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OJ <--'OlO!

nHUmUHH31W ml3fJl3t~IIHl~ilHDtl3imtJwm
lUNn tJWtCLUl~ Hl~~ ~il ~~ , tl3iHfuJrutgtJW
HHjll3Ujlm g'ifJl3;l nm tl3 fJl3 milm tnru!flWBl3 tl3i
! He.> 0 OJ 0..

U I -...J V tutmrmnunmnaVu i nl3 ",

Once upon a time there were two puppies, AKiki and Nini,
living with their mother. One afternoon the
mother told her chi ldren, "My dear!
, When I am not here, don't go out!
I have to find food for you all."
trHU1flWtlWmu1iQn Hl~~ ljU3trifHJ~JiltBrutm
t1rut~ t1RLm~jmWmN~rit~t~Jn R~iltrimLUt~jil
~truil Hl~~ Rt~Ht1mruu'tm31iltU'r1 nnwtjl13
.. Q/

t ruil G1BWtl
w w fH t:1tulil NUll
Wi nnw '1
After the mother left home, AKiki looked at the meadow seeing
other animals playing with one another. AKiki walked quietly
out and played with them happily.

U~Utfn tn1rtililmcrrtfncr~rrn~~nurn'1 mrut~~
C1 <J 6V 4-..) .......,
eJOJ ~ CP u OJ , 0 ,

Hlfifi nijl~gU~iltf~NJm~lm~inmgr tWHmm

w U mrut~l~ uun~~UnUJm
• "mi! H
U C:J~ .. ,..... , 'Oco
lj~t~t~~ Hnf}PfH1i~ tl0HllLN~JlmOJ)lN ~~ilUJn
, " ~

w w
Then, it got lost and found no way
to go back home. At that moment,
AKiki met two people, and it tried
to run very fast after them. THen
the wife said, "Ha! This PUpeY,,'
very nice and lovely...! will ta e ' ~
to live with us."
OJ OJ Co. ,..; ,

m~ ~ WUJllli (j ~ run WteHu ijl13 Hut ~ dl\jtuITlllillli

cJ Co. qcJ '001

UfH:mW~cJ~n ~Wcmil
o Co. Co. C:O OJ OJ , 0

Wmft 13il (jmt:Hfl~~H51ft

lJ. . U
rJCUU '1
AKiki was glad that it could go to live with kind grandpa and
grandma. They washed AKiki with a shower and raised it until
it grew up.
Hl~~ ~mt~trHUfJln tulliJ81\JJ1ult~JmHl rmHg
htniltm ~nnmtil\Jn[jn8iBlrJhtffm[ju
<1 <1 lA

tr~trJru~ni1rJmrJu~t~JliJ'1 Gtru1n1i1WmmRLI\J~JH]
0/01 'u "c)

Hl~~ L~UmUW1ilWi'1
AKiki was a clever, industrious dog. Everyday it always went
out to catch and slaughter the

~ -animals for its master and
.~! guarded the house so that Its
_Imaster was very satisfactory.
tLG1'lultummm Hlifif mf~~rrudrumJ tnUn
mLClJn~utWJnif~R n~ilfhu~tm3j1rutm~ B1'lHlu
rJrum Wnt mt ~'lUnljl1'l t~iru'1
\J u. w •
Many years later, AKiki 1
was getting old.
skin was like the
skin of the toad
it became weaker Id. '-tl'>ooil-"-!
and weaker and
could no longer
help its master.
wlw tWtieU~drul~tlhft9Jflt9" HGtitwtiwntl
01"", 01


tlrltijl~tmrut91 (illlWUUm) '1

GflWn tlt 91tm rutl3i ~mw'1
"' v

"AKiki is too old and we do not

have food for it," Grandpa said
to Grandma. "Banish it," added
the grandma. Finally they
decided to banish it.
n w
tulW~ftm «tU
Ultru~ Hl~~ trutf:nCi l'l(}J1f\h:Jlter~mt1~tm~~1mij1)
C::J 0 cJ 0' t:::.l

m1)t~~UJ'1 tjtu~ 8Uftrmtljl~l'l(}~tmn~~n t~ul'lmcr~

cJ c.J OJ
"' C:J C::J

t11)tWm mHt~runJ1rut~tU1UJ1)tmUJm HlCiCi! ~

~IufttulUJ -yu
~t1)t1)~ " '1

The grandpa walked the weak old dog to the riverbank and
thought, "If I banish AKiki on the mainland, it will follow me
home, so I must throw it into
the water so that it cannot
find the way home." The
grandpa patted AKiki on
its head and said, "AKiki,
I don't need you any longer
and I have to throw you
into this river."
OJ OJ , I 0. 0. I cJ OJ I t

I-mm finWm~finil(jfin t1u~(jilmm(jmmnwmw

f\J -r:;J~ """"u.

t1t9JW t1H~mfJ9J~nJru~31f1nhmJtltmHLlmW1W
0. I "cJ t t OJ

mHflOIlfi tLm~1f1wm~ tfimW51 OIllWtmW1W'1

AKiki was shocked and did not want to leave its master. It sat
looking at its master's face with the feeling of pity for its master
because they were very old.
, , () ct ,
u. Hl~~ UU=filLt)triltm~

HiWOIllilHlLnn Brh:nRmrhHU~n~t~miltlJ
'"' 0 ,

tiV U tiV (")

Afterwards, the master held his dog and

threw it into the river. Unfortunately, the
cliff was collapsed and the master
slipped into the river with AKiki .


• •

u. ,... '"
ih;mG[UHli~nijll) miiii 8Umf
LU tI m11HlJ\il hhUJ mm [Hlit ru [m n'1
The master choked on water. AKiki
tried to bit and pull him until he was
out of the water.

01 , ! CQ 0:00..

tWmt:rlWWfiW13UflH1nHHHG~ llfi80H;
"""""u. '" 'J n U'YI <::J

~~t ~~ 8 1UJ nr1 ru\jl rJ II tri:l Z13 t ~J~1m '1


When AKiki saw its master faint, it tried to lick its master to
clean off his body and face until its master became conscious.
, , cJ " OJ cJ ~ OJ OJeJ

mmmn tflftHlJnnJnWnurm,

'4 u." tWm

--' Hlcm mHl ~ I
e:.." a
([1\1 mtJ~ tum mm Hl cm WlliJn mm 13 i1 Hlllil mUn
t"- C::J OJ 010 OJ 0. e:..

~ ~ n
..., 1 C::J OJ ,

WJilI Hl~~ (j113Ni1qllil~NtI tmliJmigliJNtL~l~

u. VwiIJf3nOtNIJR NlUI
1 n iV

Then , the dog master

opened his eyes halfway
seeing AKiki licking
himself. He stood up
and hugged AKiki
excited ly and pitifully.
AKiki repaid its master
by saving his life.
! cJ cJ CICI CI 0. "CICI

\ilMt~FH~runJlru rfll=ll=l Hm1H3tmWGl rfll=ll=l

0. cJ CI cJ CJ Oc.

tl iH 13 ~ mH:J'H lJ ru tU1 WlJl fHij 13 m m 13 tl iH \1 ~Hl fUJl

I"\U . '" \AI .
!, CI Oeg cJ OcJ

f}JlUlj1fHmtU1W §13iHdinj1tliHUJfHltm §truiHlj1~

U~tliltmrut\1Jmu=tw"'1 .
The dog master patted AKiki on its head and said, "AKiki, you
are really a c.L er dog. Without you wjll surely die.
;eve:r.alld will nQl .!!;W·~ again." ;:
. "" -
umUtm mw ~ti r~iiUm.nHnU'HfiUtmjj~1rn
C1 u. "I"\~ W
m C1-'\J

'13Jij~Qt:JHaW€fln.5JneHlimwtUtigl) m~m tLnfHn

. cJl31ti tt1 OJqJl) tmtl)icJlijWmWmwrn '1 siS
'" . \J U. -...J

After that, the masters and the dog walked home and lived
happily together until they became old respectively. AKiki was
very glad that it could go live with its masters again. The End

A drowning man will grasp everything he can reach .

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