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Set 6

My mother HAS COOKED dinner.

Explanation: The verb “has cooked” is in the present perfect tense because it is used to describe the
action that the subject of the sentence (in this case “my mother”), has just recently completed.

My mother HAS BEEN COOKING dinner.

Explanation: The verb “has been cooking” is in the present perfect progressive tense because it is used
to describe an action that the subject of the sentence (my mother) does habitually in the past and is
completing in the present.

Lately, my mother HAS BEEN COOKING dinner.

Explanation: The verb “has been cooking” in the sentence is in the present perfect tense because it
describes an action that was done habitually by the subject of the sentence (my mother) in the past.
Furthermore, the adverbial “lately” Is used to describe the time when the action happened, in this case
the recent past.

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