Prelim Output PBA-WPS Office

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Prelim Output: Crafting a meaningful PBA

Field of study: Science 3

Grade: Grade 3

Topic: Surroundings

Step 1: Defining the purpose

General Competency:

Content Standards:

The learners demonstrate understanding of people, animals, plants, lakes, rivers, stres, hills,
mountains, and other landform, and their importance.

Performance Standard:

The learners should be able to express their concerns about their surroundings through
teacher-guided and self-directed activities.

Specific Competency :Describe and Discuss the importance of surroundings to living and non
living things.

Step 2 : Identifying Performance task

Performance task:

Create a poster that shows different things found in the surroundings.

Identify, Describe and name each of the things found in the surroundings.

Discuss the importance of why we should take care of our surroundings and how it can affect
living and non living things through a poster making contest.

Rubrics for scoring

Rubrics for poster making contest

Level 4 Excellent Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

/5 pts poor/1pts
Good /4 pts fair /3 pts

Content/showed They Showed the The appropriate The Content are The Content is
importance importance of Content is less not related to
surroundings shown in their accurate.more the task
accurately and poster time could be given.could have
opened new spent on the given more
thoughts in their details. thoughts.

Creativity Unique Creativity is Less Creativity is No Creativity at

style/Creativity is shown. Visually shown. More all.could have
shown in their appealing time could be given more is overall. spen on details. thoughts and
extremely time.

Neatness Poster is very Poster is neat, Poster is not Poster is not

neat, well well organized, very neat or well neat or
organized and and visually organized. More organized. Few
extremely appealing time could be details are
visually overall. spent on details. included, and it
appealing with is not visually
many details appealing.

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