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Activity for formative assessment:

A. Cite appropriate techniques and tools for formative assessment.
1. Response Cards
-These are either per-printed or write-on cards.Per-printed cards have
responses on them such as “Yes” or “No”. Write on cards allow students to
indicate their responses in real time.
2. Hand Signals
-Examples are “thumbs up” means understand and can explain it”,
“thumbs sideways” means “I”I’m not completely sure about,,,” thumbs
down” means “I do not understands.”
3. Games Game-based leaning and modified instruction
-are two emerging teaching-learning practices to drive learning . Game-
based learning makes use of a game of any kind to realize a learning

B. Explain how scoring rubrics can facilitate formative assessment.

-In formative assessment, teachers give feedback. These feedback are made more
specific when they are based on rubrics which enumerate the criteria and describe
the expected student’s performance (process and product). Scoring rubrics
especially analytic rubrics are, therefore, a good framework for feedback.
(Brookhart, 2013). Analytic rubrics are of great help to students in assessing their
own progress.

C. Reason why out self-assessment is an important feature of formative assessment.

-An increasing trend in formative assessment is self-assessment. Self-assessment is
aligned with the principle of learner agency which means that learning involves the
activity and the initiative of the learner, more than the inputs that are transmitted
to him/her by the teacher. With learner agency, are self-regulated learners who
engage in self-monitoring and self-evaluation.

D. In what sense is formative assessment compared to “tasting the soup” while summative
assessment in “serving the soup”?
As a cook is making her soup, she occasionally tastes it to decide if it needs a bit
more spices or ingredients. With each taste she is assessing her soup, and using that
feedback to change or improve it - in other words, the cook is engaging in formative

E. Distinguish between formative and summative assessment.

If formative assessment measures how a student is learning during a course of
study, summative assessment is designed to measure “how much” a student has
learned after a unit or course has reached its completion.
1. As student, have I been given the opportunity for the formative assessment?

The goal of formative assessment is to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback
that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching and by students to improve their
learning. More specifically, formative assessments: help students identify their strengths and
weaknesses and target areas that need work. Formative assessments give our students
evidence of their current progress to actively manage and adjust their own learning. This also
provides our students the ability to track their educational goals.Anything that helps the
teacher figure out IN THE MOMENT what you know and are learning, how well you know and
are learning it, and how well you can use the basic concepts of that idea’s construction or
expression, is formative assessment. This can include daily classwork or homework, but it
also includes asking good questions, and the body and vocal “cues” that tell us you are just
following along well. Even a brief glance, in the right direction, tells us how you are learning,
and how well. This is partially why having your cameras and audio off, and/or refusing to use
the chat space, were so problematic in online learning during the pandemic - those choices
cost you a LOT of the formative assessment “feedback” that teachers use to control and
modify pacing, reteach, and instruction in general.

2. As a future teacher, will I make formative assessment an integral part of my teaching ?

As a future teacher a Formative Assessment—An Integral Part of Teaching Learning Systems.

and to reveal what misunderstandings they may have. Formative assessment is a process
that is fundamental to what teachers do and should be a natural practice in teaching and
learning rather than a particular kind of measurement.Assessment should integrate grading,
learning, and motivation for your students. Well-designed assessment methods provide
valuable information about student learning. They tell us what students learned, how well
they learned it, and where they struggled.Assessment is an integral part of instruction, as it
determines whether or not the goals of education are being met. Assessment affects
decisions about grades, placement, advancement, instructional needs, curriculum, and, in
some cases, funding.

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