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Third Periodical Examination

A. Identification. Identify the composer being described in each item. Choose your answer from
the options below. Write only the letter of your answer.

a. Niccolo Paganini e. Hector Berlioz

b. Frederic Chopin f. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
c. Franz Liszt g. Camille Saint-Saens
d. Robert Schumann h. Ludwig Van Beethoven

1. A Russian composer known for ballet music

2. Romantic composer with beautifully combined music and words
3. Most famous violin virtuoso in the world
4. Virtuoso pianist and the busiest musician during the Romantic Era
5. A talented musician from an early age
6. Composer who bridged the Classical Period with the Romantic Period
7. Referred as the Poet of Piano
8. Known for his symphonic poems where he translated literary works to musical compositions
9. He edited and wrote music criticism in his publication which is the Jornal Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik
10. He composed Polonaise which reflected love for his country, Poland
11. He composed the five movement symphony called Symphonie Fantastique

B. Enumeration:
12-15 What aspects/characteristics were stressed in the cultural movement Romanticism?

A. Picture Identification. Identify the title of the following artworks and its classification (form of art).
Select your answer from the given choices and write it in your answer sheet.

Liberty Leading the People Lion of Lucerne

La Madeleine de Paris Theseus Slaying the Minotaur

Raft of the Medusa Oath of the Horatii

Napoleon Crossing the Alps Strawberry Hill

Name of Artwork: B. Which does not belong to the group?

Form of Art:
6. a. Classic Block

Name of Artwork:

Form of Art:

Name of Artwork:

Form of Art:

Name of Artwork:

Form of Art:

Name of Artwork:

Form of Art:

b. Temple
c. Palladian
d. Peristyle

7. a.The Death of Marat

b. Christ
c. Napoleon Crossing the Alps
d. Oath of the Horatii

8. a.Lion of Lucerne
b. Washington
c. Portrait of Napoleon on Imperial Throne
d. Psyche Awakened by Cupid’s Kiss

9. a. Liberty Leading the People

b. The Raft of the Medusa
c. The Third of May
d. Theseus Slaying the Minotaur
10. a. Guillermo Tolentino
b. Juan Luna
c. Felix Hidalgo
d. Fernando Amorsolo

C. Multiple Choice
11. What were usually portrayed in Neoclassical arts?
a. Roman History c. Culture
b. Mythological characters d. Nature
12. He is a prolific Italian artist and sculptor who became famous for his marble sculptures that delicately
rendered nude flesh.
a. Jacques Louis David c. Bertel Thorvaldsen
b. Antonio Canova d. Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
13. These paintings depict the physical world that surrounds us which includes mountains, valleys,
vegetation and bodies of water.
a. Neoclassical Paintings c. Landscape Paintings
b. Romantic Paintings d. Abstract Paintings
14. What is the feature of Neogothic buildings?
a. Square Plan c. Balustrade
b. Peristyle d. Castellation
15. The Father of Modern Philippine Sculpture
a. Fernando Amorsolo c. Victorio Edades
b. Napoleon Abueva d. Juan Luna
A. Table Completion: Fill in the missing link with the required answer as numbered.



1. Cebu City Religious 2.

Panagbenga Festival 3. Secular 4

5. South Cotabato 6 Colorful Abaca

B. Identification. Identify the name of step based from the step pattern.
7. Step R in place(1), Heel Place L in front (2)
8. Step R sideward(1), Hop L in place (2)
9. Step R across L(1), Step L sideward (2)
10. Point L in place (and), Step R in place (1), Point L in place (and), Step R in place (2)

C. Enumeration
11 – 15 Elements of Movements in Space
A. Identify the incorrect word which makes the statetement false. Write the wrong word together
with the correct one.

1. A medicine is a substance which brings about mental, emotional, behavioral and physiological
changes to a person.
2. Drug misuse is the use of a substance for non-medicinal purpose.
3. Cigarettes and alcohol are classified under stimulant drugs because smokers and drinkers have a
tendency to use drugs of abuse.
4. Risk factors are those influences which decrease the chances of using, misusing and abusing
5. Hallucinogens are drugs which relieve pain and induce sleepiness.

B. The following are effects of drug abuse. Classify the following effects as to effects on self, family,
school and community.

6. poor academic performance

7. hallucinations
8. high incidence of crime
9. brain damage
10. broken homes

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