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1 Product Scope

The project will focus on the development of the Android app and its integration with
essential backend services. It will not address specific details of communication
protocols or hardware specifications The architecture will involve client-server
communication, database management, and integration with third-party APIs for
location and payment services.

1.2 References

 Google:
 Wikipedia:

2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective

This document describes the requirement specifications for the online my home base
management system. User can send their demand on my application . The purposes of
this document are to serve as:
• Send post for purpose of working finding
• Send post for purpose of worker
• Any type of working homebased
• Handle complaint
• Remove distance between technical worker and end user

2.2 Product Functions

• Login
• Check the profile
• Check the post
• Check other people post & profile
• Check available work
• Check available technical worker
• Check worker offers and demands
• Logout
• Handle complaints
• Manage complaints

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