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Once upon a time, there was a kind woodcutter who lived with his widow in mountain village.

was very poor. So he had to go to a mountain and cut down a tree, and then sell it.

One day, the woodcutter went to a mountain to cut the tree. He sang a song with a pleasant
mind while cutting the trees. "Shall I buy my mother's new shoes by money I earned? No, I should
buy a meat dish for her." The woodcutter who really loved his mother didn't even know tiring
because of the thought to make his mother happy. He wielded his ax even more harder. One, two,
one, two.. Bump! "This tree is really hard." He wielded his ax hard. 'Splash!' His ax slipped form his
hand and fell down to a pond. "Oh, my ax! What should I do? How can I buy a meat dish for my
mother?" He cried, looking the pond. By the way, the smoke went up suddenly from the pond.
And a spirit appeared, with a white clothes and a white beard. "Why are you crying sadly that
much?" "I dropped my ax in the pond." The spirit went into a pond after listening to him. The
spirit appeared again with a fancy gold ax. "Is this gold ax yours?" The woodcutter wanted to
have the gold ax. But he said honestly. "No, that is not my ax." "Hmm... Wait for a second." He
went into a pond again. The spirit appeared with a fancy silver ax. "Is this silver ax yours?" "No,
my ax isn't expensive that much." "Oh, really? Wait for a second." The spirit went into a pond
again. In this time, the spirit appeared with a metal ax. "If so, Is this your ax?" "

Yes. That ax is my ax." The woodcutter was so happy to find his ax. "Oh, you are very honest
young man!" The spirit was touched with his honesty. So he also gave the gold ax and the silver
as a present. "Thank you." The nice woodcutter sold the gold ax and the silver ax. Then he
became a great richest person in the world. However, he gave his wealth to poor people and still
went to a mountain and sold the woods. The greedy woodcutter heard that the kind woodcutter
became rich. And he envied him. "I will also drop my metal ax and get the gold ax and the silver
ax." The greedy woodcutter hold his metal ax and went to a pond where the spirit appears. Then,
he dropped the metal ax purposely and pretended crying. "Oh, What should I do? I dropped my
precious ax." Few minutes later, the spirit appeared. "Why are you crying?" "I am a diligent
woodcutter, and I dropped my ax to the pond." The greedy woodcutter pretended crying by
rubbing his spit on his eye rim. "Okay, I will find your ax." The spirit went into the pond. Few
minutes later, the spirit appeared with a rusty metal ax. "Is this ax your ax?" "No, that is not my ax.
My axes are fancy gold ax and silver ax." The greedy woodcutter said, after seeing the metal ax.
"You rascal! How you dare to lie. I won't bring back your metal ax." 'Pong!' The spirit disappeared
to the pond with an anger. The greedy woodcutter came down with nothing on his hands, losing
his metal ax.

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