Hydraulic System

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In this program we are going to learn

1. What is a hydraulic system
2. Working Principle,
3. Advantages and Disadvantages
4. Uses
5. Hydraulic fluids
What is Hydraulic System?

A hydraulic system is a type of mechanical system that uses pressurized fluid to

transmit and amplify forces. It consists of a pump, a fluid reservoir, and a system
of tubes and valves that control the flow of fluid.

In a hydraulic system, the pump pressurizes the fluid and pushes it through the
system. The fluid then flows through the tubes and valves to actuate mechanical
devices, such as cylinders or motors. The fluid exerts a force on these devices,
which can be used to do work, such as lifting a load or moving a machine

Hydraulic systems are widely used in a variety of applications, including

construction equipment, aircraft, automobiles, and industrial machinery. They are
known for their high power-to-weight ratio, as well as their ability to transmit force
over long distances with minimal loss of energy.

Hydraulic systems are also used in some braking systems, where they are used to
apply pressure to the brake pads or shoes in order to stop the vehicle. They are also
used in some power steering systems, where they are used to apply force to the
steering mechanism in order to make it easier for the driver to steer the vehicle.

Hydraulic System Working Principle

The working principle of a hydraulic system is based on the transmission of force

through a pressurized fluid. A hydraulic system consists of a pump, a fluid
reservoir, and a system of tubes and valves that control the flow of fluid.

Here is a summary of the working principle of a hydraulic system:

1. The pump pressurizes the fluid and pushes it through the system.
2. The pressurized fluid flows through the tubes and valves to actuate
mechanical devices, such as cylinders or motors.
3. The fluid exerts a force on these devices, which can be used to do work,
such as lifting a load or moving a machine component.
4. The fluid is then returned to the reservoir, where it is cooled and stored until
it is needed again.
In a hydraulic system, the pump is responsible for pressurizing the fluid and
delivering it to the mechanical devices. The fluid reservoir stores the fluid until it is
needed, and the tubes and valves control the flow of fluid and direct it to the
appropriate mechanical devices.

Hydraulic systems are widely used in a variety of applications, including

construction equipment, aircraft, automobiles, and industrial machinery. They are
known for their high power-to-weight ratio, as well as their ability to transmit force
over long distances with minimal loss of energy.

a. Hydraulic cylinder
The schematic arrangement of the hydraulic cylinder is shown in Figure 1.1. It
consists of a movable piston connected to the output shaft and two parts A and B. If
liquid is pumped through port A, then the piston will move up and if the liquid is
pumped through port B, then the piston will move down.

Figure 1.1 Hydraulic Cylinder

b. Hydraulic system
The parts of a hydraulic system are as shown in Figure 1.2. AC motor M drives the
hydraulic pump so that the fluid is pumped from the tank at the required pressure
Figure 1.2 Parts of Hydraulic System
The fluid circulated into the system should be clean to reduce wear of the pump
and the cylinder hence a filter is used immediate to the storage tank. The pump
delivers constant volume of fluid for each revolution of the shaft, the pressure rises
indefinitely until a pipe or pump itself fails. Some kind of pressure regulator is
used to spill out the excess Fluid back to the tank. Cylinder movement is controlled
by a 3-position change over control valve. On one side of the valve is connected to
a pressurized fluid line and fluid retrieval lines and other side of the valve is
connected port A and port B of the cylinder. Since hydraulic circuits is a closed
one, the liquid transferred from the tank to one side of the piston and the fluid at
the other side of the piston is retrieved back to the tank. This system uses liquid as
the fluid medium, this is a closed loop systems.
c. Position Of Valves;
To lift the weight, the pressurized fluid line has to be connected to port A and the
retrieval line has to be connected to the port B by moving the valve position to
raise. To bring down the weight, the pressurized fluid line has to be connected to
port A and the retrieval line has to be connected to port A , by moving the valve
position to lower.
The weight can be stopped at a particular position by moving the valve position to
off. This disconnect the port A and port B form the pressurized lines and the
retrieval line which locks the fluid in the cylinder.


Principle behind the operation of a hydraulic system?

A hydraulic system is a type of mechanical system that uses a fluid, such as oil or
water, to transmit and amplify force. The principle behind the operation of a
hydraulic system is based on the fact that a fluid is nearly incompressible, meaning
that it is difficult to compress or reduce in volume. This property allows a
hydraulic system to transmit force from one location to another without significant
loss of pressure.

In a hydraulic system, a pump is used to pressurize the fluid and move it through a
series of pipes or hoses. The pressurized fluid is then transmitted to a hydraulic
actuator, such as a cylinder or a hydraulic motor, which converts the fluid pressure
into mechanical force. The hydraulic actuator is connected to a load, such as a
hydraulic press or a hydraulic lift, which is moved by the force of the actuator.

One of the main advantages of hydraulic systems is that they are able to transmit
large amounts of force over long distances with relatively little loss of pressure.
This makes them well-suited for applications where large forces are needed, such
as in construction equipment or aircraft landing gear.

Hydraulic systems can also be used to amplify force. For example, a small
movement of a hydraulic piston can be used to produce a much larger movement
of a load. This is accomplished by using a hydraulic cylinder with a larger diameter
or by using a hydraulic multiplier, which is a device that multiplies the force of the

Overall, the operation of a hydraulic system relies on the principle of fluid pressure
and the ability of a fluid to transmit force without significant loss of pressure. This
allows hydraulic systems to be used in a wide range of applications where large
forces are needed.
Advantages of Hydraulic System?

There are several advantages to using hydraulic systems:

1. High power-to-weight ratio: Hydraulic systems can transmit large forces

with relatively small components, making them ideal for applications where
weight is a concern, such as in aircraft and automobiles.
2. Long-distance force transmission: Hydraulic systems can transmit force
over long distances with minimal loss of energy, making them suitable for
applications where mechanical components need to be separated by large
3. Good response time: Hydraulic systems can respond quickly to changes in
pressure, allowing them to be used in applications that require fast and
precise control.
4. Compact size: Hydraulic systems can be made compact and lightweight,
making them suitable for use in small spaces.
5. Simple to maintain: Hydraulic systems are relatively simple and easy to
maintain, as they have fewer moving parts compared to other types of
mechanical systems.
6. Versatility: Hydraulic systems can be used to perform a wide range of tasks,
including lifting, moving, and rotating objects. They can also be used to
apply force to a variety of mechanical devices, such as cylinders, motors,
and actuators.
7. Durability: Hydraulic systems are generally very durable and reliable, with
a long service life. They are also resistant to wear and tear, making them
suitable for use in demanding environments
Disadvantages of Hydraulic System?

There are also several disadvantages to using hydraulic systems:

1. Complexity: Hydraulic systems can be more complex to design and operate

compared to other types of mechanical systems, as they involve the use of
pressurized fluid and require specialized components such as pumps and
2. High cost: Hydraulic systems can be more expensive to purchase and
maintain compared to other types of mechanical systems, due to the
specialized components and the need for frequent maintenance.
3. Fluid leakage: Hydraulic systems are prone to fluid leakage, which can lead
to environmental contamination and reduced system efficiency.
4. Fluid contamination: Hydraulic systems are sensitive to fluid
contamination, which can cause damage to the system and reduce its
5. Limited power density: Hydraulic systems have a limited power density
compared to other types of mechanical systems, meaning that they are not as
efficient in terms of space utilization.
6. Risk of explosion: Hydraulic systems can pose a risk of explosion if the
pressurized fluid is not properly contained and controlled.
7. Vulnerability to weather: Hydraulic systems can be vulnerable to weather-
related issues, such as freezing or overheating, which can lead to system
Summary of dis-advantages of hydraulic system.
Hydraulic fluid leakages, impairment of system operation by contaminants and
fire hazard with flammable hydraulic fluids.

Uses of Hydraulic System?

Hydraulic systems are used in a wide range of applications where precise and
reliable control of force is required. Some common uses of hydraulic systems

1. Lifting and moving heavy objects: Hydraulic systems are often used in
construction equipment and other machinery to lift and move heavy loads.
For example, hydraulic cylinders and jacks are used to lift and support
buildings during construction or repair.
2. Operating machine tools: Hydraulic systems are used to operate machine
tools, such as press brakes and shears, which require precise and powerful
force to cut and shape metal.
3. Controlling aircraft and spacecraft: Hydraulic systems are used to operate
the control surfaces of aircraft and spacecraft, such as flaps, rudder, and
landing gear.
4. Operating automotive components: Hydraulic systems are used in
automobiles to operate brakes, suspension, and steering systems.
5. Industrial machinery: Hydraulic systems are used in a variety of industrial
machinery, including cranes, conveyors, and packaging equipment.
6. Marine equipment: Hydraulic systems are used in marine equipment, such
as ship propellers, anchors, and winches.
7. Medical equipment: Hydraulic systems are used in medical equipment,
such as hospital beds and patient lifts.
8. Agricultural machinery: Hydraulic systems are used in a variety of
agricultural machinery, including tractors, harvesters.

2.0 Hydraulic fluids

2.1 Introduction
No other component of the system must perform as many functions or meet as
many requirements as the fluid.
2.2 Functions of the fluid ;
a. Provide efficient power transmission
b. Lubricate the moving parts.
c. Protect from rust and corrosion
d. Cool, dissipate heat generated by internal parts.
e. To seal gaps and clearances between mating parts
f. To remove unwanted and harmful impurities from the system
g. Perform other functions depending on the system design
2.3 Properties of an ideal fluid in Hydraulic application
i. Stable viscosity characteristics; Viscosity is the most important property of
the fluid. It is the measure of the ability of a fluid to flow at a definite
temperature and pressure
ii. Good lubricity
iii. Compatibility with system materials;
iv. Stable physical and chemical properties.
v. Good heat dissipation capability
vi. High bulk modulus and degree of incompressibility
vii. Adequate low- temperature properties such as cloud point, por point,
freezing point.
viii. Good flammability characteristics such as flash point and fire point. Flash
point is the minimum temperature at which sufficient liquid is vaporized
under specified conditions to create a mixture that will burn if ignited. Fire
point is the minimum temperature at which sufficient vapor is continuously
generated to sustain the combustion.
ix. Low volatility; Volatility of a liquid describes the degree and rate at which it
will vaporize under given conditions of temperature and pressure, hydraulic
fluid should have low volatility
x. Good demulsibility; This is the ability of fluid to separate rapidly and
completely from moisture. This is important because the operation of many
hydraulic systems are conducive to the forming of moisture or stable water
in oil emulsions
xi. Nontoxicity
xii. Better fire resistance;
xiii. Better rust and corrosion preventive qualities: Corrosiveness of a hydraulic
fluid should be as low as possible. Rust and corrosive-preventive synthetic
chemicals are usually added with hydraulic fluids
xiv. Good oxidation stability; Oxidation stability is the ability of liquid to resist
reaction with oxygen-containing compounds. This affects the storage life of
hydraulic fluids used in open systems.
xv. Low density and specific density
xvi. Low coefficient of expansion
xvii. Simple and easy to use
xviii. Readily available
Hydraulic fluids have been classified by many different systems based on their
different characteristics such as physical properties, chemical types, operating
capabilities, utility or specific application.
2.4 Classification of hydraulic liquids based on oil separation;
a. Petroleum
b. Non Petroleum

a. Petroleum based
 This are among the first liquids employed as hydraulic
 Transmission fluids e.g are Naphthenes. Aromatics, paraffins, wax and
olefins. Paraffin oils have higher viscosity index compared to naphthenes
 Good lubricating characteristics
 Longer life
 Prevention against rust, corrosion, sludge and foam formation
 Better heat dissipation capability
 Better sealing property
 High viscosity index so they can be used over a wide temperature range
 Low fire resistance
 Tendency to oxidize rapidly

b. Water
This is the least expensive hydraulic fluid available. Water is treated with
chemicals befre being used in fluid power system. This treatment removes
undesirable contaminants. Water is also passed throygh a strainer to remove any
solid particles.
 Inexpensive
 Avialable in abundance
 Ideal for fire resistant flid
 Viscosity of water is very low and does not change much with incease in
 Does not posses lubrticating propertires
 Evaporates soon can oly be used over a limited range of temperature
 Highly corrosive in nature
c. Emulsions;
These are wate- oil mixture
 Acceptable corrosion and lubrication propertiew
 Emulsion stability
 High viscosity index
 Good cooling system
 Compatible with most materials
 Oxidation stability
 Relatively low in cost.
 Depletion of water due to evaporation. This will reduce viscosity of fluid
and decrease fire resistant
 Demulsification may be a regular problem with water-in-emulsions



Check your hydraulic oil on a consistent schedule — it needs to remain clean and
free of any contaminants. You should empty and replace the hydraulic oil after
every 1,000 hours of work or per the manufacturer's instructions.
You can help minimize the risk of contamination by keeping the area around entry
points, like dipsticks and fuel plugs, clear of dust and debris.
Read the manufacturer specifications to confirm how often you should change the
fluid and other factors of hydraulic fluid care. It is essential to use the same type of
hydraulic fluid every time you top off your levels. If possible, use the same brand
each time as well.


Filters take on the task of removing even the most minuscule particles that could
clog your hydraulic system. However, the process of keeping particulates out of
the system causes the filters themselves to become clogged over time. Your filters
will lose efficacy as they accumulate pollutants, so replace them often. If
applicable, make sure to clean the filter bowl as well.

Visually inspect the rod for wear, such as corrosion and pitting. These issues can
lead to moisture within the fluid, which compounds and can cause many problems
for your hydraulic system, like increased wear and inadequate lubrication.

If rod corrosion occurs, it can damage the seal from excess friction. Other dangers
to seals include excess pressure and fluid contaminants. A worn seal may leak,
causing equipment hazards and environmental health and safety concerns. If there
are signs the seal is damaged, check with your equipment manufacturer about
proper replacement.


1. Hydraulic Power Pack

Hydraulic power packs are free-standing hydraulic units. They are a source of
power that is used to move an actuator such as a cylinder inside a hydraulic
system. You will find hydraulic power pack is equipped with various valve
Hydraulic Power Pack

There are different designs of the hydraulic power pack and as such they may
differ in features. Some of the features found in the system include;

 Hydraulic power packs are designed with a variety of valves used to control
 It is equipped with a filter that sieves any foreign particles out of the fluid.
 They can be fitted with oil coolers that help maintain the temperature of the
 Pressure-limiting valves are present to prevent system failure due to a build-
up of pressure.
 Sensors are built into the system to help manage the system by analyzing
Parts of a Hydraulic Power Pack

The system consists of the following parts;

 Drive motor
 Hydraulic pump
 Hydraulic fluid tank

Parts of a Hydraulic
Power Pack
Working Principle

The independent unit consists of a motor drive, which provides the driving force
for the system and is linked to a hydraulic pump using a shaft. The motor drive
produces electricity, which is transformed by the hydraulic pump into hydraulic
pressure. This pressure is what provides the needed mechanical force.


 Hydraulic power packs are compact inside making them portable

 They are not expensive to purchase
 The power packs have a high power density despite being lightweight.

 They are prone to overheating and as such require cooling packs to function
 Loss of energy may be experienced during the conversion process
 It may experience high pressure that may result in failure

There are several applications for this system. They include; plant trailers, cranes,
tipping trucks, forklifts, jacks, industrial machinery, pumps, safety harnesses, lifts,
and airplanes.

2. Hydraulic Power Unit

Hydraulic power unit is an alternative term used to describe hydraulic power

packs. They are independent systems that comprise hydraulic pumps, motor drives,
and a fluid tank. It works by converting electrical energy from the drive motor to
hydraulic energy using the hydraulic pump.

Power Unit
3. Hydraulic Manifold Block

A hydraulic manifold block is a device that is used to control the fluid. Controlling
the fluid by extension controls the pumps or actuators by transferring power
through these and other parts. There are two main types of hydraulic manifold
blocks; mono-block systems and modular block systems.

Hydraulic Manifold
Parts of the Hydraulic Manifold Block

This system’s main component is a block that has drilled holes. The block is used
in conjunction with other parts such as valves and fittings among others to perform
its function. These parts include;

 Small plate
 Cover plate
 Valve mounting plates,
 Valve blocks
 Header pipe
 connecting blocks
Working Principle

The hydraulic manifold block consists of integrated hydraulic valves whose

connection determines the extent of control one can get. It essentially functions
like an electric circuit’s switchboard by giving you the operator the ability to
decide the direction of flow as well as the quantity of fluid. The fluid is directed to
the selected outlet connected to the device that needs to be powered.

 The hydraulic manifold has a compact design that makes it suitable for areas
with limited space
 The device is easy to install and simple to operate
 Using a hydraulic manifold block helps to reduce potential leakage

 The compact system may be difficult to maintain

 It may lead to pressure drops in the system
 Troubleshooting the system is a bit difficult given the centralized design.

The uses of hydraulic manifold bock systems include;

 Food processing plants

 Agriculture equipment
 Off-highway equipment
 Industrial construction machines
 Valve operations
 Oil plants
4. Open Loop Hydraulic System

An open-loop hydraulic system is a linear system where the fluid flows

continuously through the system. The pump inlet and actuator-return ports in this
system are linked to the reservoir for the hydraulic fluid.

Parts of Open Loop Hydraulic System

 An actuator
 Hydraulic pump
 Hydraulic Fluid tank
 Valve
Working Principle

In this system, the hydraulic pump is used to move the fluid from the reservoir
through the system back to the storage where it draws fresh fluid. Valves for
regulating flow and direction are used to control the actuator’s direction and speed.
Open loop Hydraulic

 The system is easy to use and maintain.

 This system is suitable for low-pressure application
 It is ideal for high-temperature uses as it disperses heat as fluid across the
 Open-loop hydraulic systems can be fitted with a variety of valves that help
smoothen operations
 They are cheaper to purchase
 Contamination is reduced with this type of system
 They come in multiple designs that can easily be customized to suit your

 The design requires a large fluid tank and is therefore not ideal for limited
 It is more difficult to troubleshoot the open-looped system
 Can overheat if not equipped with an appropriately sized reservoir

The uses of open loop hydraulic systems use cylinders including agricultural
equipment, turbines, construction equipment, and heat exchangers

5. Closed Loop Hydraulic System.

This is a compact system that is typically used for mobile applications. They are
also referred to as hydrostatic drives. The fluid in the system does not go back to
the reservoir instead it goes from the piston pump and returns to the pump after
circulation through the motor.

Parts of the Closed Loop Hydraulic System

 Piston pump
 Motor
 Hydraulic fluid reservoir
 Control lever

Closed Loop
Hydraulic System
Working Principle

In a closed-loop hydraulic system, the fluid is pulled from the reservoir using the
piston pump. The fluid is then transported to the motor before it is circulated back
to the pump. It is fitted with a displacement controller fitted on the swash plate of
the pump that you use to control the speed and the direction of the flow of the
fluid. Pushing the control lever forward turns the swashplate of the piston pump
allowing fluid to get to the motor that begins to operate and pulling it back turns it


 The system is suited for high-pressure applications

 It helps minimize the usage of fluid as most of it is retained inside
 Closed-loop systems allow for movement in multiple directions
 It has a compact design suitable for applications with minimal space
 The device is lightweight making it the best system for moving devices

 It is not cost-friendly
 There is a bigger risk of contamination of the fluid
 The system functions at a much higher temperature
 It requires a high-pressure fluid filter

The uses of closed-loop hydraulic systems include; pumps, forklifts, cranes,

tractors, oil plants, and refrigerating systems among others.

6. Hydraulic Motors and Cylinders

A hydraulic motor is a rotating rod that consists of a valve, a pump, a reservoir,

and a piston. This device is used to convert hydraulic energy to mechanical force in
the form of angular displacement and torque that can be used to lift and move
Hydraulic cylinders on the other hand are mechanical actuators used to apply
pressure to the fluid. This pressure results in linear force and motion, moving the
piston. It therefore converts the hydraulic pressure into useable mechanical force.

Hydraulic Cylinder
7. Aviation Hydraulic System

There can be more than one type of aviation hydraulic system depending on the
type of aircraft in question. Aviation hydraulic systems typically comprise the
three main hydraulic parts which are the hydraulic pump, fluid reservoir, and
motor. These systems are used to power different systems although they are not
standard for all crafts.

These systems include wheel brakes flaps and slats, thrust reversers, windshield
wipers, flight control surfaces, nose wheel steering, propeller, pitch control, speed
brakes, landing gear retraction, loading ramps, and cargo doors.

Aviation Hydraulic
8. Hydraulic Valve System

This system is comprised of devices that are typically used to control the flow in
the system. There are different types of hydraulic valves that execute different
roles in the system. Their method of action depends on the design of the device.
Hydraulic Valve
The main categories of valves used in hydraulic systems include;

 Hydraulic Pressure Control Valves that regulate the pressure in order to

maintain it at an optimum level
 Hydraulic Directional Control Valves that set a course for the flow of fluid
mechanically or using pressure
 Hydraulic Flow Control Valves which control the amount of fluid passing
through the system

Application of fluid power include automobiles, marine, biomedical, mechatronics.
Production. Aero space, defense. Fluid power equipment include hydraulic
elevators, hydraulic presses, hydraulic jacks, hydraulic rams, pneumatic cranes,
pneumatic hand tools, air braking system of automobiles, robots, earth moving
equipment etc. Fluid power is the technology that deals with the generation,
control and transmission of power using pressurized fluids
The three methods used for transmitting power are;
 Electrical power
 Mechanical power
 Fluid power
 Hydraulic power
 Pneumatic power

In this we are going to look at various elements used in power transmission.
a. Types of couplings
b. Construction of various types of couplings
c. Operations of various types of couplings
d. Types of gears and chains
e. Construction of various types of clutches
f. Construction of various types of belts

Coupling in power transmission

Web Stories
Coupling: Definitions, Types with Advantages and
Limitations, Application


“Coupling is a mechanical device which is used to join two shafts“.

Couplings are used to join the prime movers like engines, motors etc with
other mechanisms or machines. Couplings are also used to join one machine
to another machine.

Couplings can join two shafts in a straight axis. In different axis and axis with
different angles Couplings are also used to prevent the overloading of machine
parts and shocks from one shaft to other shafts.
Here, Shafts are normally available at 7 metres in length but greater lengths
can be obtained by coupling smaller or broken shafts.

Types of couplings-

There are two main coupling and its types and that is-

1. Rigid couplings
2. Flexible couplings
Here is a detailed guide to mechanical coupling types–

Rigid couplings-

Rigid couplings are used to join two shafts in a complete alignment. These
couplings have no outside force or torque acting on them. They are not flexible
and subjected to negligible forces.

Types of rigid couplings-

Some Types of rigid couplings are:

I. Sleeve or muff coupling

II. Split muff or compression coupling
III. Flange coupling
I. Sleeve or muff coupling-

It is also called a box or collar coupling. It is the simplest type of rigid coupling
which is used to join shafts of smaller sizes.

This coupling consists of a hollow cylinder, known as a sleeve or muff which is

mounted on two shafts to be joined.

The inner diameter of the hollow cylinder is made equal to the diameter of the
shaft. The shaft is connected to the hollow cylinder by means of a jib head key.

One half of this cylindrical sleeve or muff is connected to the end of one shaft
and the other half is connected to the end of another shaft.

The two shafts and muff have slots cut on them to accommodate a key which
has a taper of 1: 100.
For making a muff coupling assembly two shafts of equal diameter should be
assembled in a straight line. Besides, the shafts should have key seats of equal
size to fix the key.

The muff to be used in muff coupling is generally made of cast iron whereas
the key is made of mild steel.

The assembly of muff coupling consists of a drive shaft and a driven shaft. The
driver shaft is connected to the motor or engine and transmits power to the
driven shaft.

The power transmission from the driving shaft to the driven shaft depends
upon the ultimate stress that the Fey can bear. Failure of key causes failure of
the coupling.

Shafts of different diameters can also be joined by muff coupling. In this case,
two halves of the muff are drilled according to the size of the shafts to be
joined in them.

The shafts of the corresponding diameter are fixed in the muffs. Two separate
keys are fixed in shafts and muffs either in a straight line or opposite to each

Types of Muff Coupling-

Some Other Types of Muff Couplings are-

A. Half-lap Muff Coupling

B. Taper pin-type muff coupling
C. Set-screw muff coupling
A. Half-lap Muff Coupling:

A half-lap muff coupling consists of two shafts whose ends are cut to overlap
each other. A key is fixed between the muff and shafts to make the joint firm.

The overlap provided on the shafts has a taper of 1: 12. In this type of coupling
power is transmitted by the lapped shafts and the key acts as a joining element
between the muff and shafts.

The taper given in the lap prevents shafts to be separated while pulled in
tension. Being a good coupling its use is limited due to the high cost of

B. Taper pin type Coupling:

This type of muff coupling joins two shafts of equal size by means of a muff,
which are drilled to accommodate a taper pin.

In this coupling taper pins fixed across the shafts and muffs in place of keys,
transmit power.
C. Set-screw muff coupling-

a set-screw muff coupling. In this coupling, the set screw is used to fix the
shafts with a muff. It is used to transmit low power from shaft-1 to shaft-2.

Advantages and Limitations of Sleeve or muff coupling-

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of muff or sleeve coupling–


The main advantage of this coupling is that there is no projecting

part on the outer surface, so the working of the coupling is safe.
 It is easy to open the coupling. It can be done by removing the key
and shifting the whole muff on the shafts to separate them.
 This coupling cannot transmit much power and torque. In such
cases, the failure of the key may cause damage to the coupling.
II. Split-muff or Compression Coupling-

In this coupling, the muff is made in two similar parts. The shafts are fixed
between these parts by means of studs, nuts and feather keys.

For a strong grip between shafts and muff two, four or six bolts may be used.

In this coupling, the two halves of the muff grip the shafts and power are
transmitted due to friction between them, so it is also called split-up muff

The shafts are clamped between the split muff by nuts and bolts, so it is
called clamp coupling.

Generally, split muff coupling can transmit low and medium twisting
moments. If a key is fixed in between the shaft and muff, the coupling can
transmit high twisting foments also. It is mainly used for line shafts.
Advantages and Limitations of Split-muff or Compression Coupling–

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of Split-muff or Compression



 This coupling can be assembled and disassembled easily.

 For fixing the coupling the shafts are not required to be removed
from the bearings on which they are supported.

 The coupling can be used in any position of shafts.

 Ribs increase the strength of coupling.

Bolt heads, nuts etc. are covered by ribs of coupling, so it runs


 High power and twisting moments can not be transmitted. So a

key has to be fixed by making a slot in the shaft.
III. Flange Coupling-

It is a standard form of coupling, generally used to join two shafts. For

example, a motor coupled to a generator or pump.

It is a rigid type of coupling which consists of two flanges made of cast iron or
steel. Both flanges have the same size and are connected to the shafts by keys
at their ends.

The two flanges are together joined by nuts and bolts. The number of nuts and
bolts maybe three, four or six depending upon the power to be transmitted.

Holes are made in the flanges to accommodate the nuts and bolts at equal
intervals. The bolts should pass both the flanges and tighten by nuts in the
perfect fitting.

A gasket should be used between the flanges to make a smooth running

without shock. For the alignment of shafts, one flange contains a circular
projection and the other contains a corresponding circular slot.

The length of the projection may be up to 10 mm. Such an arrangement is

called a spigot and socket centring.
In some cases, a length of about 10 mm is projected out of the flange to the
other flange in which clearance is provided to accommodate the projecting

Perfect alignment of shafts can be obtained by such an arrangement. This

coupling provides accurate, rigid and strong joints between shafts and the
alignment of the shaft also maintains.

Types of Flange Coupling-

There are three types of flange couplings:

A. Rigid or solid flange coupling.

B. Unprotected flange coupling.
C. Protected flange coupling.
A. Rigid or solid flange coupling-

This is known as a forged or marine type of coupling. In this coupling, the

flange is an integral part of the shaft i.e. flange is made at the end of the shaft
by forging.

Solid coupling which consists of flanges joined by headless tapered bolts. The
number of bolts maybe four to twelve.

This type of coupling is used in shafts of marine propellers, vertical

hydraulic turbines, steam turbo-generators etc.
Advantages and Limitations Rigid or solid Flange Couplings-

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of Rigid or solid flange



Coupling is compact and concise.

 It is light, strong and reliable.
 It is used to transmit high power.
 Long shafts can be obtained.

 High manufacturing cost.

 Complicated manufacturing process.
B. Unprotected flange coupling-

A coupling with bolt heads and nuts projecting out of flanges is called
unprotected flange coupling. It is unprotected because the projecting heads of
nuts and bolts can cause harm to materials, machines and workers.

C. Protected flange coupling-

This type of flange coupling is provided with a protecting flange which covers
the projecting nuts and bolts for their protection.
Advantages and Limitations of Flange Coupling–

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of Flange Coupling–

An accurate, rigid and strong joint is obtained.

 This joint can bear shocks and vibrations for its smooth running.
 Shafts are aligned perfectly by this coupling.

 The shafts which are joined by this coupling can accommodate

machine elements such as the pulley, gear etc, only in split form.
Flexible Couplings-

Flexible couplings are used to join such shafts which are not in a straight line
axis, and also have a small amount of angular displacement.

These shafts are misaligned and bear loads, vibrations, shocks etc. and
transfer them from one shaft to another shaft.

Misalignment of shafts is caused due to incorrect fitting, load on shafts, wear

of bearings, change in temperature etc.

A flexible coupling is suitable in these situations and is used to transmit high

and medium power.

Types of Flexible Couplings-

Some prominent flexible couplings are listed and described below:

I. Bushed-pin Type Coupling

II. Universal Coupling
III. Oldham Coupling
I. Bushed-pin Type Coupling-

This type of coupling consists of a driving pin to transmit motion and twisting
moment from one shaft to another shaft.

These pins are rigidly fixed by nuts on one of the flanges, whereas loosely fixed
in other flanges having corresponding holes.

In this flange, the empty space around the pin is filled with a compressible and
flexible material like leather, rubber washer, etc.

This washer or bush protects the pin from vibrations and shocks during power
transmission from one shaft to another shaft.

This coupling functions like a rigid coupling but it contains pins instead of
bolts. The joint of this coupling is not like a socket and spigot type, instead, it
has a clearance of about 5 mm.

This facilitates the coupling to run with lateral misalignment up to 0.5 mm

and angular alignment up to 1.5°. It can also bear some axial misalignment.

This coupling is used for high and medium power transmission. It is suitable
for driver and driven equipment which are installed on the same base and do
not carry an excess of misalignment.

For example- an electric motor connected to a compressor, pump or gearbox.

II. Universal Coupling-

It is a coupling of robust parts, also known as Hooke’s joint. It is used to

connect two axes that are not in alignment.

The axis of shafts may be such that they cut each other at a point with
an angular misalignment of 5° to 30. It can work equally good if during
operation the misalignment keeps on changing the position of shafts.

This coupling consists of two shafts fitted with a fork at their ends by keys,
centre block with two arms at right angles is fixed with the fork by means of
two pins.

Both the pins have collars at each end and are fixed by split pins or lock pins.
The fork and centre block is made of cast iron or mild steel (MS).

These couplings require lubrication.

They are used in automobiles such as buses, trucks (for tranny motion from
the gearbox to the differential), joint of the knee in milling machines and
many types of machines and agriculture implements for transmitting power.
III. Oldham Coupling-

This coupling was designed by OLDHAM and so named by his name.

This coupling is used to join such shafts which have parallel axis but not in
linear positions ie. they are in some lateral alignment This is also suitable to be
used in a situation when the distance between the axis of two shafts changes
during the operation

Oldham coupling in dismantling form consists of two flanges A and B which

have rectangular grooves cut across the diameter. Each flange is fixed to the
shaft by means of keys.

In between the flanges, a circular disc is used which has projecting rectangular
parts on both faces.

The rectangular projections on the disc are fixed in the corresponding slots
made on flanges, which cross each other at 90° when assembled.

During the operation, tongues slide in slots of flanges. At any instant speed of
the driver shaft and driven shaft are the same.

The plate and flanges of this coupling are made of cast iron or steel. They can
transmit power up to a speed of 150 rpm.

If the disc of coupling is made of fibre or contact surfaces lined with leather
lining, it can be used as flexible coupling.

Purpose of coupling-
The purpose of using couplings are:

 To increase the length of shafts.

 To join broken shafts.
 To prevent overload.
 To join two machines to obtain the required work. For example,
joining a pump to a motor to increase the pressure energy of
water, joining an electric generator to the engine to get electric
 To provide mechanical flexibility between shafts of two units.
Desirable properties of a coupling-

The desirable properties of a coupling connecting two shafts are listed below:

 Couplings should be assembled and disassembled easily.

 The twisting moment acting on the shaft should be transmitted
through the coupling.
 Complete alignment of shafts should be maintained by the
 Projecting parts in a coupling should be avoided. If a part like a
nut-bolt, key etc projects from the coupling, it should be covered
by cover plates or a suitable flange.
 Coupling should be able to reduce shocks and vibrations of shafts
at the time of power transmission.
Applications of Coupling-

Here are some general applications or uses of coupling-

 For transmission of Power from one to another shaft

 For connecting shafts between each other
 Induce Flexibility while power transmission
 For Overloads Protections
 For Shock Reduction


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