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Subject: Basic Science Class: JSS 1

1. The release of eggs (ova) in the female from the ovary to the fallopian tube is referred to as ------------
(A) menstruation (B) ovulation (C) reproduction (D) fertilization (E) gestation
2. The fusion of the nuclei of male and female sex cells (gametes) to form zygotes is called -----------
(A) ovulation (B) fertilization (C) implantation (D) puberty (E) menstruation
3. Which of these cannot be regarded as an air pollutant?
(A) Carbon monoxide (B) Noise (C) Nitrogen (D) Dust (E) Smoke
4. Air pollutants can cause one of the following diseases: (A) Excretory diseases (B) Reproductive diseases
(C) Respiratory diseases (D) Nervous diseases (E) Skeletal diseases
5. The pregnancy period in mammals is otherwise called -------
(A) gestation (B) incubation (C) regurgitation (D) menopause (E) hibernation
6. Where does fertilization take place? (A) Uterus (B) Vaginal (C) Fallopian tube (D) Cervix (E) Ovary
7. The development of the embryo takes place in the -----
(A) Uterus (B) Vaginal (C) Fallopian tube (D) Cervix (E) Ovary
8. Cutting out of air supply to a human being is known as ------
(A) suffocation (B) respiration (C) inflammation (D) instigation (E) adulteration
9. The soil pollutants can be controlled by the following EXPECT ----- (A) making use of biodegradable
refuse to make manure (B) public education (C) burning of soil (D) minimising the use of insecticides and
herbicides in the soil (E) disallowing dumping of chemicals in the soil.
10. Which of the following is NOT a water pollutant?
(A) Soot (B) Detergent (C) Fertilizers (D) Pesticides (E) Crude oil
11. One of the following serves as a reproductive organ in a male
(A) Uterus (B) Ureter (C) Urethra (D) Oviduct (E) Cervix
12. Menopause is a stage where women are; (A) able to produce (B) produce egg (C) able to menstruate
(D) Unable to menstruate any more eggs and have stopped menstruation (E) unable to produce blood in her
13. Conception occurs when (A) sperm unites with ovum (B) sperm moves to the fallopian tube
(C) the fertilized egg implants itself to the lining of the uterus (D) fertilized egg remains at the Oviduct
(E) ovum and sperm join together
14. Conception occurs in ----- (A) Fallopian tube (B) Oviduct (C) Vagina (D) Uterus/womb (E) Cervix
15. One advantage of maintaining cleanliness and hygiene during menstruation is ----- (A) It prevents cold and
catarrh (B) it allows flexibility (C) it prevents body odour and discomfort (D) It shows a sense of maturity
(E) none of the above
16. Water pollution may be controlled by (A) repair of leakages in roofs (B) sweeping the surroundings
regularly (C) disposing of refuse properly (D) making good soakaway pits (E) retaining stagnant water
17. Which of the gases below can be reduced by water pollution and cause the death of aquatic life?
(A) Carbon (IV) oxide (B) Carbon (II) oxide (C) Nitrogen (D) Oxygen (E) Chlorine
18. Soil pollutants are substances that ----- (A) improve the quality of the soil (B) affect the quality of the soil
(C) manage the quality of the soil (D) are none of the above (E) all of the above
19. When ozone layer is depleted (reduced), it means ----- (A) global warming occurs (B) Chlorine in
chlorofluoro carbon is removed from the ozone layer (C) the ozone layer shields the inhabitants of the earth
from skin cancer (D) the ozone layer absorbs nitrogen substance (E) the ozone layer is attacked by chlorine
in CFC's and can't protect as expected
20. Which of the following is the effect of too much sewage in water? (A) decrease in the production of germs
(B) decrease in the growth of germs (C) increase in the production of germs (D) increase in the growth of
germs (E) none of the above

(1) Define air pollution. List and define the three types of pollution. (5 marks)

(2) List five sources of: (i) Air pollution. (ii) Water pollution. (5 marks)

(3) Define the following (a) Reproduction (b) Menstruation (c) Fertilization (5 marks)

(4) Name the male and female gametes in reproduction.

Differentiate between the two types of reproduction. (5 marks)

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