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Julia upper 2

My personal statement

I had doubts about what I would choose to do with my future, if I wanted go to the
university or open my own business, or even if I was able of that, but at the some time
everyone seems so right about their professional career. I took years to see that is
different types of cleverness, It's was just a matter of finding the right one for me, so, I
thought about my qualities, and tried to find a course that most define me, and my
mother told me to search about international relations. With a deep search I realized
that the course is all about communication, is about study anthropology, languages,
geopolicts and other things that I am interest.
International relations is were I can find a purpose, broaden my understanding about
everything, will open doors to me that probably I could never do on my own, it's
something that I'm passionate about. Be the bridge between the people, work to make
the difference, as a IR I could work in all types of non-governamental organization in big
companies, or even as a diplomat for United Nation Organization (NU).
I'm a proactive person, friendly, good with communication, willing to try new things,
always involved on social activities in my school or at my pathfinders club, where I
gained invaluable Insight, resolving conflicts as a leader, helping me to acquire
responsibilities, organization, financial control, in addiction to that, I understand the
important of the culture, the knowledge, the globalization.
I have a dream to travel the world, to connect me with differences cultures, because I
truly believe that we can learn with other to make a better world. I will only do this, if I
had the chance to study at your university that will give me the competitive edge,
support, solid grounding and the skills to make it happen. Would be a honor be
considered, I’m thankful for your time.

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