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What is Green Building Code in the Philippines?

The Philippine Green Building Code is a set of requirements and standards for buildings in the
Philippines that promote environmentally favorable and sustainable building practices. It specifies
guidelines pertaining to the construction, use, occupancy, operation, and maintenance of buildings, as
well as the location, site, planning, design, and quality of materials. It is a referral code of the National
Building Code of the Philippines. Performance standards for energy efficiency, water efficiency, material
sustainability, solid waste management, site sustainability, and domestic environmental quality are
covered in the code's six sections. The primary objective of the code is to ensure the protection of vital
interests such as the general welfare and the common good, including the environment, property, and
public health. Additionally, it seeks to defend and promote the people's right to a healthy and balanced
ecology that is in harmony with the natural world and counteracts the detrimental impacts of climate

Six sections of Green Building Code.

The Philippine Green Building Code has six sections that outline the performance standards for green
buildings. These are:

1. Energy Efficiency: The energy efficiency section of the Philippine Green Building Code defines
precise provisions and principles that mandate the implementation of cost-effective
technologies, designs, practices, and approaches by structures in order to decrease energy usage.
The segment's objectives are to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and implement cost-
effective electricity solutions for buildings.
2. Water Efficiency: The adoption of cost-saving water consumption practices, plans, designs,
materials, fixtures, equipment, and methods is mandated by the Water Efficiency section of the
Philippine Green Building Code. The objective of this segment is to encourage the use of water-
efficient plumbing fixtures, pressure-reducing devices, sensors, auto-control valves, aerators,
and flow control in order to reduce the demand for freshwater resources.
3. Material Sustainability: The Material Sustainability section of the Philippine Green Building
Code regulates all aspects pertaining to the selection and utilization of materials that minimize
environmental impact and maximize resource efficiency. It promotes the use of recycled,
renewable, and locally sourced materials and necessitates the implementation of sustainable
designs, materials, and processes that lessen the environmental impact of construction
4. Solid Waster Management: The Solid Waste Management section of the Philippine Green
Building Code requires the adoption of efficient waste management practices and the use of
eco-friendly materials. It provides guidelines for the collection, segregation, and disposal of solid
waste materials, including the provision of a Material Recovery Facility (MRF) for building
5. Site Sustainability: In accordance with the Site Sustainability segment of the Philippine Green
Building Code, it is mandatory to implement planning, design, construction, and operation
procedures that mitigate the detrimental effects that structures may have on water resources
and ecosystems. It provides guidelines for landscape design, stormwater management, and site
preparation and earthworks that reduce the environmental impact of construction sites and
promote sustainability.
6. Indoor Environmental Quality: In order to improve the health, productivity, and safety of
occupants, the Indoor Environmental Quality section of the Philippine Green Building Code
mandates the implementation of efficient design and operation procedures that consider the
building environment. It establishes standards for illumination, acoustics, minimum fresh air rates,
and thermal comfort with the intention of reducing the environmental impact of building
interiors and promoting sustainability.
Buildings must adhere to the specific requirements and guidelines outlined in each section to qualify as
"green." The implementation of energy-efficient practices, designs, methods, and technologies that
decrease energy consumption and subsequently generate cost savings is mandated under the Energy
Efficiency provision. In order to reduce water usage, the Water Efficiency segment mandates the
installation of water-efficient fixtures and systems. The Material Sustainability section mandates the
utilization of environmentally favorable and sustainable materials. The execution of a waste
management strategy aimed at refuse reduction and recycling promotion is mandated by the Solid
Waste Management section. In accordance with the Site Sustainability section, sustainable site planning
and development methods must be implemented. The Indoor Environmental Quality section mandates
that measure to ensure adequate indoor illumination, thermal comfort, and air quality be implemented.

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