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Project name: Date:

Customer name: Invoice#:
Location: Inv Date:
N of indoor units: Order no.:
N of Outdoor units: P.Voltage.:


N Unit Tag# Floor# Unit Model Number Unit Serial Number Capacity

Description Yes No Notes / Comments

Check indoor and outdoor units against any damages

(piping, evaporator, body, compressor, condensers, base
1 rails, painting, control panels, frames, guards, fans,
brackets, electrical components, and gas leak. If found any
then specify where. Ensure to provide supported pictures.

Verify all the packing material have been removed from the
unit and ready for inspection.

Verify outdoor units are installed in area with sufficient

space around it with proper access for future maintenance.
3 Please refer to carrier IOM for recommended space between
units and walls. Ensure to provide supported pictures, and
contact carrier technical support team for any clarifications.

Ensure indoor and outdoor units are installed on acceptable

4 level by using special leveling tools to adjust the level
(mercury ruler or others)

Ensure that outdoor and indoor units are installed in clean

5 condition without dust accumulation or any dirt with tagging
all indoor and outdoor units.

Outdoor units must be installed in a place with sufficient air

ventilation to avoid hot air recirculation around air
condensers. High surrounding walls and air stream
restrictions in front of condenser fans must be avoided.
6 Refer to IOM of Carrier for more details and
recommendations especially if external walls are higher than
outdoor units. Ensure to provide supported pictures. In case
installation is not meeting to IOM manual, contact VRF
technical team for approval.

Description Yes No Notes / Comments

Ensure that construction size of base foundation of outdoor

units and footprint is as per IOM, height of foundation is in
range (150 to 500) mm, rubber vibration insulators must be
7 installed between unit and foundation base as anchor bolts
should be used to tight unit base with rubber in the ground.
Please refer to follow carrier IOM recommendations in this

Ensure to install indoor units according to installation

recommendation in the related IOM of current models in the
site as it is varying according to actual model in the site FCU,
wall mounted, AHU, and cassette types. Please refer to all
details about every specific model in carrier IOM of same
model to comply.

Ensure to have enough opening around indoor units and

access space to service indoor units to remove filters,
9 motors, blower, troubleshooting electrical panel to remove
electrical and electronic components, and replacing
evaporator coil

Ensure that number of indoor units are matching with

outdoor capacity to meet all recommendations in design
10 data sheet and selection of this project, IDU’s and ODU’s in
each system are connected according to carrier software
selection in terms of Y-joints and units arrangement.

Outdoor surrounding area is free from any heat, open

sewerage, Chlorine, and flammable materials.

Ensure availability of water supply source and power socket

12 to be provided nearby outdoor units for purpose of future
preventive maintenance.

Description Yes No Notes / Comments

Ensure that main power supply source (Voltage-Ph-Hz) is

13 matching with electrical data mentioned on machines
nameplate with ground cable.

Check the neutral line (applicable for 380V-3Ph) cable has

14 been connected to neutral terminal lug inside machine
control panel.

Check the ground cable has been connected to machines

base or control panel (will be found on machine base or
control panel) directly to earth ground plate. Ensure to avoid
connecting ground cable with same neutral connection or to
use ground cable as neutral one. It should be separate cable
for ground and one for natural.

Ensure to install separate circuit breaker for every indoor and

16 outdoor unit, follow MOCP values in electrical data of
machines to select the proper size of circuit breaker.

Ensure that correct size of power cables is selected as per

MCA value related to design data of Machine Model. Cables
termination from main power supply source to machines
must be completed. Refer to IOM for Recommended MCA.

Ensure to install all required remote and central controllers

18 in correct locations that mentioned in approved design
drawings of the project.

Ensure that all electrical and control cables are properly

19 tightened on its appropriate terminals and no loose

Ensure that machines electrical and control panels are

cleaned against any dust accumulation inside it.

Ensure to install Isolating disconnect switch near to outdoor


Units should be operated on permanent power supply

source. Power supply must be stable with sufficient
electrical capacity to avoid any voltage drop and power
fluctuation. Power stability will be tested only at
22 Commissioning stage.
If the units are required to operate on temporary power
supply (site Generators), contact carrier sales team to get

Description Yes No Notes / Comments

Ensure to use 2 core Noe-Polarity shield communication cable

between each indoor to other indoor units and from indoor to
outdoor units for joining wiring connection at terminal points U1/U2
that labeled inside indoor and outdoor control panel, wires
termination between units must be in series connection and not
23 acceptable to be on parallel one. Please assure that total length of
control wiring loop (outdoor to indoor/ indoor to indoor/ central
control wiring) Size of wire is 1.25 mm2 for maximum total length of
wiring loop 1000 m. Please follow recommendation in selection data

Ensure to use 2 core Non-Polarity shield communication cable

between each outdoor to other outdoor units to join wiring at
terminal points U5/U6 that labeled inside outdoors control panel,
24 wires termination between units must be in series connection and
not acceptable to be on parallel one. Size of wire is 1.25 mm2 up to
total 100 m between units. Please refer to IOM for more clarifications
about control wiring connection.

If it is required to connect internal remote controller (thermostats)

to indoor units, ensure to use 2 core Non-Polarity communication
cable up to maximum total length 500m from indoor to remote
25 controller and from indoor to indoor for wiring the same on terminal
points AB of remote controller and control panel of indoor units.
Please refer to IOM for more clarifications about control wiring

If it is required to connect central controller in control room, ensure

to use 2 core Non-Polarity shield communication cable up to from
outdoor to central controller for wiring the same on terminal points
U3/U4 of central controller and control panel of outdoor units.
26 Please assure that total length of control wiring loop (outdoor to
indoor/ indoor to indoor/ central control wiring) Size of wire is 1.25
mm2 for maximum total length of wiring loop 1000 m. Please refer
to IOM for more clarifications about control wiring connection.

Ensure to use cable conduits to keep power cables inside conduits

27 for protection purpose, all cables should be arranged to install on
cable tray in proper organised way.

Separate control wiring cables from power cables, control wiring

28 should not use the same as that of power source

Ensure not to wire plural control cable on the same multiple core
29 cables (control wiring between indoor and outdoor with central
control wiring)

30 Ensure to ground all indoor and outdoor units

If need to integrate BMS connection with VRF units, specify type of

BMS protocol (BACnet, Loan net, Modbus) and communicate with
carrier technical control and sales team to discuss all requirements
in detail. If this was not requested and specified at design stage of
the project, need to discuss with carrier sales team to define the
extra cost to implement this additional scope of work.

Description Yes No Notes / Comments

Ensure to use straight hard pipe to meet specification of the project,

32 never use soft pipe roll especially if pipe size is higher than ¾

Ensure that total equivalent vertical and horizontal length of

connecting pipes between indoor and outdoor units are compatible
with design data sheet of this project, follow additional refrigerant
charges recommendations mentioned in carrier selection sheet

Ensure that pipes diameters are matching with design values

mentioned in carrier selection data sheet of this project.

Ensure distance requirements from the first Branch to the farthest

35 Indoor Unit not greater than recommended values in carrier design
data sheet.

Ensure distance Requirements of the longest pipe is not greater

than recommended values in carrier design data sheet.

Ensure that Y branches are installed whenever there is branch

connection as distance between every Y branch not less than 100
37 cm. Please assure to use Y or header branches accessories that
supplied by carrier only. Please refer to IOM of carrier units to get
more details and recommendation.

Ensure to use special tube cutter and pipes bender for cutting and
bending of tubes.

Ensure to keep pipes in sealed condition and not allowing for dust
and water to enter pipes during installation, need to check internal
39 surfaces of tubes for any dust or moisture inside. Pipes must be
closed and covered with plastic caps during the installation, no
installation activities or storage at the site.

Ensure to use special tools for making flaring at pipes connection

40 to outdoor units, check flaring condition of pipes as it should show
fine flaring work on the surface and thickness of pipes.

Ensure to use tubes expander tools for expanding the nozzle of

41 pipes to minimise the brazing joints instead of using coupling

Ensure to install all pipes on correct level with sufficient strength

supports on every 1.5 to 2 meters.

Ensure to pass (2-3) Psi Nitrogen pressure while doing brazing to

avoid forming of oxidization that caused contaminations in pipes.

Ensure to use skilled braziers to accomplish brazing of pipes during

the installation and follow all safety regulation

Ensure to use Nitrogen to accomplish flushing of pipes to remove

all contaminations from the entire piping system.

Description Yes No Notes / Comments

Ensure to accomplish pressure test by Nitrogen pressurization to

after completing of brazing to hold pressure for 12 to 24 hours in
46 piping system and monitor ambient temperature at time of pressure
test for any drop to assure 100% ready piping system without any

Ensure to pressurize Nitrogen up 550 to 600 Psi in piping system to

carry out leak detection test after completion of brazing process on
47 all brazing joints, Y branches, headers, and without connecting IDU
units by using special leak detector instrument or other ways to find
out any leakage to rectify the same

Ensure to pressurize Nitrogen up 350 for other 24 hours in piping

system with connection of IDU units to carry out leak test detection
on flaring connections and IDUs by using special leak detector
instrument or other ways to find out any leakage to rectify the same

Ensure to use suitable vacuum pump versus the capacity to

vacuumize the system for removing moisture, dehydrate the system
and use vacuuming also for Leakage testing and leak detection
verification. It should be triple evacuation process to drop the
vacuum pressure to 400 microns. It is recommended to use microg
gauge instrument to measure the vacuum in the system.

Ensure to insulate all liquid and gas pipelines with separate 20 mm

thickness of insulation rolls if pipes are installed in the celling or
50 internally in the building. All exposed pipes to outdoor and high
ambient temperature to use 30 mm for insulation. All insulation
should be with clothing and fostering.

Ensure to install drainage pipes on every indoor unit with slopping 1 cm/1
m to connect this to main drain line in every location, check also drain
pumps installation and connection if applicable. In case there is ducted
51 FCU’s and AHU’s, P trap connection must be installed on each drainage of
the unit if the blower fan is installed after the evaporator coil. Please follow
instructions of IOM for installing the P-Trap.

Ensure to use correct size of diameter of drainage pipe connected

52 to the unit matching with design values mentioned in IOM of related
indoor models in the site

53 Drain line should be insulated with 10 mm rubber insulation pipe

Witness by:

Name Position Signature Date

Technician Name

Supervisor Name


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