Sçhmid Gordon 2011 Evidence For Molecular Complexes in The Mechanism of Additions of Iodine Mono Chloride To Alkenes

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Evidence for molecular complexes in the mechanism of additions of iodine mono-

chloride to alkenes
Department of Chemistry, Universig of Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada M5S I A l
Received February 8, 1984
This paper is dedicated to Professor Peter Yates on the occasion of his 60th birthday

GEORGE H. SCHMID and JAMESW. GORDON. Can. J. Chem. 62, 2526 (1984).
Immediately upon mixing ICI and 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene in CC1, at 25'C a new absorption band due to an alkene-IC1
molecular complex appears at 295 ? 5 nm and decreases rapidly with time. The rate law under conditions of (alkene),, >> (ICl),,
for the electrophilic addition of IC1 to 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene, E- and Z-2-butene, and E- and Z- I-phenylpropene is -d(ICl)/dt
= k,,p,(alkene)(~C1)3/{l + ~ ~ , ( a l k e n e ) }where
j KAD is the equilibrium constant for the formation of a I : 1 alkene-IC1
molecular complex. The addition of IC1 to the Z and E isomers of 2-butene and 1-phenylpropene occurs by anti-stereospecific
addition. The negative enthalpy of activation for the addition of ICI to 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene is evidence that one or more
complexes are involved on the reaction coordinate prior to the rate-determining step. On the basis of analysis of the enthalpy
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changes during the reaction, it is proposed that both a I : I and a 1 : 2 alkene-IC1 molecular complex is involved in the
mechanism prior to the rate-determining step.

Can. J. Chem. 62, 2526 (1984).
Des que l'on mtlange du ICl et du dimtthyl-2,3 butene-2 dans du CCL B 25"C, il y a apparition, B 295 ? 5 nm, d'une
nouvelle bande d'absorption qui est due i un complexe molCculaire alcene-1C1; I'intensitC de cette bande diminue rapidement
avec le temps. La loi de vitesse qui s'applique, si (alcene),, >> (ICI),,, pour l'addition Clectrophile de 1C1 sur le dimethyl-2,3
butene-2, sur les butenes-2 (E ou Z) ou sur les phtnyl-l propenes (E ou Z) est -d(ICl)/dt = k,,p,(alc~ne)(~C1)3/{1 +
, K,, est la constante d'tquilibre pour la formation d'un complexe molCculaire 1 : 1 alckne-ICI. La sttrto-
~ ~ , ( a l c k n e ) you
chimie de l'addition du IC1 sur les isomtres E et Z du butene-2 et du phtnyl-1 propene est sttrCosptcifiquement anti. Le fait
que l'enthalpie d'activation de l'addition du IC1 sur le dimtthyl-2,3 butkne-2 soit ntgative est une preuve qu'un ou plusieurs
complexes sont impliquCs dans les coordonnCes de la rCaction avant d'atteindre l'ttape dtterminante. Sur la base d'une analyse
des changements d'enthalpie au cours de la riaction, on propose que des complexes molCculaires alcene-IC1 1 : 1 ainsi que
1 :2 sont impliquCs dans le mCcanisme avant d'atteindre l'ttape diterminante.
[Traduit par le journal]

The stoichiometry of the addition of iodine monochloride temperature on the rate, and the stereo- and regiochemistry of
(ICl) to alkenes is 1 : I in a number of solvents (1 -5). Because the addition of ICl to 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene, E- and Z-1-
of this fact, solutions of IC1 in acetic acid (Wijs' solution) are phenylpropene, and E- and Z-2-butene.
used to determine iodine values of fats and oils (6). Despite
such widespread use, little work has been done on the kinetics Results and discussion
and mechanism of this addition of ICl to alkenes and some of Kinetic and thermochemical stlidy
the work is contradictory. White and Robertson (1) reported The rate of addition of ICl to 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene in CCl,
that the addition of IC1 to allyl acetate in acetic acid follows an at 25°C was measured by monitoring the disappearance with
overall third-order rate law, first order in alkene and second time of IC1 at 460 nm by means of a Durmm-Gibson stopped-
order in ICl. A similar rate law was reported by Viswanathan flow spectrophotometer. The rate measurements were made
and co-workers (2) for ICl addition to some allyl and vinyl with (alkene)o >> (ICl)o.
compounds in acetic acid, and by Sergeev and Smirnov (3) for Immediately on mixing IC1 and 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene a new
the addition of ICl to both cyclohexene and 1-hexene in CCld. absorption band, absent in either reactant or product, appears
In contrast, Heublein (4) reported a second-order rate law, first at 295 ? 5 nm and decreases rapidly with time. This new band
order in both ICl and alkene, for the addition of IC1 to trans- is attributed to the presence of an intermediate IC1-alkene
stilbene in acetic acid, dibutyl ether, and acetonitrile. molecular complex. Reversible formation of labile molecular
The products of addition of 1C1 to alkenes are sometimes complexes between alkenes and halogens are well documented
formed by anti-stereospecific addition (4-7), while in other (2). While fewer data are available for alkene-interhalogen
cases by anti-stereoselective addition (8). Regiospecific addi- complexes, cyclohexene and 1-hexene are known to form mo-
tion to styrene (9) is reported, while nonregiospecific addition lecular complexes with ICl in CC14 at room temperature, char-
occurs to 1-hexene (10). Furthermore, solvent incorporated acterized by absorbances at 267 and 257 nm respectively (3).
(10) and rearranged products have also been reported (1 1). The molecular complexes of IC1 and several allyl and vinyl
The work reported in the literature is fragmented, with each compounds have characteristic absorbances in dry acetic acid
worker or group of workers employing different compounds in the region 290-310 nm (2). The position of the band for the
and different solvent systems. Frequently only the rates of complex of ICl and 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene at longer wave-
addition with no product study are carried out or vice versa. It length (295 nm), compared to the complexes of ICl and cy-
is clear that a systematic study of both the rates and products clohexene (267 nm) and 1-hexene (257 nm), is expected for the
of this reaction is long overdue. We have undertaken such a more highly substituted alkene (12a). Thus we conclude that
study. In this first paper we report the rate law, the effect of the band at 295 nm in CC1, at 25°C is consistent with the
formation of a molecular complex between ICl and
'Author to whom correspondence may be addressed. 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene.
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0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12
TIME (s)
FIG.2. Third-order kinetic plot for the addition of 1C1 to
2,3-dimethyl-2-butene in CCI, at 25°C.
FIG. 1. Ketelaar plot for the 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene-1C1
measured at 300 nm in CCI, at 25°C. TABLEI . Slope and intercept obtained by
fitting eq. [4] to the data from the reactions
The Ketelaar equation (13) was used to obtain the equi- of a series of solutions of constant
(2,3-dimethyl-2-butene),, = 0.1 188 M and
librium constant for the formation of the molecular complex, varying (ICI),, in CCl, at 25°C
KAD.Briefly, the method is to measure the variation of initial
absorbance values with varying initial concentrations of alkene (1Cl)o
under conditions where (alkene)o >> (ICl),. The analysis was (M) x 10' Intercept Slope
carried out in CC14 at 25°C and at 300 nm. The equation is as

where E,,, is the apparent extinction coefficient and EAD is the

extinction coefficient of the molecular complex. The apparent
extinction coefficient is defined by eq. [2].
rearranging gives the pseudo-order experimental rate equation
The straight line obtained by plotting l/(e,,, - eICI)versus + {2kapp/(e,pp1)2)t
[5] (Abs, - Abs,)-' = {~~,,1(ICl)o}-~
l/(alkene), is shown in Fig. 1. Values of KAD= 19 + 6 M-I
and = 1.4 --f 0.5 X lo4 M - I cm-' are obtained from the The plot of a typical run is given in Fig. 2. The apparent
values of the slope, intercept with the ordinate axis, and their pseudo-order rate constant is readily calculated from the inter-
ratio. The value of KADobtained in this study is larger than the cept, slope, and (ICl),. As shown by the data in Table 1, there
value of 2 M-' for the equilibrium constant of the formation of is no apparent trend in the values of the slope as required by eq.
the molecular complex in the reaction of 1-hexene and ICl in [4] for a series of solutions of constant (alkene), and varying
CC14 at 25°C obtained by Sergeev et al. (14a). (ICl),. Furthermore, the values of K,,, are not dependent on the
If it is assumed that the IC1-alkene molecular complex is wavelength
" used to follow the kinetics.
rapidly established relative to the rate of addition of ICl (14b), The initial concentration of alkene was varied over the range
then Beer's law (eq. [3]) will be valid for the total or stoichio- from 3.33 X M to 4.25 X 10-I M to determine the
metric ICI concentration at all times t under the conditions dependence of alkene in the rate law. Equation [6] describes the
(alkene), > (ICl)o.2 experimentally observed variation of the pseudo-third-order
rate constant k,,, with initial alkene concentration where C I and
[3] Abs, - Abs, = eappl(IC1), C2 are constants.
The pseudo-order rate law, eq. [4], is third order with respect
to IC1.

The linear plot of {(alkene)o/k,pp}"3versus (alkene), is shown

Substituting eq. [3] into the integrated form of eq. [4] and in Fig. 3. From the intercept and the ratio of slope to intercept,
valuesofCl = 9 2 1 X 108M-3s-l andC2 = 17.8 + 0.8M-'
'The symbol (X) represents the total, stoichiometric, or analytical are obtained.
concentration of X in solution in mol/L; [XI represents the free, The complete rate law describing the rate of addition of IC1
uncomplexed concentration of X in solution in mol/L. to 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene in CCIJ at 25°C in terms of their total
2528 CAN. 1. CHEM. 'OL. 62. 1984

TABLE2. Values of k and K A Dfor the addition of ICI to

selected alkenes in CC14 at 25°C

Alkene k (M-3 S - I ) KAD (M-')

given in Table 2 is consistent with a reaction that occurs by an

electrophilic addition mechanism (15). Further evidence for an
ionic mechanism is the fact that the rate of addition is un-
affected by the presence of small amounts of I,. Furthermore,
chlorocyclohexane is not formed when the addition of IC1 to
2,3-dimethyl-2-butene is carried out in cyclohexane.
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The product of the addition of ICl to alkenes reacts further

with ICl to form a vicinal dichloro compound. This subsequent
reaction has been shown to be much slower and does not
compete with the fast addition of ICl to any of the alkenes
FIG.3. Experimental test of eq. [6] for the addition of ICI to reported here under conditions where (alkene), >> (ICl)o(16).
2,3-dimethyl-2-butene in CC14 at 25°C.
The observation of a molecular complex in the reaction of
IC1 and alkenes does not necessarily mean that it is on the
or stoichiometric concentrations is given in eq. [7] for (alkene), reaction coordinate. In order to establish that the molecular
>> (ICl),. The constants C I and C, can be identified as a rate complex is involved in the reaction, variation in k and K A Dwith
temperature was determined for the addition of ICl to
2,3-dimethyl-2-butene. The data are given in Table 3. The rate
of the addition actually decreases with increasing temperature.
constants k and K A Drespectively in the following way. Equa- Furthermore, the value of the enthalpy of activation is an ex-
tions [8] and [9] relate the stoichiometric and free concen- tremely large negative value. Such temperature dependence of
trations of both 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene and IC1 at time t under the rate of reaction is good evidence for a complex reaction
the condition (alkene), >> (ICl)o. Comparison of eqs. [7] and mechanism (17). Thus the negative enthalpy of activation ob-
191 served for this reaction may be taken as kinetic proof that a
[8] [alkene] = (alkene), complex or several complexes are involved on the reaction
coordinate prior to the rate determining transition site.
Product stereo- and regiochemistry
The products of the addition of IC1 to E- and Z-2-butene and
strongly suggests that the experimental parameter Cz be identi- E- and Z-1-phenylpropene were examined to establish the
fied as the equilibrium constant K A D .This assignment is further stereo- and regiochemistry of this reaction in CC14at 25OC. The
substantiated by the fact that the value of Cz is identical addition to Z-2-butene forms a single adduct while addition to
within experimental error with the value of K A D obtained the E isomer also forms only one product whose 'H nmr, given
independently from analysis of the initial absorbance data. in Table 4, is different from that of the product of addition to
The experimental rate law can now be written in terms of the the Z isomer. Such a result is consistent with a stereospecific
actual, free or uncomplexed, concentrations of ICl and addition of ICl. The vicinal methine H-H coupling constants
2,3-dimethyl-2-butene as given in eq. [ 101. (Jab)of the products can be used to determine the stereo-
chemistry of the adducts. Usually the vicinal methine H-H
[lo] - d(ICl)/dt = k [alkene][IC1I3
coupling constant in 1,2-disubstituted-l,2-dihaloethanes is
In eq. [lo], the experimental parameter C I has been redefined larger for the erythro (or meso) than the corresponding threo
as rate constant k. Since C I and Cz are identified, the complete (or dl) isomer (18). On this basis we can assign the threo
rate law when (alkene), >> (ICl), can be written as given in eq. configuration to the product of addition of ICl to Z-2-butene
[I 1.1. and the erythro configuration to the product formed by addition
of ICl to E-2-butene.
To verify this stereochemical assignment the two adducts
were independently synthesized by the series of reactions
The rate law given in eq. [ l l ] is not unique to shown in Fig. 4. The addition of iodine to a mixture of Z-2-
2,3-dimethyl-2-butene since the additions of ICl to E- and butene and yellow mercuric oxide in 80% aqueous acetonitrile
Z-2-butene and E- and Z-1-phenylpropene in CC14 at 25°C forms threo-3-iodo-2-butanol. The threo configuration of the
follow exactly the same rate law. Treating the rate data in the product was established by means of a base-induced ring clo-
same way as described for 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene allows us to sure reaction to form the epoxide. This reaction is known to
determine the values of k and KADfor both pairs of Z and E occur with a single inversion of configuration at the carbon
isomers. The data are summarized in Table 2. atom bearing the halogen atom (19). Thus treatment of threo-
The structure-reactivity pattern of these five compounds 3-iodo-2-butanol with moist sodium aluminate in methylene

TABLE3. Thermodynamic parameters obtained from the temperature dependence of k and KAD for the addition
of iodine monochloride to 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene in CCI,

10-8.k A~+(ex~t) ~~+(;xpt) AHAD AS,XD

T("C) (M-3 S-I) (kcal mol-l) (cal deg- mol-I) KAD(M-') (kcal mol-') (cal deg-' mol-I)

TABLE4. 'H nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of adducts of addition of IC1 to E and
Z isomers of 2-butene and 1-phenylpropene

Chemical shift (6)"

Adduct Configuration Ha HP HY H6 JP.~
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alP r 6
CH,CHCHCH, erythro 1.67d 3.96dq 4.23dq 2.00d 7.6

CH~CHCHCH, threo 1.62d 4.1 1dq 4.48dq 1.96d 3.0

IP r 6
C6H5CHCHCH3 erythro - 4.99d 4.50dq 2.12d 9.0

C6H5CHCHCH, threo - 4.96d 4.56dq 1.87d 6.0

IP r 6
C6H5CHCHCH3 eryrhro

C6H5CHCHCH, rhreo - 5.10d 4.47dq 1.48d 6.5

"In ppm downfield from (CH,),Si. Abbreviations are d = doublet, q = quartet, dq = double

chloride forms the known cis-2,3-dimethyloxirane (19c). cal series of reactions starting with E-2-butene as shown in Fig.
Reaction of threo-3-iodo-2-butanol with neat thionyl chlo- 4. The 'H nmr spectrum of 2-chloro-3-iodobutane prepared in
ride forms 2-chloro-3-iodobutane whose 'H nmr spectrum is this way is identical to the product formed by the addition of ICl
identical to the product formed by addition of IC1 to Z-2- to E-1-butene. Thus these results are conclusive evidence that
butene. The configuration of the product of the thionyl cliloride the addition of ICl to Z- and E-2-butene occurs in an anti
reaction is assigned on the basis of the mechanism of this stereospecific manner.
reaction (20). In neat thionyl chloride, replacement of the hy- To determine the regiochemistry as well as the stereo-
droxy group by chloride occurs with retention of configuration. chemistry, the addition of IC1 to E- and Z-1-phenylpropene was
Retention of configuration is also expected because of the in- carried out. As in the case of the 2-butenes, the 'H nmr spec-
volvement of the iodine atom as a neighboring group (21). trum of the product of addition to Z-1-phenylpropene is differ-
Consequently the product of the reaction of threo-3-iodo-2- ent than that of the product obtained by addition of E-l-
butanol with neat thionyl chloride has the threo configuration. phenylpropene as shown in Table 4. To unambigously deter-
The erythro-3-iodo-2-butanol was synthesized by an identi- mine the stereo- and regiochemistry of addition in this system,
2530 CAN. J. CHEM. VOL. 62, 1984


80% aq. !
ru. H CH-CN H, 1/CH? base
/ \

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80%aq. ? n
CH3, ,CH3 CH3CN CH3 base
,C=C d
H \H I2/HgO + H H


F n . 4. Synthetic scheme for preparation of erythro- and threo-2- chloro-3-iodobutane.

it is necessary to prepare authentic samples of the four possible erythro- and threo- 1-chloro-2-iodo- 1-phenylpropane. The data
adducts: erythro- and threo- 1-chloro-2-iodo-1-phenylpropane are summarized in Table 4.
and erythro- and threo-2-chloro-1-iodo- 1-phenylpropane. The The value of preparing all four stereo- and regioisomers is
synthesis of the two stereoisomers of 1-chloro-2-iodo-1- that we can now use well-established 'H nmr relationships to
phenylpropane has been reported (16). The threo and erythro verify their structure and stereochemistry. For a pair of
isomers of 2-chloro- 1-iodo- l -phenylpropane were synthesized threo-erythro stereoisomers, it is known that the methyl pro-
as shown in Fig. 5. tons of the threo isomer of 1,2-disubstituted-2-arylpropanes are
erythro- 1-Chloro-1-phenyl-2-propanol was prepared from found at higher field than those of the erythro isomer (26).
E- 1-phenylpropene by using the oxymercuration reaction (22) Thus the methyl protons of threo- 1-chloro-2-iodo-1-phenyl-
followed by a chlorodemercuration reaction (23). Reaction of propane are found at 6 1.87 while those of its erythro isomer
the chlorohydrin product with base forms trans-2-methyl-3- are found further downfield at 6 2.12 ppm. A similar rela-
phenyloxirane. This reaction again establishes the config- tionship exists between the threo (6 1.48 ppm) and the erythro
uration of the chlorohydrin as being erythro. The position of (6 1.85 ppm) isomers of 2-chloro- 1-iodo- 1-phenylpropane.
the chlorine atom in the chlorohydrin was established by means As well, the JH,Hcoupling constant of the erythro isomer is
of the ring opening of trans-2-methyl-3-phenyloxirane by HCI. larger than that of the threo isomer. Thus the proton magnetic
Such acid-catalyzed ring opening reactions of oxiranes are resonance spectra are in accord with our assignment of
known to form the product resulting from the more stable stereochemistry.
carbonium ion (24). Thus the reaction of trans-2-methyl-3- The chemical shift of a proton next to iodine is further
phenyloxirane with aqueous concentration HCl forms a mixture downfield than the same proton next to chlorine (27). We can
of 45% erythro- and 55% threo- 1-chloro- 1-phenyl-2-propanol. make use of this relationship to verify the regiochemistry of the
The treatment of erythro- 1-chloro-1-phenyl-2-propanol with four compounds. Compare the methyl protons first. In erythro-
o-phenylene phosphorochloridite in pyridine followed by io- 1-chloro-2-iodo-1-phenylpropane,the methyl protons are
dine in CCl, forms a mixture of 41% threo- and 59% erythro- found at 6 2.12 ppm downfield from the methyl protons of the
2-chloro- 1-iodo-1-phenylpropane (25). The same mixture of isomeric erythro-2-chloro- 1-iodo- 1-phenylpropane at 6 1 .85
products could be prepared by the same series of reactions ppm. The same relationship exists for the threo isomers
starting with Z-1-phenylpropene as shown in Fig. 5. The 'H (ICHCH, 6 1.87 ppm; CICHCH, 6 1.48 ppm). A similar re-
nrnr spectra of these two compounds are different than those of lationship exists for protons at benzylic carbons bonded to
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C6H5\ ,H (1) Hg(02cCH3)~ Qf)-cl

/c=c +
H \CH~ (2) Clz C6Hs H

FIG.5. Synthetic scheme for the preparation of erythro- and tkreo- 2-chloro-1-iodo-1-phenylpropane.

chlorine and iodine. Thus the proton magnetic resonance Mechanism A.

A = I C t D = Alkene
spectra of these four isomers are in accord with our assignment A D = i : l Alkene-ICI molecular complex
of both the stereochemistry and regiochemistry of the A+D %AD
A2D=1:2 Alkene-ICI molecular complex
compounds. A + A %A2
In summary, addition to all four alkenes is anti-stereo- A 2 = I C t dimer
specific. Furthermore, addition to the I-phenylpropenes is AD+A~L
regiospecific: only the product of Markownikoff orientation is
formed. No Markownikoff to anti-Markownikoff isomer-
ization of the products of addition to Z- or E--1phenylpropene Mechanism B.
has been observed (28).
Proposed mechanism
Two possible mechanisms for this reaction are shown in
Fig. 6. Both mechanisms involve only bimolecular processes,
a rate-determining step that contains 3 molecules of ICl and one
A+A~D &-Product
of alkene, and two equilibria prior to the rate-determining step. FIG.6. Two proposed mechanisms for the addition of IC1 to
The first equilibrium in both mechanisms is the formation of a alkenes in CC14 at 25OC.
1 : 1 alkene-ICl molecular complex. Formation of an IC1 dimer
is the second equilibrium in mechanism A while formation of mental error by eq. [9]. 'The predicted rate law for both mech-
a 1 :2 alkene-ICl molecular complex is the second equilibrium anisms is then given by eq. [lo] where k = k3KADKA2 (for
in mechanism B. Both mechanisms are consistent with our mechanism A) or k = k3KADK2(for mechanism B). Again
data. Johnson and Bowen (29) have shown that linear substituting for [ICl], in eq. [lo], we obtain the rate law given
Benesi-Hildebrand (B-H) or Ketelaar plots can be obtained in eq. [I I]. Thus both mechanisms are in accord with the
for reactions that involve both 1 : 1 and 1 :2 molecular com- experimentally determined rate law.
plexes. Thus both mechanisms are in accord with our linear The assumption of two equilibria can be substantiated by
Ketelaar plot. quantitative consideration of the enthalpy changes in the reac-
When (alkene)o >> (ICl)o,the concentration of the product of tion as shown in Fig. 7. It is clear that the enthalpy change,
the second equilibrium in either mechanism (ICl dimer in AHAD,for the formation of a 1: 1 alkene-IC1 complex (-9
mechanism A or 1 :2 alkene-IC1 molecular complex in mech- kcal/mol) cannot account for the large negative enthalpy of
anism B) will always be small compared to the concentration activation (- 17 kcal/mol). Another intermediate is needed
of the 1 : 1 alkene-IC1 ~ o m p l e x As
. ~ a result, the stoichiomet- whose value of AH, 5 -8 kcal/m01.~
ric concentration of ICl can be approximated within experi- Dimers of halogens are known and the equilibrium constants

'For example, when the ratio KA2D/K,,Dis 100, the ratio 41f the enthalpy of activation for step 3 is taken into account, AH,
[A2D]/(AD)will be less than 0.01. becomes even more negative than -8 kcal/mol.
2532 CAN. J. CHEM. \IOL. 62, 1984

eq. [13]. Thus the value of KA25 0.5 M-' in order to account
for the experimentally observed linear plots of eq. [13].
The enthalpy of formation of the ICl dimer was estimated by
the method of Keefer and Allen (32). Literature values of AHAD
and AGADfor a wide range of donor-IC1 complexes in CCI, at
25°C are given in Table 6. When AGADis plotted against AHAD
the following linear relationship is obtained:

Equation [15] should be valid for the ICl dimer. A KADvalue

of 0.5 M-' predicts a value of AHA, of -3 kcal/mol, very
FIG.7. Enthalpy change in the addition of IC1 to 2,3-dimethyl- similar to the literature values of A H , for the iodine dimer in
2-butene in CCIAat 25OC. C C 4 at 25°C (- 1.0 + 0.2 kcal/mol (41); -1.96 kcal/mol
(42); - 1.52 + 0.29 (43). We may state with some confidence
5. Values of K,,?E;? at selected that AHA2for the ICl dimer is more positive than -4 kcal/mol.
wavelengths in CC14 at 25OC Returning to Fig. 7, it is clear that AHA, is not sufficient to
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from cdnsciencepub.com by on 03/15/24

account for the value of AH,. On this basis, it is concluded

that the IC1 dimer, while present in CCl,, is not involved
on the reaction coordinate of the addition of ICl to
Mechanism B, Fig. 6, involves successive equilibria for the
formation of 1 : 1 and 1 :2 alkene-IC1 molecular complexes.
There is no experimental evidence for such 1 :2 alkene-IC1
molecular complexes. However, experimental data are avail-
able for 1 : 2 alkene-Br2 complexes. Kimer'fel'd et al. (44)
have observed both 1: 1 and 1 :2 cyclohexene-Br2 complexes in
solid solutions at - 185OC in ir and Raman spectroscopy.
Sergeev et al. and Lishnevskii et al, have demonstrated the
existence of a 1 : 1 and 1 :2 propene- Br2 complexes at low
temperatures by thermographic ( 4 3 , uv (46), and ir (46)
studies. Sergeev et al. (47) have also postulated a 1:2
cyclohexene-Br2 complex in Freon 113 at ambient tem-
perature on the basis of a uv study in the range 250-270 nm.
and enthalpies of formation for the dimers of several halogens A structure of these 1 :2 alkene- Br, complexes has been pro-
in solution and in the gas phase have been determined (30). The posed in which the two bromine molecules are on opposite
most common method for determining these quantities is to sides and perpendicular to the plane of the double bond (44).
examine deviations from the Beer-Lambert Law (31). If ICl A similar structure would be expected for a 1 : 2 alkene-IC1
and its dimer both contribute to the uv absorbance, eq. [12] can complex. While it seems reasonable to propose the existence of
be written. a 1 : 2 alkene-IC1 complex on the reaction coordinate of IC1
additions to alkenes, its verification awaits further data.

where e i 2is the extinction coefficient of the dimer. If the extent Summary
of dimer formation is very small than eq. [12] becomes Observation of a negative activation enthalpy for the reaction
of ICl and 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene in C C 4 at 25OC provides
[I31 eapp-
Abs" = +KA~~~~(IC~) strong evidence for the existence of one or more molecular
complexes on the reaction coordinate. The rate law requires a
From linear plots of e:,, versus (ICl), values of KA2eA2were rate-determining step that contains one molecule of alkene and
obtained and are given in Table 5. three of ICl. Quantitative analysis of the enthalpy change in the
From our data, it is impossible to determine KA2from the reaction rules out the involvement of the IC1 dimer on the
product KA2eA2. It is possible, however, to obtain an upper limit reaction coordinate. The involvement of a 1 : 2 alkene-IC1
to KA2in the following way. If KA2were appreciable, the exact complex in the mechanism is proposed.
equation for E,,, is as follows:
All boiling and melting points are uncorrected. The glc analysis was
carried out using a Varian Aerograph Series 2740 analytical instru-
ment equipped with a FID. Proton magnetic resonance spectra were
Synthetic data were generated from eq. [14] using values of e:,, recorded on a Varian T-60 or HA-100 spectrometer in CDCI, contain-
= 10 and eA2KA2= 100, which correspond closely to the ing (CH3)4Si as internal standard. ACS grade CC14, CH2CI2, and
experimental values obtained in CCl, at 290 to 3 10 nm. Sets of CH,CN were used without further purification. E- and Z-1-
values of E:,, were calculated for various values of KA2(0.1 to phenylpropene, E- and Z-Zbutene, and 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene were
5.0 M-I). The values of e:,, obtained for a particular value of
KA2were then plotted according to eq. [13]. Any value of KA2 'We estimate the errors in ~ ~ * ( e xand
) to be k 10% using
greater than 0.5 M-' causes a definitive curvature of plots of the method of Benson (17a).

TABLE6. Literature thermodynamic parameters for selected donor - iodine monochloride complexes in
CCI, at 25°C

Donor K,\D ( M - ' ) , 25°C AH,\D (kcal mol-I) AS,\D (cal deg-' mol-I)" References

Hexamethy lbenzene
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from cdnsciencepub.com by on 03/15/24

"AS,, (average) was calculated to be -(14.3 k 2.5) eu.

obtained commercially and used without further purification. Iodine with a 5% aqueous NaHC03 solution, a 5% aqueous NaHSO,
monochloride was purified by fractional crystallization from the melt, solution, and a saturated NaCl solution. The organic layer was dried
discarding the remaining liquid portion (48). over KzS03, filtered, and the solvent removed at reduced pressure to
threo-3-Iodo-2-butanol was prepared by adding 8.0 g (0.035 mol) give 1.5 g (68%) of product, bp 35-37"C/5 Torr (lit. (49) bp
of finely ground iodine in several portions over 5- 10 min to a vigo- 32.2-33.514 Torr).
rously stirred solution of 40 g (0.0185 mol) of yellow mercuric oxide erythro-2-Chloro-3-iodobutanewas prepared in 88% yield by the
and excess Z-2-butene in 15 mL of 80% aqueous acetonitrile at room same method as the threo isomer except that erythro-3-iodo-2-butanol
temperature. After an additional 10- 15 min, the reaction mixture was was used as the starting iodohydrin; bp 35-37°C 5 Torr (lit. (49) bp
filtered by suction to remove the red mercuric iodide using a small 34.8-35.3OC1.5 Torr).
amount of acetonitrile as a rinse solution. The filtrate was poured into threo-l-Chloro-l-phenyl-2-propanol was prepared by adding 4.72
a separatory funnel containing a two-fold excess of ether. The re- g (0.040 mol) of Z-I-phenylpropene to a stirred ice-cold solution of
sulting solution was washed successively with a 5% aqueous KI solu- 15.9 g (0.050 mol) of mercuric acetate in 200 mL of 50% aqueous
tion, a 5% aqueous NaHS03 solution, and a saturated NaCl solution. acetonitrile. Stirring was continued for 4 days at room temperature. To
The organic layer was separated, dried over anhydrous MgSO,, fil- the reaction mixture was added 50 mL of a saturated NaCl solution.
tered, and solvent removed at reduced pressure to yield 3.28 g (0.0164 Stirring was continued for an additional 15 min. The resulting mixture
mol, 52%), bp 45-47"C/5 Torr (I Torr = 133.3 Pa) (lit. (49) bp was poured into 200 mL of water and extracted with 3 X 125 mL
43 .0°C/2.5 Torr); 'H nmr 6: 1.23 (d, J = 6.0 Hz, 3H), 1.92 (d, J = portions of ether. The combined ether extracts were washed with 2 X
7.0 Hz, 3H), 3.20 (dq, J = 4.5, 6.0 Hz, IH), 4.15 (dq, J = 3.5, 7.0 100 mL portions of water and 100 mL of saturated NaCl solution. The
Hz, 1H). ether layer was dried over MgS04, filtered, and the ether removed to
erythro-3-Iodo-2-butanol was prepared in 80% yield by the same give 9.6 g of threo-2-hydroxy-l-methyl-2-phenylethyl mercuric chlo-
method as the threo isomer but using E-2-butene as the starting alkene, ride. A solution of 1.60 g (4.31 mmol) of the organomercurial in 25
bp 50-52"C/5 Torr (lit. (49) bp 34.3-34.9OC10.9 Torr); 'H nmr 6: mL of dry pyridine in a 50-mL flask fitted with a magnetic stirrer,
1.21 ( d , J = 6.0Hz,3H), 1 . 8 2 ( d , J = 7 . 0 H z , 3 H ) , 4 . 3 1 ( d q , J = CaC12 drying tube, and a gas bubbler was cooled to between -50 and
3.5, 7.0 Hz, IH), 3.32 (dq, J = 3.5, 6.0 Hz, IH). -60°C and Cl? was bubbled through for 5 min. The reaction mixture
cis-2,3-Dirnethyloxiranewas prepared by adding excess moist sodi- was poured into 150 mL of ether. The ether solution was washed with
um aluminate to 2.00 g (0.010 mol) of threo-3-iodo-2-butanol in 10 2 X 50 mL 5% aqueous HCI solution, 2 X 50 mL 5% aqueous
mL CS2. The sodium aluminate was prepared by adding with stirring NaHC03 solution, 25 mL of a 1% aqueous NaHS03 solution, and 50
1 mL of 10 N NaOH solution per 5 g of chromatographic grade mL saturated NaCl solution. The ether layer was dried over anhydrous
alumina. A t'hree-fold excess of base was used. The reaction mixture MgS04, filtered, and the solvent removed at reduced pressure to give
was allowed to stand for 10 h with occasional stirring. The mixture 0.60 g (81%) of product; 'H nmr 6: 1.05 (d, J = 6.0 Hz, 3H), 4.00
was filtered and the solid was thoroughly washed with CH2CI2. The ( d q , J = 6.0,7.0Hz, l H ) , 4 . 6 8 ( d , J = 7.0Hz, l H ) , 7 . 2 7 ( ~ , 5 H ) .
solvent was removed at reduced pressure to yield 0.56 g (80% yield) erythro-l-Chloro-l-phenyl-2-propanol was prepared in 75% yield
of product, bp 55-57°C (lit. (53) bp 53.5-53.7"C); 'H nmr 6: 1.22 by the same method as the threo isomer except that E-l-phenylpropene
(d, J = 6 Hz, 3H), 2.91 (m, 1H). '
was used as the starting alkene; 'H nmr 6: 1.22 (d, J = 6.0 Hz, 3H),
trans-2,3-Dirnethyloxirane was prepared in 67% yield by the same 4.04 (dq, J = 6.0 Hz, IH), 4.74 (d, J = 6.0 Hz, IH), 7.27 (s, 5H).
method as the cis isomer except that erythro-3-iodo-2-butanol was
used as the starting iodohydrin, bp 55-56°C (lit. (49) bp Reaction of the 2-rnethyl-3-phenyloxiraneand HCl
53.5-54.0°C); 'H nmr 6 1.27 (d, J = 5Hz, 3H), 2.62 (m, 1H). A solution of epoxide in CHzClzcooled in an ice bath was treated
threo-2-Chloro-3-iodobutane was prepared by adding 16.6 g (0.014 with enough concentrated HCI solution so that a 1.5 to 2.0-fold excess
mol) SOClz to 20 g (0.010 mol) threo-3-iodo-3-butanol. After copious of HCI was present. After stirring for 1 h, the reaction mixture was
evolution of HCI, the solution was stirred for 30 min at room tem- diluted with an equal volume of CH,CI,. The CHzC12layer was sepa-
perature. The reaction mixture was transferred to a separatory funnel rated and washed with 3 portions of H,O and one portion of saturated
containing a 10-fold excess of CHzC12.The organic layer was washed NaCl solution. The organic layer was dried over anhydrous MgSO,,
2534 CAN. J. CHEM. \

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