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Welcome to THE MAKING OF A NATION – American history in VOA Special The other European nations would not permit

an nations would not permit Portugal to control this trade for long,
English. however. Spain's Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand agreed to provide ships, crew and
In the United States, October ninth is observed as Leif Erickson Day. It honors the Norse supplies for an exploration by an Italian seaman, Christopher Columbus.
explorer who sailed around the northeastern coast of what we now call North America Columbus thought the shortest way to reach the East was to sail west across the Atlantic
about one thousand years ago. Leif Erickson and his crew returned home to Greenland with Ocean. He was right. But he also was wrong. He believed the world was much smaller than
news of a place he called "Vinland." it is. He did not imagine the existence of other lands and another huge ocean area between
Following his explorations, a few settlements were built. Experts digging in eastern Canada Europe and East Asia.
in the 1960s found the remains of a village with houses like those in Greenland, Iceland Columbus and a crew of eighty-eight men left Spain on August third, 1492, in three ships.
and Norway. But the Norse did not establish any permanent settlements in North America. On October twelfth, they stood on land again on an island that Columbus named San
Today, as we launch our series from the beginning again, Sarah Long and Rich Kleinfeldt Salvador.
tell the story of early European explorers in North America. He explored it, and the nearby islands of what is now known as Cuba and Hispaniola. He
About ten hundred, Europe was beginning a period of great change. One reason was the believed they were part of the coast of East Asia, which was called the Indies. He called the
religious wars known as the crusades. These wars were efforts by Europeans who were people he found there Indians.
mainly Roman Catholic Christians. They wanted to force Muslims out of what is now the Columbus left about forty men on the island to build a fort from the wood of one of the
Middle East. The crusades began at the end of the eleventh century. They continued for ships. He returned to Spain with captured natives, birds, plants and gold. Columbus was
about two hundred years. considered a national hero when he reached Spain in March, 1493.
The presence of European armies in the Middle East increased trade, which was controlled Columbus returned across the Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean area five months later. This
by businessmen in Venice and other Italian city-states. The businessmen were earning large time, he had many more men and all the animals and equipment needed to start a colony on
profits by transporting and supplying the warring armies. Hispaniola. He found that the protective fort built by his men had been destroyed by fire.
When the European crusaders returned home, they brought with them some new and useful Columbus did not find any of his men.
products. The products included spices, perfumes, silk cloth, steel products and drugs. Such Seven months later, Columbus sent five ships back to Spain. They carried Indians to be
products became highly valued all over Europe. Increased trade resulted which led to the sold as slaves. Columbus also sailed back to Spain leaving behind some settlers who were
growth of towns. It also created a large number of rich European businessmen. not happy with conditions.
The European nations were growing. They developed armies and governments. These had Christopher Columbus made another trip in 1498, with six ships. This time he saw the
to be paid for by taxes from the people. By the 15th century, European countries were coast of South America. The settlers were so unhappy with conditions in the new colony,
ready to explore new parts of the world. Columbus was sent back to Spain as a prisoner. Spain's rulers pardoned him.
The first explorers were the Portuguese. By 1400, they wanted to control the Eastern spice In 1502, Columbus made his final voyage to what some were calling the New World. He
trade. European businessmen did not want to continue paying Venetian and Arab traders stayed on the island of Jamaica until he returned home in 1504.
for their costly spices. They wanted to set up trade themselves. If they could sail to Asia During all his trips, Columbus explored islands and waterways, searching for a passage to
directly for these products, the resulting trade would bring huge profits. the Indies. He never found it. He also did not find spices or great amounts of gold. Yet, he
The leader of Portugal's exploration efforts was Prince Henry, a son of King John the first. always believed that he had found the Indies. He refused to recognize that it was really a
He was interested in sea travel and exploration. So he became known as Henry the new world.
Navigator. Evidence of this was all around him -- strange plants that were not known in either Europe
Prince Henry brought experts to his country and studied the sciences involved in or Asia and a different people who did not understand any language spoken in the East.
exploration. He built an observatory to study the stars. Portuguese sea captains led their Columbus' voyages, however, opened up the new world. Others later explored all of North
ships around the west coast of Africa hoping to find a path to India and East Asia. They America.
finally found the end of the African continent, the area called the Cape of Good Hope. You may be wondering about the name of this new land. If Christopher Columbus was the
It took the Portuguese only about fifty years to take control of the spice trade. They first European to attempt to settle the new world, why is it called "America"? The answer
established trading colonies in Africa, the Persian Gulf, India and China. lies with the name of an Italian explorer, Amerigo Vespucci.
Improvements in technology helped them succeed. One improvement was a new kind of He visited the coast of South America in 1499. He wrote stories about his experiences that
ship. It could sail more easily through ocean storms and winds. were widely read in Europe.
Other inventions like the compass permitted them to sail out of sight of land. The In 1507, a German mapmaker read Vespucci's stories. He decided that the writer had
Portuguese also armed their ships with modern cannon. They used these weapons to battle discovered the new world and suggested that it be called America in his honor. So it was.
Muslim and East Asian traders. Spanish explorers sought to find gold and power in the New World. They also wanted to
expand belief in what they considered to be the true religion, Christianity.
The other European nations would not permit Portugal to control this trade for long, Spanish explorers sought to find gold and power in the New World. They also wanted to
however. Spain's Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand agreed to provide ships, crew and expand belief in what they considered to be the true religion, Christianity.
supplies for an exploration by an Italian seaman, Christopher Columbus. Welcome to THE MAKING OF A NATION – American history in VOA Special
Columbus thought the shortest way to reach the East was to sail west across the Atlantic English.
Ocean. He was right. But he also was wrong. He believed the world was much smaller than In the United States, October ninth is observed as Leif Erickson Day. It honors the Norse
it is. He did not imagine the existence of other lands and another huge ocean area between explorer who sailed around the northeastern coast of what we now call North America
Europe and East Asia. about one thousand years ago. Leif Erickson and his crew returned home to Greenland with
Columbus and a crew of eighty-eight men left Spain on August third, 1492, in three ships. news of a place he called "Vinland."
Following his explorations, a few settlements were built. Experts digging in eastern Canada
On October twelfth, they stood on land again on an island that Columbus named San
in the 1960s found the remains of a village with houses like those in Greenland, Iceland
Salvador.He explored it, and the nearby islands of what is now known as Cuba and
and Norway. But the Norse did not establish any permanent settlements in North America.
Hispaniola. He believed they were part of the coast of East Asia, which was called the Today, as we launch our series from the beginning again, Sarah Long and Rich Kleinfeldt
Indies. He called the people he found there Indians. tell the story of early European explorers in North America.
Columbus left about forty men on the island to build a fort from the wood of one of the About ten hundred, Europe was beginning a period of great change. One reason was the
ships. He returned to Spain with captured natives, birds, plants and gold. Columbus was religious wars known as the crusades. These wars were efforts by Europeans who were
considered a national hero when he reached Spain in March, 1493. mainly Roman Catholic Christians. They wanted to force Muslims out of what is now the
Columbus returned across the Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean area five months later. This Middle East. The crusades began at the end of the eleventh century. They continued for
time, he had many more men and all the animals and equipment needed to start a colony on about two hundred years.
Hispaniola. He found that the protective fort built by his men had been destroyed by fire. The presence of European armies in the Middle East increased trade, which was controlled
Columbus did not find any of his men. by businessmen in Venice and other Italian city-states. The businessmen were earning large
Seven months later, Columbus sent five ships back to Spain. They carried Indians to be profits by transporting and supplying the warring armies.
sold as slaves. Columbus also sailed back to Spain leaving behind some settlers who were When the European crusaders returned home, they brought with them some new and useful
products. The products included spices, perfumes, silk cloth, steel products and drugs. Such
not happy with conditions.
products became highly valued all over Europe. Increased trade resulted which led to the
Christopher Columbus made another trip in 1498, with six ships. This time he saw the
growth of towns. It also created a large number of rich European businessmen.
coast of South America. The settlers were so unhappy with conditions in the new colony, The European nations were growing. They developed armies and governments. These had
Columbus was sent back to Spain as a prisoner. Spain's rulers pardoned him. to be paid for by taxes from the people. By the 15th century, European countries were
In 1502, Columbus made his final voyage to what some were calling the New World. He ready to explore new parts of the world.
stayed on the island of Jamaica until he returned home in 1504. The first explorers were the Portuguese. By 1400, they wanted to control the Eastern spice
During all his trips, Columbus explored islands and waterways, searching for a passage to trade. European businessmen did not want to continue paying Venetian and Arab traders
the Indies. He never found it. He also did not find spices or great amounts of gold. Yet, he for their costly spices. They wanted to set up trade themselves. If they could sail to Asia
always believed that he had found the Indies. He refused to recognize that it was really a directly for these products, the resulting trade would bring huge profits.
new world.Evidence of this was all around him -- strange plants that were not known in The leader of Portugal's exploration efforts was Prince Henry, a son of King John the first.
either Europe or Asia and a different people who did not understand any language spoken He was interested in sea travel and exploration. So he became known as Henry the
in the East.Columbus' voyages, however, opened up the new world. Others later explored Navigator.
all of North America.You may be wondering about the name of this new land. If Prince Henry brought experts to his country and studied the sciences involved in
exploration. He built an observatory to study the stars. Portuguese sea captains led their
Christopher Columbus was the first European to attempt to settle the new world, why is it
ships around the west coast of Africa hoping to find a path to India and East Asia. They
called "America"? The answer lies with the name of an Italian explorer, Amerigo finally found the end of the African continent, the area called the Cape of Good Hope.
Vespucci.He visited the coast of South America in 1499. He wrote stories about his It took the Portuguese only about fifty years to take control of the spice trade. They
experiences that were widely read in Europe.In 1507, a German mapmaker read Vespucci's established trading colonies in Africa, the Persian Gulf, India and China.
stories. He decided that the writer had discovered the new world and suggested that it be Improvements in technology helped them succeed. One improvement was a new kind of
called America in his honor. So it was. ship. It could sail more easily through ocean storms and winds.
Other inventions like the compass permitted them to sail out of sight of land. The
Portuguese also armed their ships with modern cannon. They used these weapons to battle
Muslim and East Asian traders

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