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Page- 1 Human Resource Management Human : Means those element who have sense, ability, capability and can

add value is called human. Resource : Means facility to accomplish the objectives is called resource. Resource not only human but also asset, transport, car, building etc. Management : It is a process of designing and maintaining an environment so who work as an individual and as a group efficiently and effectively to achieve objective. Manage people is not managing but manage people to do the work with accountability & accountability is called managing. managing may different country to country, company to company etc. HRM : HR is a process where we see the policy to apply to manage the human organization to achieve the pre-determined goal is called human resource management. HRM involves all management decisions and practices that directly affect or influence the people, or human resources who work for the organization. HRM starts with recruitment and end with retirement.

Function of HRM : Griffin Management Process : Functions Planning Resources Human resource Financial resource Physical or Infra structural resource Informational resource (Business related) Organizing Leading Controlling


Goal attainment

Wayne : Interaction among the major functional responsibilities of HRM : Few Functions : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Attraction : to attract people or going interest to organization. Selection : process to chosing the best people among the people. Retention : Maintain people who serve best or have best skill & knowledge. Development : About training & motivating. Assessment : Evaluate the performance annually. Adjustment : By giving training or transfer among the area. Take market opinion & other activities what will help for adjustment.

Page- 2 Major Function of HRM : 1. Planning for organization, jobs & people : What will be the activities nest 2 or 3 or 5 years or long term activities. Need expand the product for acquiring the objectives. Next divide the jobs activities. few person perform that. Human resource planning If new organization recruit every post. It old organization need not recruit every post. So every organization HR policy is not same. Job Analysis : Time to time job analysis. 2. Acquiring Human Resource : Recruitment- Looking for the source. The source of having people. e.g. for engineering post need engineer. Selection select the best people among the many people. Those who are interested to work e.g. firstly written test, viva test then select the person.

3. Building and motivation performance : Company build and motivate performance of the people so that the organization goal can be achieve. Human resource development: Training and development, develop some skill always. also continuing the different types of training. Performance assessment : Assess the performance of the people who are skill or bad or weak or neglect the work. Compensation and Benefit : Aware the people for better performance. Also give some incentives & benefits. e.g. give interest or incentive 5% or 10% or 30 %. 4. Maintaining Human Resource : a. Benefits : to give incentive the people those who are skilled. e.g. Transportation, house, education, medical allowance. b. Employment Transition : i. Voluntarily go from the organization. ii. Forcely out by the organization. iii. Retirement by nature. iv. Recruitment new comers to organization. 5. International Human Resource Management : Not only national level but also international level. Who are more flexible in mind have manage power & not frusted man, not uncultured, not rigid, also have no discrimination in mind that type of people need to recruit for International HRM. e.g. opening LC for doing business for importing raw materials, not only import but also import some things from other country.

Page- 3 Strategic Decisions and Implementation for HRM : 1. Add new types of equipment : # Computer, fax, internet. etc. also need to operate somebody trained for using that equipment. 2. Grow through acquisition : # Selection (From acquired firm) # Training ( For new training) # Compensation ( To reward system) # Outplacement (redundant workers or give experience certificate) 3. Take on additional indebtedness to prevent takeover : # Compensation ( reduce the debt) # Outplacement (force reduction) 4. Market product internationally: # Selection for exporting. # Training them for processing. # compensation. 5. Seek new location for manufacturing plant : If any organization want to new plant for manufacturing the new product they should recruit new people. e.g. Toyota originated in Japan. but new industry in America, they need to recruitment 6. Pursue low cost competitive strategy : # Compensation # Labor relation # Training.

Recurring Theme in HRM :

1. Strategic Approach (Think long run) # how expand the business. # how much resource need and how will train & skilled them. # Should examine the company strength & weakness, threat & opportunity. 2. International HRM : 3. Maintaining ethical policy and behavior : # Develop ethical area and to be standard that. e.g. UN program always take policy for develop the ethical area. 4. Benchmarking # set standard time.

Page- 4 Current and Future challenges to Human Resource Management : 1. Corporate Reorganization : Reorganization means to expand the area of business for change the resource in future. Reorganization is to faces the future challenges in human resources is called corporate reorganization. 2. Global Competition : It means to business in international market. It needs skill of international market. 3. Cyclical Growth : It will automatically increase. It can be positive or negative. so keep in mind of development side. 4. Increasing Diversity in the work Force : Now woman are coming to more competitive area, in out country there has may opportunity for woman to get a competitive job. It may be positive or negative side. The percentage of American women who participate in the work force has increased significantly over time, with the figure now approximately 61 percent. This is almost double the rate of participation in 1950. Women now account of about 47% of the work force and will approach parity with men in the near future. 5. People Expectation : # People want more money, opportunity & benefit, bonus or salary. # Some organization give leave 20 or 30 or 50 days vocation. # Someone want office time to 09.00 am to 5.00 pm . # Govt. organization has opportunity but salary limited, In NGO has less opportunity but handsome salary. 6. Organization as vehicles for reaching social goals. People want to change the designation for that they want to develop their job area. * What types of capabilities are required in HRM?

* Types of jobs?

* HR Planning :
Two types : 1. New organization. 2. Existing organization.

Page- 5 To operate the new organization need skilled & experience people (who are work now other organization) To operate the existing organization need training the people of existing organization. HR planning concern with three things: 1. IntoBring in the organization, e,g,- Recruitment. 2. ThroughTo maintain their- e,g, training, incentive, benefit, promotion etc, 3. OutLeave from the organization- normally or forced or organization, desired. HR Planning Involves : 1. Forecasting : Forecast the necessity of resource & human resource within 6 months or 1 year. 2. Right mix : What kind of skill need to the organization. It have need training or recruitment form others. 3. When & Where: When will go in operation after 6 or 12 months, then set the plan or when needed. HR Planning Model : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Collect Information. Forecast demand for HR Forecast supply of HR Plan and conduct needed program Feedback on planning process.

For the purpose of job activities these function need to be done : 1. 2. 3. 4. Collection & recording of job information. Checking the job information for accuracy. Writing job description based on the information. Using the information to determine what skill, abilities and knowledge are required on the job. 5. Updating the information from time to time.

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