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How should Employees deal with Unethical Behavior?

Ethical is very important in company or businesses. It is not so different as morals.

Morals are personal beliefs and values that helps humans to choose between right
or wrong, while Ethics provide a broader framework that evaluates and guides
within a specific context. We all know that Unethical behavior refers to conduct
when an individual, a professional, or a company does anything deemed
inappropriate that are against the social standards. But what happens when we
encounter an Unethical employee in our workplace? What should the employees
actually do to deal with a co-worker that has Unethical behavior?

Last year I worked at fast food restaurant called McDonalds, I worked there for
eight months. I encounter different kinds of unethical behavior, some of them are
stealing the condiments and others are serving products that is not good anymore. I
did not report this to our manager, because I am afraid of that employee with
unethical behavior on what he will do to me outside of work if I reported him.

That was a mistake, I always think of what will happen to the health of customer if
they eat that product. Somehow the manager caught him in the camera footage, and
file him an incident report.

Dealing with an unethical behavior is very difficult. Sometimes we do it and

ignore it, but we should always do what is right to keep our workplace safe and
protect the company’s reputation. So the next time I encounter this kind of
behavior I will report it to the manager or a Human Resources(HR). That is what
every employees should do when they encounter this unethical behavior, even if it
is very difficult. The employee should talk to the HR representative privately so
they will handle it professionally.

The HR will discipline the unethical employee by continuously training,

conducting ethics code, defining the consequences and establish a line of

By the help of this guidelines, now we all now how to deal with unethical
employee professionally.

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