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| ; YAGNIK SIR- 8080709843 i 8. Electrostatics poled Pere no] 1 Kl what is flectaic flux ? An| Electric {lux is the number of linet of [osce Passing through a particular area Cds) Flecknic }lun d¢ = 6. ds do > £ ds cos@ Totel_electnic flux pe [dg = (Fas af ds cose * || what is Gauss" law ? Ans || The flux of the net electaie freld through a cl a s the e enclosed ace vi p28 € *_|| Obtain an epnession for flectare Held Intensi b ata point! due #2 uniformly changed om hell et hollow phere Ans|| Consides a sphere of sadius R. Total chasse on conducting cphere i. 3, Consider a point P ata distance v fram centre Imagine Gaussian ee | h. adius ¥. id _passing through 2. — / let laround point P on co: 7 Gaussian Surface Pago Ne] 2 Dato ) S ngle tase and ds i. ero Les cos"@ > I be fe .ds = (edseoso = [eds But = {ids = 4n'y*5 Bh at Ee Aye — G By Gauss’ lax gets - @) : Eo from O & @ LEK any 2 4 i Eo Le = L L [470 ye Derive Es cR* . phat will be the electric fretd intensity if point P= i) Lies on uxjaa of sph ii) lies men the phere. We know, EF = I ie (4) ANG > Siarf ace chaste density T> 4 4GnR> iG. OT Y AR FE. ox gare 4h Eo ye Es eR*| | (bate) J | Case (i): If point P lies on surhace of Sphere then t= R Bh Sa) Fon ae Eo BPC Fo Case (ii): point Plies inside the sphere then c=O0 ah ther are no chaages inside - [E20 ok ston’ for ¢ ield Intensi at a point thas tan cua long Staalght Ans tie a—aifoanly chaiged une of infinite leagth Gaussian i ch math iA ide 0) —— [Linear charge de nsity : fandiden 4 phigt tat Seis distance ¥ from aais of chasged wise! [4 Lmagine a Gaussian i ength radius Y passing through P.'\ otf let ds he all ‘| Gaussi an surface But [ds 2 22rL b= ‘e. ans = () By Gaus’ law, p22 = 6) Fom @ £ a) ot Beianth = 4 €a Eos ft 4 RAEo LKY Using ogn O A> Wy I file eA QNEKY - x | obtain an erpsession fox. tleetnie' Fiat atia_ P dur tp a charged infinike plane sheet: Ars Consider o uniformly charged infinite plane sheet. det Pi be a point » al Ber Agbanth ys SORE TEN ln the thet 82 PS Cotitid'en Gaussian wrface around Pin foam of cylinder having cross secttonal anea A other. se Tp pias tee a pene Rs pale cos@ = | Total flux gz PD zt: Oe (bate p= [feds cose], + [ feds corel tJ bis [ Eds], + dé iH Ip + ffed| i. p= fe fas], + [efasl hut (dee A ps FA tEA p =2fA — @ By Gauss’ low ob: 4 -@ ; €o From © 2 @ REA 4 Ee oy th Bie 2A En But ux} chaage i os vu A Eso go Reo o4) | Th ° itudes: —4Q and +2@ ane located at paints (20,0) and (Sa, 0) respectively. “that i electxic flux i e.. changes gh hi 9, i 4 with its contre at the oatiin 2 on _ {oa 4 Tt Via 420 \ of wie) 5a \ Z ™“ (=ml eo (ba ) As_electaice Mux depends | on a enclosed by (raussian Suh aco So -4Q™ J choage is_inside Gaussian sua} ace- By Gauss' law be v) Eo d= -48| Eo * || Jerive an euprsssil e lectso tie entioA Lnengy ok Dexive Ayws= } a4 1 iT Abo oo Ans Q 8 Cc A E, Ope Te 7 erate é bere: Poe 7 ; ce + Let Wich hE Poin ta 7. hee at distance ¥ fom O- Foxce of sepulsion between two charger at distane y jis” Fe is | o lomb' 4n bo ye Charge 9 is displaced by small amount dy te n i \ in__potentiaf energy of Syston (y- dU < dW: ~Fre-dy (ba ) Fox disp cing cL aff 9, frrom point A_at rn, to point Bat distance _Y; the Change in PLE i i Q 1 Av %, = {4 dy Joye FF = de (4 due -J F = x Ai a * in x i ele sic potential _ ___ at a point gue tv point chaage - : z Ara A Nn M 7 oa oe tive 0. dk FE chatye 9,246 me id pest at infin ity Coo) to point A at distance *e. forona O. let H be a point at distance x fom 0. ate 0 1 Sal = Fontes} _sapulsion. fp an €o Ga L faa tef fo | amount di. ce! 0. dws = fede cs eo ive. sign vis. di N potiesign— Hiapents saa deste diszeted Opporite that of frozte. Fox diz placing unit positive change ma _infanity (© i A\_at. distance ¥ tot al work done can be obtained by. inckeg nating H 1 fF hes f dy st f-Fde = (- 1 Q dx J J J 4n€ x aoa oF ee ¥ Sor @ if da 4b J KP ne 7 - i\aliyites Av Cicde =) | 47 Eo. [ x bt ae cme = offs. 47 [oe e 4Nes i eo] L@ f = 1 Q 4nNbo ¥ 7 - t—& Electric potental Vo W = 4ae, + t 4. Z AcbWs il Q \ AMEND * || Derive an i atic ten Am 2 duc to syshean 2 change: Consider al sipedesd: isa chdiged fe fa— La eis vi at distances’ %, es ag Ley —sespeccively fron point Pe (reel g (bate ) The_potentiol Vat paint P due to charge J, is Vis 1 4ne 7, Similaaly Vj 214 4N€o 4, zs) 4 N4n 6s 4a By the a pxinciple., electra potential J at P system of chasges i guen by Vis Wty, +Va +--+ tVn cit f 4 9, 4 4 ane] yw tr 62) i) A chasge 4 js moved from o point A above a dipole” of dipole moment P. to_a_peint B below the dipole _in equitvatal plane without Ars actel mn. Fy WOCaAS ten: A électasic potential V on equitvaial line i. | - I V Mery) Vey feaieet 2) Ga) + 1 (4) 4né. L 46 L. =O oe b ee Na] JO ) = ) We krow, bl = gV cREguxe ee econ aaa hloak done in the process j. hero. Qerive aelation between €lectaie field and ‘ 2a o ten tial - OR Dei £-= -dv dx Ans Q 2 es eg lef uni i positive displaced by Smal) displacement dx Woxk done is diz - Fdx Dividiog hoth sides by 4 J VI wd W, =F ga 4 4 : Aut dve dW and E> F q 4. se dV Eda “ ty _an ofectsic ; anol anal equatorial point: oo Cc Xe w mi A on B +L ar) res i int 2 electric Ji istance ) fmm the Contre a. Tr. and 3 n int C ch +9. and) wes pectively Potential al c duet 49 js Viz! Zz I & ante “5, PotenHial at C due t Sguths Vegi thie ge x. Total_potentiol Vo = V,#.Vy» oo srr GA &, | my To AAOC by Cosine rule | | tps 2+ 1” = 2eh cose | ats ve fit Je - 2yt coso] 1 pleas On. ipo Verh os kts sma : Y 2 L* Can be neglectid ra J eomts ytfi- 2k cro Taking sg uave root L {Fay od = M12 V¥ i= od cos8 X I y fim ateesa 7% (r= at cso) ry v = 1 « [1-24 cose) aS a = Le i A tos ® | Y x Y eat fy +L cosel —(Z) v1 a LE a J Similarly Tr A Goce bye positing ule Ve eg ork Cos C1iz0~0) ploy Mies ye 8 2 oh tos ® ao) 7 T= t cose] —(B | ee v iM) | [Subst tute eqniQ) & ® ia 247 © Me eg fs ted oso)-L fA =sceza) 1 “4ne. Lr FE a) | zt [yy f cose geri Vemel aneny [ ¥ ¥ J | ct a x 24 Cos | 4Gnes ¥ ¥ Put 9 x2l= p (VR ic. P cos 4NEn Tr Case (i axtol point 2 (ii) A toni B= 0° or }xo" O= 40 2_Cos@= 0 HI , Ve fantar) = E F 4nbo | 1 Me Ge tm) = 0 Page No. (bate ) fxplaia £quipotential Surfaces + How is eleetare dieid dintcted an equipatential Surpacet. 2 An. equipotential wtf a ce is the surfece an | which al. inv ectaic y We know, Ve) 4 4néo ¥ yf vis. Contant ar V wilt be constant No ee i n29 fae move a test chases Se ee Eicctasel Pad Gtensitel Eis alway FF : a Perpendie ular to the wipalenttel Sua}=a.——— ar Varhous hapes af eg ulpotentiod en i ) Single poit_chaage “ay ling charge Sinaia eon VtWo last suite hoets asbeien sheet & metallic sphac| \ ®t es ] If as | [ I t 1 T n | - | ! = | T t | I =4> ae ' N ny [ PETE ER Equipotential Surface Equipotentiol Suxhace fox ingle poink charge bins chage. (rae (a= J ZA = iii) aoa = £ = Und fore electric fried iv) 5 v Plate — aN \ AN A oty eel / \ j \ quipotential vi jt vah aces for / t bwo: plane f metallic sheets Ah * Obtain an si » EO of two pai Ans || Consider tuo chasges 4and 4 initially at infinity Y i. 8 S12 To baring chasse 4 fare w indiniby to__point A no _wonrk has to be done 5 . as there is no external x electnic field. ¥ i Now to_baing chasge 9, from infinity te point B at: v, . be against electric Held of charge 4, (bate ) iz (Potential at B ducte chasse 4,) x 4, 2 No Vans se , oy a G1 \ixJg ‘ [4né This work done is stored as the potential en f£ system Cu) ya ae a gly st dts Tabet Obtain ex Sion Pig. kos a System int ALGOr = PE. boa & Syston of two chasges is given by bp td, Bin wn \ anes Yn O vi 4, © Ts PP, Now, in baringi x m ffm Ly, wioadk har to he done A 6 agains ectnic fel by: (potential at C due to q hg) xg Fite [1 ee a, \ x 4, (tles Hingaeta mes liaa 2 tk gas 9 ge ANE 41, | 4 Eo Yes = Tats 4 BBL 4760 | Fs 2 | (rare ie) (eee to__D Similaaly,in_bainging a chagge by frm_2 wosk has to be: done against electade field og g andi ge OS: Wa =! [4d + 2,dy bid anes | x4 Ys. Tu Te frousal,P:E.—of 0 syslemof N point th asge—is Gn 454K 4. 77K Obtain an expression for potential spit 44 of a pop tersefe eal ep tet he at infinity To_baing chang e 4 from infini by tot, work is to be done_againt external fretd —___ W, 2 4,*V (i) Te baing chasge g from se finy te ¥, , work Qk vol os set ast electric jd o} charge 4 Wi, = W fs + W ich fa = 9,VG@) + 1 4a GME vir Total work done .2 Wj + Ws : | {ose Wo: ¢ Vv 4) +o Vv(7)+ 44 476, Via obtain an ion hn aLipole. in an external pel. what will be PEL. ne ) dipole i perpendicular ty _electaic field in) dipole js pasaliet tp electric field . +4pp > tHE ~ a = = -4 ZA, 6 yp ae * Considex a i ifn cleetare fretd Flome shown lin figuae £_Cxperiences a tpague CT’ = pEsine - i. To neutnaliz IF XR extenal aig tae! Tog) i ap plied which yates angle 6 te angle @.- : @ e Ww = (T.,4 lO = { pEsino-d@—____ a ent J bs Ge & = pe {sine do 6, eo = pe [-coso] (=ale | (ose ) = —pE J cos 6- cos 0.0] : Wo= pe [cos 6. = cos 6] This woxk done is Stored os PE. of_system (V) Uc pé feoso = Cos0| Case Ci): Dipsle is pes-prodiculas to electxic fretd : Os My _ Vic E os” - cos 8 i fos 7 2 u_= -pE cos@ Case (ii): Lipale 1 fs pans. llet +40 electnie Prutd A, Ons Us _pE f cos o- cose] = PE Es — cose |. cE J || Define iNL_E. lectrons in #1 outermost helt af atom which are [vosely hound to nudeus and Can move faeely inside the metal. it} Bound ws like positive jwns and electrons in the LATA. hells cleus which ane held in pied. pa ibions ase Called bound charges. ii) Electrostatic Shielding t wher a i ee is placed in. ie hollow ‘canductes sq as to _ prodect Le freee di. shut bing ohpects oh other oe it”; then = Called eleebostabe beeing iv) Faxadey Cage i It isan enclosure tobich is — usec ~ to. Vblock the external olectric fields in. conductive. materials . 62 iv) Ans Asis eka afest aif ts 7, zt ip tee c ) tothe nin the pense iti)” The mera lightni eR peed ee bellies bedi tof he Cat. — oct ric insi a2 ain atti i ad @. Dedine , Qioloetrics : Oielectaies ane jnsulaton which | Can be used to Steve _electsical energy. ii) Polarization : When dielectrics ane an external Held, theia positit a hase tapas dieplaced I appetite dacs ens Ooms lap a_net dipole moment Process. te fini me (reml 20) [Date iii) Polar diclectais : A molecule in which the centre votons) doer of mass. of pe jtive naa Cp po i ‘ pth oh s molecule or ~ dielectrics . negative charges ( electrons) peer emma J / i ; ig: HL AIH, H, 0 ete iv) Non Polar dielectrics’ : A molecule in which the Centye of mass. po sitive es lL i Hi mass alive chasges js Called non polax Molec an CoO. etc. dielectrics. “4 bisH y'0 x Ars ne [ ic i) Centres of Mase. are L Sepasnted wher non- pee iéle ctas aie plated sin van electric fied (E it) Centnes ET positive. ch ulle the dinection of Fo While Centar _o negative _ is ce. opposite — dtaectton - i) As ca aesult, the ciclectaze olevelops a net aig m in ° ‘ol - KF — ce (O50, eS OQ Oo; ss Page No.] 2) J (Date Pol ele. i) “The molecules ai polax _dielectaic have tiny Permanent ali nol! mo rents dielectsic develops a ne ipole moment in disection extttoal pretd. 508 G2 CD el * | what is “ ebfect of —_— fo dielectare on _net tac i Ans |i) Consider a aectangqular dielectric —slab winta [ in! uhitfoand elaebare fed. “ET. : ii) lectaic ~ ig ht o withi : iti) There Yj apparent ship of positive thas On the af ght side and a red chaste oka t om ft 0. lagad_cheijan pandas an Matas fod 6 hel pag tniforns electri t fiud £. uv) Net fed Fo 2 p= ey si) Thess fone, thee i ndtsabdluction jn clectaie field due to polarization of a dielectric thl- +10 +} |=, +h +] [= +[ 1 + [= +l tt E +H eee + i = = E * || what is Capacitor ? vege CApacitan ce 2 state’ St unsk + Ans||_ A Capacitps jis a device th at sto x2 clectsical) energy. Og Cap aciton Consists u ch Se oo a dielectate material: The electaic field potential V between the plates i paectt jon 2 Si Ve Wwe @x« 2 Q-CV c where Cis Called Capacitance SE unit ‘tance is ob As cz Q : v 4 fared + 1 Couloms Lwilt Pago No] 93 ) (pax ) Explain principle of 2 Capacitor. Ans Consider metal. plate’ P having J positive chaage +Q and poten tial Vv. Tis Capacity C2 B/v -O at. t By induction, a neg ative chaage is produced al positive inner face AY P, and equ on charge develops on Outer face of: Py. U + = Th + = + = at + a + ae + 7 + = + e pi [* -[; 2 + a + = 5 Ss + t Pl PZ SS induced positive Sage on Py. flows to _eaxth. ahs (¢ : tial of P, tS Vv). Net Up otential of Sy fem becomes +\V a. Capacity Cais Q -@M Vv. mn OLD oa, pe Theat fore Capacity ct ruted plate PL increarer — when an identical) earth nnected metal plate Pp is Fept nean it: fwelay | tel LT obtai ion capatitan a An P ! acd tho ut : re Consider paralle plate Capacitor of areaa _thistance apart The plates axe Separated b medium like aur. One. of the plate ic eanthed as shown in big = Tn_the inner aegiont digits tT between the tus = = Capacitor Lots ia hc emma whe seh ita ey - | luce to the two + = charged plots add up. i ema a. : eee) ~ Roe ge Pus ?, REn Eo 2 AO gs REo Eo But o= Q/a =e 2B os gin 4 @ Aes lie Know Bay. —-@) a Pom J 2 @. SG A€o d & , AEs Vv We Enow, cc: O/y f- Cs A€o a (Pose Wo] 25° ) (ool | ) * si itan poratlel plate \(apacitor with a dielectate slob between the plates - Ans || Constdee paraliel’ plate: Capacitor of aaca A distance, di apadt - -Ge tOQp it let £, be \the electric |t = fs fietd inkensiby be bore Es - a a il jon the [it Ee {* oe dielectaic slab ese meer |b = tee ee Ee 2 @ a + aan S Ako fo . + a | Dili ogee oe ielectas Ly o ic eneds introduced , -Qp charge is induced on left side and_#Qp chasse is induced on aight side of the dialect ‘ ‘ develo c ad £ Thekt b ‘Lich is opps site) n dinecti ot Eo oe AEo 24 Nek eid (6) Fern al ogee Ceo Wwe know Ec Vi. Ve Emel / A (Peveto] 26 ) (oe } aa bd formula for PD. in Capacitor diclect sie or follows be Mis By ew Cdridit Bo xt 2 Ei x(d-t) + By xt Using ae) cc = 6, fF Gathut $ L EJ aa fe ya +] AL EJ We now si@ Vv NaS x [eget + +4 AC 4 +1 Gist e WES 1 Eka bt] a} ¥ || Derive an expression to» enerqy styacd in : fe capecttbaags Lad Ans || Cons} dea oo Capacitor of Capacitance C being 4 charged but a_Qc ‘Source ot Vo volts Vas shown in fy: During the Pra be ch GAgé on ef chaagiog I f v- Copacitrs_t VY be the i h C2 " between the plates th (eae J Gs 4 2 by 4 yee c A | m it 0. is done jf a smal! charge dg, i fusthes transfered _ be l 2h) e.Vdy pur ve Ww) L \ widW 2 7. dy . = é a Total Work done bl2_[di cae oa 4 S bot TG Zvi ac c 2 i ou) haspe 1 cc. = ) [Qe pu Cla aaae stg? ( » \ ze This woak done ic stosed as electrical potent al enegy J of the Capacitor. J ( : vs a ae Dub Q: CV 22 = iow put caQ Mi 2 We ix Qix Von ! 2. 1 2 LQVs rar Cnostauction : Van de en asists consists of :- i) High voltage PC powser. supply if) Spaay bawsh AS Te consists of large number of pointed wires which ore connected +o +ve terminal of DC Suppl fi) Conveyor bert hich can move over tyro” pulleys p & Pp, - Belt js Kept Continuously moving by « motor - yf fe (reve) 24) [pate L 3 pete Dome shaped hollow conductor Colllectus brash Yo aoe Pulley Ly 9] eT i fH Lomveypot belt Spray boush IF ~¥ i Evacuated —accetexating tab Power Sripply! TPH A ae Pr = 2 rT, iv) -Caltselins p dst C wohich jc connected to mallet lee hap ek hollow metallic V) fyacuated accelerating tube having on elecbose J. @lectode Vis connect to dlowe shaped onducl@A. Wozking Li) Electaic moter is switched pn. 50 nye elt t in motto: Ww ly 7. don. Positive chaage is taansl erred frre Sproy brush’ A ontd the bett _B- iv) the belt Canaries this chazge in spade lector ba Wsh hand vend: jt to dome shaped a Vv) Duc toc mbinuous accumulation} chakges —_ © its potential ie vi) Electrode ZL connected to dome shaped Conductor shows rise in potential. vii) Chased particles are Acteles ated in clomneiasd dinoction: dus’ to very hig fall of petential along evacuated ac erator tube. 7 T viii) ¢ a icles i hk iv) Acc Pion electrons to sterilize food - y)—To tudy nuclear Shictue & different types of ions cit, fof lowing Coser: S) n poraliel lates ie Tw ie i Is if) Tia Coamial pylindsi tal shells Aru i thease, teat planeta plate to th ak — wrill be nel a as. Lapacitanw ee (n=) Abc a li) Two concentric pheri cal Conduch. ng Aclls _Wwith inner Pepe dadii as a & b The Capacitance C2 2.61 (abe) ba (bate iit) Two. coaxial caplindaiced shells with i li ‘a! d_ outer adit of Ino €4 oy nde as ‘a! an ne Capacitan aeons log b Gen o2 it) tthe di etween ii_of bw aa \ w& fSioi} blab uhethe "the Capacitance will intense — Ans Or doceare vi For spherical La) Tes Ore dnt. (ab } toherse (hoa) is < diff ance, between radii of spheres < Mr-a) As (b-a inve a wsith | A api Haina sh bts Ce plat to} — Kops will dlececase. 2 ti) A mahal. plate isi introduced between the plates of chasged. paraliel plate Capacitor. what — is ids ebfect on the Capacitance of the Capa certo, 2 Ans We know Capacatance with oléelectrre slab is Cz Ako dnt l Fox _metol plate 2 4s Aeo C= A€o V4 Sutnds aie te doug cies teh cag Ga charges Ss oadid dis placement cusgent (i) lle know cz Ate ol put cz &/v o_O, Ate Vv a 4 O- Atv 2 Ate | forge Vv] a C 4 Dif}erentiatiog above eqn dQ, “Ato dé dt dt Here [ys Ab 4EZy

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