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The internet has both pros and cons.

On the are hand,it has many

benefits.Firstly, I can relax by watchinh movies , listening to music,
playing games.Secondly, I can study online, shoping online, also I can
read newspapers and update in. Firally, I can use the internet to keepp
in touch with friends and family by chatting and video calling with
them. On the other hand, it has some cons. Firstly, many students are
addicted to games, so they don’t study and fail exams. Scondly, there
are many hackers and they can steal your money and
information.Finally, there are fake new.In conclusion, we shounld use
the internet carefully

There are many differences in the eating habits in the past and now.
Firstly, people ofsten ate at home with their family in the past, but now
they often eat at restaurants. Secondly there were three meals a day in
the post but now we eat when we are hungry. Thirdly the food in the
post was healthy while today fost food is very popular. Moreover the
meal time in the past was fixed but now we don’t. Finally there
weren’t many dishes in the past, but now we have many dishes form
western to Asian food. In conclusion the eating habits in the past and
now are different

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