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Dominic E.

Coregidor Grade 12- Honesty January 223, 2023 IKA

Quantitative Research

Quantitative Research is a systematic investigation designed to extend knowledge aimed at

quantifying a problem using statistical-based methods of search. It focuses on numbers and measurements

used to describe, analyze, and show relationships between two or more variables. Findings can either be

counted or compared on a numeric scale, as it adds details that would help you see a bigger picture of a

certain phenomenon or event that has occurred with any discipline or organization. It focuses on scientific-

based methods, as it aims to examine trends, themes, and patterns answered by conducting surveys and

experimentation. This category of research aims to validate and confirm research gaps and test a strategy,

model, and design. It is objective, logical, and structured as it follows a specific procedure in

accomplishing the research goal being oriented.

The quantitative method usually focuses on establishing cause-and-effect relationships that is

designed to collect, analyze, and interpret data to understand, describe, or predict a particular problem or

phenomenon contend with difficulties of measurements or statistical issues attached to variables being

analyzed and interpreted as expressed in quantities. It is large and representative as it can provide great

number of respondents, which means that it is wider and has greater objectivity and accuracy. Obviously,

this category of research avoids bias, as respondents are being chosen using sampling techniques (e.g.

random sampling) that are enough to provide an accurate reflection of the total population. It can

summarize vast sources of information which is easier to understand from the point-of-view of the readers

and other beneficiaries produced by this research approach.

Quantitative Research also has its characteristics. It is reliable that it is possible to replicate or

repeat the research. Every aspect of this research method is meticulously designed to give an accurate

result at the end of the research study. It utilizes research techniques and instruments (e.g. surveys) being

used to collect data needed for the data analysis. The data presented is presented through tables, charts,

figures, and graphs summarizing the whole entire result of the research process even if it is huge, it is

objective and accurate. The quantitative research approach also has many benefits not only through

knowledge, but also would help individuals develop into logical and analytical thinkers who could then

evolve into key thinkers or contributors in our country or even the world.

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