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Prince of Peace College, Inc.

Poblacion, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro 5203

Name: Michelle Llanera Date: 03/11/24

Sections: BSED 1

Activity # 2

Directions: Search a local art and culture center. It may be a pottery-making place, a local art
gallery, school exhibit, a cultural event, a museum, or a local arts and crafts store. Observe what is
possible happening. Observe processes that the artist or craftsmen are involved in. If not
applicable, simply reflect on your experiences of the space. Take note of the guide questions below
as you conduct your visit. (You can provide pictures and attach it to the file)

Answer the following questions:

a. What did you see? Enumerate 5-10 things what were most notable in the place. Describe
them briefly.
1. Tree with only one leaf 6. The Crying boy

2. Bald mountain with only one tree 7. A woman in tears

3. A river in the middle of desert 8. A farmer smile

4. Dark sky 9. A smiling child

5. The only light center to the tree 10. Father and daughter love
Prince of Peace College, Inc.
Poblacion, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro 5203
b. Describe your visit: How did it awaken your senses? Did you feel relaxed, excited, curious,
or intrigued?

I believe that this art represent hope for everyone, it gives hope in matters of what we are
facing right now. This art makes me realize that I should value even a little thing just like
the only leaf that left in the tree. Because that leaf means that I still have chance to make
changes and that leaf can be my first step for my every single step. I also feel relaxed while
observing it because I realize many things in my life like I should not easily give up in all
challenges that I will face.

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