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CORRUPTION- Requesting, offering, giving, or accepting Voter Fraud – illegal voter registration, improper vote

directly or indirectly, a bribe or any other undue counting, or intimidation or campaigning at polling
advantage or prospect thereof, which distorts the areas.
proper performance of any duty or behavior required of Patronage – favoring or appointing political supporters
the recipient of the bribe, the undue advantage of the to government positions to repay political debts.
prospect thereof. Legitimate Patronage – change of officials by newly-
elected officials to implement his policies.
POLICE CORRUPTION- A specific form of police Nondemocracies – positions filled based on loyalty not
misconduct for personal aggrandizement, monetary ability to perform: Sunni Arabs of Sadam Hussein,
gains, or career advancements for not pursuing or Junkers of Imperial Germany, and Nomenklatura of
selectively pursuing an investigation or arrest, or even Soviet Union.
closing their eyes to evident crimes being perpetrated
openly in society. BRIBERY
Bribery is the most common - for them to look the Involves giver and taker, both equally guilty as the
other way while jueteng, prostitution, and drug other. Government officials demand bribes: to do
trafficking continue unabated destroying individuals and something they are already paid by government to do;
families. Some plant evidences and offer to free their and to bypass laws and regulations.
victims for huge sums of money or for sexual favors. In Active Bribery – bribery of a government official either
some cases, this is used to convict suspects who go scot for himself or another in exchange for any undue
free on orders of corrupt judges and in other cases advantage for the briber.
suspected criminals are liquidated to rid society of these Passive Bribery – bribe is requested or accepted by the
bad elements. public official for himself or another in exchange for any
While all police forces have their own internal affairs undue advantage to the briber to act or refrain from
group to investigate police misconduct or corruption, it acting in the exercise of his functions.
is rarely that offenders are found guilty.
How Corrupt Policemen are Branded in the World Gaining something of value by a public official when
Man-Eaters - aggressively use their police doing his work which unlike bribery includes influence
powers for personal gain. or be influenced by another.
Grass Eaters - simply accept payoffs that come Large Gifts – considered as graft – most nations have
or thrown their way as police force members. laws outlawing it – in the USA, a gift of over $200 is a
gift to his Office, not to him, thus, he must pay for it at
Classification of Police Corruption end of his term if keeps it.
Corruption of Authority – enjoying free meals, drinks, Zoning – graft by a politician who knows planned
and other gratuities. development before it is public known, buys or sells
Police Criminal Activities– themselves as violators real estate at significant profits (similar to Insider
Fixing – bribery for losing tickets, non-appearance in Trading).
court, or as personal favors.
Frame-Ups – planting or adding evidences. EMBEZZLEMENT
Kickbacks - receiving cuts by referring people to other Outright theft of entrusted funds such as petty cash
businesses. funds or others, misappropriation of property like using
Internal Payoffs – buying and selling shifts and holiday a government car for marketing or bringing a child to
schedules. school, or illegitimate use of government resources as
Opportunistic Theft – victimizing arrested people and when a public official renovates his own house with
crime victims or their corpses. workers and materials paid by public funds or he makes
Protection of Illegal Activity – such as brothels, drugs, it appear as a legitimate government contract.
jueteng, etc. to keep them in operation.
Shakedowns – accepting bribes not to pursue a criminal EXTORTION
violation. A criminal offense when obtaining money, property or
services unlawfully from a person, entity, or institution.
POLITICAL CORRUPTION Extraction – inflicting pain, suffering, or enduring
Kleptocracy – exists in countries that under a state of something unpleasant with extortion and unlawful
political corruption or where the nations are under a demand by force.
“rule of thieves.” Protection – requiring payment of money or property
The use of legislated powers of government officials for to prevent future violence of avoid threat of violence.
illegitimate private gains or acts that are directly related
to his official duties such as misuse of government
powers to repress political opponents, general police
Huang Jinrong – gained a lot from gambling dens,
brutality, or illegal acts of private person or corporation
prostitution, and protection rackets as both police chief
not directly involved with the government.
and gang boss, cooperates with local gang leader, Du
Electoral Fraud – illegal interference in election process
Manuel Noriega – used narcokleptocracy in Panama or
by either by increasing or decreasing the votes of
illegal drug trade, later capture by USA.
NEPOTISM AND CRONYISM Bias in case allocation and other pre-trial procedures
Nepotism is placing relatives to juicy positions. such as when ‘clerks of court’ receive bribes to lose files
Cronyism is favoring personal friends for opportunities or evidences.
for personal gain or bribery.
Old-Boy Network – appointees to high positions Influence exerted on any trial or court settlement
selected from close and exclusive social group instead and/or the enforcement or non-enforcement of court
of appointing the most competent. decisions and sentences.
Illegitimate Use of Official Power – to harm enemies
such as trumped-up charges against journalists who Charging of additional fees by lawyers to expedite or
write about politically sensitive issues such as bribery or delay cases or to direct clients to judges known to take
corrupt practices of public officials. bribes.
Indian Political System – national/regional party
leaderships is passed from generation to generation so FACTORS AFFECTING VULNERABILITY OF JUDGES AND
family becomes center of power. OTHER COURT PERSONNEL TO RECEIVE BRIBES
North Korea or Syria – entire states are inherited and  Poor salaries
extreme cronyism and nepotism is practiced.  Lack of continuous training
 Insecure working conditions
TRADING IN INFLUENCE OF INFLUENCE PEDDLING - A  Unfair process of promotions or transfers
person sells his influence over the decision process of a
Tri-Lateral Relations – the 3rd person or target of Corruption in Local Governments
influence matters not, but may be an accessory in some Practice of local public officials who often abuse or
cases. misuse power for dishonest or unlawful gains in
Influence Peddling (Poorly Regulated Lobbying) – baranngays, municipalities, cities or provinces.
lobbyists buy votes, power, influence or decisions of Corruption opportunities abound due to the many
lawmakers to pass or not pass laws. personal relationships involved and the degree of trust
Influence Peddling (Sufficiently Regulated Lobbying) – given to local public officials.
sets a distinctive criterion and may consider influence The Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) from BIR
trading as “improper influence.” collections meant for local development has increased
the temptation for corruption in local settings and
An independent judiciary is very important because
everyone loses when justice is corrupted, especially the DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS CAUSING CORRUPTION
poor, if forced to pay bribes they cannot afford. Religion
Transparency International revealed that I in 10 Tends to discourage corruption, however, when
households paid bribes to access justice in more than 25 dominations are less aware and vigilant greater
nations. corruption ensues. Patronage is a most common
Global Corruption Report states that in 32 nations the anomaly when they favor or support certain politicians
corruption by different actors distinctly affects the during election time so they can gain favors from the
judicial system and contributes to it deterioration and winners.
spells the end of public trust. Race and Class
Socially, racially or ethnically divided people with many
CATEGORIES OF JUDICIAL CORRUPTION varied wants, needs and ideas - tend to grapple with
Bribery which occurs throughout the fabrics of the each other constantly - to get more favors from local
judiciary and political interference by the legislative or officials or governments. Consequently, local officials
the executive branches of government in the judicial tend to be more corrupt when they abuse their
process. authority to forego local formal systems to deal with
Bribes are accepted to delay or accelerate resolution of the different groups because the lesser the systems are
cases, to accept or deny appeals, or influence other used, the greater the possibility for corrupt practices to
judges to decide a case favoring a briber or a corruptor. be left unnoticed or to purposefully hide them from the
On the other hand, other court officials seek bribes for local citizens.
services that should be free-of-charge
Size of Locality
Bribes were accepted by judges to render favorable, Bigger localities have many more local officials. This
unfavorable or no decisions at all or exercise any undue makes it more difficult to monitor their activities to
influence for impartial judicial proceedings and prevent unlawful practices and also lessens the
judgments. likelihood of getting caught in the act.
As a consequence, temptation becomes greater to
Judicial power and funds misuse – through nepotism or become corrupt or be totally dishonest.
contract manipulations for construction or equipment
purchase or lease.
Conditions of the Local Economy WAYS TO PREVENT AND STOP CORRUPTION IN
Generally, higher degrees of corruption are perceived in LOCAL LEVELS
poor localities than in rich ones as the former tend to  Best way is to discover the underlying factors
encourage greater political corruption, kickbacks and that cause corruption and eradicate them.
other corrupt practices due to their increasing reliance  Establish anti-corruption campaigns and
on institutional loans for local projects. other guidelines within local governments.
 Establish and publicize to the citizen’s
Lower economic levels usually give rise to lower pay and information about policies of transparency
wages which leads to greater tendencies for local and accountability as most important to the
officials to engage in corrupt practices such as legitimacy of the local officials.
embezzlement to take care of their constituencies’  Make the citizens the local partners in
needs, wants and necessities. People are also easily stopping corrupt practices and establish local
exploited, as a result, by corrupt local officials in the groups to monitor corruption incidences.
guise of providing more opportunities for them to get  Define what public employment is and
out of rut they are in. that honest governments are primarily made
up of honest workers who give their best
Education in the service of constituencies.
Low levels of education dominate poor economies –  Enforce existing laws that penalize corruption.
which generally leads to greater opportunities for
corruption – as people are less informed or less aware
of how government works, what rights they have, or
how they can stop corrupt practices.
It also makes it easier for corrupt officials to conceal
their corrupt activities from a poorly educated
Consequently, corrupt officials are able to stay
continually in power as people are not cognizant of
their illegal activities. This also leads to the practices of
nepotism and patronage.
More importantly, less educated leaders are less likely
to find legitimate and better ways to make the local
situation, well-structured, more productive, and greatly

Generally, women are regarded more trustworthy than
men and are less likely to be corrupt. Thus, having
fewer women in the local government is an additional
factor that may encourage greater corruption.

Political Culture
Formed by the expectations and practices that are seen
as acceptable or not acceptable by the community.
Accountability, legitimacy or ethical practices generally
pervade localities that are either undeveloped or under
Makes local officials highly susceptible to corruption
because of low accountability. Often, corrupt practices
are seen as the norm on how governments are
supposed to function and, therefore, become
acceptable to the people.
Prolonged periods of political instability also lead to
corrupt practices because citizens are simply not
informed as how local governments should operate and
are also unaware of what practices are corrupt and how
to put an end to the activities concerned.

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