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h ~ llfU lD!Jl Wm fl
H ~O

rum:m!t1 ~lJ~ ~l!Jl~ lJ)t1LH~Hml~ 1~Lfl~lfl!.d1r~ ~nH1!.-£ lNl~B

!Jm ~hH11n61m Lm~~l~Lfll hmf61 gN U-!~lLrmn!JbnLmWt1~
10 fV fO '0

!1fU l~ ~ Hw{!lfllN ~illl{!!21~t}~l~1 ~ l!JllJ ~ ~~61 r~ ~l~ Vt1 ~6

~lfl~~ru~~!m01n!ruflnl~l!Jt1l~ h!~~!2m~ ~Hlt1!W ~lfl~r~
~£llJ ~ ~ ~lfl~ ~l1nl h!lt1! WllpfN ~flN l,lN ,Ql1!21~Lfl~U1!;JU
q~~l UJt1!fU~u!Jflmwl1 h!21~rulffiNl~~6n~!;JflW~~101!
WnQlt1~n,@l~~!~~l1nlD~Lfl mWl!Jfl0lllfU!ml!;J
Long time ago, there lived a newly-wed couple in a far-flung village.
Hearing that vacancies were announced in the capital, the wife
wished that her husband got a job there . She gave her husband all
the money they saved up, yet it could not cover his travel and food
expenses. So, she pawned her rice field for a loan she pledged to
repay within a year.
"l61~l!)£)~ l~~l~ill~U1 r~~lDLHurulJH~U\ U)NUJnl
flO h nmmfl~~llJlN
.. ~ ~llJlJ! ~ ~ (':> "0

mfuruu HlLnlHlJ! [flE l~lLn~~~ 1ruD~l~lN !hn~ l~ruulruu du

m LfilJhJlulJflfN
~flYlW lfllJ l!) lflLfllN ~ ~llJ l!lru ~ 1GY LN roNl~Lfl
,(':> (':I

~ '0
~ ~LN lJ
U ~~llJ
~~1 hmflY g 1ru ~ ~ 1 .
/) t> \.I l (>

~lh~P W- ! ,lJruUl:m! ~H! 1fU 1~ ~l~l!)£ll!lN!n h~H l~!UJlJ!

~fu1 ~ 1lJhJlflum!illDllJLDlJD m LnlflruflN lJ l!)l~Lflum~n
(':> '0 roo £)1'0 ro i /'Oi
With adequate money, the husband left the village to seek
employment. After traveling for a few days, he arrived in a province.
There a restaurant with disco club and beautiful girls opened to
cheat people from distant villages. As darkness covered the
evening, the man entered the restaurant for dinner and 1 night
accommodation. A group of people there was announcing that, "Is
there any body else who could make this girl laugh?"
tIH\H131~unhtmWfhBlgmtmt~m tWmu\J~RH~Wtg~3

tIHut131~tBItman~WlWU1 "§m\Jtg~131iltNmil13"'1

0. V V 0..

tIl Nt131~1fI1313 WlWClJil t Clilt:H e11WLUrn It rlJil' tn131ilt13i tnB13

0.. "Cf " cJ
NUj1W u~ '1 U§lUBnmnn NlnmJil e11nLlfIntiWH1Jl13 t13i31il
cJ 0.. QQ d cJ cJ ,

~3131il tn131ilB13LflBmmm Nl~'1 tIl Nt131~ntU~HH\JBLlfIn

tiwtnJl13 W1WtiWt nJl13 t ~J nWJ n e1 rumJLlfIRo ~13 t ~ULNt131~
01 0 'v " v v
UmtNu '1 B ~NJmilHNtLNnLflB€flU1 ~tnm13 l:lilmB~NJ
HfHlUNllN '1

Astonishingly, the man walked toward the girl sitting with naughty
face. The man approached and said, "I could make her laugh." The
man tried to tell a variety of jokes, yet she kept unhappy. Then he put
out a clasp of coins before her, she kept not smiling, however. The
man kept offering a clasp after clasp of coins, and the girl laugh only
when nothing had left in his p ocket. Witnessing her laugh, the
group of men shouted,
"Excellent! You are a
great man ."

t:H3 Wi~fhmw
r'h BHumwru
. . . . .,
tntHW031~HtI Wru1Gntntfl
1 A '" ~

tnawOUOGtft~ nt Wl~ tffaifnrlmmtmRt
1J <1U"""""
rrutl mrl
omncr~ ru11Wij~ BtlWl~LWlWH11wrff run mrlfbrlwQ}Hfi
tUn mtl WU Wt e1it mtfln ~tI ton n~ nW1flUg ~ mw ntltl '1
o '0 , CP OP 'u ,

All men walked out of the scene, as the man was sitting painfully
since he was cheated out of his money for a blink of an eye. Not
knowing what to do while feeling terribly hurt, he ran out to jump
into a river in an attempt to make a suicide.
~tmmnt ~luU\J1;ilrh umtffWl~tlniH~ w~ ulfft~imrl ~~ '1
, v
(j, ClcJ
trHlH~l~N~ unmUmNt~l~'1
~ I
\It U-.,),
C:J 01 0.0 ,

t~l~t ~J ~tfntrutmn'1 ~l~m~ mUfl ru1 nut m~~ rNt~~ru11 N

figmwmflNlmrl tulwl~rnrfft~tfJNtL~l~~tAm~mnHJ
A female ghost was then sitting on the riverside, spending her free
time there on fishing. Her fishing line caught the man. The ghost
swiftly pulled the man to land. She felt extremely pity for the man
and sought solutions to revive him.
~lilt ~lGR dtirt:n~ ~UD W~l n~ tli
tul'tlitlinUI i Wt ~l ~ t ~i t ~i dlBW tli ~l il '1
u~ltifflFWt~l~ ffil ~ ~ t ~Jilrm w
t ~i Qil U~ U~ tli t ~ rum ~ LW i}Il n1;fl n n qil
OJ , 0

u 0 ,0 , , ~~C:J 0 01

tdmmn'nRlnmnUi tliW! 8t~i~Ml

ov '"'•
OJ C:J "Cl ,
HtG~ tlfl tli~lil dl~ i Ml? ~lil nlljlU
~~ 0 c:J , C!;I 0 ct
~ ~~
, 0

ijnBnwLmnt~i~~mwB tun~~lGijn

Wn<I Wllfll r '1

She chant incantations to build a grand

palace and took him there. Reviving after
unconsciousness, he was in a room with a
beautiful girl taking care of him, and then
said, "Hmm! Where am 17 Who are you?"
she replied, "I saw you was drowning, so I
took you' to rest in my house here for the
fear that you would encounter vicious

a c:
qrNt rll ~ n ru~ t ~tn LN t ~1 urN t rli d11i llirll ~ lUJ ft e:l ru t lj u
t O J ' t

cJ 0 cJ , OJu a ~

LUrI§ t e:l run ~~ tnHftl{J1rl trli t1L~n'1 ut~HLmlliHnrll~ntnrlt ~

, 'OJ' to. Ole:. cJ
tm~'1 rll~t ~lu[lntrl~LNffJlm~ rullN rll~~lUu~~Hrl t e:lru

~tnrl t Ni1U~~~ rullt ffJlli tdHm~t dJ m rit ru~tilrlU~l mtn N

Ltil ri ~~ til rl er~ t ffJ mW '1 1i llitil tLm lliHn rll ~ Rut ~ ftljl rl ~ rl
mNttlli~ r~LNffj1m '1 tunlliHn~ Rtnrl ib3ftnjftLUrI§ uti
LftffjUtffiL~nRtrulft1m tLm~mftllirum trl~m~mN'llNLtnu

The man fell in love with the female ghost and lived with her,
forgetting his poor wife living in their remote village. Three months
later, she got pregnant. The female ghost loved him dearly, satisfying
all of his desires, and even disclosed him of where she kept silver and
gold. A year later on, she gave birth to a lovely son. Afterwards, the
man had a treacherous mind, wishing to return to his homeland, as
he thought that it was a good opportunity to get both the son and

01 U 0 U 1 1 Old
l31 flUi\jWtl3iWtlH CHliLUtl§ n~iHfmHl illfH!)U2l3 ~nillU
01 0. 0 " 0

Wn~l3 W1WLU~ illLutlJ fUBJ~ m tlHfU HH m illLUtl§ ul tI n~l eli

" '() u u ,
HlLmUl ~n~ l31t1IfUtl3iQtltLtlfH~lunt~tI Hltflnwtl tLm~
mrifU~Bm mri~tlUll3~'UqLUtl§ ttl 9LfUuJ1m tdmntlBll3LUlR
t ui fU tI ulli1 ill Hit uJ n tl tI '1
mriBll3 ~ ~ fit
'YLuthhtuJ tl1 m'1

One night when her wife slept like a log, he left the house, bringing
along with him all properties and leaving her living in the forest
alone; he hoped that he would meet his beloved wife and had money
to payoff his outstanding debts. He had planned for a better life in
the future.
ta 00/0.' , ,

~ I

t131~m "aruLH~B13 er~Hitl! LUtl~ w~ljl13f}JlUliJHlmhHe1mnru


nl ~ ff 131~ N1U t ~iB 13 t e1 rum13H n rt.nlUll13 t ~i ~ n~ ~t131~t ~"'1

6V ". '"
,v , Ole>, ,
0 t

LITl13 tnDmLUtl~~lU tFNm~tN13nn~nr~n(Hm~mrLmn

tVe. I,a:,
LljlNwruB"13ljl13N1~nrnB"~rum~ruw'1 ITlnntllj13Ln~jutmm
LUtl~ t13iwQ~[Ltlrm '1

He consequently asked the couple about his wife. The old man told
the man that, "Don't you know that your wife died for a long time ago
and, since then, no body dared to approach your house." Hearing that
his wife had passed away, the man felt extremely sorry for having not
built a happy life with her together. He decided to take his son back
to the forest to seek his ghost wife.
~lim1JffLUrl§ t~lC;rm u~ltiff(jl1) ff~m ~1)l~1)~~"Jc;run
0. ! OJ U 0 0. I !OJ

L~rlJNtJj~ t mHNtU1ru nrut Nlnt(jln21)tJ 1)(illU tun~(jln~

0. OJ , ~ OJ to t~ ClI U c.
1) ~ ~ 1) m ~LN ~J1 m'1 1)1~ tLNfltU1i~ flln UfllmLrlLrl nJl t ntJ 1)
(jl1) gULu~~~~ Uflt m ~Jrul tulru1)l~ RenrlG~t ff Hc;illr1ff~~~1)
Ln ~jtir mt ~Jru'1 dt lli1 n~ mRtJn C1 ill 9n t~ ~ t C1 ru~lti rWt1)i
01 0. ..J cJ OJ ClI

tWill tn tl rut fUitJ 1)tJ11) ~~t Nl~ tJl1) HmnjH C1rum H1)it ru f1! n
WntJ11)Hnirum "m~t1)~tUC;~dUH1) dU~1)(jl1)t~'lm~",
" U lJ U \J

Talking about the female ghost, after she knew that
her husband had taken her son and properties away,
she kept crying continually as she lost her beloved
husband and son. She shouted across the mountains
and forest, but her dreams remained not be achieved.
So, she finally decided to leave the house forever. As
for her husband, when he arrived at where once being
his home, he saw only grass field and a message
written on a banana leave that "You will never see me
for this life even if you wished."
trHli 031 ~ m rl ri rl fU)t
~ ~ HPL;c:;)
tnll'> rn rl fUrl rn rl ftGHfHHjll'>
i:J U~ il \J
OJ' 01 t "OJ

ITlft fUmn '1 ~

ftfU fU H ~imn m
t nWit m rul1Bnrul1tjll'> mBn
rHU~t~~?" mfUtl'>l~~llilliHnil~ni(inm
"wnnftl tmBl'>[ril ~

o V cJ cJ 0 cJ, a.
ITHmnqil tnt mnt~ il rul1tl'>1~t ~ tntmn ~il tntjl nLUrI§ inB l'>
H1Jmt t\Jl~ fUBHlilnftli:Jrutmt:lil"
'1 WnnftlriU~ifinBrufUl'>~
\J "'I ~ \J
(je:. ! "OJ 0" ,

n~llilruLtjlutpfUt~l~m tmtHru! tmnfUnrullfU LUrI§H5fU

c. cJ CI.I cJ'
t mU)~B~ m~ mB~ fUJu1;fftlt ~ l'>lil):lmmt ~1(H eHlH fUtl'>iQ il
tUlt~~ f)~Jr~lilHWn1;ftrlJrm\iru~iltmtulru" '1 Lm~ imp'fU
,0 0. rJ 010 ,00
t~l~rlm~lilmt 91u mnnUl\.J fUuft1ntGilHrI tjll'> '1 mnn fU1 tl'>i
J. "'* '" (Vc11

utU~t mlnITlt ~BJ t\Jlilihffcyt mmfttLrnru'1 ee

Then he took his son walking across the forest to fetch his wife, and
met a hermit. The hermit asked, "Where are you going, man?" The
man replied with tears that "Hermit, I also don't know where I'm
going, and I knew only that I am seeking wife. Please help me!" The
hermit closed his eyes for a while before told him that "Hmm! poor
man! Your wife's not a human being; she's a ghost head in this
forest. Now she had no any karma with you." Hearing that his wife
was a ghost, he felt unbelievable and had nothing to say. He then
proposed to live and serve the hermit in a bid to do good deeds for
next life. The End

"Money Does Not Completely Guarantee Happiness"

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