រឿង ប្រាជ្ញានាងនុត

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Q e:lI Q

Reading Book

,A;jlunultWb t5ijnl5l~ib
CJ 0.. CJ'

mrumUliH31W tfU3tQilmfD\tlnHlY1~ ~iltQilLfD\tln

tuJfmlW~ S1t3~n um~mij~fiU~il€f1'1 fgtiw unQn ~W1W
~~cJ CJ CJ , CJ 0 'cJ
truilm t~~! ~lmruH~l~muLfDrullt}iltgmLUtl~B, mrum
CJ CJ 0.. 0.. CJ CJ CJ

LfDt~l~tt}~tmmmtmrrulWn1J.mfirW1 tU1WmmrurullLfDt~l~
, Cgr...0' '0' CJO CJ

m~Lntfl~ nu n~ B~ rutflnntlil tuUBWn~liltm~tgmLUtl~'1

S1t3~n rhQwnuimcrl "UiltHW! §Rm~G~p~n~t}Uilt~r·
. tU
'0' r...0 '0 'CJO CJ CJ

tFfDrullm~ fDtln~n~ B
~ runtlilt uUBwmmgcJ1tJ'1
Once upon a time, there were a boy named Bandit and a girl named
Neang Nuth .They were friends. One day Bandit said to Neang Nuth
"Hey, Neang Nuth! If any girl, in the future, wants to be my wife, she
must fulfill duties of wife. That is, if she can take the scarf to the riverbank
for me to take a bath, I will marry her." Neang Nuth replied, "My
brother! I think the same way as you do.
_,.F.'F ~'"

If any boy can take the scarf to

riverbank for me, I will marry

\ ,


OJO A. (f,

tU3 13~tunlimn Ungtt ntHUiflutQ nnJ fUg ~Ul~~ ~ fUl fU 131 '1
ClJ~mm\JQlu~t-m1m ~~nlVrurhm~eHl{!~ 'm~~n mLun§
A. OJ " 0. c:J" OJ OJ oc:J
ungtt'1 ~1JD~jlm~n~BLUn§B13 HHUqJHuitntl~t ~Jru'1 GHWln
m~~n 1mrhh1~nmnmJlruRyrmJ~13ttjd'1 fgtaru Umt:lR W
o C g ' 0 , c:J , OJ« ,

131~ltm~n~ni:mlnnntl mnH131~131~tLfUnUjlU~m U~fU1f1m!

A. a '0'
O'OJ " "

r~13tQGfUnnnflru u~grurum~F~13Cl~ nm13fUnn~n

BnqJLun§ tjrumnnn~ '1
" " 0 ,

For many years later, Bandit was old enough to become a monk. After
,) he defrocked from the monkshood, his parents asked Neang Nuth to
$ marry their son. After marrying, they both loved each other very much,
:IV~ and Neang Nuth performed her duties properly. One day the husband
'\' ~ ) and wife went to take bath in the river. Suddenly, Neang Nuth
'S ~ shouted to her husband, "My darling! I forgot my swimming
,\ ~1 te,j'v-'i
skirt. Please bring it to me." Bandit, then, took the skirt to
~ ~) his wife at the edge of the water.

. I '
unQn fi ruUllin nJtni~llitg clt rul H Gmt ~i~ll;l
llith tom ~Jil fit mti{lh~nti tO~llitti rut:l11)tfU ~
mrimu ~t1)l~Hun~m "tfUfrumrnCillrn"'1 mru
'-t Q 6V -.J ",-.J

t fU ff ffilOlt:l11) nJtniB'nGi'H1)iRnti to runh; 1) tt.fllli

RtU'l nHHJl ~1il t ~ uu nJl ~ nthr Ud wr.------IITf1r--j----I---I--l1
g '"

tITlcJ1)ltfllHJUt ru]il1)llliWtni'1 t fU~ljl1)

1) llillli fU HlJl ~ fU (l..fll ru ~ ~ ru n n ~ nm~ lli unQn ttflllilin n~
0. 0 0 " A. QI '''-

hllRt1)iljl1) or -utOv W1) '1 t1)im ruRnl;lultITl~ tfU ffuolrnCillrn

VI 1 Q' ftI ........., 'Vt -.J
G , A..

OCJ t QI ' 0 W

n... --w '1
Q" VI , VI

Bandit took a junk and left his wife that night. He arrived at a
harbor controlled by a millionaire known as "Sethei Bomplagn
Chhmougn" (millionaire cheating merchants). When the millionaire
knew that there was a junk arriving, he was very happy. He asked his
servants to make a party and prepare food for the junk owner. The
millionaire talked to Bandit in a friendly way and asked him to stay
there for a few days. While they~'W~e~r:e~h~
a servant to hide a gold turtle i~ Bandit's junk.
tUnilltHi unQn Rt ~JiH Uinnt W~ tum ml1 mritf 8t ~Jc1'1
tW~Rtm~Lum~ unQn m "t15trm.nn! t:liltumtUift~Jrt15:H15 V
o , 01 elf
() ,a 0

ijl15t~ tLm:§ijl15ijlmHct.QntflWHHUmtllJUHlfUUW§
, ,
cJ 0 a. "
tlJmlJrwtmt:lilw15 '1

Afterwards, Bandit went up to say good-bye to the millionaire and then

continued his journey. "Hey, young man! You cannot leave right now
because I have lost my inherited gold turtle. I need to search for it in
your junk," claimed the millionaire.
unOn ij~ffilmlHUJmfD~rhmrmdl "f\JBUUlnHtrTImtmm
CJ 0 a 0 0.. cJ ,

mruq~ AU§t~~mJlB~ fDJt}1lnf}J B~ tc1ruClJGmfDijnrr.nl~i:l

t~jru" tfD~Ut~Bt~Jndl "q~tt'Jm~tB~! wilnJ8GRLmmhJttli
0. c::.. OJ OQJO" a 0. C:J 0

, nijl~ (Un.onq~ru~lil
o co
nU1il) '1
"Please go and look for it. I am an innocent person; I never steal
anyone's things," replied Bandit, not knowing , il was a trick. "Well!
If I discover it in your junk, do you agree to gi"l>\'r1rlA~ junk and your
wealth; and to be my servant?" the millionaire ~1Kle~~'es," Bandit
replied angrily.
tW~uglmnymRmri~FHhr~H1irlJmijm'1 ~:ttllmHm.Qn
BlWt1)igtlhhrri uoOn OnunilLHu'lliJ mmtwwtmUltj~ltl

uClQn mUnUtImgmnJW1)jl'1
'0. 0. Oc:J

L~l1JWgj~ 1)tl~n

The millionaire asked his servants to look for his gold turtle. After they
found it out exactly, the millionaire confiscated the junk and wealth, and
Bandit became his servant as promised.
o:J c:J 'QlQ. QI G
tQi;Hl S1t1~n ljln~tH5tWmfHmt~JlHlm
cr:tulwmritH5 nJ~t
4 1 U
t3' HllU~ti~nt~il
'1 ru:ffil

01 ljlrihhni~wt~U~lilwru\}JlrJm ~lri
tmrunnL~lnrH1JnrJ t~U~liltUUGftI1i
e11ft Qil hhtlitgclt rul H\}mmUln~LmHflil
'c. u
Wn fUllnlt ~imt1wcril t e1l '1

Talking about Neang N uth, when she got up and

did not see her husband, she shouted loudly and
sent many people to look for him everywhere.
She did not realize her husband left her until
she found out that she lost one of her junks.
CLI:t{fieHUtrn:tW~U~lmn.ym S1~~n RUmfjntWmnhm w
'OJ 0' 01 OJ tu0. 01 a,,~ 0.. OJ OJ

mwun 1)lil8f:UiHHtHUUwn~w~
d i n -....In

1)lil~um1)i~t1)l:tB'ijJtn7mn unDn'1 wtW~~1JlfitnrutWm

o 00. '0. U OJ 0.

Wtnitfllnnmt [jlill~1) mHUil:;Jijn [jru f:lmLfimnntLU ruju

~u~1):;J t ~Jfi'1 R~JiltnruRqilcJth ruJil t W~ \Jl1)tLUijnUtl'illn
OJ ' 0

HHtQnmwt~irulnt1)iQilWtm S1~~n'1 mWlrrnwru~t1)itru

cJ o..cJ 0 OJ
o OJ {fa. OJ OJ a "
t~lilWtm \Jl1)tWmtUl~rnHUlij1)'Ytnm~jil nruUL\JlUlflW
mij~m.nr S1~~n RillmHctQnmWuiln~uQil~n\Jlrit9i'1

When she arrived at the island of Sethei Bamphlagn Chhmougn, Neang

Nuth saw her husband's junk. She looked everywhere but she did not see
her husband. She asked the millionaire in order to land her junk and to
look for her husband. When the dishonest millionaire saw the junk with
lots of luggage arriving, he was very happy and tried to use the same
trick. When they were having a party, the millionaire asked a servant to
hide the gold turtle in Neang Nuth's junk. Luckily, Neang Nuth brought /
a Hill Myna that could speak human language with her. While the
servant was hiding the turtle, the Myna saw this event and told its master -
about it. Knowing this, Neang Nuth tied up<-the gold turtle ano dropped
it in the water.

\ -o-
~ J


p .

, , I •

UJrt~H1~t'hmum S1t3~n RnntW~tirt-1Jmm~ml1HUitt8
tuJn'1 tW~U~m~mRtmuLUm~151iH1JOHtn,QntrlWmWg15
tn151illj115LUtnntulWrt:H1ilGt m:t w~m .. tUmrurtJlltrl15Ht rt.Q'n
trlWt15iQilfJtm~ttr15t151: ~~8G~LUl=iruhltm ~ilf),h~u1ilHW
~t Uitruln" tW~t151:RtfJ1'wtrlrirjnH1ilrmcrl .. tUmrurtJllH1
01 0. OJ 0 0 0.. Co.

, §~80~tqrLutljwt-1J~
'VI 1.J U151untjlRROW15
c:f u. U '",WtulW twir
al"- 001 01 0 cJ 0

(IJ 'Ct U n 'VI 6V
tntul:cJ18rmn I

n ~
U151Ut-1n twijRrUl=iru
~ c:f g
e.o,,,,- cJ c.. e:..
LutlJwt:u~milHwqJtUi151il tnS1t3~n t-115Ltlt-1u~ruLutlJWt-1J~
0' ot,) 0 cJ oe:.. c.
ulilHWt151:tu 151ilWtnwtm~ ttjrutlnttjlWu15rntnrn
q -----'->
001 ,c.>"
UOtrln tnut rtJll: '1
'" 1 M

She stayed there for several days, but she could not find her
husband. Then, she decided to leave the millionaire and continued her
journey. The millionaire charged her of stealing his turtle. She refused
and claimed, "If there is your gold turtle in my junk, I agree to give you
all of my luggage and my junk." "If we can not find our gold turtle in
your junk, we agree to give you all of our servants and wealth," the
millionaire negligently boasted. After they both reached an agreement,
the millionaire asked his servants to look for it. They tried to search
everywhere in the junk, but they found nothing. Not succeeding in playing
the trick, the millionaire gave Neang Nuth all his wealth; however, she
did not accept all of it. She needed only five junks full with lots of luggage
and a servant.
thl ~ RtU1iijnthr m~m t\hHl~Uq Qlt fftrJ~ 1)lil tLa' hltr hl'1
HHut1)l: 1)lilRnllm~tqJJnmfh~lmrntCl.QnnHWJ1U tr-Jrtn
t@'nn~1)~ru t~U1)liluntithl~Gl "~UJnB~hlJ[lR~ unGn
t1):t:Jil"'1 1)lUJUnGn HlrutWmLUtl§mBBn~UJg1)~Juqnn
rhn ~ gt ~lhlRtt,nnmtlri ttln tulUJR 1)lQlomnJli~nt-f ~ cl ~ m

The millionaire called all his servants and asked Neang Nuth to choose
one of them. She saw her husband wearing ragged clothes, and she
found it difficult to recognize him. "I need this man, Mr. Bandit," she
said. Bandit was very happy when he saw his wife coming to save his
life. Then, they both discussed about their business.
~ j J

,d g U
tRnRt:mfi nU
, Q . ' Q. 0' c.. UI OJ

tcr1UHfllUJflll mn t tnUJB"llHWl1~nttJlim tu ttj ruUJnHtIC\.Q nt ~

rulRB"nWmflllR ultmJ3UJtJl "mrut~ru8WnHtrulnmWt~
lJ t.J. -y EVn
, OJ , U Q. 0 OJ

rulntlll: mlltWrnllHUllmnt~ mllmW1rmB"UJ~tllitrutm~

" -.J Q WIn
o cJ n "
..J wmimum,rn: '1 I I\Il
, I

When the dishonest millionlain!~'s plan failed, he ~as dis,apPointd~ and

furious, since he did not , with the result; pe asked the se~vant
who hid the gold turtfe to "No one the gold turtle I hid,
except for a Myna on the sail the junk," said

) )
u:nrl tn~HJ1H tw~rhUJijnthr~t ~imtihll1mw1ilthmru'1
t.J c» , ,cJ c:.. ,
tnHl31li:l wmu ~lrutnhllrmWl3U
• 0
'" ... 6V

tUlW~ nLUrulnHlil '1

As soon as the millionaire heard that, he ordered a servant to kill the

Myna. Before killing, he plucked its feathers one by one until the Myna
fainted, and he kept it for salting in order to grill it for food .
'" ;;~, ,>?, ~ ):;__ .\ J_:'..> 2" ,,';) ;;
?r\/)/' 'C-) ~. , ) ·r ~.-' '"
1 ~ ~
',N /~ --:s
~ .
~\ ~'0y

'''':: y~

( (

tJlftD 'Y L~l15 tnU1 Y1H trH ~iUJm~uru nn1rnffil~ ~ ~115
U U Q" U W
W 1 --'
hl11rnij~tWmRtflt~i'1 rwunijn iilS1~~n mhl11rnij~twm
Luckily, when this servant walked to get the salt, the Myna was
conscious and jumped into a hole nearby. The servant ignored the Myna
when he returned without seeing it there. Neang Nuth and Bandit left for
their home even though they could not find their Myna.
o~ Q. 0 ' , OJ' G Cg

um..nnhllHnfU~nnnZ~eH1HmlmUl~n n(jl~gU~~H~u
nru11 fUt:HllRtl ~ tfU~ ImnUm'1 hlllnlR hlIV
n Wid
n 1J

l~taruhlmht\h~iUtCl.Ql:HlfU§~u.n~:mt-H~J~rm'1 'H~umtQlfU
G 0.. OJ 0. 1


Hiding itself until the night, the Myna got out of the hole and
accidentally met the king of the white mouse. The Myna asked the
mouse to make a hole to stay for a while until it had its feathers again.
The mouse pitifully agreed.
tlG13 fgtU'1lWtH'i ftnlrn~~tntHllm ~ Gt fftHulWRGl13H)
tHwjlijlWftJ\:ll=j CWlt ~GfH~ HurmttnW~WlWm .. nJtH o.nn~W
,...... , , OJ OJ ,

RlWltltiW~~lWtuieHliru tU1Wtg r§u~ WtGmmtnr1ftlll~

QtlrU1lr~tn13lutU1ltlHlGutrumWt~tlijl13 "', t ~GnCWJ rWR
lrm~wt\JllRl~tltuJn, .
Several days later, the Myna had its feathers again and wanted to pay
back the good deed for the white mouse so the Myna said to the mouse,
"Please make a long hole towards a temple in a pagoda so that my voice
can come out of the hole." The king of the white mouse agreed to help
the Myna again.
C;J C;J 0. G 0

~~tg(jll5fUtUHHUlUJhllH1lfiQrut~iw~Q~lijtl51~ tLITlUJt:H1
c:;'" '0. G
tnl5 hlltHMmUJH~G
rut:H1~tl5 rmm
hllHnRutmmfUttjij u,-' nI

tlJijtgmUl~~UJlUJtJl "ti hlltHMH tl5i~t~ illl:n1eHUMlt~Jn!

tti GH l5LfjltiHlGlU~LUtt ruUlt g~ MjQ l5 UL"l $~l~ H~ HillH l5

After the long hole was made, the Myna went to hide in the hole in the
temple. Afterwards, there was a monk coming to recite the Dharma. The
Myna pretended to be God and said, "Hey, young monk! Stop reciting!
Why don't you go to tell the clergyman and the other JJUU'4J
to celebJ;ate the rice piling ceremony while I

,e:.. 0.. CJ cr 0

fUltHruHD~t~~ HH~i~nftLn~tGiHWfmiUtulmn151eltfn
'1rthBru DmnJejtejrufhGmt~~~t1!HUliijnLft1ntfn~Uqeltg
00 tl Ou Oo..U CJ

~rulJQ15UUlJiG~15nltg'1 ijnLft1n151~UnUlJi ~ru15 15~tgHlU

o 0 ',0..
HU~ :;:J ftltf ru 151 fUl t\5151 UJl~ Ht:m rmtf '1
That monk immediately went
to tell the head of the pagoda.
Then they all came back to
hear the voice again and they
heard the same voice as the monk
told. They beat the drum as a sign
of gathering the villagers to
celebrate the ceremony for seven days.
The villagers carried the baskets of
nee, and fruits to celebrate
0. r-.. 01 0', "tJ
WgnmITlijl158ITlWCUttJllli mmLijlUt~(HHl..Qrwm t15t~G
FilliUW GrHFi151mt ~itlm15tUl=1lil
" UQ Q" U wfmtiu1tmm'151~t:fFi
t.J. L.;
t i3'ij'¥~Fi
tI1thUJilq~ ~~rult~irn\f1fJ~rmtullli'1 5~
.. nSru1~l5GW~S~ ~G~S~€,s"
It was a good opportunity for the Myna so he came to tell the king of the
white mOLlse, "l1ey,lhe king! Tell your mice to collect the food and store
it. I Jeaveyou all to see my master." The end
Men Make House, Wo en Make Homes

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