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The following text is for number 1 – 4.

Dear Tina,

How’s life? How are your mother and your adorable little brother, Tim, doing? Here my parents and I are
all in good health and we wish the same for you and your family.

As you know that summer vacation is around the corner, I have been planning some fun things to do. Since
we are in different schools, I think it would be our chance to spend some amazing time together. What’d
you think?

Regarding to that matter, my cousin is coming to live with me during summer. She is of our age and is
really fun to be with. I wish you’ll say ‘yes’ so I can introduce you to my cousin. I believe you two will get
along together. I have been thinking that first of all we can get our swimming passes renewed because it’s
good to have a physical activity after those long hours of sitting in school. Apart from that, I know how
much you love to swim!

As you suggested, I have recently been joining music class. I am really into guitar and I bought the
instrument in the local stores nearby. It is second-hand, but it is still in a good condition with a reasonable

Write to me soon, Tina. I am waiting for your current updates, especially about the summer vacation. Let
me know if you agree with my ideas or have other ideas to execute in two-month-long summer vacation.
You always come up with brilliant ones!

Till then, take care.

With love,
1. From the text we know that …
A. Tina is taking music class.
B. Joe and Tina remain in the same school.
C. Joe is Tina’s cousin.
D. Joe’s cousin is older than Joe and Tina.
E. Tina is keen on swimming.

2. “Let me know if you agree with my ideas or have other ideas to execute in two-month-long summer
vacation.” The word ‘execute’ can be replaced with …
A. kill
B. do
C. consider
D. cancel
E. appear

3. The main idea of paragraph 5 is …

A. Joe invites her cousin to join the summer vacation.
B. Joe updates her family’s condition to Tina.
C. Joe waits for Tina’s response to her vacation ideas.
D. Joe assures Tina that she will get along with her cousin.
E. Joe encourages Tina to take some music classes.

4. Joe is proposing swimming as the first thing to do because …

A. Tina and her cousin love swimming.
B. they need to cool down during summer.
C. she likes to swim.
D. they need to improve their fitness.
E. it has been a long time since they last swam together.

Hal. 1
Hal. 2
The following text is for number 5 – 9.
The Ugly Duckling

A little duckling was terribly unhappy because he thought he was the ugliest amongst all his brothers and
sisters. They would not play with him and make fun of the poor ugly duckling. One day, he saw his reflection
within the water and cried, “Nobody likes me. I’m so ugly.” He decided to go away from home and went far-
off into the woods.

Deep within the forest, he saw a cottage in which there lived an old lady, her hen, and her cat. The duckling
stayed with them for a few times; however, he was sad there and shortly left. Once the winter set in, the poor
duckling nearly froze to death. A peasant took him home to his woman and kids. The poor duckling was afraid
of the kids and escaped. The ugly duckling spent the winter in a very marshy lake.

Finally, spring arrived. One day, the duckling saw a gorgeous swan swimming within the lake and fell in love
with her. Then again he remembered how everybody made fun of him and he bent his head down in shame.
Once he saw his own reflection in the water he was astonied. He wasn’t an unsightly duckling any longer, but
a handsome young swan! Now, he knew why he had looked so completely different from his brothers and
sisters. “They were ducklings but I used to be a baby swan!” he said to himself. He married the gorgeous swan
and lived happily ever once.
5. From the story we learn that …
A. being humble is necessary.
B. being overconfident makes others dislike us.
C. respecting others who are different from us is a must.
D. we don’t need to run away from the problems in our lives.
E. forgiveness must be given to those who wrong us.

6. The little duckling left the peasant’s house because …

A. the peasant’s family made fun of his ugly look.
B. he didn’t feel happy inside the house.
C. he was afraid of the peasant’s wife.
D. the peasant had a hidden agenda.
E. he was terrified of the peasant’s kids.

7. The little duckling felt happy at last … he knew that he was a swan. The correct word to complete the
sentence is …
A. and
B. but
C. before
D. after
E. despite

8. If the little duckling had known earlier that he was a swan, …

A. he would never run away.
B. he wouldn’t have felt so unconfident.
C. his siblings wouldn’t have left him out.
D. his mother wouldn’t hate him so much.
E. he would have left the family earlier.

9. Which of the following statement is true according to the story?

A. The duckling didn’t get any help during his escape from home.
B. The duckling still felt intimidated even after running away.
C. The duckling’s mother didn’t treat her kids fairly.
D. The duckling’s siblings regretted how they had treated him.
E. The duckling escaped because he felt afraid of his siblings.

Hal. 3
The following text is for number 10 – 13.
Korean War

Korean War, (1950 – 1953) Conflict arising after the post-World War II division of Korea, at latitude 38 0 N,
into North and South Korea. At the end of World War II, Soviet forces accepted the surrender of Japanese
forces north of that line, as U.S. forces accepted Japanese surrender south of it. Negotiations failed to reunify
the two halves, the northern half being a Soviet client state and the southern half being backed by the U.S.

In 1950 North Korea invaded South Korea, and U.S. Pres. Harry Truman ordered troops to assist South Korea.
The UN Security Council, minus the absent Soviet delegate, passed a resolution calling for the assistance of
all UN members in halting the North Koreans.

At first North Korean troops drove the South Korean and U.S. forces down to the southern tip of the Korean
peninsula, but a brilliant amphibious landing at Incheon, conceived by Gen. Douglas MacArthur, turned the
tide in favour of the UN troops, who advanced near the border of North Korea and China. The Chinese then
entered the war and drove the UN forces back south; the front line stabilized at the 38 th parallel. MacArthur
insisted on voicing his objections to U.S. war aims in a public manner and was relieved of his command by

U.S. Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower participated in the conclusion of an armistice that accepted the front line as
the de facto boundary between the two Koreas. The war resulted in the deaths of approximately 2,000,000
Koreans, 600,000 Chinese, 37,000 Americans, and 3,000 Turks, Britons, and other nationals in the UN forces.
10. What started Korean War?
A. Japan lost in World War II.
B. U.S. and South Korea invaded North Korea.
C. China helped North Korea attack South Korea.
D. South Korea wanted to break free from Soviet.
E. North Korea attacked South Korea.

11. What made UN forces driven back to the south after their successful amphibious landing?
A. China decided to retreat from the war.
B. China joined forces with South Korea.
C. MacArthur miscalculated the war strategy.
D. China joined North Korea to take part in the war.
E. Soviet helped North Korea.

12. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?

A. Korean War was ended by agreement to admit two Koreas.
B. There were 2,000,000 deaths resulted from Korean War.
C. Korean War unified the two halves of Korea at last.
D. The war was won by one of the two halves of Korea.
E. Soviet insisted to declare a war with South Korea.

13. The text aims to …

A. entertain the readers with a story from the past.
B. raise awareness about the danger of a war.
C. recall a certain event in the history.
D. describe how painful the Korean War was.
E. explain the flow of Korean War.
The following text is for number 14 – 16.
Dear students,

Please be informed that if you are not exempt from the English Preparatory School (you will be notified via
your personal email), you need to take the first English Placement Exam, which will be held on 31 March
2023 at 11 a.m. Other English Preparatory Exam dates will be announced later.

Hal. 4
All faculty course registration processes will start on 31 March 2023, and will be online. Our current students
can directly login to the faculty website using their IDs and complete the registration. New students can also
login after they receive their credentials via their personal email addresses.
14. The purpose of the text is …
A. To announce the result of the first English Placement Exam.
B. To describe the registration process for new students.
C. To inform that English Preparatory Exam is delayed.
D. To tell the dates of English Preparatory Exams.
E. To inform the details of the first English Placement Exam.

15. In order to register, current students …

A. must do it before 31 March 2023.
B. must pass the first English Placement Exam.
C. use their IDs to access the faculty website.
D. will receive credentials by email.
E. should take the English Preparatory School.

16. From the text we know that …

A. new students start the registration process after the current students.
B. some students are not obliged to take the English Preparatory Exam.
C. English Preparatory Exam is held only on 31 March 2023.
D. current students will receive their credentials by their personal emails.
E. students need to check their emails to know the English Preparatory Exam dates.
The following text is for number 17 – 20.
A Sky Full of Stars

'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars

I'm gonna give you my heart
'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
'Cause you light up the path

I don't care, go on and tear me apart

I don't care if you do, ooh-ooh, ooh
'Cause in a sky, 'cause in a sky full of stars
I think I saw you

'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars

I wanna die in your arms, oh, oh-oh
'Cause you get lighter the more it gets dark
I'm gonna give you my heart, oh

I don't care, go on and tear me apart

I don't care if you do, ooh-ooh, ooh
'Cause in a sky, 'cause in a sky full of stars
I think I see you
I think I see you

'Cause you're a sky, you're a sky full of stars

Such a heavenly view
You're such a heavenly view
Yeah, yeah, yeah, ooh
17. The song is about …
A. someone who has been hurt by his lover.
B. someone who regrets letting his lover go.
C. someone who cannot move on from their past.
D. someone who is madly in love with someone else.
E. someone who falls in love with the wrong person.

18. The example of a metaphor found in the lyrics is …

Hal. 5
A. ‘cause you’re a sky full of stars.
B. ‘cause you light up the path.
C. I don’t care, go on and tear me apart
D. ‘cause you get lighter the more it gets dark
E. I wanna die in your arms.

19. According to the lyrics, one of the characteristics of the singer’s lover that he loves is …
A. She loves stargazing.
B. She is a mysterious person.
C. She has a big heart to forgive like the sky.
D. She stands out in difficult times.
E. She loves the singer wholeheartedly.

20. What can you learn from the song?

A. Sacrificing for someone we love is not necessary.
B. Never hurt people who love you with all his/her heart.
C. Pain is the cost of loving someone too much.
D. Love someone who has brought the best out of you.
E. Tell your true feeling before it is too late.
The following text is for number 21 – 24.
Easy Stuffed Bell Peppers Recipe with Ground Beef and Brown Rice

Cheesy and savory, easy Stuffed Bell Peppers are made with flavorful ground beef and fluffy brown rice for a
healthy recipe! These stuffed bell peppers are the best because they can be made with either lean ground beef,
sausage, turkey, chicken, or vegetarian ingredients, you will enjoy these stuffed peppers because they are
made with homemade tomato sauce, cheddar cheese, garlic, onions, paprika, and juicy tomatoes.

2 tablespoons extra-virgin Olive Oil
1 medium onion, diced
2-3 garlic cloves, minced
1 pound lean ground beef
1 ½ cup cooked brown rice
1 14.5 ounces can diced Tomatoes
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 tablespoon smoked paprika
Kosher salt and pepper to taste
7 large bell peppers top and core removed
1 cup shredded Cheddar Jack Cheese
Freshly chopped parsley to garnish

1. Preheat your oven to 375F and place the peppers cut side up into a baking dish or a rimmed tray.
2. Heat oil in a large pan over medium heat. Sauté onion until softens, then stir in garlic and cook for about
1 minute more.
3. Add ground beef and cook until no longer pink, breaking up meat with a wooden spoon, for 5-6 minutes.
Stir in cooked brown rice, diced tomatoes, tomato paste, oregano, and smoked paprika.
4. Cook until sauce is slightly reduced, about 4-5 minutes. Taste and season with salt and pepper as needed.
5. Stuff each pepper with beef mixture and bake until peppers are mostly tender. About 10-12 minutes.
6. Sprinkle with cheese and bake for 5-7 minutes more. Garnish with fresh chopped parsley before serving.

Place leftovers in a container and store them in the fridge for up to 5 days. Reheat in the microwave when
ready to eat. You can freeze for up to 3 months.
© pinterest
21. The text aims to …
A. encourage people to live a healthier life.
B. describe how delicious Stuffed Belle Peppers are.
C. persuade readers to prepare their own meal.

Hal. 6
D. inform some secret recipes behind a certain dish.
E. provide some steps to prepare a certain dish.

22. “Garnish with fresh chopped parsley before serving. Enjoy!” The synonym of ‘garnish’ is …
A. add
B. decorate
C. bake
D. chop
E. slice

23. If you want to eat the Stuffed Bell Peppers next month, you should …
A. bake them a bit longer.
B. store them in the fridge.
C. cook the filling longer.
D. put them in the freezer.
E. reheat them every day.

24. Which of the following statement is true based on the text?

A. With some modifications, vegetarians are able to eat the dish.
B. The sauce must be fully absorb before you add salt and pepper.
C. After filling each pepper, sprinkle cheese and chopped parsley to bake together.
D. The uncooked brown rice should be mixed with the sauce to cook.
E. Add the shredded cheese to the top of the peppers before serving.
The following text is for number 25 – 28.
The northernmost part of Finland, Lapland, is the magical arctic region full of contrasts. In fact, contrasts are a
key factor in the allure of Lapland where 24-hour sunlight in the summer replaces the dark winter days filled
with Northern Lights.

Every season in Finnish Lapland is uniquely different from each other. The inhabitants of the region say that
Lapland actually has 8 seasons instead of 4. In the wintertime, Lapland is as close as reality gets to those who
dream of a winter wonderland. Spring brings along light that follows the long season of ‘kaamos’ (arctic night
in Finnish). During the springtime, the snow covered hills and fells offer exciting experiences for all winter
outdoors enthusiasts from skiers to snowshoe walkers. Summer in Lapland is a season like no other – there are
endless white nights and peaceful arctic nature as far as the eye can see. Summer’s glow is followed by the
majestic season of fall when Lapland gets its truly iconic ‘ruska’ colors. This is the best season to go for a
hike in one of Lapland’s many national parks. It is meditation and mindfulness all wrapped in one in one of
the world’s most unique and breath-taking sceneries. And don’t forget the best and purest air and water this
planet has to offer.

After you have recharged in nature, Lapland also offers other interesting places to visit. Meet Santa Claus in
Rovaniemi, try one (or two!) of Lapland’s great restaurants, visit a reindeer or a husky farm, venture out to a
quirky festival or go look for gold. Finnish Lapland is all this and more.
25. What is the text about?
A. The beauty of Finland.
B. What to do in Lapland in Finland.
C. The description of Lapland in Finland.
D. The description the Finland, a magical region.
E. Different seasons in Lapland, Finland.

26. The purpose of the text is ….

A. To persuade people to visit Lapland.
B. To describe Lapland, a region in Finland.
C. To describe the different seasons in Finland.
D. To explain what makes Lapland beautiful.
E. To tell the readers what to do if they visit Finland.

27. You’ll experience the ultimate beauty of Lapland during hiking in …

A. All seasons
B. Spring
C. Winter

Hal. 7
D. Summer
E. Fall

28. “ … venture out to a quirky festival…” The word ‘quirky’ means ….

A. lively
B. eccentric
C. thematic
D. noisy
E. big

The following text is for number 29 – 33.

Why should we study history? To study history is to study change: historians are experts in examining and
interpreting human identities and transformations of societies and civilizations over time. They use a range of
methods and analytical tools to answer questions about the past and to reconstruct the diversity of past human
experience: how profoundly people have differed in their ideas, institutions, and cultural practices; how
widely their experiences have varied by time and place, and the ways they have struggled while inhabiting a
shared world. Historians use a wide range of sources to weave individual lives and collective actions into
narratives that bring critical perspectives on both our past and our present. Studying history helps us
understand and grapple with complex questions and dilemmas by examining how the past has shaped (and
continues to shape) global, national, and local relationships between societies and people.

Because history gives us the tools to analyze and explain problems in the past, it positions us to see patterns
that might otherwise be invisible in the present – thus providing a crucial perspective for understanding (and
solving!) current and future problems. For example, a course on the history of public health might emphasize
how environmental pollution disproportionately affects less affluent communities – a major factor in the Flint
water crisis. Understanding immigration patterns may provide crucial background for addressing ongoing
racial or cultural tensions. In many ways, history interprets the events and causes that contributed to our
current world. Therefore, it is important for us to study about history.
29. The topic of the text is …
A. The importance of studying history.
B. The history of the world around us.
C. The relationship between history and life.
D. The world history and the historians.
E. The way to understand history.

30. Based on the text above, which is not the job of a historian?
A. They use different methods to answer questions about the past.
B. They examine human identities and transformations of societies and civilizations over time.
C. They use different sources to tell about the lives and the actions of people in the past and the connections
to the present.
D. They give us tools to analyze and explain problems in the past.
E. They interpret human identities and transformations of societies and civilizations over time.

31. From the text we learn that ….

A. The past has nothing to do with the present.
B. Learning history is the job of historians only.
C. Studying history is all about learning about individuals from the past.
D. The past has shaped and will continue to shape the societies and the people.
E. The current and future problems can be understood and solved by the historians.

32. It is important for us to study about history _______ history interprets the events and causes that contributed
to our current world. The correct conjunction to connect the two sentences is …
A. as
B. so
C. hence
D. due to
E. in order to

33. The correct connection between the 2 paragraphs above is …

A. Paragraph 1 is about historians; paragraph 2 is about history.
B. Paragraph 1 introduces what studying history is and paragraph 2 talks about the importance of studying
C. Paragraph 1 persuades the readers to learn about history and paragraph 2 supports it.

Hal. 8
D. Paragraph 1 and 2 talk about how historians study history.
E. Paragraph 1 and 2 have no connections in term of content and topic.

The following text is for number 34 – 38.

Michelle Obama launching podcast based on The Light We Carry book tour

Michelle Obama’s recent celebrity-filled book tour is becoming a podcast. Audible announced on Wednesday
(Feb 1) that the former US first lady will launch the Michelle Obama: The Light Podcast on Mar 7.

It’s based on Obama’s tour promoting The Light We Carry, her recent bestselling book, which featured
special guests like Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Tyler Perry, David Letterman and more.

“Though only a few thousand people were able to attend the events live, these remarkable conversations can
now be heard by everyone,” Audible said in a news release. The eight-episode podcast “goes beyond the book
as Michelle Obama and her friends share personal stories and insights listeners won’t encounter anywhere

Obama said in a statement that the book tour was a way to expand on the book’s reflections about dealing
with stress and change and a chance to “connect with real people once again”. The podcast, she said, is “a
deeper examination of those fun and meaningful moments”.

Obama released The Light We Carry book on Nov 15, and kicked off her promotional tour the same night.
She was joined in Washington for the first event by DeGeneres.

The podcast is the first original project in a multiyear deal between Audible and Higher Ground Productions,
which was started by Barack and Michelle Obama after they left the White House. The company has produced
several acclaimed documentaries, including the Oscar-winning film American Factory.

Episodes of The Light Podcast will be an Audible exclusive for two weeks, and will be widely available on
other podcast platforms after that.

34. The news above is about ….

A. Michelle Obama, the first lady of the USA.
B. Michelle Obama’s book: The Light We Carry
C. Michelle Obama’s podcast launching
D. Michelle Obama and his celebrity friends’ encounter
E. Michelle Obama book which is inspired by a podcast.

35. The word ‘acclaimed’ in paragraph 6 is synonymous with the word …

A. praised
B. wanted
C. needed
D. remembered
E. created

36. Which of the following statement is not true about Michelle Obama?
A. She writes a book titled The Light We Carry.
B. She is the wife of Barack Obama.
C. She is promoting her book in a book tour.
D. She has many celebrity friends.
E. She is the first lady of the USA.

37. “Though only a few thousand people were able to attend the events live, these remarkable conversations can
now be heard by everyone,” Audible said in a news release. In other word ….
A. Audible said that though only a few thousand people were able to attend the events live, these
remarkable conversations can now be heard by everyone.
B. Audible said that though only a few thousand people were able to attend the events live, these
remarkable conversations could now be heard by everyone.
C. Audible said that though only a few thousand people had been able to attend the events live, these
remarkable conversations could now be heard by everyone.
D. Audible said that though only a few thousand people are able to attend the events live, these remarkable
conversations can now be heard by everyone.

Hal. 9
E. Audible said that though only a few thousand people have been able to attend the events live, these
remarkable conversations could now be heard by everyone.

38. “It’s based on Obama’s tour promoting The Light We Carry…” (para. 2). The word ‘it’ in the sentence
refers to ….
A. Michelle Obama’s book
B. Michelle Obama’s podcast
C. Michelle Obama’s book launching
D. Audible
E. The celebrity friends’ event

The following text is for number 39 – 42.

How do you forecast the weather?

As much information as possible is gathered about the current weather and the state of the atmosphere.
The observations, such as temperature, pressure, humidity and wind speed, are collected from across the globe
and then fed into powerful supercomputers.
In the UK, for example, the Met Office has just secured the help of a supercomputer project costing
£ 1.2 billion.

The main limiting factor is how quickly these computers can process all this information to make a forecast.
Meteorologists also monitor current weather conditions to ensure the forecast is going to plan - making
tweaks when necessary.

So, why are weather forecasts sometimes wrong? Because of the chaotic nature of the atmosphere, even small
developments in the ocean can have a significant impact on the position and strength of a weather system
when it reaches land, for example.

The atmosphere is vast and complex and it is impossible to accurately monitor every part of it, so inevitably
there are gaps in those observations. As a result, something can be missed or just not observed fully enough.

A forecast for seven days from now will probably change before that day arrives. However, as our
understanding of the atmosphere improves, alongside advances in computer technology, forecasts further into
the future are becoming more accurate. The Met Office says its four-day forecast is now as accurate as a one-
day forecast was 30 years ago. And longer forecasts can still give a good steer on general trends, such as
whether it will be wetter or drier than average.

We can also use computers to model how our climate, rather than the day-to-day weather, might look many
decades into the future.

There is a vast variety of end uses for weather forecasts. Weather warnings are important because they are
used to protect life and property. Forecasts based on temperature and precipitation are important to
agriculture, and therefore to traders within commodity markets. Temperature forecasts are used by utility
companies to estimate demand over coming days.
On an everyday basis, many people use weather forecasts to determine what to wear on a given day. Since
outdoor activities are severely curtailed by heavy rain, snow and wind chill, forecasts can be used to plan
activities around these events, and to plan ahead and survive them.

39. Below are the benefits of weather forecast, except ….
A. We can plan our activities better in accordance with the weather.
B. We can get warnings if the weather will be bad.
C. We can save lives from the weather warnings.
D. We can use computers to model the forecast.
E. We can decide what to wear on certain days.

40. After temperature, pressure, humidity and wind speed are collected ….
A. the observations are done.
B. they are sent to the supercomputer.
C. the UK will buy the expensive supercomputer.
D. as much information as possible are gathered.

Hal. 10
E. the meteorologists will make some tweaks.

41. “The Met Office has just secured the help of a supercomputer project costing £ 1.2 billion.”
The passive form of the sentence above is ….
A. The Met Office has just secured the help of a supercomputer project costing £ 1.2 billion.
B. The Met Office had just secured the help of a supercomputer project costing £ 1.2 billion.
C. A supercomputer project costing £ 1.2 billion has just been secured the help.
D. The help of a supercomputer project costing £ 1.2 billion has just been secured by the Met Office.
E. The help of a supercomputer project costing £ 1.2 billion had just been secured by the Met Office.

42. The word ‘tweaks’ in paragraph 2 is synonymous with the word ….

A. news
B. trends
C. plans
D. predictions
E. adjustments

The following text is for number 43 – 47.

Roy Charles
Blessings Adult Care Centre
56 Mahkota Street
West Jakarta

Dear Mr. Charles,

I am interested in the opportunities that may be available to be a volunteer as the Blessings Adult Care Centre
which runs under your supervision. As a long-time advocate of the needs and welfare of the elders in our
community, I have experienced working with them and would be thrilled to continue to do so in a volunteer

I volunteered as an aide at the People Welfare and enjoyed being able to help senior citizens with arts and
crafts. In this position, I assisted in making programs for participants with recreational projects, contributed to
program planning and strategy sessions, and accompanied group field trips to local museums. I also
participated in fundraising and community outreach initiatives.

Should Blessings Adult Care Centre have a need for a dedicated volunteer, I would be very happy to have the
opportunity to assist you. My schedule is flexible at your convenience.

Eager to learn more about your mission, successes and challenges, I would be grateful for the chance of an
interview with you at a mutually convenient time. I look forward to speaking with you.
Thank you.


May Roberts
The Green Springs, 10 Mutiara Street
08225888888 –
43. Paragraph 1 is about …
A. Ms. Roberts’ experience as a volunteer.
B. Ms. Roberts’ desire to volunteer at an adult care centre.
C. An opportunity for Ms. Roberts to be a volunteer.
D. Ms. Roberts, a long-time advocate for the elders.
E. Ms. Roberts’ hobbies and interests.

44. In what field is the Blessings Adult Care Centre engaged?

A. Helping people with special needs.
B. Treating and caring the poor people.
C. Accommodating the homeless.
D. Helping orphans and children in need,
E. Nursing senior citizens.

45. What qualification does Ms. Roberts have?

Hal. 11
A. She has programs in treating sick people.
B. She is very skillful and strict in doing her job.
C. She is challenged to help the elders.
D. She is quite experienced in treating the elders.
E. She has a large venue to accommodate the elders.

46. What is Ms. Roberts purpose in writing the letter?

A. She wants to experience volunteering at a care centre.
B. She wants to know how it feels to work with the elders.
C. She needs the opportunities to work as an advocate.
D. She wants to volunteer at an adult care centre.
E. She wants to learn about her capacity as a volunteer.

47. “…which runs under your supervision.” The word ‘runs’ can be substituted with the word ….
A. operates
B. builds
C. comes
D. produces
E. yields

The following text is for number 48 – 49.

Rescuers were still pulling survivors on Wednesday (Feb 8) from the rubble of the earthquake took place on Feb 7
that killed more than 15,000 people in Türkiye and Syria, even as the window for rescues narrowed. Muhammet
Ruzgar, 5, is carried out by rescuers from the site of a damaged building after being trapped for hours.
48. From the caption we learn that …
A. Muhammet Ruzgar survived after days being under the rubble.
B. More than 15,000 people are killed in Turkiye because of the quake.
C. The earthquake happened on February 8, 2023.
D. No more lives can be rescued from the rubble on February 8, 2023.
E. The chance to find more survivors is getting smaller as days go by.

49. The word ‘rubble’ in the text can be best replaced with …
A. residue
B. debris
C. ashes
D. masses
E. bricks

Hal. 12
The following picture is for number 50.

50. The most suitable caption for the picture above is …

A. A girl is seen busy picking bars of chocolate displayed in a store as a gift for her loved ones.
B. Chocolates and gifts are sold in a mall to anticipate the coming Valentine’s Day celebration on February
C. Chocolates and dolls have been people’s favorite gifts to be given to their loved ones.
D. Crowds are flocking the mall to look for chocolates and gifts such as dolls and flowers.
E. Valentine’s Day which falls on February 14 is often celebrated by giving gifts to each other to show
their love and care.

Hal. 13
1. Make a good caption for the picture below based on the information you get from the text. (8 pts)

Turkey earthquake: Little boy rescued after 105 hours in quake rubble

By Nick Beake
© BBC News

Dwarfed by his adult hospital bed, five-year-old Aras is resting on his back playing with a model car. He
is one of Turkey's miracles. Rescue teams freed him from the rubble of his home in the now devastated
city of Kahramanmaras, 105 hours after the earthquake which happened on Monday, 6 February 2023.

When he was brought into the intensive care unit, hypothermia had set in and his body temperature had
dropped to 28 degrees Celsius (82 degrees Fahrenheit). Aras may have survived, but his seven-year-old
sister Hiranur did not. Neither did his nine-year-old brother Alp. Nor his father. Just one of so many
families irrevocably broken by this disaster.

Sitting at Aras's bedside and gently ruffling his grandson's dark hair is Mehmet. Although now 72,
Mehmet tells us he will for the rest of his days look after Aras as if he were his own son. "The rescuers
did so well to save him," he says, "and by God's grace, they gave him back to us alive."

2. Read the text then answer the question. (6 pts)

How Do Airplanes Fly?

When an airplane is in flight, there is a downward force (gravity) and an upward force (lift) acting on the
airplane. As an airplane moves through the air, the shape of the wings causes there to be less air pressure
pushing down on the wings than pushing up on the wings. This difference in pressure yields the upward
lift. If the downward gravitational force is less than the upward lift, then the airplane stays in the air.

As an airplane’s propellers spin, they give the airplane a forward force (thrust). As the airplane moves
forward, there is a backward force (drag) caused by the resistance of the air. An airplane is attracted
downward due to gravity. This force increases with the mass (weight) of the object. As an airplane moves
forward, the shape of its wing creates lower pressure above the wing than below, yielding a net upward
force known as lift.

As an airplane speeds along the runway, the airplane's wings disrupt the flow of the air. This disruption
causes the air above the wings to move faster than below the wings. As a result, the air pressure above
the wing is less than below the wing. As the airplane speeds up, this pressure difference increases until
the lift is stronger than the gravitational force, and the airplane takes off. In order to remain in flight, the
thrust must be greater than the drag, and lift must be greater than the force of gravity.
a. What is the importance of the wings shape in an airplane?
b. What are the two conditions to make an airplane remain in the air?
c. “As an airplane speeds along the runway, the airplane's wings disrupt the flow of the air.” ‘To
disrupt’ means ….

Hal. 14
3. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form. (5 pts)
a. Julie or you ___________ (need) to explain to the teacher about what happened yesterday.
b. You look tired, Jim. What you need now ________ (be) some good food and a nice rest.
c. Two bottles of tomato sauce ________(cost) me $3 in that small shop.
d. Come here, Sam! Here __________ (be) the stickers you asked for.
e. Nancy, as well as Donna and Jane, ________ (come) from Solo.

4. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form. (5 pts)
Randy is a man of integrity. He is known as someone who always __________ (a. keep) his words.
However, he ___________ (b. have) a dilemma at the moment. He _________ (c. just, find out) that his
best friend, Mona, ____________ (d. suffer) from cancer for the last 2 years. Mona warned him not to
tell anyone, including her parents. But Jerry thinks they deserve to know. He plans to meet Mona tonight.
He _____________ (e. persuade) her to tell her parents so that they can face this terrible disease together.

5. Make a conditional sentence based on the situation given. (6 pts)

a. Whether or not we go on a picnic tomorrow depends on the weather. I hope it won’t rain so we can go.
b. Rani is sad because she is sick and won’t be able to attend the concert tonight.

Hal. 15

1. E 11. D 21. E 31. D 41. D

2. B 12. A 22. B 32. A 42. E
3. C 13. C 23. D 33. B 43. B
4. D 14. E 24. A 34. C 44. E
5. C 15. C 25. C 35. A 45. D
6. E 16. B 26. B 36. E 46. D
7. D 17. D 27. E 37. C 47. A
8. B 18. A 28. B 38. B 48. E
9. B 19. D 29. A 39. D 49. B
10. E 20. D 30. D 40. B 50. B

1 Five-year-old Aras, one of Turkey’s miracles rescued 105 hours after the earthquake,
rested on his back with a model car in a hospital accompanied by his grandpa, Mehmet.
Notes: remember to first describe what you see and check 5W 1H.
2 a. It disrupts the flow of the air to make sure the air pressure above the wing is less than
below the wing.
b. The thrust is greater than the drag and the lift is greater than the force of the gravity.
c. To disturb / to interrupt / to distract / to change / to alter
3 a. Need
b. Are
c. Cost
d. Are
e. Comes
4 a. Keeps
b. Is having
c. Has just found out
d. Has suffered
e. Is going to persuade
5 a. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go on a picnic.
b. If Rani weren’t sick, we would attend the concert tonight. / Were Rani not sick, we would
attend the concert tonight.

Hal. 16

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