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Republic Act No.

9258, enacted on March 2, 2004, is an important

piece of legislation in the Philippines. It is titled "AN ACT
OTHER PURPOSES." This law is significant because it aims to professionalize
the practice of guidance and counseling in the Philippines and establish a
regulatory framework for this profession. Overall, this law is aimed at
improving the quality and standards of guidance and counseling services in
the Philippines by regulating the profession, setting standards for
practitioners, and ensuring ethical conduct. It is an essential step in
recognizing the value of guidance and counseling in the development and
well-being of individuals in the country.

After its implementation, the state recognizes the important role

of guidance counselors and strengthens the professionalization of guidance
and counseling which seeks to recognize and elevate the practice to a
professional level. The law established the Professional Regulatory Board of
Guidance and Counseling under the administrative control and supervision of
the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) which is responsible for the
regulation and supervision of the practice. This law also outlines the
qualifications, the requirements for individuals who wish to practice as
guidance counselors in the Philippines, and sets standards for education,
training, and licensure. Another important thing is that it includes provisions
for a Code of Ethics and Responsibilities to ensure ethical and professional
conduct and mandates guidance counselors to engage in continuing
professional development activities to enhance their knowledge and skills.
While the law has several positive aspects and objectives, it also
has some potential weaknesses and limitations. One of the primary
weaknesses of the law is the inconsistent and incomplete implementation of
its provision across the Philippines. Some regions and institutions may not
fully embrace the law’s requirements and standards for guidance and
counseling services. This will affect the quality of guidance and counseling
services because of the qualifications and experience of practitioners. Some
individuals providing these services may not meet the standards set by the
law. The field of guidance and counseling is continually evolving. Practitioners
need access to ongoing professional development opportunities to stay
updated on best practices and emerging trends but some educational
institutions, especially those with limited resources, may struggle to comply
with the law's requirements, such as providing adequate facilities and training
for guidance counselors. This proves that enforcing the provisions of RA
9258, such as ensuring that all educational institutions have qualified
guidance counselors, can be challenging, especially in private or smaller
schools. It is also stated in the law that some of the following duties and
responsibilities of the Professional Regulatory Board of Guidance and
Counseling: “monitor the conditions affecting the practice of guidance and
counseling, conduct an ocular inspection of places where Guidance
Counselors practice their profession”. Being at the guidance office, I have not
yet heard of the board going from school to school to monitor the practice of
guidance and counseling in our province.

To address and improve the weaknesses and challenges

associated with the law. Here are some several recommendations:

1. Strengthen the Implementation with the help of government

agencies responsible for education such as the Department of
Education (DepEd) and the Commission of Higher Education (CHED) in
monitoring and enforcing compliance with the law. This includes
ensuring that all educational institutions have qualified guidance
2. Promote Public Awareness campaigns to inform students,
parents, educators, and school administrators about the importance of
guidance and counseling services as well as their rights and
responsibilities under the law.

3. Expand Access to Training and Education that can create

opportunities for aspiring guidance counselors to receive accredited
training and education programs that meet the standards set by the law.
This can involve partnerships with universities and professional

4. Continuous Professional Development in order for us to establish

mechanisms for ongoing professional development and certification
renewal to ensure that guidance counselors stay updated on best
practices and emerging trends in the field.

5. Allocation of resources, particularly in public schools, to provide

the necessary facilities, materials, and tools for guidance counselors to
carry out their duties effectively.

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