Final Project

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Final Project – “Youth acting for change”

 Group work
 You are taking part to a “Waste Warrior” contest.
The idea is to come up with the best solution to
reduce waste (food, electricity…) in your school.
 Prepare a poster and a short oral presentation to
convince your class that your project is the best.
 You will present your poster and your project to a
jury of students. The best posters will be displayed
in the school for the 2020 Earth Day.

Make sure your poster: (tick the box  when an item is ready)

 Has a title/slogan
 Clearly presents the project
 Contains the key words of your project
 Contains a few pictures
 Is eye-catching

Oral presentation guidance:

 Everybody takes part to the presentation

 It should last approximately 3 to 5 minutes
 Present an environmental problem that is
recurrent in your school
 Present how your project could solve this
 Explain why you think your project is the best /
most likely to win the contest

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