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Exercise 1:

LEARNING & INTELLIGENCE: Practical-Experiential Perspectives

All hands on deck!

Output: 1-2 page analysis saved as PDF
(Title page & appendix don’t count)

This is an exercise to demonstrate and sharpen your COLLABORATIVE and ANALYTICAL SKILLS.


Let’s explore the various conceptions about learning and intelligence by people in our community.
Learners and educators, the young and the more mature have essential differences in their roles, goals,
expectations, and motivations in education. Will their perceptions of learning and intelligence differ

 This is a group exercise. Form or join a group of up to 5 members.
 Each member is expected to post at least one contribution to the data pool.
 Your group will then aggregate a small set of data from the big data pool for analysis.


I. Form / Join a core group

There are two option for group formation:

A. You may organize your own group from among the members of the class, not necessarily
limited to your barangay. Post the names of members in the Request for Group Formation
Forum. See the forum for specific instructions regarding your enlistment.

B. A separate forum allows you to join a teacher-organized group, the composition of which is
random. See the forum for specific instructions regarding your enlistment.

II. Obtain data

Download the interview/survey form for this exercise. Use the form to obtain data.
[The form is in the next section, Exercise 1 LEARNING & INTELLIGENCE: personal conceptions,
which becomes available after you have been enlisted in a group.]

You need at least one learner AND one educator or training professional as respondents.
Please refrain from choosing UPOU classmates as respondents so you can obtain a rich array of

III. Pool the data

Each member must contribute at least one survey/interview to each data pool: SURVEY DATA –
LEARNERS and SURVEY DATA – EDUCATORS. Please post your contribution in each appropriate
forum that can be found in the next section, Exercise 1 LEARNING & INTELLIGENCE: personal
conceptions, which are available only if you have been enlisted in a group.
IV. Collaboration: Qualitative Analysis and Conclusion/s

First, choose “a few” samples from the data pool to focus on for your analysis. You are not
prohibited from augmenting your data from contributions of other groups. However, choose
respondents with similar demographics (background).
Bring your data together and organize them. A systematic organization will enable you to
extract meaningful information, recognize patterns (similarities and differences), and facilitate
analysis. Tabulation is often (but not always) helpful.
Next, the meat of the matter: collaborative qualitative analysis. This segment of the exercise
requires collaboration among members of the core group. You are required to robustly
exchange ideas and polish your interpretations, explanations, and analysis. Consequently, the
active engagement and collaboration is hoped to broaden and enrich your individual
conceptions and understanding of the topics at hand. Look for patterns; statistical treatment is
not needed.
DO NOT DIVIDE AND CONQUER; do not cut then paste. Do not chop the exercise into tasks to
separately assign to different members of the group, which you later put together into a single
[poorly jointed] report.
Private forums for your core group collaboration are available on the course site.
ANALYSIS PROMPTS is available as a separate file/page on the course site.
V. Generate & submit the report

Use the template for this exercise for your convenience.

i. Title page. Provide a meaningful title. List names of members in alphabetical order
by surname.
ii. An introduction that is half a page short sets the stage. Prepare readers about what is
coming up, what the backdrop is, and what you intend to accomplish.
iii. Analysis must be limited to 2 pages, letter-size, 1” margins, font 12, double space.
Summative data presented as a table must be included for reference in the discussion.
iv. Conclusion must be less than a page short. Does our premise hold that because
people have essential differences in their roles, goals, expectations, and motivations in
education, so will their perceptions of learning and intelligence differ accordingly?
v. Appendices each start on a separate page (font 10, single-space).
 Appendix 1 should show the data you have chosen from the data pool. Cite the
contributor and the link to his/her post. The pages of the appendix is not
 Appendix 2. If you created a series of tables to organize your raw data, show
these in an appendix. A table that summarizes or consolidates the information
from these tables is best shown (also) in the analysis section.
vi. Save your file as pdf. Use your group name as file name.
vii. Upload your report in the submission bin for this exercise.
Grades follow the UP Scale (1.0 highest grade; 3.0 to pass; 4.0-5.0 fail)
IMPORTANT: Key concepts from the modules must be visibly manifested in your analysis.

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