Zębala 14

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• The mortality rate is constantly increasing because of the ongoing war. (śmiertelność)
• The town boasts its modern gym. (chlubić się czymś => boast sth)
• It's not polite to boast about your money. (przechwalać się => boast about sth)
• They boasted that they had never lost a single game. (przechwalać się, że => boast that)
• He likes to show his muscles off. (chwalić się)
• She was praised for being an outstanding publicist. (wychwalać z podziwem)
I knew he was only flattering me because he wanted to borrow some money. (pochlebiać)
• She asked me a lot of questions to satisfy her curiosity. (zaspokajać)
• She achieved her objective of qualifying for the US Olympic team. (osiągnąć)
• Zoos fulfill an important function in the protection of rare species. (pełnić role)
• She developed an interest in science. (zainteresować się)
• The investigation uncovered evidence of a large-scale illegal trade in wild birds. (odkryć)
• Events unfolded in a way that no one could have predicted. (rozwinąć się)
• My plans are ripening - now all I need is official approval. (dojrzewać/ dorastać)
• Three people have been arrested for supplying arms to the terrorists. (dostarczać)
• He applied the knowledge he gained at university to his new job. (zastosować)
• I prefer teaching methods that actively involve students in learning. (angażować)
• The discount applies only to children under the age of ten. (tyczyć się)
• I'm not implying anything about your cooking, but could we eat out tonight? (sugerować)
• What do you infer from her refusal? (wnioskować)


• He took all his clothes in after he had lost weight (zwęzić)

• When she took off that actor, everyone in the audience laughed. (naśladować)
• She took too much on and made herself sick. (przyjmować na siebie)
• They took her on because she has work experience. (przyjąć do pracy)
• He took to drink after his wife left him. (zacząć pić)
• Have you ever thought of taking up acting? (zacząć coś robić)
• Be careful not to be taken in when you buy a secondhand car. (dać się zwieść)
• I was taken aback, and could think of nothing to say. (zwiedziony z tropu)
• I have to turn down your job offer. (odrzucać ofertę)
• Thanks to your subsidy, we could buy new books for the children. (dotacja)
• He was turned out of his apartment because he couldn't pay the rent. (wyrzucić z mieszkania)
• My library books are a week overdue. (zaległy)
• Most patients find that the numbness from the injection wears off after about an hour. (zanika)
• I've been working all night and I'm worn out. (wykończony)
• I got in line at the checkout when it suddenly dawned on me that I'd left my wallet at home.
(dotarło do mn)
• You can't afford to walk out on your job. (porzucić)

• The bridge is being repaired/ under repair. (jest naprawiany)

• You needn’t have brought your own breakfast. (nie musiałeś przynosić)
• There is too much dill for me to eat this soup. (jest za dużo koperku w tej zupie żebym mógł ją


• As opposed to how the societies we live in today are organized, theirs was an arm’s length, face-
to-face society. (w kontrze do…ich było…)
• It's nice to see a fire in this old hearth again. (kominek)
• She looked around her at the keepsakes people had left. (pamiątki)
• Around 4 times as many journeys are made by car. (4 razy tyle)
• By closing the infected farms we're hoping to confine the disease to the north of the region (=
stop it from spreading to other areas).
• The illness confined him to his bed. (zamknąć)
• The people are restricted from independent thought and action. (ograniczeni od)
• Their roads have only a fraction of the problems ours do. (ich… co nasze…)


• The monkey was so stubborn it wouldn’t move. (że nie chciała się ruszyć)
• One of them can be solved in theory while the other one is insolvable. (jeden z… podczas gdy
• It takes many years to find out what your partner is really like. (trzeba wielu lat by dowiedzieć się
jaki naprawdę jest twój partner)
• I think they ask fewer questions. (mniej)
• It was the first time I had seen/ I saw my father cry. (to był pierwszy raz gdy widziałam jak mój
ojciec płacze)

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