the engine running andl cootant pump ‘uming 4.1 Coolant and Cooling System Hoses guard against cooling system troubla, the coolant lavel and the hoses should be periodically inspected, as described in LUBRICATION AND MAINTENANCE. Hoses deteriorate with time, andperiadic inspaction wil help prevent unexpected failure. When adding or replacing cootant, Volkswagen recom mands the use of phosphate-{ree anti-freeze, formulated to prohibit the formation of harmful, clogging daposits in the coot- ing system. Always mix antifreeze with clean water. Distilled water is best lor prevention of deposits because ofits reduced mineral content ‘cAUTION— # Use of antifreeze containing phosphates is considered by Volkswagen tab harm othe cooling system and may void warranty coverage 1 0¥ should never be added as lubricant Olt In tha coolant wil encourage the fomation of “sludge which can clog tho systom and damage subbe parts, + sf using lak sealer as 2 proventalne mes: ‘sure, the system should never contain more than ona application. The addlives that plug Jeaks can also plug raclators and heater cores * Do not reuse cootant when replacing the en- gino, tho cylin hoad or cyndor head gasket, the radiator or the healer core. Dong £0 may damage the cooling system ar the engine. Desining the coolant is a frst step in almost all cooling sys- tern repairs. The coalant can be reused provided itis drained into a clean pan. New coolant is recommended every 2 years. Replacing hoses, or draining and filing the coolant, requires only a medium-sized at bladed screwdriver, pliers, anda 3- gallon drain pan, Draining and Filling Coolant drain the coolant, disconnect the coatant hoses indicat- 4-1. To refill he system, frst reinstall the lower radi 8 and their clamps. Then fil the systam with the coolant and water mixture untlthe leval reaches the Max mark fn the coolant reservoir as shown in Fig. 4:2. Mixture propor tions are given in Table b. Start the engine and let a idl, re: hecking the coolant leval after a has had a chance to circulate. After the engine has cooled, check the coolant level, and addcoclant as necessary. | ovate 2 (1) to be remowed tor crating colant Fig. 4.2. Fi evel marks on co0 oul be Between haan Cooune System 4-7 Table b. Anti-Freeze-to-Water Proportions. [Protection ievet | Antétreoze outside ‘quarts (liters) tomporature) [-scesc) 275 (26) 41 (39) [SPF Coc) saa) 3.4 (3.25), To replace a hose: 1. Drain the coolant as descrbed above. 2. Remove the hose. Using a screwdriver, or pliers in the case of spring clamps, loosen each hose clamp and slide the clamps away from the hose ends Note — a radiator hos i suck wo the racator connec: lion by sealer, cut tho old hose aff the conn tion, as shown it Fig. 4-3. Pryng the hose ooze ‘may damage the canneetion af the radiator Fig. 4.3. Stuck hove boing removedtby cutting, 3. Clean the hose connections. Make sure any bits of old hose and sealer are remaved. Clean them with @ wire brush if necessary. 4. Install the new hose, Lightly coat the connections with \water-tesistant sealer. Place the loose hose clamps nto the new hose before fitting the hoee ands te the connections Note — Spring clamps should be used only with hoses ‘and eonnacions designed for theiruse. See Fig. ‘4 5, Position and tighten the clamps. Pace the clamp as near the bead as possible and af jeast 4 mm (5/32 in.) fromthe hose end, a8 shown n Fig. 4-5, Tighten serew- type clamps enough to comprass the hase firmly around the connections, 4-8 COOLING SYSTEM Fig. 45, cauriON— Do not avertighten clamps, Tighten just enous 2 seal Overbightening may cause hase dam sage and fate 6. Refil the radiator as described in Draining and Filing Coolant, Run the engine until warm and check for Yeaks, Gheck again after the engine has cooled, 4.2 Thermostat ‘The thermostat controls the coolant temperature by regu: lating coolant flow to the radiator. & thermostat stuck open will ‘cause the engine to warm up slowly anc cun below normal temperature at highway speed. A thermostat stuck closed wil restrict coo!ant flow to the radiator and cause overheating Replacement is only necessary i the thermostat is fauity In {didtion fo the fools required for draining the coolant, wrench 1 a sockot is required to remove the thermostat housing, Use 8 new O-ring, Vokswagen part na, 059 121 118, when the thermostat housing is reinstalled Removing and installing Thermostat Drain the coolant as described in Draining and Filling Coolant. Remove the twa thermostat housing botts and sep ‘arate the housing ftom the coolant pump. See Fig, 41, above. To install the thermostat, position the thermostat in the ‘coolant pump housing with a new O-ing and install the ther myostat housing. Torque the bolts to 10 Nm (87 in b,), Reinstall any disconnected hoses, Fil me cooing system as described in Draining and Filling Coolant. Warm the engine and check for leaks. Check again after the engine has cooled. Testing Thermostat the thermostat when its removed fram the engine. tis also wise to perform this simple test to @ new thermostat before ation Measure the thermostat to dotermine the change in length between cold and hot conditions, as shown in Fig, 46. Heat the thermostat in a pan of water as Shown in Fig. 47 while moni toring temperature with a thermometer. length, Dinorsion a is closed ica) 1b open (he) en Fig. 47. Testing A approximately 189°F (87°C), the length as shown in Fig. 4.6 should be at least 7 mm (95. in) greater than its length when cold, measured earlier. A thermostat which does nat ‘9pen the full amount should not be install. 4.3 Coolant Pump Fig, 48 is an exploded view of the coolant pump and lis ‘lated parts. The pump can be removed from the housing and replaced separately, aithough itis easier to remove the pump land housing from the engine as a unit and separate them later Treemoste | Ing ES, Tranmostl rousing ——_G { 4 Fig. 448. Bilodie view ol coor pump and rlaoa pate COniy basic hand tools are required to replace the cookant pump. It's raplaced as a unit, as parts for rebuilding are nat generally available, A Volkswagen remanufactured pump is available. Always use a new gasket between the pump and) housing, and @ new O-ring between the housing and engine, When replacing the coolant pump on cars with power steer Ing, the power steering pump and mounting brackets must 50 removed first For more information, see SUSPENSION AND, ‘STEERING. On cars with air conditioning, replacement of the Coolant pump will be considerably easier if the alternator and, air conditioning compressor are femaved. Remove the alter: nator as desorbed in ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. The air cond) ‘toning compressor should be removed from its mountings and ‘set out ofthe way without loosening or removing the compres: sor hoses. This procedure is described as part of the engine removal procedure in ENGINE. Inspecting and Replacing Coolant Pump To inspect the coolant pump, first remove the V-belt. See LUBRICATION AND MAINTENANCE. Firmiy grasp the coolant, pump pulley and check for play in all directions, Rotate the pulley and check that the shaft tums smoothly. Inspect the ppurnp for feaks. An accas.onal drop of coolant tram the pump shat is acceptabla. A larger leak or a shaft that ig excessively COOLING System 4-9 loose or noisy, indicating a worn bushing, means that the pump Is fauty and should be replaced. Also, ceplace the V-belt if itis ‘worn or damaged. ‘To remove coolant pump: 1 Diain the cooling system. See 4.1 Coolant and Cool- ing System Hoses. Remove the V-belt. Sea LUBRI- CATION AND MAINTENANCE, 2. Remove the nut and T-balt that fastens the camshaft drive belt cover tothe coolant pump, Disconnect the re- maining hoses from the pump housing Remove pump and housing assembly. Four bolts hold the coolant purnp assembly to the engine, 4 Disassemble the pump and housing assembly. Re- ‘move the pulley(s) from the coolant pump shaft. Fe move the seven bolts and washers and soparate the pump from the housing, Assembly js the reverse of disassembly, Use a new gasket bbetwoen the coolant pump and housing, Tighten the seven bls evenly untilall ars torquedto 10 Nm (97 in.) installthe pulley(s). Torque the bolts fo 20.Nm (18 ft, b.) To install coolant pump: 1. Clean the surface of the engine block where it wil be ‘contacted by the pump housing and the O-ring, Install a new O-ring in the recess that surrounds the water out, NOTE ‘Tho Suing betwoen the coolant pump housing and the engine block does not require sealer 2, Loosely install he coolant pump on the engine. The two short bolts are used at the top of the pump housing. Torque the four bolts eventy to 20 Nm (15 ft 0), Refasten the camshaft drive belt cover fo the coolant pump. 3, Install the hoses and refit the cooling system as do- sorbed in 4.1 Coolant and Cooling System Hoses. Install and adjust the Vibelt as described in LUBRICA- TION AND MAINTENANCE, 4.4 Radiator Cooling Fan ‘The cooling tan provides additional air flow through the radiator. A faulty cooling fan motor or thetmoswitch may be the cause of insufficient airflow and, theretore, overheating, Mod: 255 covered by this manual have either a single-speed or a two-speed cooling fan 4-10 CooLine SYSTEM ‘Some ister Scitocco and Cabriolet madels have a radiator cooling tan after-run system, designed to run the coaling fan forupto 1S minutes afterthe engine is shut of, to-aidin rastat ing a hot engine. A thermoswitch mounted on the eylinder head monitors engine compartment temperature Ineither case, the coolingfan can come on atany time, even ifthe key is out of the ignition. To avoid personal injury, cooling fan and thermoswitch tests shouldbe performed with extreme caution, and preferably wth the engine cold. The tests below ‘simulato a wartn engine by electrically bypassing the thermo- nich with a umper wre. ‘Testing Cooling Fan and Radiator Thormoswitch Note that the electric cooling fan will operate only when the temperature is high enough te close the radiator thermoswitch Cr, on cars so equipped, the after-run thermoswitch. ta faulty thermostat is not allowing the coolant to bypass the radiator and warn up to the switching temperature, the therrnoswitch will close and the cooling tan will not run, To test the cooling fan, disconnect the radiator thermes- witeh connector and use a jumper wire (with switch) to make connection between terminals to simulate aclosed switch. On three-terrinal connectors used with two-speed fans, the fan should run at low speed when the rad wie is jumpared ta the rediwhite wie. tshauld run at high speed when the red wire is lumpered to the rediblack wire. Thermeswiteh location is shownin Fig, 49, Mouton racsee Fig, 48. Pc + and cooling tan used en vue re ther met ae ra WanNina — Always keep clear ofthe fan blades, The cooling Jian may tan at any timo, even sth the ignition oft Ifthe fan does not mn, check for voltage a the thermeswiteh ‘connector. Thare should be battery voltage (approx. 12 V} at terminal no. 3 (ted wire) whenever the battery is connected, i ‘not, check fuse ng. 1 in the fuse'telay panel, For more intorma- tion onthe cooting fan citcut, see ELECTRICAL SYSTEM, "the fan runs only when powered directly by the jumpered connector, the radiator thermoswitch should be replaced Radiator Cooling Fan After-Run System A tadiator cooling fan after-run systems installed on some later Scirocco and Cabriolet madels. Athermoswitch mounted ‘on the eylinder head senses excessive engine compartment temperature. High temperature closes the switch, making a ‘ground cannection for the after-run control unt turing on the Cooling fan for upto 1 minutes. The control units located on the fuse/relay panel For information about the radiator cooling tan after-run sys: tem on a specific model, see the current flow diagram for that ‘model in ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. 1885 through 1987 models can be retisitted with the system using a kit which is available fromyour authorized Volkswagen dealer Parts Department. ‘Test the system, with the ignition off, by disconnecting the back wire from the thermoswitch and grounding it. The ther- ‘moswitch is mounted near the top of the engine, behind the oyinder head cover, between no, 2 and no. 3 cylinders. The fan should run on low speed. I nat, cheek for battery voltage (approx. 12 V) from the controt unit (terminal 8/87) to the fan termina no. 2, red/white wire). I there is no voltage fromthe contro! unit itis faulty and shouldbe replaced, I, with the thermoswitch connected normally, the fan runs continuously (more than 15 minutes), disconnect the black wire trom the thermoswitch. Ifthe fan stops, the thermoswitch is tauity, permanently shorted to ground, and should be re. placed. ithe fan continues running withthe wire detached, the contro! units fauty and should be reptaced, Removing and Installing Radiator Cooling Fan To remove the cooling fan without removing the radiator, sisconnect the negative (-} battery cable and the fan's elect. calcennector. See Fig, 4-9 above, On cars with air condition- ing, remove the connector leading to the series resistor and the cooling an relay. See Fig. 4-10. Unboltthe fan shroud from the radiator and remove the shroud and fan together. Installa- tion is the reverse of removal. Torque the mounting boltsto 10 Nin (87 in. Fig. 4-10. Hodisior ans sical components fu rong 45 Radiator fo perform effcientiy, the radiator must not be blocked with | dit or debris, and it must be firmly mounted. Excess vibration ‘due to joase, broken, or missing fasteners may damage the radiator Ifthe engine overheats and no other cooling system tests indicate trouble, the radiator may have plugged passages: restricting coolant flow. Consul a qualified radiator repair shop about repairs Removing and Installing Radiator Drain the cooling system and disconnect the upper and lower radiator hoses, as describedin 4.1 Coolant and Cooling ‘System Hoses. Disconnect tne negative battery cable rom the battery, and the electrica! connectors from the thermoswitch and coating fan motor. On models with air conditioning, di ‘connect the connectors to the series resistor and cooling fan ‘olay, See Fig. 4-10 above. Remove the bolts ram the upper radiator mounts. Lit the radiator out rom the top, complete with the fan and radiator shroud, titing it toward the engine Installation is the reverse of removal. Tarque the mounting boots to 10 Nn (87 in. Ib). Cooune System 1. Cooling System Specifications 4-11 COOLING SYSTEM TECHNICAL DATA Tanking sytem ikea test Tmanmum toot pressure Expansion tank cap ‘pening pressure Coolant system capacity 1.00 bar (145 psi) 120% 150 bar (18 10 22 ps} 6.5 tar (1.7 gat) Coolant type. moture of 50% water and Sots phosphate-ree ant fee? ‘onlaining ethyene glyco! Thormesiat epening temperature pen ee 109°F (87°C) thermostat stoke "mm (9192 in) ‘Vat eneion ‘Gotlocicn midway botween altemator and crankshalt pulleys) without air condtioning ‘a belt 2m (5184 in) Used belt ‘Simm (16 9) swith airconditioning ‘now belt 10mm (a8 in) sad belt 15mm (a6 in I. Tightening Torques ‘Coolant cult to eylindor head (bol) TONm (67 mb) Coolant pump housing to engine (ba. 20 Nem (15.0) Coolant pump pulley to cootant pump (bolt)... 20 Nem (15.1) Coolant pump ta ‘olan pump housing (bolt. 10 Nin (27 in.) Coolant temperature sending unit 1b eyndor head water owlet 10 Nin (87 in.) ator shred mounting to radiator (bol)... 10 Ney (87 in) ‘Thermostat housing to ‘Spolant pump housing (bot). 10 No (67 in.) Upp rkator mounts to body (bal) 10 Nm (@7 in}

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