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Due date: March 7, Thursday

Name: Shedrine A. Torres

Year /Section: 1st year - E


1. What is your personal definition of Science, Technology and Society?

Write your answer in the box provided.

In my own humble opinion, when I heard these terms, science, technology, and
society, they formed a relationship in different aspect while still being connected to
each other. The reason behind this is that when we have science itself, we can use it
as a tool to help society. In short, they are the foundations.

2. What do you know about scientific revolution? Write your answer in the box

The thing that I knew about the scientific revolution was Big Bang theory, which is like
this: let’s say how the universe started. As far as I know, the reason why they decided
to call it the Big Bang theory because there was a big explosion, and afterwards the
tiny bits started to form together to make planets, stars, galaxies, etc. I believe that
this theory is a contradiction for some religious beliefs.

3. Write at least 3 characteristics of science.

We have empirical, systematic, and cumulative. These are the characteristics of

science that can be classified.

4. In your own idea, write some of the highlights of scientific revolution.

My personal idea throughout this question is about the evolution of apes into human
beings. This theory has already been conducted and known at the same time, yet it
remains questionable for some religious beliefs. Not just that, but they have rejected
many times. In fact, Charles Darwin discovered this theory of evolution, which I
consider a scientific revolution because it involves different aspects that are totally
connected to the explanation for how species evolve through the history of life’s
development. Charles Darwin called it ‘’On the origin of Species’’.

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