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3/2/23, 2:11 PM Lesson 1.

1 The Formation of the Light Elements in the Big Bang Theory | Facebook

Lesson 1.1 The Formation of the Light

Elements in the Big Bang Theory

Nucleosynthesis: The Beginning of Elements

Objective: You should be able to give evidence for and explain the formation of the light
elements in the big bang theory. S11/12PS-IIIa-1

Performance Standard: Make a creative representation of the historical development of

the atom or the chemical element in a timeline

Guide Question: What elements were produced during the big bang expansion?

Learn about it!

Big Bang Theory

The big bang theory is a cosmological model stating that the universe started its expansion
about 13.8 billion years ago. Pieces of evidence supporting this theory are

(1) occurrence of redshift,

(2) background radiation, and

(3) abundance of light elements.

Redshift… 1/10
3/2/23, 2:11 PM Lesson 1.1 The Formation of the Light Elements in the Big Bang Theory | Facebook

In the 1910s, Vesto Slipher and Carl Wilhelm Wirtz measured the wavelengths of light
from spiral nebulae, which are interstellar clouds of dust and ionized gases. They discovered
that the light from the nebulae increased in wavelength. They explained their discovery as a

Doppler shift

The Doppler shift or Doppler effect explains that when an object gets closer to us, its
light waves are compressed into shorter wavelengths (blueshifted, because blue light has the
shortest wavelength in the visible region).

On the other hand, when an object moves away from us, its light waves are stretched into
longer wavelengths (redshifted, because red light has the longest wavelength in the visible

Slipher and Wirtz then explained that the redshift or increase in wavelength was due to the
increase in the distance between the Earth and the nebulae. They concluded that the redshift
occurred due to the expansion of space.

In 1929, Edwin Hubble used the redshift of light from galaxies to calculate the velocities
and distances of these galaxies from the Earth. He discovered that they were moving away
from the Earth and from each other. His calculations supported the theory that the universe
is expanding.… 2/10
3/2/23, 2:11 PM Lesson 1.1 The Formation of the Light Elements in the Big Bang Theory | Facebook

Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

In 1965, Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias discovered a low, steady “hum” from their
Holmdel Horn antenna (an antenna built to support NASA’s Project Echo).

They concluded that the noise is Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR),
the remains of energy created after the big bang expansion. Abundance of Light
Elements The observed abundance of light elements supports the big bang theory.

The theory predicts that the universe is composed of 73% hydrogen and 25% helium by
mass. The prediction correlated to the measured abundances of primordial material in
unprocessed gas in some parts of the universe with no stars.

Learn about it!

Formation of Light Elements… 3/10
3/2/23, 2:11 PM Lesson 1.1 The Formation of the Light Elements in the Big Bang Theory | Facebook

Big bang nucleosynthesis is the process of producing the light elements during the big
bang expansion. In the beginning, the universe was very hot that matter was fully ionized and
dissociated. Few seconds after the start of the big bang, the universe was filled with protons,
neutrons, electrons, neutrinos, and positrons.

After the first three minutes, the universe cooled down to a point where atomic nuclei can
form. Protons and neutrons combined to form atomic nuclei such as deuterium.

However, the temperature of the universe was still much greater than the binding energy of
deuterium. Binding energy is the energy required to break down a nucleus into its
components. Therefore, deuterium easily decayed upon formation.

Learn about it!

When the temperature cooled down below 1010 K, deuterium nuclei combined with other
nuclei to form heavier ones.… 4/10
3/2/23, 2:11 PM Lesson 1.1 The Formation of the Light Elements in the Big Bang Theory | Facebook

Helium-3 was formed from the fusion of two deuterium nuclei and a release of a
neutron. (See figure on the formation of Helium-3)

Tritium or hydrogen-3 was produced from the fusion of two deuterium nuclei and a
release of a proton. (See figure on the formation of Tritium or hydrogen-3)

Helium-4 was also synthesized from deuterium and helium-3. (See figure on the
formation of Helium-4)… 5/10
3/2/23, 2:11 PM Lesson 1.1 The Formation of the Light Elements in the Big Bang Theory | Facebook

Helium-4 was produced from the fusion of deuterium and tritium. (See figure on the
formation of Helium-4)

Learn about it!

For the first three minutes, a substantial amount of neutrons was converted into
helium-4 nuclei, before their decay. Helium then combined to other nuclei to form
heavier ones such as lithium-7 and beryllium-7.

Lithium-7 was synthesized from helium-4 and tritium.

Beryllium-7 was produced from helium-3 and helium-4.… 6/10
3/2/23, 2:11 PM Lesson 1.1 The Formation of the Light Elements in the Big Bang Theory | Facebook

Among the light elements formed, deuterium, helium-3, helium-4, and lithium-7 were stable.
Beryllium-7 was unstable and decayed spontaneously to lithium-7.

What do you think?

Assignment 1.1: How are elements heavier than beryllium formed? (Write your answer on
the FB otherwise you use 1 whole pad paper for your answer.)

Assignment 1.1: Research about the following persons. Cite their important contributions
in science. (5 points for each person)

1. Vesto Slipher

2. Carl Wilhelm Wirtz

3. Edwin Hubble

4. Robert Wilson

5. Arno Penzias

Key Points

Pieces of evidence that support the big bang theory are redshift, cosmic microwave
background radiation, and abundance of light elements.

Big bang nucleosynthesis is the process of light element formation.

The light elements that formed after the big bang were helium, deuterium, and trace
amounts of lithium and beryllium.

Deuterium, helium-3, helium-4, and lithium-7 were stable. On the other hand,
beryllium-7 was unstable and decayed spontaneously to lithium-7.

Lesson 1.1 Test Question

1. Which of the following refers to the process of producing the light elements such as
helium?… 7/10
3/2/23, 2:11 PM Lesson 1.1 The Formation of the Light Elements in the Big Bang Theory | Facebook

A. supernova nucleosynthesis

B. big bang nucleosynthesis

C. cosmic ray spallation

D. rp-process

2. ________ are the remains of energy created after the Big Bang expansion.

A. Gravitational wave

B. Blackbody radiation

C. Cosmic microwave background radiation

D. Magnetic field

3. Who was the scientist who used the redshift of light from galaxies to calculate their
velocities and distances from the Earth?

A. Robert Wilson

B. Edwin Hubble

C. Arno Penzias

D. Vesto Slipher

4. According to the big bang theory, how much time was needed to produce the light
elements hydrogen and helium?

A. 3 minutes

B. 5 hours

C. 7 million years

D. 13.8 billion years

5. What happens when something redshifts?

A. Its energy increases.

B. Its frequency increases.

C. Its size increases.

D. Its wavelength increases.

6. What does the increase in wavelength of light from a galaxy mean?

A. The galaxy is moving towards the Earth, and the universe is expanding.… 8/10
3/2/23, 2:11 PM Lesson 1.1 The Formation of the Light Elements in the Big Bang Theory | Facebook

B. The galaxy is moving towards the Earth, and the universe is being compressed.

C. The galaxy is moving away from the Earth, and the universe is being compressed.

D. The galaxy is moving away from the Earth, and the universe is expanding.

7. Sequence the following products of big bang nucleosynthesis from lowest to highest by

A. Hydrogen> deuterium> helium> lithium

B. Lithium> Hydrogen> deuterium> helium

C. Deuterium> Hydrogen> helium> lithium

D. Helium> Hydrogen> deuterium> lithium

8. Which of the following events during the big bang expansion led to the nucleosynthesis of
helium-3 and hydrogen?

A. The temperature of the universe cooled down below 1010 K.

B. The temperature of the universe increased above 1010 K.

C. The nucleosynthesis of helium-4 halted.

D. Beryllium-7 spontaneously decayed.

9. Refer to the figure below. Which of the following is the by-product of the nucleosynthesis
of helium-4 from a deuterium and tritium?

A. proton

B. gamma radiation

C. helium-3

D. neutron

10. Refer to the figure below. Which of the following is the other starting material for the
nucleosynthesis of beryllium-7 from helium-4?… 9/10
3/2/23, 2:11 PM Lesson 1.1 The Formation of the Light Elements in the Big Bang Theory | Facebook

A. proton

B. gamma radiation

C. helium-3

D. neutron

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