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Template for Practical Course and if AEC is a practical Course Annexure-V

Data Analytics with Excel Semester 3

Course Code BCS358A CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P: S) 0:0:2:0 SEE Marks 50
Credits 01 Exam Hours 100
Examination type (SEE) Practical
Course objectives:
● To Apply analysis techniques to datasets in Excel
● Learn how to use Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts to streamline your workflow in Excel
● Understand and Identify the principles of data analysis
● Become adept at using Excel functions and techniques for analysis
● Build presentation ready dashboards in Excel

Sl.NO Experiments
1 Getting Started with Excel: Creation of spread sheets, Insertion of rows and columns, Drag
& Fill, use of Aggregate functions.

Working with Data : Importing data, Data Entry & Manipulation, Sorting & Filtering.
Working with Data: Data Validation, Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts.
4 Data Analysis Process: Conditional Formatting, What-If Analysis, Data Tables, Charts &
Cleaning Data with Text Functions: use of UPPER and LOWER, TRIM function, Concatenate.
6 Cleaning Data Containing Date and Time Values: use of DATEVALUE function, DATEADD and

7 Conditional Formatting: formatting, parsing, and highlighting data in spreadsheets during

data analysis.

8 Working with Multiple Sheets: work with multiple sheets within a workbook is crucial for
organizing and managing data, perform complex calculations and create comprehensive
9 Create worksheet with following fields: Empno, Ename, Basic Pay(BP), Travelling
Allowance(TA), Dearness Allowance(DA), House Rent Allowance(HRA), Income Tax(IT),
Provident Fund(PF), Net Pay(NP). Use appropriate formulas to calculate the above scenario.
Analyse the data using appropriate chart and report the data.
10 Create worksheet on Inventory Management: Sheet should contain Product code, Product
name, Product type, MRP, Cost after % of discount, Date of purchase. Use appropriate
formulas to calculate the above scenario. Analyse the data using appropriate chart and report
the data.
Template for Practical Course and if AEC is a practical Course Annexure-V

11 Create worksheet on Sales analysis of Merchandise Store: data consisting of Order ID,
Customer ID, Gender, age, date of order, month, online platform, Category of product, size,
quantity, amount, shipping city and other details. Use of formula to segregate different
categories and perform a comparative study using pivot tables and different sort of charts.
12 Generation of report & presentation using Autofilter &macro.

Course outcomes (Course Skill Set):

At the end of the course the student will be able to:
● Use advanced functions and productivity tools to assist in developing worksheets.
● Manipulate data lists using Outline and PivotTables.
● Use Consolidation to summarise and report results from multiple worksheets.
● Apply Macros and Autofilter to solve the given real world scenario.
Template for Practical Course and if AEC is a practical Course Annexure-V

Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)

The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%.
The minimum passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks (20 marks out of 50) and for the
SEE minimum passing mark is 35% of the maximum marks (18 out of 50 marks). A student shall be
deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each subject/
course if the student secures a minimum of 40% (40 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE
(Continuous Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

CIE marks for the practical course are 50 Marks.
The split-up of CIE marks for record/ journal and test are in the ratio 60:40.
● Each experiment is to be evaluated for conduction with an observation sheet and record
write-up. Rubrics for the evaluation of the journal/write-up for hardware/software
experiments are designed by the faculty who is handling the laboratory session and are
made known to students at the beginning of the practical session.
● Record should contain all the specified experiments in the syllabus and each experiment
write-up will be evaluated for 10 marks.
● Total marks scored by the students are scaled down to 30 marks (60% of maximum
● Weightage to be given for neatness and submission of record/write-up on time.
● Department shall conduct a test of 100 marks after the completion of all the experiments
listed in the syllabus.
● In a test, test write-up, conduction of experiment, acceptable result, and procedural
knowledge will carry a weightage of 60% and the rest 40% for viva-voce.
● The suitable rubrics can be designed to evaluate each student’s performance and learning
● The marks scored shall be scaled down to 20 marks (40% of the maximum marks).
The Sum of scaled-down marks scored in the report write-up/journal and marks of a test is the
total CIE marks scored by the student.
Semester End Evaluation (SEE):
● SEE marks for the practical course are 50 Marks.
● SEE shall be conducted jointly by the two examiners of the same institute, examiners are
appointed by the Head of the Institute.
● The examination schedule and names of examiners are informed to the university before
the conduction of the examination. These practical examinations are to be conducted
between the schedule mentioned in the academic calendar of the University.
Template for Practical Course and if AEC is a practical Course Annexure-V

● All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.

● (Rubrics) Breakup of marks and the instructions printed on the cover page of the answer
script to be strictly adhered to by the examiners. OR based on the course requirement
evaluation rubrics shall be decided jointly by examiners.
● Students can pick one question (experiment) from the questions lot prepared by the
examiners jointly.
● Evaluation of test write-up/ conduction procedure and result/viva will be conducted
jointly by examiners.
● General rubrics suggested for SEE are mentioned here, writeup-20%, Conduction procedure
and result in -60%, Viva-voce 20% of maximum marks. SEE for practical shall be evaluated
for 100 marks and scored marks shall be scaled down to 50 marks (however, based on
course type, rubrics shall be decided by the examiners)
● Change of experiment is allowed only once and 15% of Marks allotted to the procedure part
are to be made zero.
The minimum duration of SEE is 02 hours
Suggested Learning Resources:

● Berk & Carey - Data Analysis with Microsoft® Excel: Updated for Offi ce 2007®, Third
Edition, © 2010 Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, ISBN-13: 978-0-495-39178-4
● Wayne L. Winston - Microsoft Excel 2019: Data Analysis And Business Modeling, PHI,
ISBN: 9789389347180
● Aryan Gupta - Data Analysis in Excel: The Best Guide.
Experiment No: 1a
Create an Excel worksheet – A simple spreadsheet for Students’ Mark Report
To create a simple dataset on Student Details using Excel Worksheet.
Step 1: Open MS Excel from the Start Menu and click on the Excel app section.

Step 2: Go to the Menu Bar in Excel and select New; click on the ‘Blank workbook’ to create
a new and simple spreadsheet.

OR –Simply press the Ctrl + N button to create a new spreadsheet.

Step 3: Now, it will create Sheet 1.
Step 4: Fill the data in an organized way with columns as follows : S.No, Roll.Number,
Name, Class , Section, Subject1, Subject2, Subject3, Subject4,Subject5 and give the details
of all students.
Step 5: Use Drag and Fill to duplicate the data in the column Section with value ‘A’ and
column Class = “HSC. By using Drag and Fill we can duplicate data, linearly increment data,
and copy the formulas to the cells in the specified range.
Step 6: Use font group to change the Font Style, Add colour and Fill cell’s colour, add
borders etc.
Step 7: Use Alignment group to align the data present inside the workbook.
Step 8: Now use SUM(), To calculate the total marks obtained by all students.
Formula : =SUM(f1:j1)

Step 6: Now use AVERAGE(), To calculate the percentage of all students.

Formula : =AVERAGE(Range)

Step 7: Use MAX() to find the highest mark obtained.

Formula : = MAX(range)
Step 8: Use MIN() , to find the lowest score obtained .
Formula : =MIN(range)

A simple spreadsheet for Students’ Mark Report is created and manipulated with drag and fill
option, Font options, simple Excel functions like sum(), average(), min(), max(), count() etc.
Experiment No: 1b
AGGREGATE Function in Excel
To use Aggregate() function on a Student Details dataset using Excel to aggregate data with
multiple criteria to get specific results .
Aggregate() Function:
In Excel, Functions like SUM, COUNT, LARGE, and MAX won’t function if a range
contains errors.
The AGGREGATE function is used on different functions
like AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, PRODUCT, etc., with the option to ignore
hidden rows and error values to get certain results.
The AGGREGATE function in Excel contains nineteen distinct functions for achieving the
desired results.

=AGGREGATE(function_num, options, ref1, ref2, …)

=AGGREGATE(function_num, options, array, [k])



This argument specifies for which range you want to use the Aggregate function.

Step 1: Create a new worksheet.
Step 2: Create the dataset with inconsistencies in the actual data as follows :

Step 3: Max() function will not work on the field Total in the range K2:K17.
Step 4: Use Aggregate() function to calculate max on the cells in range k2:k17 by selecting
appropriate arguments in their syntax.


Result :
Thus when an appropriate option is used in the AGGREGATE function, the AGGREGATE in
Excel returns or gives the MAX of the remaining values neglecting the error value in cells K2
& C17. i.e. 455.
Experiment No: 2
Working with Data: Importing data, Data Entry & Manipulation, Sorting & Filtering.
Consider the following data to create a csv file (transaction.csv) and import the
Transaction.csv dataset to Excel worksheet.
Transaction ID Date Product Type Unit Price Total Amount
1 2023-01-01 Widget A 100 $2.50 $250.00
2 2023-01-02 Widget B 75 $3.00 $225.00
3 2023-01-03 Widget A 50 $2.50 $125.00
4 2023-01-04 Widget C 120 $1.80 $216.00
5 2023-01-05 Widget B 90 $3.00 $270.00
Perform the listed data manipulation operations to the dataset using Excel.
1. Copy the imported data to a new worksheet and update the existing transaction data with
three more rows.
2. Sort the data based on the "Date" column in ascending order to analyze transactions
3. Apply filters to the "Product" column to focus on specific products.
4. Filter the data based on the "Date" column to analyze transactions on specific months.
5. Filter the data based on “Unit” to analyze the transactions above or below certain units by
combining filters.

To import the following data and perform the below listed data entry and data manipulation
Operations using sorting and filtering in Excel.
Importing Data
Step 1: Save the above data in a CSV file as transaction.csv.
Input : transaction.csv
Step 2: Open Excel and use the "Data" tab to import the CSV file into a new worksheet.
Output: (Data Import)

Data Entry
Step 1: Add 3 new rows for a new transaction with quantity, units & prices for the products as
needed. Format the cells Price and Total_Amount to currency by selecting the cells  Right
click Format Cells
Step 2: Calculate the Total Amount based on the Type and Unit Price for each transaction
using a formula Total Amount = product(units*prices)
Output: (Data Entry)

Step 1: Select the dataset. Goto Data Tab  Select Sort command to Sort.
Step2: Sort the data based on the "Date" column in ascending order to analyze transactions

Output: (Sorting)
Step 1: Goto Data Tab Filter command to apply filter on any column to filter out the data
upon specific conditions.

Step 2: Apply filters to the "Product" column to focus on Antivirus product.

Output : (Single criteria Filtering )

Step 3: Filter the data based on the "Date" column to analyze transactions on January.
Output : (Single Criteria Filtering)
Step 4: Filter the data based on “Unit” to analyze the transactions on units above 70 and
below 100 .
Output : (Multi Criteria Filtering)

Excel has a number of powerful options for data manipulation, and each is customizable as
per the requirement. With proper steps we can manipulate any huge datasets down to only the
pieces of information required that matters.
Experiment 3a
Working with Data: Data Validation, Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts.

Consider the following data:

Emp_ID Name Department Performance Rating Salary
101 John Doe Marketing 4.5 $60,000
102 Jane Smith Sales 3.8 $55,000
103 Bob Johnson Finance 4.2 $65,000
104 Alice Brown IT 4.8 $70,000
105 Chris Wilson HR 3.5 $50,000
Perform the following validations on the relevant data:
1. Validate the Performance Rating column, such that the entered values are between 1
and 5 (representing the performance rating scale).
2. Display the error/alert message on Emp_Id column, to ensure whether the inputting
value is equal to 3 digits.
3. Apply the data validation rule to other cells.
4. Find cells with data validation in your database.
5. Highlight the cell if it contains any invalid data.

To validate (restrict) the user input to the Excel worksheet using Data Validation feature by
creating a validation rule that controls what kind of data can be entered into a certain cell.
1. To set up the data validation rule in the "Performance Rating" column, to ensure that
the input value is between 1 and 5 (representing the performance rating scale). Perform
the following steps
 Select the "Performance Rating" Column:
 Click on the cell in the "Performance Rating" column where you want to start the
 Drag to select the entire column or the range of cells where you want to apply data
 Go to the "Data" Tab:
 Navigate to the "Data" tab in the Excel ribbon.
 Click on "Data Validation":
In the "Data Tools" group, click on "Data Validation."
 Set Up Data Validation Criteria
o In the "Data Validation" dialog box, go to the "Settings" tab.
o In the "Allow" drop-down menu, choose "Whole number."
 In the "Data" section
o Choose "between" in the drop-down menu.
o Set the minimum value to 1 and the maximum value to 5.

o If you edit the values upon the validated cells violating the rules then the Excel will
throw an error message and will not allow you to edit.

2.To add input message on “Emp_Id” column, “Please enter the valid 3-digit number”
and also display the error/alert message if value is less than or greater than 3-digit
number. Perform the following steps
 Select the "Emp_ID" Column:
o Click on the cell in the "Emp_ID" column where you want to start the
o Drag to select the entire column or the range of cells where you want to apply
data validation.
 Go to the "Data" Tab:
o Navigate to the "Data" tab in the Excel ribbon.
o Click on "Data Validation":
o In the "Data Tools" group, click on "Data Validation."
 Set Up Data Validation Criteria:
o In the "Data Validation" dialog box, go to the "Settings" tab.
o In the "Allow" drop-down menu, choose "Whole number."
 In the "Data" section:
o Choose "between" in the drop-down menu.
o Set the minimum value to 100 and the maximum value to 999 (for a 3-digit

Input Message:
 Go to the "Input Message" tab in the "Data Validation" dialog box.
 Check the "Show input message when cell is selected" option.
 Enter a title (e.g., "Employee ID") and an input message (e.g., "Please enter a
valid 3-digit number").

Error Alert:
 Go to the "Error Alert" tab in the "Data Validation" dialog box.
 Check the "Show error alert after invalid data is entered" option.
 Enter a title (e.g., "Invalid Employee ID") and an error message (e.g., "Please enter a
valid 3-digit number").
 Choose an error style (e.g., "Stop" to prevent invalid entries).
 Click the "OK" button to apply the data validation.


3. Copy Excel data validation rule to other cells

 Select the Cell with Data Validation:
o Click on the cell that has the data validation rule you want to copy.
 Copy the Cell
o Press Ctrl + C or right-click and choose "Copy.
o Select the Target Cells:
o Select the range of cells where you want to apply the same data validation
 Paste Special with Validation:
o Right-click on the first cell of the selected range.
o Choose "Paste Special" from the context menu.
o In the "Paste Special" dialog box, select "Validation" from the options.
o Click "OK" to apply the data validation rule to the selected cells.


4.To Find cells with data validation in your database. Perform the following steps
 Select the Range:
o Select the range or the entire worksheet where you want to find cells with data
o Open "Go To Special" Dialog:
Press Ctrl + G to open the "Go To" dialog box.
 Alternatively, you can go to the "Home" tab, click on "Find & Select" in the "Editing"
group, and choose "Go To Special."
o Choose "Data Validation":
 In the "Go To Special" dialog box, select "Data Validation."
 Click "OK"
 Click the "OK" button.


5.Highlight the invalid data.

o Microsoft Excel allows applying data validation to cells that already have data in
them, but it will not notify if some of the existing values do not meet the validation
o To find invalid data that had made its way into your worksheets before you added data
o Go to the Data tab, and click Data Validation > Circle Invalid Data


The Data validation feature is practiced for checking the integrity, accuracy and format of
data before it can be used for any analytics operation.
Experiment – 3b
Working with Data: Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts
Consider the following dataset on Team Workload. Create PIVOT table and PIVOT chart to analyse
the total number of hours spent by each team member in the given dataset.
Project Name Task Description Team Member Hours Spent
Project A Design Prototype Alice 20
Project A Testing Bob 15
Project A Data Analysis Carol 30
Project B Coding Dave 25
Project B Documentation Alice 10
Project B Testing Carol 20
Project C Design Prototype Bob 18
Project C Testing Dave 16
Project C Data Analysis Carol 22

To create PIVOT table and PIVOT chart on the Team Workload dataset to analyse the dataset.
PIVOT Table:
PivotTable is functionality in Excel which helps you organize and analyse data. PivotTable
helps you structure and organize data to understand large data sets. The data that you use needs
to be in tabular format.
To insert a pivot table perform the following steps:
Step1: Select the data range (including headers) and go to the "Insert" tab in Excel

Step2: Click on "PivotTable." In the Create PivotTable dialog, confirm the data range
selection, and choose where to place the pivot table

Step3: Click "OK," and a new worksheet with a blank pivot table will open.
Step4: In the PivotTable Fields pane on the right, you will see the field names (Project
Name, Task Description, Team Member, Hours Spent).

Step5: Create a two-dimensional pivot table to get the summary of total hours spent by each
team member on each project
 Drag the “Project Name” field to the “Rows” era
 Drag the “Team Member” field to the “Columns” era
 Drag the “Hours Spent” field to the “Values” era or when you click on the fields name the
dialog box will open from there we can select the option

Step6: The pivot table will display a summary of the total hours spent by each team member
on each project as shown:

PIVOT Charts
A Pivot Chart is a graphical representation (such as a bar chart, line chart, or pie chart) that is
directly linked to a PivotTable. Pivot Charts are used to visualize and present summarized data
from a PivotTable in a more visually appealing and understandable way.

To create a PIVOT chart from the PivotTable to compare the number of hours spent perform
the following steps,
Step1: Select any cell inside the PIVOT table.
Step2: In the Tools group, click PivotChart.
PivotTable Tools > Options> PivotChart.

Step3: The Insert Chart dialog box appears .

Step4: Select the Chart and click OK


The PIVOT table and PIVOT chart is created to analyse the Team Workload dataset that
summarizes the total hours spent by each team member on each project.
Experiment – 4a
Data Analysis Process: Conditional Formatting, Charts and Graphs
Consider the following dataset Furniture Sales and perform the following data analysis
process on the same.
S.No Furniture Type Price January February March April May June Sales Value
1 3-seater sofas ₹ 20,000 22 5 7 9 4 17 ₹ 12,80,000
2 2-seater sofas ₹ 15,000 15 10 5 8 9 4 ₹ 7,65,000
3 1 seater sofas ₹ 7,000 9 7 5 1 3 7 ₹ 2,24,000
4 Arm Chair ₹ 5,000 4 3 5 2 1 6 ₹ 1,05,000
5 Rocking Chair ₹ 15,000 3 2 4 1 3 2 ₹ 2,25,000
6 Shoe Cabinets ₹ 7,500 8 7 9 5 6 4 ₹ 2,92,500
7 Coffee Tables ₹ 5,000 12 9 11 8 5 9 ₹ 2,70,000
8 Queen Size Beds ₹ 30,000 7 9 4 17 9 10 ₹ 16,80,000
9 King Size Beds ₹ 23,000 5 8 9 4 6 9 ₹ 9,43,000
10 Single Beds ₹ 12,000 5 1 3 7 5 9 ₹ 3,60,000
Items Sold Per Month 90 61 62 62 51 77 ₹ 61,44,500

1. Conditionally format the values in the “Sales Value” column using Top/Bottom Rules and
visualize the price range using ICON SETs
2. Conditionally format the values in the column “Price” using Data Bars.
3. Conditionally format the values on “Item Sold Per Month” using Color Scales
4. Analyze all products total sales value using Chart for all months using chart command.
5. Analyze the sales trend for any specific product in all months using Graph using graph

To conditionally format columns “Sales Value”, “Price”, “items Sold Per Month” in the
furniture sales dataset and to create a chart on total sales and to create a graph for analysing
the sales trend.

Conditional Formatting:

 In excel, Conditional formatting is used to change the appearance of cells in a range based
on the specified conditions. The conditions are rules based on specified numerical values
or matching text.
 Changing the appearance of cells can visually projects the interesting data points for
analysis. Excel provides a number of built-in conditions and appearances such as,
Top/Bottom Rules, Data Bars, Color Scales, Icon Sets etc.

Input :

Step 1:
Select “Annual Sales Value”. Goto Conditional Formatting  Icon Sets  More Rules

Step 2:
Select a rule type based on their values and edit the values for Displaying Icons as given
Step 3:
Select “Price” column. Goto Conditional Formatting Command  Data Bars  Select any
Gradient Fill/ Solid Fill


Step 4:
Select the cell range D25:O25, Goto Conditional Formatting  Color Scales  Select Any
predefined Scale

Select “Furniture Type” and “The Annual Sales Value” .Goto Insert Recommended
ChartsAll ChartsSelect Any relevant chart
Select the range of cells for a product ,”3 seater sofa”. Goto Insert Recommended
ChartsAll ChartsSelect Line Chart

The data analysis process is done on furniture dataset using conditional formatting , charts
and graphs
Experiment – 4b
Data Analysis Process: What-If Analysis, Goal Seek, Data Tables
Consider the following data and perform the following What if analysis for predicting futuristic values
using Goal Seek and Data Tables

Compound Interest Calculator

Initial Investment ₹ 2,000
Annual Interesr Rate 8%
Compounds per year 12
Years 5

Balance ₹ 2,979.69

1. Perform What if Analysis to see Initial Investment changes you should make in order to
obtain your target savings of ₹ 25,00,000 using Goal Seek.
2. Perform What if Analysis to see your savings in 5 years depending on the amount of
Investment, ranging from 1000 to 7000.

To Perform What if Analysis to see your target savings of ₹ 25,00,000 using Goal Seek and perform
What if Analysis to see your savings in 5 years depending on the amount of Investment, ranging from
1000 to 7000 using Data Tables.
What – If Analysis
The What-If Analysis is a feature used to observe the different scenarios when one or more variables
change resulting in a change in the overall outcome. It helps us build different scenarios, achieve goal
seek numbers, and create data tables using variables.
Goal Seek: Goal seek helps us know the required number to meet the targeted value. This changes
only a single variable, so it is used to set only one cell value.
Data Table: A Data Table in Excel helps study the variation in outputs resulting from a change in one
or two inputs (or variables) of a formula. Data tables are used when different input and output
combinations need to be examined in Excel
The scenario manager: It uses multiple variables simultaneously and returns output with different
scenarios. We can create different scenarios and compare one against another
Step 1: Go to the Data tab and click on the What-If Analysis option from the Forecast group. Select
Goal Seek
Step 2: In the Set cell: box, we need to choose the cell references for which we need to set the value.
Let us select cell C6 (Balance) in this case. In the To value: box, we need to enter the value of the
targeted score, i.e., 25,00,000.
Step 3: Click OK


One-variable data table (column-oriented data table):
Step 1: Enter the variable values either in one column or across one row. Here in column-
oriented data table, type our variable values in a column (D3:D8) and leave at least one blank
column to the right for the outcomes.
Step 2: Type your formula in the cell one row above and one cell to the right of the variable
values (E2 in our case). Enter this simple formula in E2: =B8

Step 3: Select the data table range, including your formula, variable values cells, and empty
cells for the results (D2:E8). Go to the Data tab > Data Tools group, click the What-If
Analysis button, and then click Data Table

Step 4: Click OK, and Excel will immediately populate the empty cells with outcomes
corresponding to the variable value in the same row. Apply the desired number format to the
results (Currency in our case).

Two variable data table

A two-variable data table shows how various combinations of 2 sets of variable values
affect the formula result.
Step 1: Enter your formula in a blank cell or link that cell to your original formula. Make
sure you have enough empty columns to the right and empty rows below to accommodate
your variable values. As before, we link the cell E2 to the original FV formula that calculates
the balance: =B8
Step 2: Type one set of input values below the formula, in the same column (investment
values in E3:E8).
Step 3: Enter the other set of variable values to the right of the formula, in the same row
(number of years in F2:H2).

Step 4 : Select the entire data table range including the formula, the row and column of the
variable values, and the cells in which the calculated values will appear. We select the range
Step 5: Create a data table , Data tab What-If Analysis button  Data Table
Step 6: In the Row input cell box, enter the reference to the input cell for the variable values
in the row (in this example, it's B6 containing the Years value).
Step 7: In the Column input cell box, enter the reference to the input cell for the variable
values in the column (B3 containing the Initial Investment value).
Step 8: Click OK.
Input: Output:

What if analysis for predicting futuristic values using Goal Seek and Data Tables is performed on the
above data.
Experiment No. 5
Cleaning Data with Text Functions: use of UPPER and LOWER, TRIM function,
Consider the following dataset on simple customer information. Perform data cleaning using
text functions such as UPPER, LOWER, PROPER, TRIM and CONCATENATE.
Customer ID First Name Last Name Email Phone
1 john smith 123-456-7890
2 JANE DOE 987-654-3210
3 Mike Johnson 555-123-4567
4 Johnson Anderson 789-012-3456
5 Tom BROWN 456-789-0123

Step1: Create a new worksheet with the following dataset.
Step2: Input:

Cleaning Data with Text Functions:

Use the UPPER function to convert all the text in the "First Name" and "Last Name" columns
to uppercase.
Step 4: Give Email as combination of first name and last name using concatenation function.

Step 5: Use a PROPER() function to convert the email column in a proper format.
Step 6: Create a new column named "Full Name" by using the CONCATENATE function to
join the "First Name" and "Last Name" columns.

Step7: Use the LOWER function to convert all the text in the "Email" column to lowercase.
TRIM Function:
Step 8: Apply the TRIM function to remove any leading or trailing spaces in the "Phone"


Data Cleaning on Text data is manipulated on a simple customer data using functions such as
Experiment No. 6
Cleaning Data Containing Date and Time Values: use of DATEVALUE function,
Consider the following Events dataset that contains the details on various events happened in
a year. Perform Data Cleaning on Date and Time values using DATEVALUE, DATEIF,
DATEADD, and TIMEVAUE functions.
Event ID Event Name Date Time
1 Meeting A 15-01-2023 10:30 AM
2 Workshop B 20-02-2023 02:45 PM
3 Conference C 10-03-2023 09:00 AM
4 Seminar D 05-04-2023 01:15 PM
5 Training E 12-05-2023 03:00 PM
Step1: Create a new worksheet with the following dataset.
Step2: Input:

Cleaning Data Containing Date and Time Values:

Use the DATEVALUE function to convert the "Date" column to Excel's date format.
Step 3: Before using the DATEVALUE function we have to convert the Date column into
proper date format by using proper or use ‘ before the date.
Step 4: Apply DATEVALUE function to convert the date into the integer value.

Use the TIMEVALUE function to convert the "Time" column to Excel's time format.
Step 5: Before using the TIMEVALUE function we have to convert the time column into proper
date format by using PROPER() function.
Step 6: Apply TIMEVALUE function to convert the time into the integer value.

DATEADD and DATEDIF Functions:

Step 7: To calculate the number of days, months or years between two dates in Excel, use
the DATEDIF function. The DATEDIF function has three arguments.
1. Fill in "d" for the third argument to get the number of days between two dates.

Note: =A2-A1 produces the exact same result!

2. Fill in "m" for the third argument to get the number of months between two dates.

3. Fill in "y" for the third argument to get the number of years between two dates.

4. Fill in "yd" for the third argument to ignore years and get the number of days between two

5. Fill in "md" for the third argument to ignore months and get the number of days between
two dates.

6. Fill in "ym" for the third argument to ignore years and get the number of months between
two dates.
Important note: the DATEDIF function returns the number of complete days, months or years.
This may give unexpected results when the day/month number of the second date is lower than
the day/month number of the first date. See the example below.

The difference is 6 years. Almost 7 years! Use the following formula to return 7 years.

Step 8: Returns a Variant (Date) containing a date to which a specified time interval has been


DateAdd ( interval, number, date )

The DateAdd function syntax has these arguments:

Argument Description
interval Required. String expression that is the interval of time you want to add.
number Required. Numeric expression that is the number of intervals you want to add. It can
be positive (to get dates in the future) or negative (to get dates in the past).
date Required. Variant (Date) or literal representing date to which the interval is added.

Data cleaning using Date and Time values are manipulated on a simple Events dataset using
functions such as UPPER, LOWER, TRIM, PROPER and Concatenate.
Experiment – 7a
Conditional Formatting: formatting, and highlighting data in spreadsheets during data

Analyse the following dataset on furniture price details and conditionally format the data using
Highlighting data in Excel .

S.No Furniture Type Price

1 3-seater sofas ₹ 20,000
2 2-seater sofas ₹ 15,000
3 1 seater sofas ₹ 7,000
4 Arm Chair ₹ 5,000
5 Rocking Chair ₹ 15,000
6 Shoe Cabinets ₹ 7,500
7 Coffee Tables ₹ 5,000
8 Queen Size Beds ₹ 30,000
9 King Size Beds ₹ 23,000
10 Single Beds ₹ 12,000
To perform conditional formatting on the furniture price details using Highlighting data.
Conditional Formatting in Excel is used for data visualization for a cell range based on the contents
of the cell range. The cells that meet the specified conditions would be formatted as defined.Any
number of conditions for formatting can be specified by defining Rules.

Highlight Cells Rules :

Step 1: Select the range to be conditionally formatted. Click Conditional Formatting in

the Styles group under Home tab.
Step 2: Click Highlight Cells Rules from the drop-down menu.
Step 3 : Click Greater Than and specify >5000. Choose green color. Click Less Than and
specify < 10000. Choose red color. Click Between and specify 5000 and 20000. Choose yellow
Output :

Top / Bottom Rules : Assigns a format to cells whose contents meet any of the following criteria

 Top 10 items − Cells that rank in the top N, where 1 <= N <= 1000.
 Top 10% − Cells that rank in the top n%, where 1 <= n <= 100.
 Bottom 10 items − Cells that rank in the bottom N, where 1 <= N <= 1000.
 Bottom 10% − Cells that rank in the bottom n%, where 1 <= n <= 100.
 Above average − Cells that are above average for the selected range.
 Below average − Cells that are below average for the selected range.

Step : 1 Click Conditional Formatting in the Styles group under Home tab Click Top/Bottom
Rules from the drop-down menu. Top/Bottom rules options appear.
Step 2: Click Top Ten Items and specify 5. Choose green color.
Step 3: Click Bottom Ten Items and specify 5. Choose red color. The data will be highlighted
based on the given conditions and the corresponding formatting.

Step 4 : Select cells B2:B21, Click Text that contains , set value to “Beds”

The above given furniture dataset is conditionally analysed using Highlighting cell rules and
Top/Bottom Rules
Experiment No - 9
Create worksheet with following fields: Empno, Ename, Basic Pay (BP), Travelling Allowance
(TA), Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), Income Tax (IT), Provident
Fund (PF), Net Pay (NP). Use appropriate formulas to calculate the above scenario. Analyse the
data using appropriate chart and report the data.

To create worksheet with following fields: Employee ID, Employee Name, Basic Pay (BP), Travelling
Allowance (TA), Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), Income Tax (IT),
Provident Fund (PF), and Net Pay (NP), by using Use appropriate formulas to calculate the above
scenario and analyse the data using appropriate chart .
Step 1 : Create a new worksheet.
Step 2 : Create a dataset with the given fields.

Step 3 : Use a simple formula to calculate Income Tax. Assuming a tax rate of 12%.
Formula: =0.12*(BP+TA+DA+HRA)
Step 4 : Use a simple formula to calculate Provident Fund. Assuming a PF rate of 5%.
Formula: =0.5*(BP+TA+DA+HRA)

Step 5 : Use a simple formula to calculate Net Pay.

Formula: =(BP+TA+DA+HRA)-IT-PF

Step 6 : Analyse the data using pivot table.



A Simple worksheet for Employee Monthly Payroll is created and Income Tax ,Provident Fund and
Net Pay are calculated using the formulas.
Experiment No – 10
Create worksheet on Inventory Management: Sheet should contain Product code, Product name,
Product type, MRP, Cost after % of discount, Date of purchase. Use appropriate formulas to
calculate the above scenario. Analyse the data using appropriate chart and report the data.

To create worksheet on Inventory Management: Sheet should contain Product code, Product name,
Product type, MRP, Cost after % of discount, Date of purchase. Use appropriate formulas to calculate
the above scenario. And analyse the data using appropriate chart.
Step 1 : Create a new worksheet.
Step 2 : Create a dataset with the given fields.

Step 3 : You can use a simple formula to calculate Cost after some % discount. Assuming a Discount
of 15%.
Formula: =Mrp-(Mrp*0.15)

Step 4 : Now ,select the data and go to “insert tab” and select “Bar chart” or “Column chart” from the
charts group.


A Simple worksheet on Inventory Management is created and cost after % discount is calculated
using the formula.
Experiment No – 11
Create worksheet on Sales analysis of Merchandise Store: data consisting of Order ID, Customer
ID, Gender, age, date of order, month, online platform, Category of product, size, quantity,
amount, shipping city and other details. Use of formula to segregate different categories and
perform a comparative study using pivot tables and different sort of charts.

To create worksheet on Sales analysis of Merchandise Store: data consisting of Order ID, Customer
ID, Gender, age, date of order, month, online platform, Category of product, size, quantity, amount,
shipping city and other details. Use the suitable formula to segregate different categories and perform
a comparative study using pivot tables and different kind of charts.
Step 1 : Create a new worksheet.
Step 2 : Create a dataset with the given fields.

Step 3 : You can use a simple formula to segregate different categories.

Formula: =SUMIFS([Amount],[Category of product], “Electronics”)
Step 4 : Create a Pivot table for Comparative Analysis

 Plotted the pivot table for Category of product and Amount field

 In the pivot table list drag the Category of product to the “Rows” area and Amount to the
“Values” area to see the total amount per Category

Step 5 : Create a Different types of Charts

 Select a cell within your pivot table

 Go to insert tab and choose the type of a chart you want

 Customize the chart with titles, labels etc

3500 3250
1500 Total
Clothing Electronics Home decor


Home decor


Home decor 1550

Electronics 3250

Clothing 2050

0 1000 2000 3000 4000



A Simple worksheet on sales analysis of Merchandise Store is created and analysed on different

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