Digital Marketing Final Project Report

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Faculty of Management Technology

Business Informatics Department

BINF713: Digital Marketing

Final Project Report

Submitted by:

Haidy Mohamed Khamis 52-3101

Tasneem Ali 52-7046

Salma El-Sheikh 52-1138

Youssef Tarek 52-2035

Aalaa Wael 52-4619

BI T-9

Submitted To: Farida El-hussainy

Date: 19/12/2023
1. Interview findings: 1
1.1. Findings, challenges, and needs: 1
1.2. E-strategy and digital marketing objectives 1
1.2.1. Digital Marketing Objectives 1
1.2.2. E-strategy and tactics 2
1.2.3. Target markets 3
1.2.4. PRACE Framework 4
1.2.5. Online Marketing Mix and Dynamic Dialogue 5
1.2.6. Integrated database 6
1.2.7. Industry SWOT analysis 6
1.2.8. Competitor analysis 7
1.3. Interview Guide 12
2. Social media 13
2.1. Business objectives relevant to social media 13
2.2. Social media proposal 13
2.2.1. Direction of marketing content 13
2.2.2. Social media platforms focused on 14
2.2.3. Themes used 14
2.3. Client feedback 15
3. Content calendar 15
7. Bonus Assignment Screenshots: 31
8. References 34
1. Interview findings:

1.1. Findings, challenges, and needs:

Cowboy Burgers is a relatively new restaurant that is in the food and beverages section of the
hospitality industry. It is an Egyptian fast food brand with quality that matches its foreign
The interview findings were that the challenges the company faces are low reach on their social
media posts that are not sponsored, which may be because we found out they did not perform
keyword analysis from their competitors, so this is something we will focus on in this report.
Additionally, some other challenges discussed are increases in the raw materials prices as well as
inflation making the business more costly, and therefore increasing the price of the products as
well. Furthermore, the needs of the company include more financial resources so that they can
expand the business and open up more branches across the country and abroad.
Although they do perform some digital marketing strategies, like social media ads and
programmatic ads, as well as having a consistent social media upload schedule, the organization
still lacks in critical areas such as the previously mentioned keyword analysis. The company’s
posts only acquire the target reach when they are sponsored posts, they do not perform effective
search engine optimization. Increasing the social media reach for Cowboy Burgers is the main
challenge focused on in this report.

1.2. E-strategy and digital marketing objectives

1.2.1. Digital Marketing Objectives

The digital marketing objectives for Cowboy Burgers can be listed as follows:
1. Increase sales:
It is normal for any organization to have the goal of increasing their sales, however, a
crucial factor in tracking sales is the use of key performance indicators, or KPIs, to be
able to quantify whether or not we succeeded in increasing the sales. For Cowboy
Burgers, we will use the following KPI:
The organization would like to increase their sales by 15% from existing customers by
January 2024.

2. Improve conversion rate:
Part of the proposed digital marketing plan for Cowboy Burgers is the use of keyword
analysis to improve the organic search traffic, this objective allows us to further track the
new keywords we will use and determine which ones are performing better than others. It
is also useful to check out the competitors’ keywords in their posts. Moreover, this
objective also tracks where this particular traffic is coming from, as well as how the
campaigns are doing, and the locations and landing pages.
3. Organic traffic volumes:
This particular objective can be achieved through the use of keywords that allow the
organization to show up next to their competitors on search engines, in other words, this
can be achieved by correct search engine optimization. Moreover, it can also be done
through quality link-building.

1.2.2. E-strategy and tactics

The e-strategy of the marketing campaign is how the objectives listed in the previous section will
be achieved, and the tactics are the details of that strategy.

For Cowboy Burgers, we will follow the 5Ss objectives, Sales, Serve, Speak, Save, and Sizzle.
The organization aims to grow their sales, specifically its online sales, as it is on applications like
Talbat, ElMenus, and Marsol, and it is also in the process of building its own website, so it can
take online orders without any intermediaries. This brings us to the next S, which is the Serve,
where Cowboy Burgers are expected to add value for the customer, this can be done by using
online channels as a faster way to order, and also this allows us to combine this objective with
the Sizzle objective, where we can grow online sales by offering special online only offers, such
as 50% off for the first time they order online, or special bundles only offered online.

The in-progress website brings us to the Speak objective, where customers are engaged in a
back-and-forth dialogue. The customers will be able to send messages through a chat option on
the website so that they can lodge complaints, make orders, and provide reviews for other
customers to see. The speak objective is currently handled through social media direct messages,
or through reviews section on intermediaries like Talabat’s applications.

For the Save objective, the switch from offline marketing to mostly online marketing campaigns,
and through a focus on SEM and SEO, and through owned media like social media posts,
Cowboy Burgers can save costs that can then be reallocated to departments that need the funds
more, such as the purchasing department, due to the rise of raw materials prices.

The tactics we will use are the website, as well as posting on owned media like social media
applications, specifically Facebook and Instagram. This combination serves as a contingency
plan, if the website fails for any reason, or if the servers are down, we can still use social media
to boost the products through posts, stories, and paid ads.

The online value proposition (OVP) that the customers will get will be mixed with Cowboy
Burgers’ slogan, which is the “Royalty of Crunch” as they sell crispy burgers, therefore the OVP
for using the online channels will be “The Royalty of Crunch, at your fingertips.”

1.2.3. Target markets

Identifying the business’ target market is a crucial step in the digital marketing process as
something as simple as a small age difference will greatly impact the content being produced as
well as the channels used to reach the customers.

Cowboy Burgers targets the youth as their target market, their target demographics are the
younger generation all over the country, and they take into account the governorates that are
poorer than Cairo and perhaps cannot afford high-priced fast food. This is also how they segment
their market, by considering the area and the population, the general income of the governorate,
their overall lifestyle, as well as the amount of threat their competitors pose in this governorate,
as some governorates do not have certain fast food restaurants at all.

As for reaching their target markets, the use of Facebook and Instagram is perfectly suitable for
that mission. Instagram is an app that is incredibly popular with the younger generation and they
use it everyday. The photo-based application is suitable for attracting the attention of the target
customer using bright colors and words. The app has also recently focused on the video and

stories aspect, videos can be used to keep the customers’ attention longer, and stories can be used
to grab that attention in the first place.
As for the decision to use Facebook as the second application, this is purely a competitive
strategy, as our main competitors have used Facebook for a really long time, and therefore we
must compete with that to be more credible. Facebook is also home to groups, where individuals
can share their opinions with other people in the group, and there are several popular “Food
groups” that the younger generation shares their reviews on, the main one is called “What to
eat?”. This popular group currently has 268 thousand members, who are constantly asking about
local replacement restaurants, or in general new restaurants to try. Due to the size of the group,
the founder sometimes makes ads for restaurants by offering discounts to members of the group
only, for example, “What to eat members take 15% off their next order!”. If we utilize this highly
targeted ad type on Facebook, we can greatly enhance the visibility and credibility of the
business, and therefore increase the reach.

1.2.4. PRACE Framework

The PRACE framework was used in this marketing plan. The “Plan” step was used in the
segmentation of customers based on the multiple factors explained above, and the customers
were segmented into A, B, C, and D categories.

Next, the “Reach” step will be done by performing keyword analysis, checking the keywords
that the competitors use, SEO, and finally, through social media as mentioned in the previous

After that comes the “Act” step, which will be nourished by the entertainment of the customers
through some posts on the business’s social media platforms, that will get them to engage with
the content, for example, through little games where customers have to comment the answers to
get a specific offer.

The fourth step, “Convert” is focused on turning the customers from potential customers to
actual buyers. This will be done through a series of different offers and promo codes spread out

across a few months to let customers want to try the products due to what they perceive as a
good deal.

Finally, the last step of the PRACE framework is “Engage”, this can be done through marketing
the products in the food groups on Facebook, for example, if we see a customer give us a good
review on a group, we send them a free meal! This can build brand loyalty for the customers, and
increase good word of mouth.

1.2.5. Online Marketing Mix and Dynamic Dialogue

The online marketing mix can be viewed as a four-level pyramid, where every level has to be
built on top of the previous one. The bottom of the pyramid is the E-Promotions, where Cowboy
Burgers will perform a series of Ads on various platforms, and use their social media more
regularly and more attentively to the posting schedules, to become a household name in the

The next level is E-Price, where Cowboy Burgers must have multiple methods of payment,
including debit and credit cards, and other methods like Instapay or Telda platforms. They must
also use prices that are competitive in the industry but not too low.

After that comes the E-Place, where the business must be available everywhere for the customer.
Cowboy Burgers are available by phone, and through third-party applications like Talabat, and
soon they will be available through their own website as well.

Finally, the E-Product. Cowboy Burgers will add a story highlight on their Instagram with all the
nutritional information for each meal they offer. Additionally, they post professionally shot
high-quality pictures of each burger and meal on a regular basis so customers can see what they
will receive in their order.

As for the dynamic dialogue, Cowboy Burgers aim to allow consistent communication with the
customers, which can be done by monitoring reviews on third-party apps, contacting any
customer who is dissatisfied, monitoring comments on social media, both on their own posts, as

well as posts on groups on social media, and handling any dissatisfactions. Cowboy Burgers will
also open up a reviews section on their website, as well as a chat option on the website.
Currently, customers can DM them on social media or email them, where a moderation team
handles the customers’ questions and redirects their complaints to the appropriate team to deal
with them and get them resolved as soon as possible.

1.2.6. Integrated database

Cowboy Burgers will use a CRM platform as their integrated database of customer information.
Using a CRM-integrated database can be useful in keeping certain information about each
customer, including basic information such as their addresses, emails, their phone numbers, and
other crucial information such as their complaint status, complaint history, demographics and
lifestyles. The CRM system is also helpful in keeping tabs on the current, solved, and new
incoming customer complaints as well as the status of each one of them to ensure fast and
reliable responses, this will be demonstrated in the HubSpot section later on in this report.

The use of integrated databases is crucial for data analysis on the data so we can gain insights
into the customers and how well the business is doing. It can also be helpful in keeping
information such as a customer’s birthday if that information is provided by the customer, to
send them a personalized offer on their birthday, which will make the customer think that this
business cares about them as they remembered their birthday.

1.2.7. Industry SWOT analysis

Cowboy Burgers’ strength lies in the quality of its products and the knowledge of its founders
who were higher-ups in multiple well-known brands in the industry before founding Cowboy

However, they also face some threats regarding the life of the organization, as the prices of raw
materials are on a consistent rise, and they are not achieving their target reach, and therefore are
not becoming well known, leading to them not acquiring new customers, this poses a risk of lack
of funds and therefore, lack of ability to continue or expand the brand further.

As for the external factors, the opportunities of Cowboy Burgers lie in the fact that Egyptians are
now hyper-aware of what they are consuming, and the focus has shifted astronomically towards
Egyptian brands in every aspect, but especially in the food industry, leading to a huge
opportunity for Cowboy Burgers to be able to acquire new customers with the correct marketing

Furthermore, Cowboy Burger faces some threats in the industry as the food and beverage market
is saturated, and new food restaurants open everyday, each with a highly targeted marketing
campaign to acquire as many customers as possible, so it is a challenge to maintain a loyal
customer base.

1.2.8. Competitor analysis

Before starting our campaign, we need to perform competitor analysis to understand what kind
of campaigns that the competitors are running and get a glimpse of what is working and what is
not. For Cowboy Burgers competitors, we picked 4 different competitors, and studied their posts
as well as their reach on both Instagram and Facebook, as these are the two platforms we will be
focusing on in our campaign.

The first competitor chosen was Mcdonalds. Mcdonalds was specifically chosen as it is an
international brand, and part of Cowboy Burgers’ objectives is to compete with the quality of
international brands. Upon researching, we found that Mcdonalds have about 17 thousand likes
on Instagram on their posts. Mcdonalds also has 1.1 Million Instagram followers, which is
another factor to consider when launching our digital marketing campaign, as we need to

increase followers on both platforms, as they represent loyal customers.

Furthermore, we also went to Mcdonalds’ page on Facebook, which they have been growing for
years and have a loyal following on. We found that Mcdonalds has about 11 thousand reacts on
their Facebook posts. Additionally, they have 81 Followers on their Facebook page.

Moreover, we also decided to look at another competitor to balance out the search and make sure
that our research covers all angles of the market, which is why we picked an Egyptian brand to
study as part of our analysis. The brand we picked was Buffalo Burger.

Buffalo Burger is an established Egyptian restaurant. On their Instagram page, their reach is
almost 15 thousand likes on their posts. They also have 585 thousand followers on their page.
Additionally, we found that they use their slogan in their Instagram Bio.

Alternatively, they have a little bit less reach on their Facebook page, as their posts get about 5.6
thousand reacts. However, they still have a large followers base of 2.3 Million followers.

1.3. Interview Guide

1. What is the type of organization? (Retailer, manufacturer…etc.)

2. What is your current organizational goal? (Expansion, survival …etc.)
3. Who are your target customers in terms of demographics and lifestyle?
4. How do you segment your target market?
5. What is your current marketing strategy (if any)?
6. What are the current challenges faced by your company?
7. What are the current needs of the company?
8. Have you used digital marketing strategies before? (Example: Email marketing,
Programmatic ads)
9. What is your current primary social media that you focus on marketing on and why did
you choose this one?
10. Do you have a current social media upload schedule?
11. Is your restaurant readily available to customers everywhere? (Example: do you have
your own website, or are you available on Talabat/Elmenus)
12. Do you have a person assigned to handle customers’ messages on social media or do you
use a chatbot?
13. How do you collect customers’ reviews? Do you collect digital reviews? If Yes, are
digital reviews available for all other customers to see?
14. How can customers make a complaint? (Example: By phone call, by email, by social
media direct messages?)
15. Do you have a “Theme”? If so, what are your theme(s)?
16. Have you ever performed keyword search analysis on the words you use on social media
17. Have you ever used search engine optimization/search engine marketing/keyword search
on Google Analytics?
18. Do you have any offline marketing efforts? (Example: Events/Bazaars) Do you advertise
that on social media?

2. Social media

2.1. Business objectives relevant to social media

The business objectives that are relevant to social media are as follows:
1. Increase awareness about the brand
This campaign aims to increase the awareness of the target customers about the brand, as
well as build rapport and credibility with those customers to keep them interested in the
business and have them spread the word for us.
2. Increase the reach of the brand on social media
This objective aims to create a “Buzz” on social media and increase the number of
viewers on each post and the overall reach of the posts. This can be done by either SEO
techniques to increase the visibility of the brand, or it can be done through paid Ads on
social media. In this project, we will use a mix of both strategies.
3. Increase customer engagement with the content (Likes, Comments, Shares)
It is not enough that the customer sees the content, we need the customers to engage with
the content that they see. This can be done through a series of strategies like advertising
offers that require engagement, such as commenting will get you 5% off of your next
order, or liking this post will enter you into a giveaway. The engagement techniques are
based on the marketing objectives which are: entertain, inspire, Educate, and convince.
Each of these techniques was tackled in the social media posts generated for Cowboy
Burgers and they will be explained below in the social media posts section of the report.

2.2. Social media proposal

2.2.1. Direction of marketing content

The marketing content focused on a few key attributes to ensure the brand stays fresh within the
target customer’s minds. The first is the focus on the fact that Cowboy Burgers provides
customers with the high-end quality that they are used to from their international franchise
competitors at a better and more affordable price.

Next, the captions of the posts include the notice that while the quality is the same as our
international competitors, the business is 100% Egyptian, as this is something that most of the
Egyptian youth are working to find.

Finally, the last attribute focused on is appeal to the mindset of a holiday-based offer, as multiple
posts are related to offers tied to certain holidays, like Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Mother’s

2.2.2. Social media platforms focused on

This campaign mainly focuses on Facebook and Instagram as the main social media platforms
we will use. The reasons for picking these 2 platforms are as follows:
1. Facebook: It is where most people are looking and asking for substitutions for local
brands in the current times. Additionally, as it is a text-based app, users can ask their
friends for local substitutions or recommendations either on their personal wall available
for their friends or in popular food groups like the previously mentioned What To Eat
group that has 270K members.
2. Instagram: As it is a picture and video-based app, posts can be more eye-catching to grab
the customers’ attention and intrigue them to check us out. Moreover, due to the stories'
features, ads can be placed in between stories that the customer views that can grab their

2.2.3. Themes used

There were three themes focused on in this campaign, each theme was to target a specific
customer segment, during a specific time of the year. The themes, and customer segments, were
as follows:
1. Christmas: Christmas is all about the holiday season. The targeted customer segment with
this theme is families and individuals. As individuals usually spend this time with their
families, and families usually do not want to spend their holiday cooking and preparing
meals for a large number of people, targeting this segment during this holiday is perfect.
This is done through offering bundle offers and pairing them with the famous
eye-catching colors of Christmas, red, white, and green in the posts.

2. Valentine’s Day: Valentine’s Day is all about couples, who are the targeted customer
segment with this theme. Offering a discount on meals, and bundling 2-person meals
together for a good deal is perfect for this theme. This also can be utilized as in-restaurant
offers for couples who choose our restaurant for their date night.
3. Mother’s Day: With this theme, the targeted customer segment is mothers and children.
This theme can be utilized as giving our beloved mothers a day off from cooking, by
ordering them a meal from our restaurant! Paired with some offers and some bundles, as

well as the traditional colors for Mother’s Day, which are usually a pink color palette.

This theme is also used as an opportunity to educate customers on the ingredients and
nutritional values in the food offered by the restaurant.

2.3. Client feedback

The general impression of the client on the proposed digital marketing plan was positive, and the
client was impressed with the addition of keyword search, the potential rise in rank due to SEO,
as well as the content created for the campaign which will be further discussed in the social
media posts section of the report.
However, the client felt that the posts were more themed towards specific holidays and needed to
include more themes that related to the business itself, like the cowboy themes. This interview
was conducted face-to-face, but the client’s information can be found in the references section.

3. Content calendar

For our content calendar, we set the timing for each and every post and story with the content
calendar creator. The frequency of the posts is based on not overwhelming the customer with too
many posts but at the same time not leaving a customer with nothing as he/she might forget us in

As for the duration of our posts and stories, first, we will post a post about Christmas in
December on both Instagram and Facebook and we chose it to be posted at 7 PM as it is the

busiest time of traffic and it’s good for entertainment. Second, we will post a convincing video
both on Instagram and Facebook in January at 3 PM for the people to watch it.
Third, for Valentine's Day, we will post 2 stories on Instagram and 1 GIF post on Instagram and
Facebook in February. Finally, in March we will post a post on Instagram and Facebook for
Mother’s Day and then we will post 3 educating and entertaining stories on Instagram on 3
consecutive days at 8 PM for the people to participate in the Mother’s Day challenge.

4. Social media posts:
In all of our posts we added hashtags that were based on keyword research using SEMrush tool.
We looked up the keyword “Burger” and the most related keyword to it was “Burger
Restaurant”, when we looked up our restaurant’s name which is ”Cowboy Burger”, the most
related keyword was “Cowboy ” in Arabic. Therefore these 4 keywords which are “Burger”,
“Burger Restaurant”, “Cowboy Burger” and “‫ ”كاوبوي‬were added in all of our posts.

Entertain and Convince:

This post was posted on both the Facebook and Instagram pages. The idea behind this is that it is
a “find the words” game where there are ten hidden sandwich names, and the first to find and
comment on them all can win a sandwich of his/her own choice. It is Christmas-themed and is
targeted towards all of the customer segments. As previously explained it contains hashtags that
were based on the keyword research and it also includes hashtags that we think are relevant to
the theme and the idea behind the post itself.

🥪Dive into Christmas flavors with our Festive Sandwich Hunt! 🕵️‍♂️🎁
Discover all 10 hidden sandwiches, comment first, and WIN a mouthwatering signature treat!
Happy hunting, Merry Christmas! 🎅🏃‍♂️
#FestiveFlavors #SandwichHunt #WinWithUs #BurgerRestaurant #Christmas #CowboyBurger
#Burger #‫🎄🥪 كاوبوي‬


This video posted on Instagram and Facebook is like a friendly invitation to explore a restaurant.
Instead of just showing the place, it features clips of customers sharing their thoughts and
experiences. It's a way of saying, "Look at what others love about our restaurant!" It adds a
personal touch by letting potential customers see and hear real people enjoying the food and
atmosphere. It's all about sharing the positive stories of others to encourage people to give the
restaurant a try.

🍔 Unveiling the Flavorful Tale of The Cowboy Burger! 🎥 Join us on a mouthwatering journey
as we showcase the love our customers have shared. 🌟 From sizzling patties to delighted taste
buds, experience the magic through their reviews! 🔥 #BurgerBliss #CustomerLove
#SavorTheFlavor #FoodieFaves #NomNomNom #BiteIntoJoy #BurgerJointDelight
#HappyCustomers #FoodieHeaven #GrillAndChill #TasteTheLove #MustTryEats
#SatisfactionGuaranteed 🤤👏


The above are stories to be posted on Instagram and Facebook prior to revealing the Valentine’s
Day post. The aim of these stories is to have the customers anticipate what is being added,
changed, or the campaign that is related to Valentine’s Day. On the other hand, the aim of the
post is to inspire people to change the narrative around Valentine’s Day dates. These dates do not
have to be fancy or candlelit dinners to celebrate that day. We encourage our customers to share
and post on their stories pictures of their ‘unconventional dates’ and tag and mention us to repost
on our account. This creates a buzz and encourages people to post about Cowboy Burgers.

Redefine Valentine's Day with Cowboy Burgers! 🍔❤️
Who says Valentine's Day has to be all about fancy dinners and candlelit restaurants? 🤠 At
Cowboy Burgers, we believe in breaking traditions and creating unforgettable moments! 🌵 This
year, ditch the clichés and saddle up for a truly unique Valentine's Day experience.
👫 Unconventional Dates Rule! Share your cowboy-approved Valentine's Day plans with us! 🤠
show us your creative side! 🚀
🎉 Contest Alert: Post a pic of your unconventional Valentine's date, mention
@CowboyBurgers, and use #BurgersAndLove for a chance to win a YEAR'S SUPPLY of our
mouthwatering burgers! 🏆🍔 Because love tastes better with burgers! 😋❤️

Educate & Entertain:

This post on Instagram and Facebook is a fun and interactive way for kids to get involved and
learn more about the restaurant. It's not just about promoting the place; it's about creating
entertainment. The post features a quiz in the story, making it like a game for kids to play. The
questions are cleverly designed to be related to the restaurant's products, adding an educational

By engaging in the quiz, kids not only have a good time but also gain insights into what the
restaurant offers. It's a two-in-one approach – entertainment and information. And here's the
exciting part: the prize at the end is something suitable as a Mother's Day gift. So, it's not just
about the game; it's a thoughtful way to involve kids in an activity that could lead to a special
surprise for their moms. It's like saying, "Have fun, learn about us, and maybe win a great gift for
your mom in the process!"

🌟Celebrate Mother's Day with a sizzle! 🍔 Solve our daily puzzle and stand a chance to WIN
a FREE meal worth up to 400EGP at Cowboy Burger! 🎉 Show your love to the special moms
in your life with a delicious treat. 🌼
🧩 How to Win:
1️⃣ Solve the daily puzzle posted on our story
2️⃣ Share your answer in the comments below.
3️⃣ Tag two friends who love burgers as much as you do!
Don't miss out on this mouthwatering opportunity!😋 #MothersDayMagic #BurgerBliss
#MomentsWithMom #BurgerJointLove #PuzzleForPrizes #FreeMealDelight 🎁

5. Promotional needs
The post we chose to promote is our first post which is the “Find the Words” Christmas-themed
post and this is due to several reasons. First, It is the nearest theme happening. Second, according
to the interview findings, The business owners have a goal of increasing sales by 15% by
January, therefore promoting this post in December may help in achieving that. Lastly, it is
relevant to all customer segments.

It will be promoted through reach because the business wants to increase their brand visibility
and awareness. Also, the business is aiming to reach a broad audience of people all over the
country which is done through reach.

We chose to publish that post at 7 pm as according to the lecture, this is the busiest time for
traffic to promote posts.

6. HubSpot CRM

1- Created multiple contacts

2- Scheduled a meeting with a customer

3- Schedule a task to issue a ticket for the customer

4- Successfully managed a complaint

7. Bonus Assignment Screenshots:

8. References
● Ahmed El Sherbini, Co-founder of Cowboy Burgers,


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