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Lesson 7, present perfect adverbs :

I’ve missed you so much.

What tense is it? Present perfect

Remember present perfect?

Subject + have / has + past participle

1) Something which happened in the past and the time is not known
or important.

I’ve seen this movie before.

2) Our experiences in our lives.

I’ve been to China, Japan and Korea.

3) When something happened in the past and continued up to the

present moment.

I’ve lived here for 3 years.

5 adverbs that you can use with present perfect sentences :

1) Before ( Positive - negative - question )

Something that happened in the past.

It goes at the end of present perfect sentences.

I’ve seen this movie before.

2) Ever ( Question )

To ask about experiences.

It goes before the main verb.

Has she ever eaten Chinese food?

3) Never
At no time before now.

It goes before the main verb and gives a negative meaning to it.

I have never been to Italy.

4) Already

Referring to an action that happened in the past before you were told.

It goes before the main verb.

Don’t write to John! I’ve already done it!

5) Yet ( Negative - question )

Not untill now.

It goes to the end of the sentence.

Have you met Judy yet?

They haven’t eaten yet.

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