10 203 00255 01 Mira HV25 English Installation Guide

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Quick Installa�on Guide

1. Tools Required 4. Installa�on Steps 5. Wiring Steps Grounding cable:

The following tools will be required to install the Mira-BMS and the ba�ery. Note: Ba�eries with different color SN label cannot be mixed in one system. Ba�ery power cable: Connect the grounding cable to ensure that all ba�eries are grounded. Wiring
Step 1: Connect the power cable star�ng from the first ba�ery module in series with shall be connected in the sequence as shown in below.
other ba�ery modules (Orange opposite, black nega�ve). A ‘click’ sound indicates the DC OUT+ DC OUT- BMS COM
Step 1 connec�ons are secured. The posi�ve and nega�ve connec�on of the ba�ery cable is
Screw Driver Crimping Modular Safety Shoes Mul�meter Place the front bracket and back shown in below.
bracket as shown below.

Safety Gloves Safety Goggles Plier Ribbon

Step 2
2. Packing List Insert the ba�ery module into
the bracket from front
For Mira-HV25 :
horizontally, and �ghten the
four screws on the side. Inse
Step 2 : Measure voltage value: A�er all ba�ery modules are connected in series, use a
mul�meter to measure the DC voltage on DC terminal. The total voltage should be N
n Up
Step 3 Bu�o *52±10V (N is the total number of ba�ery module). Please refer to the picture below
Locate the brackets for the second for voltage test.
No. Descrip�on No. Descrip�on
ba�ery on top of the first pair of
A Communica�on cable (0.21m) D Moun�ng screw pack Mira-BMS
E Fixing bracket the bracket and fasten the
B Ba�ery Power cable (0.19m)
C Grounding cable (0.19m) connec�ng bu�on on the side.
F Installa�on guide Up BAT-
Note: item E is provide separately, not including in ba�ery package.
Please contact your dealer if you do not have it.
For Mira-BMS :
Step 4 Ba�ery module
≤4 Layers
Insert the ba�ery module into the
A B C bracket from front horizontally, and Insert

�ghten the four screws on the side.


Max. 4 pieces ba�ery per stack. Please make sure each system including 1 Mira-BMS. Communica�on cable connec�on:
G H I 6. System Start Up
Step 1 : Take the main posi�ve cable (two orange plugs), the main nega�ve line (two
NO. Items NO. Items Ba�ery modules less than 4 pieces:
black plugs) to connect the Mira-BMS. Mira-BMS opera�on:
A Moun�ng screw pack F Fixing bracket
1. Normal mode: Turn on DC switch first, then press ‘POWER’ bu�on.
B Main nega�ve ba�ery connec�on cable (0.17m) G DC posi�ve output cable (1.2m) Mira-BMS
Step 2 : Then connect the MODULE on the Mira-BMS to the CAN-1 of the first ba�ery 2. Black start: (No grid connected) press the ‘B-start’ switch, turn on DC switch, and then
C Main posi�ve ba�ery connec�on cable (1.3m) H DC nega�ve output cable (1.2m)
module, connect the CAN-2 of the previous ba�ery module to CAN-1 of the next press the ‘POWER’ switch.
D Communica�on cable (BMS-inverter) (1.2m) I Installa�on guide
ba�ery module, leave the last module’ s CAN-2 vacant. Wiring shall be connected in Startup steps:
E Grounding cable (1m)
the sequence as shown in below. A�er powering on, all the green lights flash once, and then the running water lights
Note: item F is provide separately, not including in ba�ery package.
Please contact your dealer if you do not have it. flash once. The light on the Mira-HV25 comes on a�er a delay, not at the same
�me as the light on the BMS.
3. Terminals Ba�ery module
≤4 Layers Mira-BMS
For Mira-BOX :
BAT IN - DC Switch POWER switches
B-Start switches
Ba�ery modules more than 4 pieces: Please scan the QR Code and follow the steps below to download our
MODULE latest mul�-language User Manual/Quick Installa�on Guide:
Ba�ery module
Earth terminal ≤4 Layers Scan the QR Code → Select your Language → Choose to download
DIP switches User Manual or Quick Installa�on Guide → Download
Alarm LED
For Mira-HV25 :
Positive terminal
Negative terminal


Power LED Earth terminal 10-203-00255-01
SN label
Alarm LED CAN-2
Dip switches CAN-1

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