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addi Oy ¢Simile - Simile is comparison between two very different objects. Like & as is need to be used. Cae elem difference is that we treat both the object same. Ex - Sachin played like a warrior (simile) Sachin was a warrior in the game (Metaphor) ¢ Personification - when non living thing is given a life . Eg: trees sprinting, A er CeKd (eM CULM Urea Oem oy-L iat Cer] Nano) Le] Se TCM AMAT OM Uer-Cel (el ela emer em 1 Ue Ex- Greedy good-doers, beneficient beasts my Se NAR LU UML UTS completely opposite to what is conveyed by the author or the poet. Ex- proud and unafraid Bae LR eC oe word in a sentence. Ex - "far far from" SPV iccre- Mem Cat etme l Lt lar Tm beginning of words. Ex - "we will count", Bee (eS CCC ¢ Hyperbole - when extreme exaggeration is made. Ex - | have told you a million time Si tye em Lg symbolic meaning or the poet is imagining Ex - A flowery band to bind us to the earth. Bee RO oh sounds in words . Ex- 'O' in Home to Cochin last Friday Pa * Anaphora - repetition of a word or SE RUM Rm ety phrases. Ex- (Or crook-necked golden squash PTS EL Cem yin mel eT scene,). ¢ Enjambment - the continuation of a RUM MUR MRL Lm but og Ex- "Now we will count to twelve and we will all keep still." *Synecdoche- when a word has multiple meaning Tm Ex - terrified hands not only talk about her hands being terrified but her whole body. ¢Transferred Epithet- when an adjective usually used to describe one thing is transferred to another. Ex-'sleepless nights’ SPMD Om Ter RMT IEE consonants in neighboring words whose vowel sounds are different. Ex- 'T': Put that thought away and looked out at young. *Assonance: Prominent sound of COR A Um OMe ag Ne ii. doze, open mouthed, her face ashen like that of a corpse. ¢ Imagery: The description about children playing and sprinting trees is given: Tree sprinting, the merry children spilling out of their home. ¢Personification: The trees are said to be sprinting (running): Tree sprinting, the merry children spilling. eer MMM eM UUme RULE) ( Pe UCR CRE Lm Clea *Simile: The poetess mothers face has been compared to the late winters moon using as: Pale as a late winters moon. Bmore) mem UM CMe CMM Lee OR Lae) corpse using like: her face ashen like that of a corpse. My mother at 66 SE ie ee Uae Rel ecrmet Cell gamed (Te a standing a few yards. Prominent sound of 't': Put that thought away and looked Cigale Prominent sound of 's': That she was old as she looked but tele *Symbolism: Winters moon is a symbol of decay. Repetition: The word smile has been used thrice: All | CCRC CET HRS L RS om The word looked has been repeated. *Alliteration: Repetition of the letter s: But all | said was PTB EAU] Sea ee emer em UMC ee mC m La) immortal drinks. The poet has used the phrase wreathing a flowery band to show how beautiful things bind humans to Earth. * Imagery - The poet has given the visual description of a lot of things in BUC 72 Rich with a sprinkling of fair musk-rose blooms. ONC RET Rae CL eRe For simple sheep; and such are daffodils Se ec etm mM mol PUL em mii DRO U SC eC mC Mm mT Yi Lem MCMC CCUute ae L< A THING OF BEAUTY OVD tele (Of noble natures, of the gloomy days, Of all the unhealthy and oer-darkened ways) * Inversion - The format of the sentence has been changed throughout the stanza ST Te Lag h in have heard. S in "Sprouting Shady, Simple sheep." Commerce ae) (1 a B in "band to bind" N in "noble natures" RUST] a s in sleep-sweet. A ROADSIDE STAND ae eer MLA MeeT OOM GT lurks near the open window , A roadside stand that too pathetically pled. 2. Repetition - "country", "pain" , car , sleep , wrong , Te) t= 28 3. Alliteration - g in gallon of gas , G in greedy good , B in beneficent beasts , B in be bought , 'p' in "pathetically pled." 4. Transferred Epithet - poet has used selfish cars to call Rime Neem Cem eee Ola Oma ol) Clee A ROADSIDE STAND 5. Oxymoron - greedy good-doers. P5 #& (Meer ieee eam GCM CMe) maT) moving-pictures promise." ; But for some of HMC Aer emi) TT) eed ce 8. Anaphora - (Or crook-necked golden SoU mLEe Or beauty rest in a beautiful mountain scene,). SU aR oa hands being terrified but her whole body. ¢ Assonance- Prominent sound of the vowel: | in - "Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie." O in - "go on prancing, proud and unafraid." E in - "ringed with ordeals she was mastered by." Prominent sound of the vowel 'e' - "They do not fear the St Sei em ee EM Mert Ol ra ORE the vibrant yellow colour of the tigers. SUC eee Cae eee eM eee Bol ee eee Ce eR aU Cees UCR La TU OMe Lm UL Crd Sa Reece Se eM ee em UCM) Se mL eae SO ee eC CCl SU Cee CES mC * Alliteration - It is the repetition of a letter at the Cla mem mC CMT Ud letter 'p' in "prancing proud." The repetition of the em mR mie MM TO Le Cem MeN Come 110 a See aCe TURE me cert ll) Elle ema UR Ue mC ATOR ee ae cee) Bright topaz denizens of a world of green. * Transferred Epithet - The poet used terrified EU Oa eC UCR CULL Cae I ouxey ee CecLn Ces bamne sr Tads met m ce (usm EEL when everything“. Metaphor: “shade” refers to protection. Enjambment: “Now we will count to twelve and we will all keep still.”, “For once on the face of the Earth let’s not speak in any language, let’s stop for one second, and not move our arms so much.” etc. Alliteration: “we will count”, “sudden strangeness”, “stop for one second”, “his hurt hands”, “clean clothes”. Solas te COeRMmmPLUeCOPRMpar CI PmABlaslelTiMoitss beac Symbolism: “Brothers” symbolise mankind, “green wars” refer to deforestation, “wars with gas” refers to pollution, “clean clothes” symbolise change of perspective, “shade” symbolises protection etc. PAWiLeC Smee LMC ALCS RCo T Cs RTE V I cocoon SS CScmueltbitslitemevelCM Coat omiell M-VeamuyeusecKinnetss activities and are put together.

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