DOSSIER DE SYNTHESE Detailed Outline Can A Name Define Who You Are

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Dossier de synthèse

– Can a name fully define who you are?

Doc 1. Play Romeo and Juliet by playwright William Shakespeare, published

in 1597
Doc 2. Press article Why your name matters in the search for a job by
journalist Rianna Croxford, published on BBC News in January 2019
Doc 3. Dystopia The Handmaid’s Tale written by author Margaret Atwood,
published in 1985

1/ Your name as your identity

a. Who you are

b. Who you are for others

2/ Your new name as your identity

a. Who you have to be/come because of others

b. Losing oneself?

Possible first part of the introduction :

A name identifies us and determines part of our relationship to the world and
to others. Whether it translates a destiny, whether it generates
representations – right or wrong, even misleading – whether it is the mark of
submission or the standard of emancipation or rebellion, the name is
significant and adorned with an important semantic and symbolic charge.
Faced with the oppression of having a name imposed on oneself, wanting to
recover one's name or militantly refusing to be named by others becomes a
constitutive act of identity, relating to the affirmation or reconstruction of

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