Macapugay, Andrei Joey R. - Assessment Paper 1

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12140988 / Macapugay, Andrei Joey R.

/ GERPHIS EM1 Assessment Paper 1

History: Understanding its Role in Shaping our Present and Future

I am a firm believer that our lifestyle and beliefs at present are based upon the way we

grew up. Similarly, I feel the same way about the ways of the world. As the famous astronomer

Carl Sagan said, “You have to know the past to understand the present” (Sagan, 1980). To

understand current politics and happenings throughout the world at present, you must first

understand how it got to that point. The book titled “The Pursuit of History: Aims, Methods, and

New Directions in the Study of History” by John Tosh helps us understand further the

importance of history, citing several reasons that I shall be explaining through my understanding.

First and foremost, history helps us understand how the world has changed over time. By

identifying patterns and trends, we are further informed of how societies and cultures have

progressed through the years, seeing how different factors have contributed to their current

states, thus informing our understanding of the present. By studying past events and societies, we

also gain a wider understanding on current events which will allow us not to make judgements

based off of recency bias and recognize that many issues we face today are not entirely new, but

have possibly happened before. Studying history also allows us to see the world from various

viewpoints of people in different times and places. By recognizing the complexities of the past,

we can gain a sense of empathy and understanding for diverse cultures and experiences helping

us engage more constructively with the present. A proper understanding of history will also

allow us to engage in more meaningful discussions. As mentioned above, many issues that we
face today have possibly happened in the past, thus, historical knowledge can guide us into

making more informed and effective solutions to problems and can provide valuable context for

debates, whether casual or political.

However, what I deem most important of all throughout the reading is the importance of

developing historical awareness. To me, this means recognizing the prevalence of the past in our

everyday lives and understanding how much our individual and collective memories are shaped

by the past. In conclusion, I believe that studying history offers a valuable perspective that helps

us understand ourselves, our societies, and everything around us, further proving that you have to

know the past to understand the present.

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