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SAMPL PAPER-3 SECTION A_ (Mutipte Choice Questions) Each que: [iS | esas 1 2b e=[ S | the following is defined? l@a4 1G O)B+¢ @c+o “a8 +D | The value of x for which the matrix A eae 4] is singular a mm ematios <= TS 4 2) 2 (b) iT eae @-2 | The minor and cofactors of all the elements of the determinant E eel farcege| |@35;3,-1,2 ;5,-3,1,2 (b) 5,-3,1,2 ;5,3,-1,2 (©)5,-1,3,2 ;5,—3,1,2 (@) 5,3, -1,2;5,1,-3,2 | The linear inequality in the graph is shown below . | 4+3y 29 (@) none of these (@)OCAD __ Ifa andb are unit vectors, cors, then what is the angle between @ and B for | Baie B to be a unit vector? which v3a ae eas r there exist ty Sf such that | sry square matrix A, there exist an identity matrix of same order el | Fe (a) IA = Aonly (b) Al = A only a stnematios See aoe a PAPER3 XI SuB: : _Time Allowed: 3 Hours Marie petICs SECTION A _ (Muitipie Choice Questions) § B), then which of | | the following is defined? = JAE) Ce _@cC+D ayB +D | The value | Of x for which the matrix A [i ai is singular Say eee (ba (@®-1 @-2 7 The minor and cofactors ofa the elements ofthe determinant E |@)5;3, -1,2 ;5,-3,1,2 (6) 5,-3,1,2 ;5,3,-1,2 __| 5, =1,3,2 ;5,~3,1,2 (@) 5,3, -1,2;5,1,-3,2 4. | The linear inequality in the graph is shown below - | BC (@) none of these [fa and bare unit vectors, then what is the angle between @’ and b for j Ifa’ al which V3a — b to bea vat vector? _(©)60" @90" : ix A, there exist an identity matrix of same order such thet | (b) Al = A only onto 3) -XIL 4 60D x Le lig st Support Material (2022 SS x2’ . . *2] is symm, then » is equal to x | ()-1 Ad) 5 (b)3 | |@)2 Tit f@) = [sinxl, then fferentiable | (a) fis everywhere dif | (b) f is everywhere cont | (c) f is everywhere continuous but not tinuous but not differentiable at x = nz,n € Z differentiable at x = (2n +1)" ,nez | | (@)_none of these. Pe eeTeS, 10. |i {> a dx == , then the value of ais i a |@®)} wr (de ; ~ | The two vectors (f+ Be and (37 — j + 4k) represent the two sides AB and AC, | respectively of a triangle ABC . The length of the median through A is | 5 {cay = (©) vi8 (@) None of these | 12.) The derivative of sin?x with respect o °° is” ee cos 20s @) oy Oe (@) none of these ; | se — } 13. | ii | The area bounded bye = x, x-axis and the lines x = 1tox = 4 is | et w= O= oF — 14. | Corner points of the feasible regi | gion for a LPP are (0.2), G0), (6,0), (6,8) and | (0,5). Let F = 4x + 6y be the objective function. The minimum a F occurs at | (a) Only (0,2) | | | (b) only G,0) = (c)the mid point of the line segment joining the points (0,2) and (3.0) j 7 | ¢@) any point on the line segment joining the points (0,2) and (3.0). a jas) 2 | The degree of the differential equation [1 de Ty =2is sy x = | | @4 AG (3 @) not defined | | 16. ] The distance of a point P(a,b,c) from x-axis is (a@vat +e? _(o) Va? +b? SITET CE (A) b? +c? | 17. | The value of A for which the two vectors 2i—j+ 2k and 3t+ Ap +k are | perpendicular is (a)2 (b) 4 (6 ed) 8 (en TET Let A and B be two events. If P(A) = 0.2, P(B) = 0.4, P(A UB) = 0.6ithen | P(A|B)is equal to (a)0.8 - (b) 0.5 (c) 0.3 f(c)0 See eres ASSERTION-REASON BASED QUESTIONS a statement of assertion (A) is followed by @ statement of .t answer out of the following choices. rect explanation of A. nation of A. In the following questions, Reason (R). Choose the correc! (a) Both A and R are true and Ris the cor ‘A and R are true but R is not the correct expla (b) Both (©) Ais true but R is false. a (@) Ais false but Ris true. _ s a ee Lol? "Assertion (A):If a line makes angle of = with each of y and z axis, then OEE > Uppore mavessas wearer ~nae a _ — Rithemation which it makes with x-axis is © | Reason (R):Ifa line makes angles a, 8, with the positive direction of the Lene | coordinate en the value of sin?a + sin2p + sin?y is 1. | 20. | Assertion (A):The principal value of sin-* ( — 3) i |__| Reason (R): The prineipal value branch of the fun SECTION B Short answer type-questions (VSA) of 2 marks each 2D }Find the principal value of cos [cos*(- ‘+z A ar’ @ | Sow that the function f: NN given by f (x) =x? is one-one but not onto, 22. Find the interval in which the function y = x(x — 3)? decreases. 23. | Phe scalar product of the vector t+ j +k with a unit vector along the sum of | the vectors 2? + 4j-5k and Ai + 2j + 3% is equal to one. Find the value of 2 lv hind the angle between the lines a y A, Ifthe Sum of two unit vectors is a unit vector, show that the magnitude of their difference is V3 _. ae] Invising hon xe E | If the function f(x) = 47-4" 4 | k , whenx = 4 | is continuous at x.= =,then find the value of k. r | e SECTION C , | (This section comprises of shart answer type questions (SA) of 3 marks each) = i ss | 26. | Find the value off (2) erax . OR that y= 0 when x =0. OR Solye‘he differential equation ye¥dx = (xer + y?) dy 29. Solve graphically, : imise Z=2x+Sy, subject to constraints stim : ety sGxty shxz0.y20 oO 2x+4 ‘Support Material (2022-25) - XI <1 61 ————<————_ | Reason (R):Ifa line makes angles @, B,y with the positive d | coordinate axes, then the value of sin®« + sin? + sin? vis 30 20 al value of sin (- +)is—% 2 6 al value branch of the function sin“4x is [0,7] 4 SECTION B geal s section comprises of very short answer type-questions (VSA) of 2 marks 21. } find the principal value of cos [cos-* &) +7. T oo) 2 4 Assertion (A):The prin W?! Reason (R): The prine 6. cea the function f| N-*N given by f(x) =x? is on id the interval in which the function y = x(x — 3)? decreases. sree scalar product of the vector f+ j +k with a unit vector along the sum of the vectors 2f + 4j-5k and At + 2f + 3k is equal to one. Find the value of A Rat _ ye _ aT Find the angle between the lines mai. ML co NC ene ‘um of two unit vectors is a unit vector, show that the magnitude of their [difference is V3 . 1-v2sinx x nisi When x # = | If the function f(x) = 4 mae (WHERE EG | ke; when x = a | | is continuous at x = S,then find the value of k. “¢ SECTION C (This section comprises eae answer type questions (SA) of 3 marks each) 26. Find the value off (2) eax . OR Evalfate Soiss dx a if eax? 9 aPcostxtbesintx Find the particular solution of the differential equation log| that y = 0 when x =0. = 3x + 4y. given OR the differential equation yeydx = (xer 4 y*) ay | tase 29. F£oive graphically, 4) Maximise Z=2x-+Sy, subject to constraints | 2x44 Bi Sy 6 Yi aoa Bei SS. ive the following e uation graphically — ar Support Material (2022-28) - XII <1 62 ES Mathematig gypport™ ss — | ‘Minimum Z = 5x + 1oy ~~ | Subject to the constraints Bias 35 ; |_3i, re drawn successively with replac i ied deck ~ | [Two © drawn successively with replacement from a well-shuffled deck | of S2 cards. Find the probability distribution of the number of aces, ~._ SECTIOND ar ection comprises of long answer-type questions (LA) of 5 marks each) J Using matrix method, solve the following system of equations ia] oy | =13;x,y,z#0 | | 1 zt! | 1-2 —2|then use to solve | | [2a ee 4 [sbesystem of equations x —y +2=4, x —2y ~?2=9 and 2x+y+3z= 33,/ | Show that the relation R in the set A = {x € Sx= 19} given byR= {(2b): | | la — blis divisible by 4} is an equivalence relation .Find the set of all elements lege OR | x=a, find the value of a, [37 WA bird is flying along the line ¢ between them. SECTION E | Q. no. 36,37 and 38 are case ~study Questions. (ges | px = -5x2 +425x + 37500 is the total profit function of a company, where x is the production of the company. | the shortest possible distanc Is the function differentiable in the inl What will be the critical point of the POO? = Using double derivative test find the maximum profit OR the area between x = y? and x = 4 is divided into two equal parts by the line | + 27 + 3k) + A@— 37 + 2k)and another | I bird is flying along the Jine # = (42 + 57 + 6k) + u(2i + 3f + &).At what | points on the lines they reach so that the distance between them is the least?Find fal (0, 10)? Justify your answ |Support Material (2022-23) - XII pa ee eG Mathemati Rape co ‘ematics se se A rect tangular cake dish is made by cutting out squares from the corners of a 25 cm BY 40 cm rectangle of tin plate, and then folding the metal to form the container, | Based on the given information, answer the following questions. | i Ifx cm from each corner is cut out ,then find length ,breadth and height of the dish . ii, Express the volume(x), in terms of x. iii, Find the value of x for which the capacity of dish is maximum also find maximum volume. OR | Find the interval in which the volume function V(x) is strictly increasing or strictly decreasing. In an office four employees Ram, Rahim, John, Sital process incoming copies of a certain form. Ram processes 30% of the form. Rahim processes 20%, John Processes 10% and Sital the remaining 40% of the form. Ram has an error rate of 0.06, Rahim has an error rate of 0.03, John has an error rate of 0.02 and Sital has an error rate of 0.01. Based on the above situation, answer the followin: i itt i the form Find the total probability of committing an error in processing the form Gthe manager of the company wants to do a quality check. During inspection Ihe selects a form at random from the days output of processed forms. It form selected at random has an error, find the probability that the form. 18 processed by Ram.

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