7 L1 - Initial Test

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Date: 23.09.2021

Grade: 7th L1

Initial test
1. Watch the family tree and complete the sentences : (30p)

1. Oliver is Emma's ______________________.

2. Andrew is Michael's ______________________.

3. Emma is Oliver's ______________________.

4. Sarah is Michael's ______________________.

5. Henry is Emma's ______________________.

6. James is Emma's ______________________.

7. Andrew is Emma's ______________________.

8. Michael is Oliver's ______________________.

9. Susan is Michael's ______________________.

10. Susan is Andrew's ______________________.

2. Put the words below in the correct category – Countable or Uncountable. (30p)

bread house apple fish tomato money pig cheese

chocolate water flower milk information work door juice
people grape car boy

3. Use the verb TO BE at Present Simple to complete the following sentences: (30p)

1. My mother and my sister __________________________ at home. (X)

2. Emily ________________________very happy about the news. (✓)
3. Jason and Luke _________________________ my brothers. (X)
4. Wow, the movie seems great! I _____________________ very excited to see it! (✓)
5. Hey, _____________________ you Michael?
6. Me and my friend ______________________ in the park. (✓)
7. ____________________ we supposed to write or to read the sentence?
8. Well, I ____________________ sure about going in this trip. (X)
9. George looks like he ________________________ happy with his test grade. (X)
10. ________________________ Mary coming to dinner tonight?

-time allowed: 40 minutes;

-10 points granted.

Good luck!

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