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Grade 11-Beatitude Group 1

Serrano,Jezzy Mae
Proposed Titles
1.The Significance of Uniform Practices: A Qualitative Exploration among Pindasan National
High School students
2.The Impact of Smartphone Usage on Academic Achievement: A Study among Grade 11
Students at Pindasan National High School
3.The impact of Financial Struggles: A qualitative Investigation among Grade 11Students at
Pindasan National High School
4.The impact of Academic Stress: An Investigation among Grade 11 Students at Pindasan
National High School
5.The Impact of Technology on Student Study Habits: An In-depth Investigation among Grade
11 Students at Pindasan National High School
Importance of the study 3

Those teaching and school heads especially the Pindasan

National High School teachers and staff may have an idea of
how uniform practices, financial struggles, and academic stress
impact the adjustments educators make to their mode of
conducting lectures and outreach programs. Understandings of
the effects of technology on studying give recommendations
that offer ways to take specific measures for effective
technology inclusion in the curriculum. These findings are the
capabilities that give teachers and staff an affirmative assurance
in building a conducive learning area for them to experience
ways of enriching educational experiences in Pindasan National
High School.

This research study will be focused on a multidimensional analysis of experiences perceived by the
students of Grade 11 at Pindasan National High School to help realization relating to their holistic
perception of varied factors affecting academic life and well-being. The derived research will lead in
the following areas:
On the first title, This research aims to track how school uniforms may work in terms of changing
student behavior and improving their academic outcomes following research by Caldwell (2013). This
study will therefore attempt to find out if wearing uniforms has an impact on a positive learning
environment and how it might affect student performance.

The second title, Smartphone Use in Academic Performance, as indicated in the book by Sapci et al.
(2021), will expose specific behaviors of student smartphone usage and their possible connection with
successes or failures at learning.

The third title, The financial-need Impact on Academic Struggles," by Jin and Hossler (2016). This is a
summary of findings related to the study on how the financial struggle witnessed by students and their
families could affect the general well-being and academic performance of the students.

The fourth title, concerning the review of Xu et al. (2022), concentrates on these consequences,
including the psychological and academic effects they have on victims which are seen to precipitate
them into academic stress. The discussion will look at the effect of stress on student mental health,
their coping mechanisms, and probable effects regarding academic performance.

The last title, Integrative Critique on the changing role of technology in shaping student study habits,
draws from Cradler et al. (2002). This study seeks to answer how and in what ways technology has
penetrated the learning strategies and study habits of students in class.
Purpose of the study
The current study delves deeper into Grade 11 learners' diverse experiences as they explain
their academic excellence and well-being at Pindasan National High School. Other issues to
be brought forward are the impacts of school uniforms, smartphone use, financial difficulty
and stress related to academics, and technology shaping studying at any given time. This
very comprehensive study will provide light with respect to which are the different factors
determining the shape of student experiences at the school. In so doing, it shall inform
initiatives, be it curricular or non-curricular, towards fostering a most enabling and all-
inclusive learning environment.

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