Seat Work Final

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Vin = 5;

R1 = 15;
L1 = 2e-3;
C1 = 2e-6;

i0 = 0;
v0 = 0;

tspan = [0 0.01];
t = linspace(tspan(1), tspan(2), 1000);

F1 = tf(1/L1*C1,[1 R1/L1 1/L1*C1])

R2 = 60;

a_over = 1/(R2*C1);
b_over = (R1 + R2)/L1;
c_over = 1/(L1*C1);

ode_over = @(t, i) [i(2); Vin/L1 - (b_over*i(2) + c_over*i(1))];

[t_over, i_over] = ode45(ode_over, tspan, [i0 v0]);

F2 = tf(1/L1*C1,[1 R2/L1 1/L1*C1])

R3 = 3;

a_under = 1/(R3*C1);
b_under = (R1 + R3)/L1;
wn_under = sqrt(1/(L1*C1) - (b_under/2)^2);
zeta_under = b_under/(2*wn_under);

ode_under = @(t, i) [i(2); Vin/L1 - (2*zeta_under*wn_under*i(2) + wn_under^2*i(1))];

[t_under, i_under] = ode45(ode_under, tspan, [i0 v0]);

R_crit = 2*sqrt(L1/C1);

a_crit = 1/(R_crit*C1);
b_crit = 2/sqrt(L1*C1);
c_crit = 1/(L1*C1);

ode_crit = @(t, i) [i(2); Vin/L1 - (b_crit*i(2) + c_crit*i(1))];

[t_crit, i_crit] = ode45(ode_crit, tspan, [i0 v0]);

F3 = tf(1/L1*C1,[1 R3/L1 1/L1*C1])

R4 = 5;
a_undamp = 1/(R4*C1);
b_undamp = (R1)/L1;
wn_undamp = sqrt(1/(L1*C1));

ode_undamp = @(t, i) [i(2); Vin/L1 - (b_undamp*i(2) + wn_undamp^2*i(1))];

[t_undamp, i_undamp] = ode45(ode_undamp, tspan, [i0 v0]);

F4 = tf(1/L1*C1,[1 R4/L1 1/L1*C1])

i_over_interp = interp1(t_over, i_over(:,1), t, 'linear', 'extrap');

i_under_interp = interp1(t_under, i_under(:,1), t, 'linear', 'extrap');
i_crit_interp = interp1(t_crit, i_crit(:,1), t, 'linear', 'extrap');
i_undamp_interp = interp1(t_undamp, i_undamp(:,1), t, 'linear', 'extrap');

plot(t, i_over_interp, 'b', t, i_under_interp, 'g', t, i_crit_interp, 'r', t,

i_undamp_interp, 'k');
legend('Overdamped', 'Underdamped', 'Critically Damped', 'Undamped');
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Current (A)');
title('RLC Circuit Current Response (Switch at t=0)');
grid on;


plot(t, i_over_interp, 'b');
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Current (A)');
title('Overdamped Response');
grid on;

plot(t, i_under_interp, 'g');
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Current (A)');
title('Underdamped Response');
grid on;

plot(t, i_crit_interp, 'r');
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Current (A)');
title('Critically Damped Response');
grid on;

plot(t, i_undamp_interp, 'k');
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Current (A)');
title('Undamped Response');
grid on;
F1 =

s^2 + 7500 s + 0.001

Continuous-time transfer function.

F2 =

s^2 + 30000 s + 0.001

Continuous-time transfer function.

F3 =

s^2 + 1500 s + 0.001

Continuous-time transfer function.

F4 =

s^2 + 2500 s + 0.001

Continuous-time transfer function.

Published with MATLAB® R2022a
Title: Analysis of RLC Circuit Responses Across Damping Conditions

I. Introduction

In the analysis of RLC circuits, understanding the different responses under various
damping conditions is crucial. The circuit's transient behavior is investigated in this
analysis to determine how changes in damping affect it. In examining responses across
over-damped, critically damped, and under-damped scenarios, we gain insights into the
circuit's stability, oscillatory tendencies, and the rate gained of convergence to

II. Experimental Setup

Circuit Configuration:
1. Voltage source (Vin) with a constant value of 5V
2. Resistors,
15 (Overdamped)
60 (Underdamped)
3 (Critially-damped)
5 (Undamped)
3. Inductor (L1) with a constant value of 2mH (2e-3 H)
4. Capacitor (C1) with a constant value of 2μF (2e-6 F)

III. Methods

MATLAB and Simulink are tools that offer an opportunity to analyze RLC circuits.
When analyzing an RLC circuit using these software, we first specify the parameters, set
up a Simulink model with the relevant blocks, simulate the circuit response then evaluate
the results by utilizing built-in visualization tools. This method can be used to learn about
RLC circuits in a way that is all-encompassing and allows for efficient study of their
behavior at once.

IV. Results:


1. Overdamped response.
In an overdamped response graph of the RLC circuit, the voltage across the capacitor
decays gradually without oscillation. The curve exhibits a slow, monotonic decline
towards zero. This behavior results from a resistance (R1) greater than the critical
damping resistance, leading to a sluggish but stable response without overshooting or

2. Underdamped response.

In an underdamped response graph of the RLC circuit, the voltage across the capacitor
displays oscillatory behavior before decaying to zero. The curve exhibits periodic
fluctuations with decreasing amplitude. This behavior arises due to a resistance (R1)
lower than the critical damping resistance, allowing excess energy to cause oscillations
before dissipating.

3. Critically Damped.
In a critically damped response graph of the RLC circuit, the voltage across the capacitor
rapidly reaches equilibrium without oscillation. The curve shows a quick initial decline to
zero without overshooting or oscillatory behavior. This response occurs when the
resistance (R1) matches the critical damping resistance, ensuring the fastest return to
stability without oscillations.

4. Undamped.

In an undamped response graph of the RLC circuit, the voltage across the capacitor
exhibits perpetual oscillations without decay. The curve displays sinusoidal oscillations
with constant amplitude and frequency. This behavior results from the absence of any
resistance to dampen the oscillations, allowing energy to cycle indefinitely between the
inductor and capacitor.

The transfer function response of the circuit varies based on the resistor configuration.
With a constant voltage source of 5V, and fixed values for inductance (2mH) and
capacitance (2μF), different resistor values lead to distinct damping characteristics:
overdamped (15Ω), underdamped (60Ω), critically-damped (3Ω), and undamped (5Ω).

Graphical representation of the transfer function response reveals distinct behaviors based
on resistor values. With a fixed 5V voltage source, 2mH inductance, and 2μF
capacitance, varying resistors (15Ω, 60Ω, 3Ω, and 5Ω) depict overdamped, underdamped,
critically-damped, and undamped responses respectively. These visualizations aid in
understanding circuit stability and transient characteristics.
V. Discussion

The graphical representation of the RLC circuit response provides valuable insights into
the damping characteristics of the circuit. Overdamped circuits exhibit slow, monotonic
responses without oscillation, while critically damped circuits reach equilibrium quickly
without oscillation. Underdamped circuits display oscillatory behavior due to excess
energy, with the number of oscillations and their damping dependent on the resistance

VI. Conclusion

Through this experiment, we visually analyzed the responses of an RLC circuit under
different damping conditions (overdamped, critically damped, and underdamped) by
plotting the voltage response over time. The graphical representation helps in
understanding the transient behavior of RLC circuits, which is essential for various -
practical applications.

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