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Course, Year & Section: 3 – 2B

Assignment: Personal Ethical Journey Reflection

Identify key people, experiences, or events that have influenced your moral
development. Consider cultural, religious, familial, and educational influences.

- The people that I believe have impacted my moral development as an

individual would be none other than my family. Both of my parents’ taught me how
to live my life when I was a toddler and what is right and wrong. In my opinion, the
way they honed me as an individual was influenced by the Philippines' culture and
moral values. They explained how to use the words “po” and “opo” when I’m
engaging in a conversation with someone who is older than me and how to greet the
elderly by taking their hands and placing them on my head. They guided me, even
up to this date, and I learned from them how to treat others in a way that is morally
justified. Also, I considered my instructors during my days as an elementary student.
They allowed me to learn how to act professionally outside the house, which I
regard as my comfort zone, for the reason that we are already in the field where I
will be meeting different kinds of people. Furthermore, my friends throughout my
childhood and today’s have impacted a lot of my overall personality. There are
things that my parents and instructors were not able to explain deeply to me. I
believe that it is because of the different generations that we lived in or that my
family was not too comfortable discussing with my siblings as they came from
families that are not used to talking about essential topics, like romantic
relationships. My friends allowed my knowledge regarding relationships to expand
its horizons. For instance, it is not right to flirt with someone who is already in a
relationship with someone else. Their presence gave me an opportunity to become
more aware of my identity. With these, I am more confident in how I see myself as a
member of society and my role to uplift it with positivity by doing what is right.
Additionally, growing up with an alcoholic father present made me realize
how bad alcoholic drinks can affect someone’s mind. For this reason, I started to
keep in mind that drowning myself in alcohol is not a solution to the problems that I
might encounter in the future. Before, I perceived that drinking alcohol was wrong
and had nothing good to contribute, not only to my health but also to my
relationships with other people.
Lastly, my religion had exerted a huge impact on my moral decisions and
development. As a Catholic since I was born, my sense of choice whenever I am put
in a situation where I have to choose between right and wrong is highly influenced
by what is being taught inside the church. I believe that hell exists and will be my
next destination if I choose to commit sinful acts.

Select two personal or observed ethical dilemmas. Describe each situation in detail,
highlighting the conflicting values or principles involved.

1. Catching my Aunt sneaking store supplies from my Grandmother’s shop.

o I once caught my aunt taking store supplies such as vegetables, condiments,
and other house essentials from my grandma’s shop. It did not happen once;
she continued doing it even though she knows that her actions are immoral,
and I am aware of it. At first, I had no idea what to do, but my instinct told me
to do the right thing, which was to tell my grandma about it. After lots of
thought, I ended up telling her about it, but she ignored it.
2. Cheating on exam.
o This is a common scenario for students. I believe that every student has
experienced being in this situation due to the lack of time to review because
of hectic schedules. During high school, in grade 10, to be specific, I was
forced to resort to cheating because we had a research subject and the
deadline was almost here, so we had no time to review for the upcoming
examinations. I ended up relying on a friend and copying his answers.

For each ethical dilemma, apply the principles of right reasoning. Explain the
thought process behind your ethical decision-making. Consider deontological,
consequentialist, and virtue ethics perspectives.

1. The action that I took here is considered deontology. I had thoughts of not exposing
my aunt to her wrongful doings because it might destroy my relationship with her
once my grandma confronted her. However, because of the morality that I have, I
chose to reveal her unethical behavior since it was the right thing to do. It is more
important to tell the truth than to maintain a good relationship with each other.
2. The action that I end up taking in this situation is known as consequentialism.
Instead of studying the previous lessons, even though it was the right thing to do, I
decided to cheat for the sake of passing the exam. The fear of the consequences of
not copying had a huge influence on my decision-making process. The thought of
getting a failing grade made me do it. There is more to it than passing with a low
mark on an exam, which is to repeat the year. It would cost a lot of money for my
family, and I could not allow that to happen since we are not wealthy.
Research and explore different philosophical frameworks (e.g., Kantian ethics,
utilitarianism, and virtue ethics). Discuss how these frameworks align or conflict
with your own ethical reasoning.

Deontology is a philosophical framework; it is a theory that explains how an

individual creates a decision-making process. In this theory, the execution of a decision is
made according to what is deemed to be right, no matter what the consequences of that
action would be.

Utilitarianism is an ethical theory where a decision is made according to the

outcome of the action. People who study utilitarianism believe that an outcome that is
beneficial for everyone is the best option to choose when stuck in an ethical dilemma.

In my own perspective, the aforementioned frameworks both align with my own

ethical reasoning. The intensity of the situation is always an essential factor at all times
when I am facing an ethical dilemma. For instance, when it comes to stealing, I will always
choose to expose the thief since I was raised in an environment where we do not tolerate
this kind of attitude, which is aligned with deontology. However, my decision-making will
align with utilitarianism for small things, such as lying, which is something that I would do,
especially if it would lessen the problems that I and the people around me are currently

Based on your reflections and analyses, develop your personal ethical framework.
Define the values and principles that guide your ethical decision-making.

As an individual who grew up in a household where values and principles are

taught, it is easy for me to develop my own personal ethical framework. It might become
opposite from others due to the influence of my family and the environment that I am used
to. Honesty, respect, and empathy are the values and principles that guide my ethical
decision-making. As I have mentioned earlier, the intensity of the situation is one thing that
I consider while deciding what to choose for my ethical actions.

Empathy – it would allow me to put myself in other’s point of view to decide even better. It
will help me determine whether the consequences that might happen are absolutely
atrocious or not at all.

Respect – it would allow me to consider others’ feelings while facing an ethical dilemma.

Honesty – without honesty, I would not have valued ethical decision-making in the first
place. Without it, I will end up lying about everything, and it will be easy for me to commit
wrongful acts.
Reflect on how cultural perspectives might influence ethical reasoning. Discuss
whether your ethical framework aligns with or challenges predominant cultural

Culture plays a significant role in who we are today; therefore, cultural perspectives,
without a doubt, influence the ethical reasoning of an individual. Cultural norms align with
my own ethical framework as a member of my society. My perception of what is right and
wrong is rooted in the community that I live in. For instance, religion influences a lot of
what I deem to be right and wrong. It taught me that stealing is unethical and should not be
done or tolerated.

Discuss how your evolving ethical framework may influence your decision-making in
future personal and professional scenarios.

From the word "evolving," my ethical framework will become different in the future.
The experiences I have as I mature will allow my ethical framework to change for the
better. For the reason that I am still young, learning, and with an open mind, this will allow
me to face ethical challenges that will develop my ethical reasoning. An evolved ethical
framework is beneficial for my future decisions, as this gives me the advantage of thinking
critically before executing an action. An ethical framework is a perpetual learning of values
and principles. It enhances someone’s thinking, providing them with multiple viewpoints
on a scenario to make a decision more effectively.

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