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Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Foreign Language Education and Research Center

Bachelor of Arts in Portuguese

Course Outline

Course code: BOP203

Course name: Portuguese Intermediate II

Semester 2, 2023-24

Copyright at City University of Macau. All rights reserved.

The information contained in this unit outline is corrected at time of publication. The University
has the right to change any of the elements contained in this unit outline at any time.

Last updated: January 10th, 2024

Course Title: Portuguese Intermediate II
Course Code: BOP 203
Credit Value: 3
Pre-requisite Units:
Contact Hours:
Course Domain:

INSTRUCTOR: Name: Pedro Caeiro

Phone: +853 8590 2831
Office: T407
Office Hours: Monday (10:00-12:00)
Tuesday (13:00-16:00)
Wednesday (13:00-16:00)
Thursday (10:00-12:00)


Phone: +853 8590 2940
Office: T220
Office Hours: Monday (17:30-18:00)
Tuesday (15:30-19:00)
Wednesday (15:30-18:30)
Friday (9:00-12:00)


Phone: +853 8590 2737
Office: T232A
Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. (09:00-12:45; 13:45-18:00)

Lecture Venue and Time: Room L206, Monday (12h15-15h15)

I. Course Description

The Portuguese Intermediate II module intends to develop the language skills associated
with the B1 level descriptors proposed by the Common European Framework of Reference
for Languages (CEFR). The students will develop their proficency in all the language
components (reading, writing, speaking, listening and grammar), as well as expanding
their vocabulary. By the end of the course, the students should be placed at the end of
the B1 level.

II. Course Objectives

1. Understand the main points of a standard communicative exchange about a known

2. Actively take part in a conversation about familiar topics, taking the initiative, if
3. Ask and provide opinions in an informal exchange;
4. Present and explain an idea;
5. Use simple language in a flexible way, allowing for some pauses for vocabulary and
grammar planning;
6. Make requests and complaints.

III. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:

- CLO 1 – Listen, read and understand news and reports;
- CLO 2 – Speak and write about personal experiences and preferences;
- CLO 3 – Interact in formal exchanges in a commercial or services setting;
- CLO 4 – Describe and evaluate items in regard to several interest areas (weather, food,
artworks, travel destinations);
- CLO 5 – Give instructions and directions;
- CLO 6 – Discuss different lifestyles (health, sport, cultural activities);
- CLO 7 – Express wishes, requests, feelings and doubts.

IV. Teaching and Learning Activities

Teaching & Learning Activities (TLA) Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

TLA 1. Interactive Lectures: CLO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7
a) Lectures;
b) In-class exercises;
c) In-class discussions;
d) In-class activities.
TLA 2. Pair / Group Work: CLO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7
a) Discussions;
b) Role-play.
TLA 3. Assessments: CLO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7
a) Participation;
b) Coursework;
c) Mid-term Test;
d) Final Examination.

V. Required Textbook

• Kuzka, R. & Pascoal, J. (2019). Passaporte para Português Nível B1. LIDEL, Lisboa.

VI. Recommended Readings

• Coimbra, Isabel & Olga Mata Coimbra (2011). Gramática Activa 1. LIDEL, Lisboa.
• Oliveira, Carla & Luísa Coelho (2007). Gramática Aplicada. LIDEL, Lisboa.

VII. Assessment Tasks/Activities (AT)

Assessment Tasks CLO Weighting Due Date

AT 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 15% Ongoing
AT 2: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 20% Ongoing
AT 3: 1, 2, 3 & 4 25% Session 7 (March 11th)
Mid-term Test
AT 4: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 40% TBD
Final Examination
AT 1: Participation

Students are expected to participate actively in lectures, by asking and answering questions and

taking part on all the class activities. Participation is evaluated by the instructor on an individual


AT 2: Coursework

Students are required to apply what they learned at the end of each class (excluding the Mid-

term test and the final review). This AT can be done individually, in pairs or in groups, but the

evaluation will always be individual. In each half of the course, the students will have one

coursework in each of the following components: listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar

and vocabulary.

AT 3: Mid-term Test

One mid-term test will cover the first half of the course. It will be held on the 7th class (March 11th)

and it will cover all the language components, except for speaking, i.e., listening, reading,

grammar, vocabulary and writing.

AT 4: Final Examination

The final examination will cover the whole course. It will be held in the normal examination period

(May 13th to 22nd) and it will cover all the language components, except for speaking, i.e., listening,

reading, grammar, vocabulary and writing.

VIII. Marking Scheme with Descriptors

AT 1: Participation

Descriptor Percentages Letter Grade Grading Criteria

The student is very active in class discussion, asks
Excellent 83%--100% A-, A, A+
relevant questions and answers when prompted.
The student is mostly active in class discussion,
Good 68%--82% B-, B, B+ doesn’t ask many questions and doesn’t always
answer when prompted.
The student is mostly passive in class discussion,
Satisfactory 53%--67% C-, C, C+ doesn’t ask many questions and doesn’t always
answer when prompted.
The student is very passive in class discussion,
Pass 50%--52% D doesn’t ask any questions and doesn’t always
answer when prompted.
The student is very passive in class discussion,
doesn’t ask any questions and doesn’t answer
Fail < 50% O and F
when prompted. The student might also disrupt
the class.

AT 2, 3 & 4: Coursework, Mid-Term Test and Final Examination

Descriptor Percentages Letter Grade Grading Criteria

There aren’t any grammar or vocabulary
mistakes regarding the content learned in this
Excellent 83%--100% A-, A, A+ course. The listening, speaking, reading and
writing skills are adequate to the level and the
proposed task is performed without hesitations.
There aren’t many grammar or vocabulary
mistakes regarding the content learned in this
course. The listening, speaking, reading and
Good 68%--82% B-, B, B+
writing skills are adequate to the level and the
proposed task may be performed only after
some clarifications.

There are some grammar or vocabulary mistakes
regarding the content learned in this course. The
Satisfactory 53%--67% C-, C, C+ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are
not adequate to the level and the proposed task
is performed with some difficulties.
There are some grammar or vocabulary mistakes
regarding the content learned in this course. The
Pass 50%--52% D listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are
not adequate to the level and the proposed task
is performed with many difficulties.
There are many grammar or vocabulary mistakes
regarding the content learned in this course. The
Fail < 50% O and F listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are
not adequate to the level and the proposed task
is not performed correctly.

IX. Course Policy and Academic Conduct for example,

1) Plagiarism and cheating are serious offences that will lead to disciplinary
actions.(refer to Student Handbook)

2) All assessments will have a due date specified in the Course Schedule. Students will
be penalized by a deduction of 10% per calendar day for a late assessment
submission. An assessment more than seven calendar days overdue will not be
marked and will receive a mark of 0.

3) To pass this unit, all assessment items must be attempted and the total of all marks
must be 50 or above. Passing each individual assessment item is not mandatory.

4) Assessment mark is final and there will be no second marking.


Session Date Topic Readings Assessment

Passaporte para Português B1, Participation,
1 15/01 Safety
Unidades 15 e 16 Coursework
Passaporte para Português B1, Participation,
2 22/01 Food
Unidades 17 e 18 Coursework
Passaporte para Português B1, Participation,
3 29/01 Animals
Unidade 19 Coursework
- 05/02 Winter recess - -
- 12/02 Winter recess - -
Passaporte para Português B1, Participation,
4 19/02 Nature
Unidade 20 Coursework
Passaporte para Português B1, Participation,
5 26/02 Culture
Unidade 21 Coursework
Books, Mid- Passaporte para Português B1, Participation,
6 04/03
-term review Unidade 22 Coursework
7 11/03 - Mid-term Test
Passaporte para Português B1, Participation,
8 18/03 Movies
Unidade 23 Coursework
Passaporte para Português B1, Participation,
9 25/03 Media
Unidade 24 Coursework
10 01/04 Public holiday - -
Passaporte para Português B1, Participation,
11 08/04 Health
Unidade 25 Coursework
Passaporte para Português B1, Participation,
12 15/04 Sports
Unidade 26 Coursework
Passaporte para Português B1, Participation,
13 22/04 Brazil
Unidade 27 Coursework
Superstitions, Passaporte para Português B1, Participation,
14 29/04
Final review Unidade 28 Coursework
15 TBC -

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