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‘But how do you come down again?’ asked little Charlie.

‘You do a burp, of course,’ said Mr Wonka. ‘You do a great big

long rude burp, and up comes the gas and down comes you! But
don’t drink it outdoors! There’s no knowing how high up you’ll be
carried if you do that. I gave some to an old Oompa-Loompa once
out in the back yard and he went up and up and disappeared out of
sight! It was very sad. I never saw him again.’
‘He should have burped,’ Charlie said.
‘Of course he should have burped,’ said Mr Wonka. ‘I stood there
shouting, “Burp, you silly ass, burp, or you’ll never come down
again!” But he didn’t or couldn’t or wouldn’t, I don’t know which.
Maybe he was too polite. He must be on the moon by now.’
On the next door, it said, SQUARE SWEETS THAT LOOK ROUND.
‘Wait!’ cried Mr Wonka, skidding suddenly to a halt. ‘I am very
proud of my square sweets that look round. Let’s take a peek.’

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