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Cours du 27 mars

Axe 1 Generations Irishness worksheet (simple)

Irish facts for the 207-8

The weather is said to be cloudy, gusty ( very windy) and rainy .

No answer .
Ireland is said to … ???
The Irish are said to
They are known to ..

A/ The Claddagh. TRADITION

Student A Watch video 1 an advertisement for claddaghs/
aim = to advertise the product+ to make you buy one.
How ? Link with the Irish heritage / typically Irish music

What is it ? A ring
Pick out information about its origin :it means rocky beach or shore in Gaelic Irish
The name is said to originate from a city called Claddagh situated / located in Galway

How many parts ? Symbolism ? It represents/ symbolizes / stands for …

3 parts
heart =>LOVE
2 hands => FRIENDSHIP
a crown => LOYALTY
Describe two ways of positioning the ring.
Pointing inwards = your heart is taken
Pointing outwards = you’re looking for love

Identify at least one occasion to wear it.

Weddings / engagements = to celebrate romance
to celebrate a special friendship
to celebrate cultural heritage .

Student B text B p. 29
Show the importance of the ring in Shanna Mc Quade's family.
- a part of their heritage as a family
-they own ( possess lots of them) nd in different forms .
- her father’s wedding ring is a Claddagh.
-whenever there was a wedding anniversary her dad would offer her mother a Claddagh. = il
lui offrait
A/ Hypothesis
B/ repetition in the past
c/ condition

Sum up the origin of the tradition in your own words ????

What does it symbolize ?

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