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In Welcome move the nationl assembly has passed protection of journalists and media

professional bill 2021 that was droppded on and piolated by the ministry of human
rights to bill provides for information of a commission when will inquire intoi
compalaints and threats violent attacks forced disappearnaces arbitrary arrested
reports of toture of journalists led would provide measures to investigae
proscecute and punish those people involve in violence threats againts journalists
the bill was earlier approved by the standing committee of human rights . One hopes
with the senate will passed it as soon as possible journalists bodies have welcome
the bill and had previously vetted its constraints bill it is step forward with
protection of journalists is approval of the bill by the national assembly comes
had tiem when journalists in pakistan are forced when increasing pressure have
expressed () about shrinking this for media freedom in pakistan and greater
restrictin both mainstream and social media by the govertnment authority the
federal information ministry had attemted in the recent months to push through the
formation of extremely severe media authority have need ever report to even carry
curtailment of editorial independence sustainted pressure and an out carry by media
organisations finally led to the government abondning the land advice move however
report of violence threats against journalists are no regular occurance on the
media continues to work to the shadow on such violence it is rare tat perpetrators
of this violence are indentified and brouth to justice it is hoped with this b
ill when it translates into law they go long way in addressng ths issue bring
greater accountabily for this who drop the media this is required effective
implementation would law unfortunately implementation is one of the government
falls so the standard of investigation and prosecutin remanined abassmal
journalists brouths welcomed to keep and rest on the who this law translates into
acctual actions.

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